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Name ___________________ Date______________________

Group____________________ Mrs. Rodriguez

Skill: Figurative Language

Good morning guys,

I hope you had a good weekend. This week we are going to continue working with the material we were
studying in class in March, figurative language. I am sending you a PowerPoint presentation to review the
material that was given in class during the first two weeks of March. All this material is NOT new and you
already have it in your notebooks, it is a matter of reviewing it. Then answer the exercise that I am sending
you. Remember to follow the format and just send me the answers with number and letter.

Buenos días jóvenes:

Espero hayan pasado un buen fin semana. Esta semana le vamos a dar continuidad al material que estábamos
estudiando en clase en marzo, lenguaje figurado. Les envío una presentación en Power Point para que repasen
el material que se dio en clase durante las primeras dos semanas de marzo. Todo ese material NO es nuevo y
ya ustedes lo tienen en la libreta, es cuestión de repasarlo y luego contestan el ejercicio que les estoy
enviando. Recuerden sigan el formato, solamente me envían las contestaciones número y letra.

I- Figurative Language

Select from the Word Box – Fíjese en lo que está marcado en negrita, ésto le ayuda a contestar

a. simile (4) b. metaphor (4) c. personification (5) d. hyperbole (3)

e. alliteration (2) f. onomatopoeia (5) g. oxymoron (2)

_______ 1. The moon is a silver ball.

_______ 2. The cat’s purr told me it was happy.
_______ 3. Lucy is like fish out of the water.
_______ 4. The trees danced in the wind.
_______ 5. Pedro made a big splash when he jumped into the swimming pool.
_______ 6. Arilys is a flower.
_______ 7. I haven’t seen you in ages.
_______ 8. His hair is gold silk.
_______ 9. Jayden heard the last piece of pie calling his name. per
_______ 10. The duck will quack if it is hungry.
_______ 11. Those shoes are so expensive they cost me an arm and a leg.
_______ 12. Paid volunteers were working for the company.
_______ 13. Suddenly she heard the hiss of a snake.
_______ 14. There was a love-hate relationship.
_______ 15. She sells sea-shells on the sea shore.
_______ 16. The sweater was hugging him tightly.
_______ 17. Nara is as sleepy as a bear.
_______ 18. The door protested as it opened slowly.
_______ 19. The tick of the clock kept me up all night.
_______ 20. When I felt in front of the class I wanted to die of embarrassment.
_______ 21. Shakira’s eyelashes move like butterfly.
_______ 22. Zack the zoo-keeper read his zodiac zealously.
_______ 23. She is a blind bat.
_______ 24. The bees played hide and seek with the flowers.
_______ 25. Her eyes are blue like the ocean.

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