An Extended Finite Element Method With Higher-Order Elements For Curved Cracks PDF

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Computational Mechanics 31 (2003) 38–48  Springer-Verlag 2003

DOI 10.1007/s00466-002-0391-2

An extended finite element method with higher-order elements

for curved cracks
F. L. Stazi, E. Budyn, J. Chessa, T. Belytschko

Abstract A finite element method for linear elastic frac- 1
ture mechanics using enriched quadratic interpolations is Introduction
presented. The quadratic finite elements are enriched We describe the development of higher order elements
with the asymptotic near tip displacement solutions and within the setting of the eXtended Finite Element Method
the Heaviside function so that the finite element (X-FEM). The X-FEM is a numerical method to model
approximation is capable of resolving the singular stress arbitrary discontinuities in continuous bodies that does
field at the crack tip as well as the jump in the not require the mesh to conform to the discontinuities
displacement field across the crack face without any nor significant mesh refinement near singuliarities [2, 6,
significant mesh refinement. The geometry of the crack is 19, 26]. In X-FEM the standard finite element approxi-
represented by a level set function which is interpolated mation is enriched and the approximation space is ex-
on the same quadratic finite element discretization. Due tended by an additional family of functions. By choosing
to the higher-order approximation for the crack an appropriate enrichment, the extended finite element
description we are able to represent a crack with approximation space can more closely approximate the
curvature. The method is verified on several examples solution space for the problem considered. This type of
and comparisons are made to similar formulations using enrichment is an application of the concept of the
linear interpolants. partition of unity [17].
For linear elastic fracture mechanics, the near tip sin-
Keywords Fracture, Finite elements, Crack propagation,
gular stress field and the displacement discontinuity across
Extended finite element method
the crack face are problematic for standard piecewise
polynomial approximations. However, by adding a neartip
F. L. Satzi (&) asymptotic field and a step to the polynomial approxi-
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica, mations we can enrich the standard FEM approximation
Università di Roma ‘‘La Sapienza’’ so that good accuracy is achieved without conforming to
the mesh.
E. Budyn This method was introduced in several papers by
Graduate Research Assistant, Belytschko and coworkers. In Belytschko and Black [2],
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Moës et al. [19] and Dolbow et al. [12] the crack topology
Northwestern University was represented by an explicit discretization. Updating
e-mail: this explicit representation can be inconvenient when
crack growth is considered. In Sukumar et al. [27] a level
J. Chessa
set representation of the topology was adopted for ma-
Graduate Research Assistant,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, terial interfaces. Non-planar quasi-static crack growth in
Northwestern University three dimensions was considered in Moës et al. [20] and
e-mail: Gravouil et al. [16] with an orthogonal pair of level set
functions to represent the crack. A PDE based method
T. Belytschko was employed to update the level sets similar to the
Walter P. Murphy Professor of Mechanical Engineering, method described in Peng et al. [22]. In all of the
Northwestern University
aforementioned papers only linear finite element ap-
proximations were used in the X-FEM approximations
Dedicated to the memory of Prof. Mike Crisfield, for his and in the level set interpolations. Wells et al. [34] have
cheerfulness and cooperation as a challenge and friend over many used the X-FEM concept in 6-node triangles in visco-
years. plastic materials but only considered cracks that ended at
an element edge.
Here we consider a technique for enriching high-order
The authors are grateful for the research support by the Office of
elements, and in particular quadratic finite elements. It is
Naval Research. This work was supported in part under the
auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by the University of well known that higher-order elements provide improved
California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under accuracy for sufficiently smooth problems. Away from the
Contract No. W-74055-Eng-48. Furio Lorenzo Stazi is grateful for crack tip this smoothness condition is satisfied in elastic
the research support of the Fulbright Fellowship. problems, so improved accuracy is expected. In fact
quadratic elements are the elements of choice for most dv 2 U 0 ;
static and quasi-static elastic problems. This is due to their
higher rate of convergence, their decreased susceptibility U 0 ¼ fdvjdv 2 Co except on Ccr ; dv ¼ 0 on Cu g ð8Þ
to locking, and their ability to model curved boundaries. The weak form of the equilibrium equation and traction
Furthermore, a level set interpolated by quadratic shape boundary conditions is: find u 2 U such that
functions is capable of describing curved cracks; level set Z
descriptions by piecewise linear finite elements are limited rðuÞ : eðdvÞdX
to piecewise linear cracks.
An outline of this paper is as follows. In Sect. 2, the for- Z Z
mulation of the method is presented: the governing equa- ¼ b  dv dX þ t  dv dC 8dv 2 U 0 ð9Þ
tions and the weak forms are given. Next, in Sect. 3 the level
X Ct 39
set representation of the crack is described. In Sect. 4, the
X-FEM approximation is presented and its implementation Recalling the linear elastic constitutive law (6) and the
is described. The accuracy and convergence of the method strain definition (1), the following weak form of the
in demonstrated through several example problems in problem can be obtained: find u 2 U such that
Sect. 6. Conclusions are presented in Sect. 7. Z
eðuÞ : C : eðvÞdX
Formulation Z Z
¼ b  v dX þ t  v dC 8v 2 U 0 ð10Þ
Governing equations X Ct
Although many of the techniques presented here are ap- In Belytschko and Black [2] it is shown that the above
plicable to nonlinear, large deformation problems, we weak form is equivalent to the strong form (2–5).
present them in the context of linear elasticity. Let X be a
regular region bounded by a smooth curve C. The 3
boundary of the body C is the union of Ct and Cu . Es- Geometric description of crack
sential boundary conditions are imposed on Cu while It is convenient, but not essential, to represent the crack by
traction boundary conditions are imposed on Ct . Let u be a signed distance function f ðxÞ, often called a level set. In
the displacement and e the strain, given by: this format the crack is given by the zero isobar of the
e ¼ rs u ð1Þ function f ðxÞ, i.e. by:
where rs indicates the symmetric part of the gradient. f ðxÞ ¼ 0 ð11Þ
If we assume that the faces of the crack Ccr are traction The signed distance function f ðxÞ is defined by:
free, the strong form of the initial boundary value problem
has the following form f ðxÞ ¼ sign½n  ðx  xÞ min kx  xk ð12Þ

