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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Indonesia
Kelas : IX (sembilan)
Hari, tanggal :
Waktu : Pukul .... (120 menit)

Text for question 1 and 2





1. The text is written with the intention to ….

A. keep the storage in good condition
B. avoid people eating food and drink in the storage
C. stop the bad risk of keeping the food and drink in the storage
D. make people know that the storage is

2. It is forbidden to put the food in the storage because ….

A. the chemical substance in the storage may be spilt out
B. the food or drink may be contaminated with chemical substance
C. the storage will be broken
D. the food and drink will be mixed with the chemical substance

Text for question 3 to 6


Sorry I was meeting the science teacher when you calling so I didn’t pick it up. He
just wondered why I did so badly in the test. I told him that I couldn’t concentrate
well because my mother was sick. He understood and he gave me a chance to do it
again after school tomorrow. So what’s up? Will you call me again?


3. What is the point of the message?

A. Informing Reza about her inability in doing the science test
B. Talking about the teacher who gave her a change to redo the test
C. Apologizing Reza for not answering his calling
D. Telling about the meeting with the science teacher

4. The teacher called Rinjani concerning the score of her science test because it is probably ….
A. She usually does well in the test
B. He knew the condition of her sick mother
C. She is the slowest student in her class
D. She will not pass the exam

5. “ I didn’t pick it up”.

What does the underlined word refers to?
A. The test

B. The calling
C. The science lesson
D. The Cellular phone

6. “He just wondered why I did so badly in the test.”

The underlined word means....
A. told
B. informed
C. discussed
D. questioned

Text for question 7 and 8

7. From the text we know that the receipient of the card has just ....
A. learned how to shower her/his life with success
B. wished to be successful person
C. attained success in her/his life
D. tried hard to be success

8. “ On this achievement wish you ...”

The underlined word is similar to ....
A. statement
B. appointment
C. announcement
D. accomplishmen

Text for question 9 to 11

9. The text is written to inform ….

A. today’s menu for students
B. all school activities done at school
C. all school activities and its communities
D. students’ achievement at the competition

10. The fingerspelling bee is held ...

A. every Friday
B.on December
C.once a year
D. next year

11. “you are represented ISD very well” The underlined word means ....
A. stand in for
B.make up
C.hold up
D. put in

Text for question 12 to 14

12. The text is made to make people ...

A. welcome fall season
B. know what yard sale is
C. say goodbye to summer
D. come and buy the items in the sale

13. What are not included in the sale?

A. Food and beverages
B. Electronic apliance
C. Eating utensils
D. sofa and chairs

14. The clothes sold in the Yard sale can be worn ….summer.
A. for
B. in
C. during
D. of

Text for question 15 and 16

Rizky : Congratulations, Nashwa! You have won Indonesian Idol Junior this season.
Nashwa : Thanks a bundle, ky. I can’t do it without your support.
Rizky : Anytime. What did you get?
Nashwa : Some amount of money.
Rizky : So, what will you do with it?
Nashwa : I will save some of it, and of course I give some to my parents, I will share it
with you and our friends too. Let’s find something delicious for our lunch!
Rizky : Wow, thank you, Nashwa. Let’s go to the canteen.

15. What is the main point of the conversation above?

A. Congratulating someone’s success
B. Making the friends happy
C. Asking someone to treat
D. Sharing some money with friends

16. Why does Nashwa treat her friends?

A. To express her gratitude achieving something great
B. To spend some of her money
C. To make Rizky support her in the next events
D. To show that she has a lot of money
Text for question 17 to 19 tgl 17/01/2017)

17. The benefit of reading the text above is we know ….

A. how the product is produced
B. the safe date to consume the product
C. the taste and the texture of the product
D. the procedure to keep and the consume the product

18. Why should we shake the product well before consuming it?
A. To give special taste to the juice
B. To make fresh pulp and the thin liquid mixed well
C. To lighten the thick liquid of the juice
D. To increase the nutrition value of the product

19. What does the product contain most?

A. Carbohydrate
B. Vitamins
C. Protein
D. Fat

Text for question 20 to 23

The Empire State Building located in Manhattan, New York. It was often called
the Empire State. It stands at 1,454 Feet High, including the antenna spire. When
construction was complete in 1931 it became the world's tallest building for 40 years
until 1972 when the North Tower of the World Trade Center was finished and stood
even taller. Today it is the 22nd tallest building in the world. One title that can't be
taken away is the fact that it was the first building in the world with 100 floors (102 to
be exact).
The Empire State Building is considered to be an American cultural icon,
designed with Art Deco style and being one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern
World. The 102 story building has been designated as a National Historic Landmark.
The street floor and the building itself have been designated as landmarks by the New
York City Landmarks Preservation Commission.
There are 2800 investors who own the Empire State Building. $550 million is
being spent in restoration efforts. $120 million will be used for making the building
more eco-friendly and energy efficient. Because there are so many businesses in the
building it has its own zip code, 10118
The Empire State Building was designed so that the top of the building could be
used to dock zeppelins. Zeppelins were airships that never became as popular as had
been predicted. The Empire State Building is lit with colours that can be changed
according to special events such as Valentine's Day.

