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Library Inventory Register

Date of Purchase Price of the Purchased

Sr. No. Catagory Title of the Book Author Rack No.
/ Receipt Book (Rs.) /Gift Recd.

1 History Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru 10/12/2015 390 Purchased 7

2 Geography Earth - Rotation and Revolution ABC 10/13/2015 415 Purchased 9
3 Science Principles of Science XYZ 10/14/2015 440 Purchased 12
4 Religion What iis Religion? PQR 10/15/2015 465 Purchased 14
5 Fiction Arabian Nights LMN 10/16/2015 Gift Received 17
6 Self Help How to improve Self Confidence PQR 10/17/2015 25 Purchased 18
7 Mathematics Polynomials EFG 10/18/2015 50 Purchased 20
8 Astronomy Exploring Secrets of Universe HIJ 10/19/2015 75 Purchased 2
9 Astrology Basics of Astrology LMN 10/20/2015 100 Purchased 3
10 Autobiography My Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi 10/21/2015 Gift Received 5
Inventory Register


Book Fair 2016

Book Fair 2016
Book Fair 2016
Book Fair 2016
Donations from ABCD
needs to
be issued No. of Permissible Days 15
Note: Data Entry only in Light
Blue cells. from Data
Entry Late Return Penalty Per Day 2
Sheet and
here. It Book Issuance Reg
will fetch
all other
Sr. No.
Reference relevant
Catagory Title of the Book Author
Date of
Borrower's Name
Borrower's ID
Class &
Sr. No. data in Issue Card No.
1 1 columns 12/06/2019 abc 333333 5-A
2 2 automatic
ance Register
Book to be Penalty charged If no then
Book Return No. of days Returned in
returned for delayed Penalty Charged Remarks
Date delayed good
latest by period (Rs.) (Rs.)
27/06/2019 03/07/2019 6 12 No 390

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