r  r þ b ¼ 0 in X ð2Þ We only define f ðxÞ in a subdomain around the crack as
u¼u  on Cu ð3Þ shown in Fig. 1.
In addition we define the functions gI ðxÞ, which locate
r  n ¼ t on Cu ð4Þ the crack tips (I runs over the number of crack tips). The
r  n ¼ 0 on Ccr ð5Þ function gI ðxÞ is given by:
where r is the Cauchy stress tensor, b the body force per gI ðxÞ ¼ kx  xtip
I k ð13Þ
unit volume, n the outward unit normal to C, u  the pre-
scribed displacement and t the prescribed traction. The
mechanical behavior of the bodies is governed by a linear
elastic constitutive law:
r¼C:e ð6Þ
where C is the elasticity tensor.

Weak form
We require that the trial functions u satisfy all displace-
ment boundary conditions and have the usual smoothness
properties so that u is continuous ðC o Þ in X.
u 2 U; U ¼ fuju 2 C o except on Ccr ; u ¼ u
 on Cu g
Fig. 1. Definition of signed distance function f ðxÞ and its rep-
The test functions dv are defined by: resentation of the crack; n is the normal to the crack over Ccr
Each of the gI ðxÞ functions defines a set of circles around occur at the intersection of the crack with the element
the crack tip as shown in Fig. 2. From any point ~x, the edges as shown in Fig. 4. The gI ðxÞ functions are not ap-
location of the tip can be found by determining the proximated. Instead in two dimensional implementations,
intersection of f ¼ 0 and the circle defined by we store the locations of the crack tips and compute the
kx  ~xk ¼ gI ð~xÞ. funtion by Eq. (13) as needed.
The above differs somewhat from Stolarska et al. [23]
and Gravouil et al. [16, 20], who used a pair of orthogonal 4.2
level sets to define the crack geometry. The approach is Enriched approximation
similar to that of Ventura et al. [33, 32]. The advantage of Previously, piecewise linear finite element approximations
this approach is that the crack geometry can be updated by were used in X-FEM approximation. We deviate from this
geometric equations, thus avoiding the need to solve the trend and consider piecewise quadratic finite elements as
hyperbolic conservation equations to update the level sets. the basis for our FEM approximation of the displacements
because the quadratic elements should yield a higher ac-
4 curacy than linear elements and are also capable of rep-
Extended finite element approximation resenting curved cracks.
In developing the enriched finite element approxima-
4.1 tion to the motion (16), it is necessary to distinguish ele-
Description of crack geometry ments in the vicinity of the crack tip, XTIP , from elements
In the present Section we describe briefly the finite element that enclose the remainder of the crack, Xcr . The possible
enrichment scheme and its implementation. The dis- subdivisions are illustrated in Fig. 5a and b. The assign-
placements are approximated by six-node triangular ment of XTIP is not unique, one can either choose only the
elements with quadratic displacements and linear strain elements in which the crack tip occurs, as shown in
fields. The signed distance function f ðxÞ is approximated Fig. 5a, or a cluster of elements around the tip as shown in
