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Customer Care Executive – Call Centre
Telecom Sector Skill Council
1 Program Title Customer Care Executive – Call Centre
2 Program Code, if any NA
3 Duration (hours and months)for 900
theory (Block I)
4 Duration (hours and months) for On 3000
the Job Training(Block II)
5 Certifying body for theory Yashaswi Academy for Skills
6 Certifying Body for On the Job WNS
training/practical component
7 Minimum eligibility criteria 12th
(Educational Qualification and/or
technical Qualification and
Exemptions, if any
8 Trainer’s Qualification and Degree/ Diploma in any field with 2yr
Experience(BT and OJT) experience
9 Indicative list of training tools Refer Annexure A
required to deliver this qualification
(may be attached as Annex A)
1 Formal structure of the curriculum
Modules Duration of Duration of Total
Training- Training- duration
Theory Practical
Basic 1. Basic English 50 100 150
Training 2. Interpersonal Skill 50 100 150
Progra 3. Importance of customer 50 100 150
m service
4. Computer Knowledge and 50 100 150
5. Call centre specific 50 100 150
6. Call centre scenarios 50 100 150
Total 300 600 900
of BT
On the
Job 1.Analyze call centre data 100 200 300
m 100 200 300
2. Customer support ticket
150 200 350
3.Dealing with difficult 100 200 300
4.Time Management and 150 200 350
Handling Calls
5 .Develop customer 150 200 350
6. Resolving customer query, 150 200 350
request, complaint. 150 200 350
7.Report & Review 150 200 350
8. Proactive selling
9. Feedback Mechanism
Total 1200 1800 3000
of OJT
1 Total Pass marks
Total and Pass Total and Pass
Marks- Marks- Practical
Basic Training Program 70% 70%
On the Job Training Program 70% 70%
1 Job description-brief
2 Customer care executives handle phones, internet and face to face interactions with
customers. They manage client adjustment, claims, quotations and process customer
orders. They network with all group and department involved in customer orders,
processing and support.
1 Employment avenues/opportunities
3 - Telecom Call centres /BPOs
- Domestic and international call centre

1 Curriculum update version and date 14/04/2020

1 Curriculum revision date 31/03/2025
I. Theory components (Block I)

Modules Topics/Expected Key Learning outcomes

Basic English  Using Greetings
 Placing on hold or transferring
 Taking messages
Theory Duration:  General conversation to show interest.
50:00hr  Confirming details.
Practical  Handling complaints.
Duration:  Finishing up.
Interpersonal Skill  Developing basic skills for communication and proper
 Educating the basic concept of grammar, accent and slangs
 Developing manners and call etiquettes
 Learning the importance of educating the customer about
Theory Duration: new products and services and pitching them
50:00hr  Understanding buying behaviour and customer’s history
 Developing technical skills for efficiency in typing, call logins
150:00hr  Developing skills to maintain a healthy customer relationship

Importance of customer  Customer retention is cheaper than customer acquisition

service  Customer services represent your brand image, mission,
and value.
 Happy customer service employees will create happy
 Happy customers will refer others.
 Good customer service encourages customers to remain
 Customers are willing to pay more to companies who offer
better customer service.
 Customer service employees can offer important insights
Theory Duration: about customer experiences.
50:00hr  Customer service grows customer lifetime value.
 Providing customer service creates marketing
150:00hr opportunities.
 Appling Excellent customer service is a competitive

Computer Knowledge  Know what is computer and its different parts.

and Practices  Understand about MS word.
 Understand about MS Power point.
 Understand about MS-Excel.
Theory Duration:  Understand about internet & network
50:00hr  Understand about troubleshoot.
Practical  Know the various operating system
150:00hr  Know the hardware and Software
 Understand CRM Tool/Equivalent Software.
 Understand Voice/Accent Trainer Tool/Software

Call centre specific  Answering incoming calls & respond to customer’s emails.
concepts  Providing customer service.
 Selling product or services.
 Undertaking customer research.
 Explaining types of calls.
 Boosting sales opportunities.
 Providing personalized customer service.
 Optimum utilization of resources.
 Management and resolve customer complaints.
 Selling products and place customer orders in the computer
Theory Duration: system.
 Identify and escalate issues to supervisors.
Duration:  Providing product and service information to customer
Call centre scenarios  An angry customer. Customer service representative will
have to deal with many angry customers regularly.
 A crisis
 Rejecting a discount request.
 Enabling to meet the demands of customer to build a
Theory Duration: feature.
50:00hr  Enabling to answer the question from the customer.
 Response to backlogs.
150:00hr  Wrong product with the wrong customer
II. Practical/On the job Training component (Block II)

Units Topics/Expected Key Learning outcomes

Analyze call centre  Enrich demographic data.
data  Understanding emotions
 Correlated call duration and resolution with customer sentiment.
 Keep into your agent’s emotions and performance.
 Pair call data with post- call survey results.
Theory Duration:  Comparing call center topics against other channels.
100:00hr  Gap analysis in call center.
Practical  Appling lesson from performance measurement.
200:00hr  Putting your agents at the canter of quality.