20. The text is written to…

A. attract people to visit the Empire State building
B. give complete description of the Empire State building
C. describe the physical appearance of the Empire State building
D. tell about the attractions of the Empire State building

21. The text gives us information about the Empire State building related o its….
A. weight, shape, color
B. size, function, material
C. popularity, attractions, uniqueness
D. physical appearance, function, history

22. 120 $ was spent to make the Empire State building ….

A. attract many tourist to visit it
B. give less bad effect to the environment
C. have different style from other tall buildings in USA
D. have arge and friendly atmosphere space for its residents

23. “The Empire State Building was designed so that the top ….”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to....
A. printed
B. planned
C. arranged
D. ordered

Text for question 24 to 27

Once upon a time there lived a king who had three sons. Unfortunately they
were not happy because the king was suffered from blindness. One day, the three
sons, the young prince and his two older brothers, decided to search a bird with
magical healing properties to cure their blind father.
On the way, the brothers found a dead body lying on the street. The body was
left because the family of the dead man had no money to bury it. The elder brothers
passed by the dead body to continue their journey, but the youngest stopped and paid
for a man to bury it.
The following night the spirit of the dead man visited him and offered to guide
him on his journey to pay his kindness. The young prince continued his journey
accompanied by the spirit of the dead man. After a few adventures the prince got
everything he needed with the help of the spirit of the dead man. He returned with the
bird, a flying horse, and a princess.
His two brothers were so jealous to know the successful effort of the young
prince. On the way, the two brothers caught him and threw him over a cliff and
claimed responsibility for finding the bird, the flying horse and the princess. But the
young prince was lucky because his coat was caught on a branch on the cliff side. He
returned to the palace, saved his father, and married the princess.

24. What is the point of the story above?

A. Do everything for your parents
B. Don’t leave the dead body unburied
C. All the good actions will be paid back
D. Don’t be jealous of the success of others

25. What the youngest prince do with the dead body showed his….
A. smartness
B. wisdom
C. kindness
D. strength

26. At the end, the prince could achieve his goal to help his father because ….
A. the princes helped him to do it
B. his brothers’ bad intention to harm him failed
C. the flying horse took over his responsibility
D. his brothers was caught by the spirit of the dead body

27. “… the successful efforts of the young prince”.

The underline word is closest in meaning to ….
A. actions
B. struggles
C. activities
D. movements

Text for question 28 to 31

Seahorse is a type of marine fish that can be easily recognized because of its specific
morphology. There are 35 species of seahorses that live in tropical and temperate water
all over the world. Seahorses prefer shallow water and they are usually located near
coral reefs, mangrove forests or near the seaweed. Many species of seahorses are
endangered because of the over-fishing (seahorses are used in traditional Asian
medicine). Other factors that negatively affect their survival are pollution of the ocean
and global climate changes which decrease number of coral species and alter the
temperature of the water.

28. What is the purpose of the writer to write the text?

A. To discuss that seahorse is a unique animal
B. To tell that seahorse like to live near the beach
C. To make the readers aware of the endanger of the seahorse
D. To inform the number of the seahorse decrease because of human

29. Which of the following most likely will kill seahorse?

A. Dirty oil
B. Thick oil
C. Oil spilt
D. Burning oil

30. Seahorse is threatened to be extinct because of....

A. sea current
B. other creatures
C. human being
D. big predators

31. “ climate changes which decrease number of coral species and...”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A. omit
B. enter
C. reduce
D. remove

Text for question 32 to 35

Christina Martha Tiahahu, one of the National Heroine of Indonesia, is a Moluccan

freedom fighter who is remembered for her struggle. Tiahahu who was born in 1800 on January
4 in Nusa Laut Island, Maluku was the daughter of a captain of the Soa Uluputi clan. Upon the
death of her mother while she was a new born, her father took care of her.
Christina Martha Tiahahu known as a brave woman, because at the age of 17 she had
dared to take up arms and taken part in battles with Dutch colonizers. Beginning in 1817,
Tiahahu and her father joined a guerrilla war opposing the Dutch colonial government and
backed Pattimura's army. During battles, when her soldiers ran out of ammo, she was said to
wield a spear or throw stones at the Dutch troops. In October 1817, Tiahahu, her father, and
Pattimura were seized after a new commander took over the Dutch military. Yet, she was the
only captured fighter who was not condemned due to her young age.
Few other former rebels and Tiahahu were captured in a sweep in December 1817. The
seized guerrillas were transported to Java to be employed as slave labours on the coffee
plantations. However, Tiahahu fell ill on the way. Refusing medication and food, she died on 2
January 1818 while the ship was crossing the Banda Sea; she received a burial at sea later that