by the same shape functions as the displacement:
f ðnÞ ¼ fI NI ðnÞ ð14Þ

where fI are the nodal values of f ðxÞ and NI ðnÞ are the
quadratic shape functions in terms of the element parent
coordinates. The approximate crack position is then given
Fig. 4. Crack path as approximated by 6-node shape functions
Ccr ¼ fxj f ðxÞ ¼ 0; x 2 Xf g ð15Þ
which is quadratic within each element and a piecewise
continuously differentiable function. We do not define
f ðxÞ outside Xf . Note that in general, slight kinks will

Fig. 2. Definition of tip distance function gI ðxÞ of crack tip I

Fig. 5. The classification of elements that are modified by the

Fig. 3. Determination of crack tip location from a point x crack: two possible subdivisions into Xcr and XTIP are shown
Fig. 5b. Based on this classification, we now define three The function in (18) is discontinuous across the crack
node sets which govern the enrichment: face, while the other three functions are continuous. So F 1
represents the discontinuity near the tip, while the other
N ¼ the set of all nodes in the discretization; three functions span the Westergaard solution near the
N TIP ¼ the set of nodes that are connected to crack tip.
By substituting the displacement approximation (16)
elements in XTIP ; into the strain definition (23) we arrive at the following
N cr ¼ the set of nodes that are connected to expression for the strain:
elements in Xcr but not XTIP : eh ¼ B u  ¼ ½ BuI BaJ Bb1 Bb2 Bb3 Bb4
K K K K 
We enrich the standard finite element approximation with 2 3
uI 41
the Westergaard crack tip solution at the nodes in N TIP 6 7
and enrich nodes in N cr with the modified Heaviside 6 aJ 7
6 17 I ¼ 1...N
function, Belytschko and Black [2] and Moës et al. [19]. 6b 7
6 K7
The extended finite element approximation can then be  6 2 7; with J ¼ 1 . . . N cr ð23Þ
written as follows: 6 bK 7
X X 6 7 K ¼ 1...N TIP
6 37
uh ðxÞ ¼ NI ðxÞuI þ N~ I ðxÞðHð f h ðxÞÞ  Hð fI ÞÞaI 4 bK 5
I2N I2N cr b4K
X X4
where B  is a strain displacement matrix. The matrix B  has
þ N~ I ðxÞ ðF k ðr; hÞ  F k ðxI ÞÞbkI ð16Þ the following forms:
I2N TIP k¼1 2 3
NI;x 0
where Hðf ðxÞÞ is a modified Heaviside step function given Bu ¼ 4 0 NI;y 5 ð24Þ
by: I
 NI;y NI;x
1 if y < 0 2 3
Hð yÞ ¼ ð17Þ ð ~ J ðH  HðxJ ÞÞÞ;x
N 0
þ1 if y > 0
BaJ ¼ 4 0 ðN~ J ðH  HðxJ ÞÞÞ;y 5
The Heaviside function has been modified to be symmetric ðN J ðH  HðxJ ÞÞÞ;y ðN~ J ðH  HðxJ ÞÞÞ;x
about the crack. The shape functions NI ðxÞ are quadratic
whereas N~ I ðxÞ are linear finite element shape functions ð25Þ
that construct the partition of unity and the blending; see Bbl
Chessa et al. [9] for an investigation of the important role K l¼1;2;3;4 2 3
of the blending. The column matrices uI are the standard ðN~ K ðFKl  FKl ðxK ÞÞÞ;x 0
nodal displacements and aI and bI are additional param- 6 ðN~ K ðFKl  FKl ðxK ÞÞÞ;y 7
¼4 0 5
eters. F l ðr; hÞ is the basis for the Westergaard field for the
crack tip, which are defined in Fleming et al. [13]: ~ l l ~ l
ðN K ðFK  FK ðxK ÞÞÞ;y ðN K ðKK  FK ðxK ÞÞÞ;x l

