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School of Computing

Techniques of Artificial Intelligence



Discussion of Assignment 1

Table of Contents

Outline of syllabus for Chapters 1 to 6.................................................................................... 3

Solution: Assignment 1 ........................................................................................................... 4


Outline of syllabus for Chapters 1 to 6

Chapter 1
Read as background.

Chapter 2
Familiarise yourself with the concepts and terminology.

Chapter 3
Study everything. You have to understand all the algorithms and be able to apply them to a given
problem statement. You do not need to memorise any pseudo-code.

Chapter 4
Study everything except the following sections, which you can omit entirely:
- Memory-bounded heuristic search, pp. 101-104.
- 4.4 Local Search in Continuous Spaces, pp. 119-129.
You have to understand all the algorithms and be able to apply them to a given problem statement.
You do not need to memorise any pseudo-code.

Chapter 5
Study everything except the following section, which you can omit entirely:
- 5.4 The Structure of Problems, pp. 151 – 155.
You have to understand all the algorithms and be able to apply them to a given problem statement.
You do not need to memorise any pseudo-code.

Chapter 6
Study sections 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3. You have to understand the minimax and alpha-beta algorithms, and
be able to apply them to a given problem statement.
Read sections 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8. You have to understand the concepts covered in these
sections, but you do not need to be familiar with any particular game such as backgammon, chess or
any card game.


Solution: Assignment 1

1. The Loebner Prize is …

1) to go to the first person to build a successful android.
2) is sponsored by Max Loebner.
3) is the first formal instantiation of a Turing test.
4) is worth $10,000.
5) is a bi-yearly contest for robots.

2. The 2005 Loebner Prize was won by …

1) Vladimir Vesolov
2) Rollo Carpenter
3) Steven Watking
4) Richard Wallace
5) Allan Turing

3. The Turing Test …

1) was devised by Allan Turing in 1990.
2) was designed to provide a satisfactory operational definition of intelligence.
3) consists of a battery of question designed to test intelligence.
4) was devised to teach robots to speak.
5) is none of the above.

4. Artificial Intelligence tries to …

1) produce intelligent systems.
2) understand the foundations of intelligence in humans and animals.
3) build intelligent robots.
4) none of the above.
5) (1) and (2)

5. TRUE or FALSE: The Turing Test provides a formal definition of Artificial Intelligence.

6. TRUE or FALSE: We have already developed everything we need to successfully implement

Artificial Intelligence. The only problem is that we do not have computers that are fast

7. The General Problem Solver was developed by …

1) Newell
2) Simon
3) Newell and Simon
4) Turing
5) Russel

8. An Expert System is …
1) a system used by experts to make predictions, such as tomorrow’s weather.
2) a group of intelligent programs.
3) a database of knowledge.
4) a computer program containing subject-specific knowledge of human experts.
5) a set of rules on how to solve specific problems.


9. A problem is intractable if …
1) there is no solution to the problem.
2) only a partial solution can be logically deduced.
3) the problem cannot be solved by humans but there exists an AI program that will be
able to solve it.
4) it is not NP-complete.
5) the time required to solve the problem grows exponentially with the size of problem

10. TRUE of FALSE: A reflex action is an example of rational behaviour.


11. Arimaa is the name of …

1) a game that computers find difficult to play.
2) a well-known researcher in AI.
3) a chess-playing computer.
4) a chess champion who beat Deep Blue.
5) None of the above.

12. Deep Blue defeated Kasparov in …

1) 1991
2) 1976
3) 2001
4) 1977
5) 2005

This question was not marked, as none of the answers are correct. The correct answer is

13. Alvinn is …
1) the name of the first robotic vehicle.
2) a neural network.
3) a perception system that controls a vehicle.
4) (1), (2), and (3).
5) (2) & (3)

14. The DARPA Grand Challenge …

1) had a $2 million prize.
2) was won by the Red Team.
3) took place in Primm, Nevada.
4) All of the above.
5) (1) & (2).

15. TRUE or FALSE. Steve Mann considers himself to be a Cyborg.


16. John Searle is famous for …

1) being the first person to receive a brain transplant.
2) writing the first English-to-Chinese translation program.
3) building a room with a Chinese translator hidden inside.
4) the Chinese-room thought-experiment.
5) None of the above.


17. Compatibilism is …
1) a theory that suggests that free will and determinism are compatible.
2) the theory that explains why certain people are attracted to each other.
3) a theory proposed by John Searle.
4) None of the above.
5) All of the above.

18. Gödel is known for …

1) being a philosopher.
2) his incompleteness theorem.
3) building the first Turing machine.
4) solving the four-colour problem.

19. The mind-body problem …

1) explains how the mind controls the body.
2) is about whether a mind can exist without a body.
3) says that a mind cannot exist without a soul.
4) relates mental states and processes to brain states and processes.
5) proves that free will does not exist.

20. The closed-world assumption …

1) assumes that all the information provided for reasoning with, is complete.
2) states that here is no life outside earth.
3) assumes that artificial minds cannot be made.
4) means that all statements are true.
5) is an alternative to the idea of a stable model.

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