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Learning activity 4 / Actividad de aprendizaje 4

Evidence: Stage 1: Presentations” / Evidencia: Blog “Presentaciones”

For this evidence, you have to participate in a blog to: / En esta evidencia usted debe participar en un blog para:

a. Introduce and describe yourself. / Presentarse y describirse.

b. Introduce and describe two friends (they could be actual or invented friends) using the following format. / Presentar y
detallar a dos amigos (pueden ser reales o personajes ficticios).

c. Record a voice tape where you read your introduction and your friend´s introductions. / Grabe un audio leyendo su
descripción y la de sus amigos.

In the blog entry, you have to include the following information:

Photo My introduction Phonetics

This has to include the following information Visite la página y copie la
your: transcripción en símbolos fonéticos que será lo que va a leer
Name, age, places of origin, nationality, job, en su grabación.
a picture (real or not), and a brief physical
description according to the pictures.

En la entrada del blog debe incluir su

nombres, edad, lugar de origen,
nacionalidad, ocupación, una fotografía
(puede ser irreal) y con una corta
descripción física de acuerdo a la imagen;
My introduction.
həˈloʊ, ˈtiʧər ɔrˈlændoʊ piˈneɪdoʊ. naɪs tu mit 
Hello, teacher Orlando Pinedo. Nice to meet ju. maɪ neɪm ɪz ˈsɪlviə Avendañoʊ. 
you. My name is Silvia Avendaño. I am forty- aɪ æm ˈfɔrti-naɪn jɪrz oʊld. aɪ´ɛm frʌm Bogotá 
nine years old. I´m from Bogotá city. I´m ˈsɪti. 
Colombian. I´m a system engineer but at aɪ´ɛm kəˈlʌmbiən. aɪ´ɛm ə ˈsɪstəm ˈɛnʤəˈnɪr bʌ
present, my occupation is a housewife. I am t æt ˈprɛzənt, maɪ ˌɑkjəˈpeɪʃən ɪz ə ˈhaʊˌswaɪf. 
married and I live with my husband and my son.
I love to read about technology, cook for my aɪ æm ˈmɛrid ænd aɪ lɪv wɪð maɪ ˈhʌzbənd æ
family, gardening and I Like to the gym every nd maɪ sʌn. 
day. I’m small. I have long, black and straight maɪ ˈhɑbiz ɑr tu rid əˈbaʊt tɛkˈnɑləʤi, ˈkʊkɪŋ 
hair. I have brown eyes, use glasses. fɔr maɪ ˈfæməli, ˈgɑrdənɪŋ ænd ˈgoʊɪŋ tu ðə ʤ
ɪm ˈɛvəri deɪ. 
aɪm smɔl. aɪ hæv lɔŋ, blæk ænd streɪt hɛr. 
aɪ hæv braʊn aɪz, juz ˈglæsəz.
He is my son. His name is Humberto and he is hi ɪz maɪ sʌn. hɪz neɪm ɪz həmˈbɜrˌtoʊ ænd 
fourteen years old. He was born in Bogotá, he is hi ɪz ˈfɔrˈtin jɪrz oʊld. hi wʌz bɔrn ɪn Bogotá, 
Colombian. He is in ninth grade at school. He hi ɪz kəˈlʌmbiən. hi ɪz ɪn naɪnθ greɪdæt sku
likes to play videos games on the computer and l. hi laɪks tu pleɪ ˈvɪdioʊz geɪmz ɑn ðə kəm
Loves riding a bicycle. He is tall, thin, has short ˈpjutər ænd lʌvz ˈraɪdɪŋ ə ˈbaɪsɪkəl. hi ɪz tɔl, 
black hair, wears glasses. θɪn, hæz ʃɔrt blæk hɛr, wɛrzˈglæsəz. 

Photo My introduction Phonetics

Photo My introduction Phonetics

Photo My introduction Phonetics

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