pffiffi h
F ðr; hÞ ¼ r sin 2 ð18Þ ð26Þ
F ðr; hÞ ¼ r cos h2 ð19Þ Substituting the displacement (16) and the strain ap-
pffiffi h proximation (23) into the weak form (9), the standard
F ðr; hÞ ¼ r sin 2 sin h ð20Þ
pffiffi discrete system of equations is obtained:
F 4 ðr; hÞ ¼ r cos h2 sin h ð21Þ
Kd ¼ f ext ð27Þ
where r ¼ kx  xTIP k ¼ gðxÞ. ext
where f is the vector of external nodal forces and K the
To take into account any curvature of the crack, we use stiffness matrix:
two definitions of h. Let t be a vector tangent to the crack Z
pointing to the interior of the crack. Note that f is not K¼ B T CB
 dX ð28Þ
defined beyond the crack tips, i.e. for any point for which
rg  t < 0. So in the vicinity of the crack tip, h must be Xh
carefully defined. We define h as follows: at a point x, if The expression of the external forces vector f ext is:
t  rg  0 we use the regular polar angle from t. If
t  rg > 0, h is computed by: f ext u a b1 b2 b3 b4
I ¼ ff I ; f J ; f K ; f K ; f K ; f K g ð29Þ
arctanðhÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð22Þ f uI ¼ NIt dC þ NI b dX ð30Þ
g2  f 2
Ct X
The minus sign in the above in the arctan argument is Z Z
needed to reconcile this definition with the regular polar f J ¼ N J ðH  HðxJ ÞÞt dC þ N~ J ðH  HðxJ ÞÞb dX
coordinates. One must be careful with the sign of f , which
Ct X
has to be reversed at the second tip of the crack to be
consistent with the local polar orientation. ð31Þ
Fig. 6. Orientation at the crack tip to define the interior of the
crack and the domain beyond the crack