32. The text is written with the aim to ... of Christina Martha Tiahahu.
A. retell the history
B. describe the family
C. inform the activity
D. share the experience

33. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. Tiahahu was a brave woman.
B. Tiahahu was very young while took part in battles.
C. Tiahahu and Pattimura took over the Dutch military.
D. Tiahahu joined a guerrilla war opposing the Dutch colonizers.

34. “... Tiahahu were captured in a sweep in December 1817.”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ...
A. moved
B. arrested
C. brought
D. released

35. she mother Tiahahu met her when she never died was a baby since
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A. 3 4 5 2 6 7 9 12 1 10 11 8
B. 3 10 11 6 5 2 9 7 8 4 1 12
C. 3 8 4 5 2 12 7 9 6 1 10 11
D. 3 9 6 5 2 8 4 7 12 1 10 11

Text for question 36 to 38

Now a National Marine Park, which was established in 2002, covering the entire Wakatobi
District. It comprises a total of 1.4 million hectares, of which 900,000 hectares are decorated with
different, colourful species of tropical coral reefs. It is the third largest marine park in Indonesia.
Located in the Asia-Pacific World Coral Triangle, in the province of South East Sulawesi, the
Wakatobi Islands offer clear waters and a rich bio-diverse underwater life. The name of Wakatobi is a
portmanteau of the four main Tukangbesi Islands: Wangi-wangi, Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko. Since
2005, the park has been listed as a tentative World Heritage Site. Wakatobi is widely recognized as
having the highest number of reef and fish species in the world. The islands are also famous as the
largest barrier reef in Indonesia, second only to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.
Here can be found fringing, atolls and barrier reefs and offer more than 50 spectacular dive sites
easily accessible from the major islands. This is the habitat of large and small fish species, the
playground of dolphins, turtles and even whales. Wakatobi alone is said to have 942 fish species and
750 coral reef species from a total of 850 of world's collection, which, comparing with the two world's
famous diving centers, the Caribbean Sea owns only 50 species with 300 coral reef species in the Red
Sea, in Egypt.

36. The text highlights ....

A. the beauty of a National Marine Park in Wakatobi
B. the habitat of large and small fish species in Wakatobi
C. the four main Tukangbesi Islands in South East Sulawesi
D. spectacular dive sites in the Asia-Pacific World Coral Triangle

37. What makes Wakatobi special is its ....

A. diving centers and largest barrier reef in Indonesia
B. clear waters and rich bio-diverse underwater life
C. 942 fish species and 750 coral reef species
D. habitat of large and small fish species

38. “...dive sites easily accessible from the major islands.”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ...
A. isolated
B. doubtful
C. reachable
D. unattainable

Text for question 39 to 41

Prof. Dr. Khoirul Anwar is an Indonesian born who was able to find technology in the field
of telecommunications and won a number of prestigious world-class awards. He is the inventor
and owner of an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) 4G technology patent.
Now the patented invention is used by a large Japanese electronics company.
Khoirul Anwar is a lecturer as well as a researcher who work in the Information and Signal
Processing laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, in Japan. He
graduated with cum laude from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Bandung Institute of
Technology in 2000. In 2005, he then earned a master degree from the NAIST (Nara Institute of
Science and Technology) and a doctorate in 2008 in the same campus. In 2006, he received the
IEEE Best Student Paper Award from the IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS), in the
United States. Khoirul also received an award in the field of Foreign Scientific Contributions by
the Indonesian Consulate General Osaka in 2007.
Interestingly, who would have thought if the invention of OFDM 4G technology was
apparently inspired by a children's film called 'Dragon Ball Z' which he often watched. Khoirul

considers the spirit of Goku's Spirit Ball as a Turbo Equalizer (turbo decoder) which is able to
collect all the energy from the delay transmission block, along with the previous transmission
block, to eliminate data distortion in consequence of wave interference.

39. What is the main point of the text?

A. How Khoirul Anwar became a famous person.
B. Some reasons of Khoirul Anwar invented the 4G.
C. Khoirul Anwar as an inventor and owner of OFDM 4G technology.
D. The history of Khoirul Anwar as the best student from the NAIST.

40. What is the last paragraph about?

A. Khoirul Anwar’s favourite film while he was kid.
B. How Khoirul Anwar had an idea to create the 4G.
C. How the OFDM 4G technology works to collect the energy.
D. The invention of OFDM 4G technology as a Turbo Equalizer.