Customer support  Appling Ticket Prioritization

ticket management  Picking unassigned tickets
 Setting automation rules
 Adding Layer to customer process
 Providing self-service.
Theory Duration:  Always set and monitor ticket status
150:00hr  Assigning users to companies
Practical  Automate workflow
200:00hr  Segment your support tickets.
 Providing a detailed ticket description
 Set up tiered support structure.
 Follow the data

Dealing with  Listening intently.

difficult customer  Thanks them
 Apologize
 Seeking the best solution
 Reaching agreement.
 Take quick action
 Appling Follow up
 Look past the fury for friction
 Record and organize meaningful complaints.
Theory Duration:  Identify who you are talking to
100:00hr  Don’t be passive-aggressive
 Transfering quickly, but explain why.
200:00hr  Using supportive questioning
 Verifying solution.
 Treating customer with genuine respect
 Don’t drag out a lost cause.
 CARP Diem to resolve complaints.

Time Management  Creating a to-do list.

and Handling Calls  Complete the most important tasks first.
 Checking off boxes on your to-do list.
 Use computer tracking software
 Learning to delegate and refuse
 Don’t overwork yourself
 Preparing an FAQ cheat sheet.
 Block off time to complete tasks
 Don’t try to multitask
Theory Duration:  Don’t get hung up on small details.
100:00hr  Create a standard operating procedure
 Utilize a time tracking tool
200:00hr  Creating a time management Matrix

Develop customer  Developing basic skills for communication and proper accent.
relationship  Educating the basic concept of grammar, accent and slangs
 Developing manners and call etiquettes
 Learning the importance of educating the customer about new
products and services and pitching them
 Understanding buying behaviour and customer’s history
Theory Duration:  Developing technical skills for efficiency in typing, call logins
 Developing skills to maintain a healthy customer relationship.

Resolving customer  Listening to your customer

query, request,  Be empathetic towards client
 Don’t raise your voice.
 Don’t think that you are speaking to just one customer.
 You should know when to stop.
 Don’t get upset or angry
 Don’t take things personally
 Be human
 Timely follow up
 Summarize at the end of call
 Don’t make customer wait
 Apologize for the problem
 Try to retain the client
 Win over clients with kindness
Theory Duration:
150:00hr  Meet customer expectations
Practical  Reassure the caller
Duration:  Always stick to the point
200:00hr  Make it difficult for the customer to stay angry
 Avoid saying NO
 Show customer you care.

Report & Review  Count Number of requests received per day.

 Count Number of requests closed per user.
 Calculating Average response time.
 Calculating Average handles time.
 Number of messages per owner
 Number of request created per month.
 Receives timely feedback from customers regularly both in
written and verbal form.
 Follow up rather keenly on every client to ensure they don’t feel
lost or forgot.
 Review help to clarify questions.
 Identify review recent and significant advances and discovery in
Theory Duration:
particular field.
Practical  To help identify essential gaps in research to find solutions
Duration:  Reviews are good for generating ideas about next field of
200:00hr research.

Proactive selling  Selecting the right accounts

 Knowing your customers business and strategic agenda
Theory Duration:  Strategize internally
 Be Proactive
Duration:  Knowing the full suite of products and services you offer.
200:00hr  Implementing a process.

Mechanism  Apply SMS Surveys
 Ask for feedback on receipts
 Using specialized customer support accounts.
 Using Social media polls
 Using Customer focus groups
 Apply Contact centre advisors
 Apply Email signature feedback mechanism
 Ask for feedback post purchase
 Independent pollsters.
 Using Social Listening
 Apply Pop-up widgets
 Ask for feedback with deliveries.
 Customer panels
 Call low satisfaction customers
 Appling Feedback from third party sites
 Using Survey customer at events
 Appling Feedback forms
Theory Duration:  Following up after experiences
150:00hr  Using Product star rating and customer section
 Using In-app feedback.
200:00hr  Using Customer feedback portals
 Appling Customer feedback tools.
Annexure A
List of Tools and Equipment’s

LIST OF TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT for Training (For 40 Apprentices)


Sl. Name of the Tool Specification Quantit

no. &Equipment’s y

As per standard
1 40

As per standard
2 Headsets 40

As per standard
3 Mic requirement 40

As per
4 CRM Tool/Equivalent Software 1
As per
5 Voice/Accent Trainer Tool/Software 1

As per
6 Call Receiving & Distribution Setup 1
(EPABX Or Server Based) standard
As per
7 Black/White Board 1
As per
8 Projection System with PC/Laptop 1

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