f bl N~ K ðF l  F l ðxK ÞÞt dC
42 K l¼1;2;3;4 ¼ Fig. 8. Delaunay partitioning of elements containing the crack tip
þ N~ K ðF l  F l ðxK ÞÞb dX ð32Þ domain and decreases linearly to zero on the external edge
of the integral domain, see Fig. 9. This function q is ex-
plained by Combescure et al. [28], [29] . This method was
As with standard finite element methods, the essential originally developed in Moran and Shi [21].
boundary conditions are enforced directly on d which To obtain the stress intensity factors KI and KII we
include the additional enriched degrees of freedom. employed the auxiliary field method [35] [25]. Two states
of the cracked body are considered: the actual state, re-
4.3 ð1Þ ð1Þ ð1Þ
ferred to as state 1, ðrij ; ij ; ui Þ and an auxiliary state,
Element integration ð2Þ ð2Þ ð2Þ
state 2, ðrij ; ij ; ui Þ which are the asymptotic fields for
The integration of the stiffness matrix (28) and nodal Mode I or Mode II respectively. W ð1;2Þ is the strain energy
forces (29–32) in the elements with enrichments requires ð1Þ ð2Þ ð2Þ ð1Þ
in terms of the inner products rij ij or rij ij .
subelements obtained by triangular partitioning. For ele- The expression for the interaction integral is:
ments cut by a crack, the partitioning of the element is
Z " ð2Þ ð1Þ
shown in Fig. 7. Three triangles are created. In each of ð1Þ ou ð2Þ ou
these elements, 13 point Gauss quadrature is used. Mð1;2Þ ¼ W ð1;2Þ d1j  rij i
 rij i
qmj dC
ox1 ox1
The elements containing the crack tips are partitioned C
as described in Fig. 8. Four triangles are created with 13 ð34Þ
point Gauss quadrature. The increase in computational
cost is not significant. where C ¼ C þ Cþ þ C þ C0 and m ~ is the outward unit
normal to the contour C.
5 The interaction integral M ð1;2Þ is converted into a do-
Computation of the J-integral and Interaction-integral main integral. Using the divergence theorem and taking
The stress intensity factors were obtained by the J-integral the limit as C goes to the crack tip (justified by the
and the I-integral. We choose a domain integral over a set dominated convergence theorem, where the weighting
of elements within a circular neighborhood about the function q would be equal to 1 at the crack tip) the in-
crack tip with a radius twice the size of an average element. teraction domain integral is:
The domain integral expression for the J-integral is: Z " ð2Þ ð1Þ
Z Z ð1;2Þ ð1Þ oui ð2Þ oui ð1;2Þ oq
1 M ¼ rij þ rij W d1j dA
Jk ¼ rij ui;k qk;j dX  rij ui;j dkj qk;j dX ð33Þ @x1 ox1 oxj
2 A
In our calculation J1 with the x1 -axis parallel to the crack
face, was computed. In the above q equals 1 inside the Equation (35) assumes that the crack faces are stressfree
and straight in the interior of the region AC which is
bounded by C0 as shown in Fig. 10.

Fig. 9. Domain to compute the J-integral. In the dotted elements

Fig. 7. Delaunay partitioning of elements cut by a crack q decreases linearly to zero
and r ¼ 104 N/mm2 on a square mesh with sides of length
10 mm, as shown in Fig. 11.
On the entire boundary, displacements were prescribed
by Eq. (39). The normalized energy error norm is com-
puted by:
Wðe  eh Þ
energy error ¼ ð40Þ
0 112
1 43
Fig. 10. Contour and domain to compute the interaction integral WðeÞ ¼ @ e : C : e dXA ð41Þ
Note that since Eq. (35) assumes that the crack faces are where e is the exact strain field and eh the approximate
straight, the results obtained for the stress intensity factors strain field obtained by the numerical solution. In Fig. 12
for curved cracks are accurate only if the curvature is small the error in energy is shown for the linear and the qua-
(when using very fine mesh for instance). Since we assume dratic X-FEM. In Fig. 13 the convergence of the J-integral
the crack faces are straight. The results for K2 are usually is shown. It is interesting that while the accuracy of the
less accurate than for K1 . To improve accuracy some terms quadratic element is better, the rate of convergence is
integrated along the crack faces must be added to the actually less. This behavior is probably a result of the
expression of the interaction integral. singularity [30].
The crack opening displacement (COD) can be calcu-
6 lated directly from the enriched finite element approxi-
Numerical examples mation as follows:
Several fracture mechanics problems are described to il-
lustrate the proposed method, which we refer to as X-FEM.
Recall that we use quadratic interpolants for the dis-
placement approximation and linear interpolants for the
partition of unity and the blending. Crack opening dis-
placements, the energy error and stress intensity factors
are calculated and compared with closed form and
benchmark solutions. These results are also compared to
an X-FEM formulation with only linear interpolants, which
we will refer to as the linear X-FEM formulation.