41. Khoirul Anwar was a smart student ... he got some awards.
A. if
B. so
C. since
D. although

Text for question 42 to 44

An LCD Projector is a hardware device that has the same function as a monitor. It projects the
image on the monitor to a bigger and wider screen so that its size becomes larger. This device is
suitable to be used for school or business presentations, seminars, or even for watching football
matches together. Follow this instruction to operate an LCD Projector.

• Connect the projector with electricity using a power cable, if the power indicator light is
orange, it means the projector is ready for use.
• Open the lens cap.
• Press the power button for about 2 seconds (on the projector or remote panel), wait until
the indicator is green and the display appears full for 10-30 seconds.
• Turn on all input equipment (PC, notebook, laptop, video player, etc.)
• Connect the projector with the input device using a VGA or HDMI cable.
Now, your presentation can be enjoyed by everyone in the room!

42. It is important for us to read the text in order to ... LCD Projector
A. kow more about part of
B. make easier in operating
C. avoid a danger in making
D. get information how to make

43. What should we do before turning on all input equipment?

A. Prepare the projector until ready to use for a second.
B. Press the button on the projector for about two seconds.
C. Connect the projector with the input device using a cable.
D. Wait until the indicator is green and the display appears full.

44. “This device is suitable to be used ...”

The underlined words can be replaced by ...
A. the monitor
B. the wide screen
C. the LCD Projector
D. the hardware device

Text for question 45 to 47

Once, there lived a hen called Red feather because the color of her feather was red. One
day, the fox caught the red feather and put it into a sack. He intended to bring the hen home and
cooked it for dinner.
Suddenly, he saw a dove lying on the ground. The fox was delighted to find a dove, he
thought of having a lot of food for dinner. He didn’t know that the dove was a friend of the red
feather. The dove knew that the fox had caught the red feather. He wanted to help the red
feather by pretending having a broken wing and lying on the ground for the fox to catch.
The fox left the hen in the sack trying to catch the dove. As the fox got closer, the dove
instantly flew away leaving the fox. Meanwhile the fox was busy trying to catch the dove; the hen
released herself from the sack and ran away as fast as possible. The fox wasn’t able to catch the
dove so he decided to stop chasing. But when the fox came back to his sack, how shocked he was
to find the Red feather had already gone. Finally the fox realized that he had nothing for dinner.
Source: 366 and More Fairy Tales, 1990

45. What did the dove do to help the Red feather?

A. Took the hen and put it the sack
B. Brought the fox home and cooked it
C. Released the hen free and flew away
D. Pretended having a broken wing and laid on the ground

46. Which characteristic best described the Fox?

A. Stingy
B. Tricky
C. Greedy
D. Helpful

47. What can we learn from the story above?

A. A true friendship last forever
B. A friend in need is a friend indeed
C. No one can live without a friend
D. Always believe in your friend

Text for question 47 to 50

Seasoned Fried Beef Slice

1 ½ lbs (700 g) sirloin beef
3 cloves
¼ teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg or ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups (500 ml) water
Oil, for deep-frying

Spice Paste
6 to 8 finger-length chilies, deseeded
1 in (2 ½ cm) fresh kencur root, peeled and sliced
1 in (2 ½ cm) fresh turmeric, peeled and sliced, or 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 in ( 2 ½ cm) fresh ginger, peeled and sliced

2 teaspoon coriander seeds, or 1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon ground white pepper

Cooking Directions:
1. Prepare the Spice Paste by grinding all the ingredients to a smooth paste in a mortar or
blender, add a little water if necessary to keep the mixture turning.
2. Heat 1 table spoon of the oil in a wok over medium heat and stir-fry the Spice Paste until
fragrant, 3 to 5 minutes. Add the beef, cloves, nutmeg, and water until boiling, then simmer
uncovered for 3 to 5 minutes, until the beef is half cooked. Remove from pan and continue
to simmer the stock for 5 more minutes until it thickens, then turn off the heat. Slice the
beef into thin strips.
3. Heat the oil in a wok. Deep-fry the beef strips for 2 to 3 minutes until browned and cooked.
Removed from the hot oil and drain on paper towels. Arrange the beef on a serving platter
and pour the gravy over it. Serve immediately.

48. The writer writes the text in order to … the Seasoned Fried Beef Slice.
A. tell how to make
B. show how to get
C. describe what is
D. share recipe how to serve

49. What do you have to do before serving the Seasoned Fried Beef Slice?
A. Pour the gravy over the beef.
B. Drain the beef on paper towels.
C. Arrange the beef on a serving platter.
D. Deep-fry the beef strips until browned.

50. “…pour the gravy over it”

The underlined word refers to ….
A. The beef
B. The oil
C. The wok
D. The paper towel


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