Infinite plate
Consider an infinite plate containing a straight crack of
length a and loaded by a remote uniform stress field r.
Along ABCD the closed form solution in terms of polar
coordinates in a reference frame ðr; hÞ centered at the Fig. 11. Discretization around the crack tip of an infinite plate
loaded by a remote stress. Nodes labeled with a circle are en-
crack tip is: riched with a step function and nodes indicated with a square are
KI h h 3h enriched with the Westergaard functions
rx ¼ pffiffi cos 1  sin sin ð36Þ
r 2 2 2
KI h h 3h
ry ¼ pffiffi cos 1 þ sin sin ð37Þ
r 2 2 2
KI h h 3h
rxy ¼ pffiffi sin cos cos ð38Þ
r 2 2 2
The closed form near-tip displacement field is:
2ð1 þ mÞ KI pffiffi h h
ux ¼ pffiffiffiffiffi r cos 2  2m  cos2
2p E 2 2
2ð1 þ mÞ KI pffiffi h 2h
uy ¼ pffiffiffiffiffi r sin 2  2m  cos
2p E 2 2
In the two previous expressions KI ¼ r pa denotes the
stress intensity factor, m is Poisson’s ratio and E is Young’s Fig. 12. Energy norm convergence for linear and quadratic
modulus. All simulations are performed with a ¼ 100 mm formulations. N is the number of nodes
44 Fig. 15. Plate with edge crack under tension

a a a2

F ¼ 1:12  0:231 þ 10:55
b b b
a3 a4
Fig. 13. J integral error as a function of number of nodes N for  21:72 þ30:39 ð45Þ
linear and quadratic formulations b b
X pffiffi X The same type of structured mesh as shown in Fig. 16 was
½½uh  ¼ 2 aI N~ I þ 2 r bI N~ I ð42Þ used except that the plate is 1  2 and the mesh is 12  12.
I2W I2W We compared in Table 1 our results with EFG method as
The closed form expression for the COD is: in [7].
rffiffiffiffiffi For EFG, the number of cells was 10  10 and 5  5
r KI 2 Gauss quadrature was used in all cells except the two
½½u ¼ 8 ð1  m Þ ð43Þ
2p E
Figure 14 compares the COD and the horizontal com-
ponent of displacement for the linear and the quadratic
elements respectively. The quadratic elements provide a
better match to the crack opening displacement than the
linear elements. For the tangential component of the dis-
placement jump, both the linear and quadratic element
exhibit a slight anomaly at the crack tip.

Edge crack under tension
A plate is loaded by a tension r ¼ 1:0 psi over the top and
bottom edges as shown in Fig. 15. The displacement along
the y-axis is fixed at the bottom right corner, and clamped
at the bottom left corner. The material parameters are
103 psi for Young’s modulus and 0.3 for Poisson’s ratio.
The reference mixed mode stress intensity factors as given
in [31] are:
pffiffiffiffiffiffi a
KI ¼ r paF ð44Þ

where a is the crack length, b the plate width, and F ab is
an empirical function. For a=b  0:6, the function F is: Fig. 16. Discretization of the edge crack problem under shear

Fig. 14. Crack opening dis-

placement (top) and tangential
component of displacement
along the crack (bottom) for
linear (left) and quadratic
(right) elements on refined
Table 1. Stress intensity factors computed by quadratic XFEM The equivalent stress intensity factor Keq obtained from
compared to EFG the J-integral for plain strain problem is:
Crack KI XFEM KI XFEM KI EFG by KI exact 1  m2 2
length (linear) (quadratic) Belytschko J¼ Keq ð46Þ
et al. [7]
The equivalent stress intensity factor is compared to
0.21 1.0616 1.1243 1.1401 1.1341 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
0.22 1.1000 1.1691 1.1779 1.1816
ðKI2 þ KII2 Þ using an elliptic criterion described in Bazant
0.23 1.1321 1.2187 1.2487 1.2303 [1]. In Fig. 17, we can see that the quadratic element
0.24 1.1558 1.2707 1.2807 1.2788 converges slightly faster that the linear element and is
0.28 1.3783 1.4760 1.5036 1.4935 more accurate. In Fig. 18, KI and KII is seen to exhibit the
0.50 3.1299 3.5064 3.5512 3.5423 same behavior. 45

around the crack tip, where 9  9 Gauss quadrature was 6.4

used. Quadratic XFEM seems to perform as well as the EFG Mixed mode crack in infinite body
method. While the EFG method tends to overestimate the The problem of an angled center crack in a body was
stress intensity factors, quadratic XFEM tends to under- considered as shown in Fig. 19. The plate is subjected to a
estimate the result. far-field state of stress r equal to unity. The crack is of
length 2a and is oriented with an angle b with respect to
6.3 the x-axis. The material parameters are 3  107 psi for
Edge crack under shear stress Young’s modulus and 0.25 for Poisson’s ratio. The stress
A plate is clamped on the bottom and loaded by a shear intensity factors KI and KII are given in terms of the angle
traction s ¼ 1:0 psi over the top edge. The material pa- b by Yau et al. [35] and Dolbow et al. [11].
7 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
rameters are 3  10 psi for Young’s modulus and 0.25 for KI ¼ r ðpaÞ cos2 ðbÞ ð47Þ
Poisson’s ratio. The reference mixed mode stress intensity pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
factors as given in [35] and [31] are: KII ¼ r ðpaÞ sinðbÞ cosðbÞ ð48Þ
KI ¼ 34:0 psi in where a is the half crack length. For the computations b
pffiffiffiffiffi was chosen to be 41:9872 .
KII ¼ 4:55 psi in Figure 20 shows the convergence for KI and KII .
Good accuracy is obtained for a reasonable number of
nodes. The stress intensity factors are computed by an

Fig. 17. Convergence for edge crack under shear. K is computed Fig. 19. Discretization used for angled crack in a plate under
from the J-integral uniaxial tension

Fig. 18. Convergence for edge

crack under shear. KI and KII
computed by the interaction
Fig. 20. Stess intensity factors
error for the angled crack in
infinite plate. KI (left) and KII
46 (right) computed by the inter-
action integral; ‘‘tip 1’’ and ‘‘tip
2’’ refer to the two crack tips

Table 2. Stress intensity factors for angled center crack by

quadratic elements
Num KIana tip 1 KIana tip 2 KIIana tip 1 KIIana tip 2 Mesh

1661 0.6619 0.6647 0.2207 0.2205 11 · 21

2377 0.6916 0.6940 0.7279 0.7278 13 · 25
3449 1.0464 1.0491 1.1171 1.1172 15 · 31
4193 1.0260 1.0288 1.0670 1.0673 17 · 33
5293 1.0224 1.0251 1.0512 1.0515 19 · 37

Fig. 22. Stress intensity factor error for a centered crack in a

finite plate

Fig. 21. Finite plate containing a centered crack

interaction integral as described in Sect. 5. For coarse

discretization, the values for KI are more accurate than
the values for KII . This is probably due to the fact that
the computations were made in a finite body. If a larger Fig. 23. Curved crack in an infinite plate
model relative to the crack length were used this differ-
ence would have been less noticeable. The results given
in Table 2 also show very good symmetry in the behavior rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
  pa ffi
at the two tips. KI ¼ r pa sec ð49Þ
6.5 where a is the half crack-length and w ¼ W=2 is the half
Center crack in a finite plate width of the plate, and r is the tensile load applied at the
The problem of a finite plate with a center crack was top of the plate.
studied [10]. The geometry of the plate is described in Figure 22 shows the improved accuracy and conver-
Fig. 21. The analytical solution to this problem is given in gence of the quadratic element over the linear element.
Suo and Combescure [10]. The stress intensity factor is Again, we can observe symmetric behavior at the two
given by: crack tips.
Fig. 24. Stress intensity factor
error for curved crack in an
infinite plate with quadratic el- 47
ements. KI (left figure) and KII
(right figure)

6.6 linear shape functions for the partition of unity, even when
Curved crack higher order functions are used for the continuous ap-
A curved center crack in an infinite plate is considered. A proximation.
finite plate model with a large edge length to crack length The method is quite promising for problems where the
ratio ð> 10Þ was used, as shown in Fig. 23. The analytical greater accuracy of the quadratic fields is often beneficial.
stress intensity factors as given in Gdoutos [14] are: The method is also extensible to cohesive crack models
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