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Guided Notes Ch.

25 Lesson 3 – Alcohol and Society

Patterns of Alcohol Use

___________________ drinking – periodic ________________ drinking

o Risk - Alcohol ____________________
o The ______________ ability to control _________________ can
be ______________________.
o Alcoholism is a ______________________.
o It is a ___________________ and ______________________ dependence on the
drug ____________________.
Traits of the Alcoholic
o They are _______________________ with __________________________
o They can’t _____________________ what they will ____________ or
__________ while ___________________ or _________ _________ they will
o They can’t manage ___________________ without __________________
o They may have ____________________ changes or __________________
lapses due to drinking
Stages of Alcoholism
Stage 1: ________________
Stage 2: ________________
Stage 3: ________________
o Begins with _________________ drinking, often to _________________ or
relieve ________________
o ____________________ and ______________________ dependence develops
o May develop short-term ________________ ____________ and
o Drinker makes ____________________ and ______________________ his
drinking behavior
o _______________________ to alcohol _________________
o May be seen as a ______________________ _____________________
o ______________________ dependent – cannot _______________ drinking
o _____________________ and _____________________ problems may become
o _________________________ behavior is evident
o Drinker ________________ or tries to _______________ problem
o ______________________ has developed
o ____________________ has become _______________ ______________ in the
person’s life
o Performance on the _________, at ____________ or at home _______________
o Frequent ________________________
o _________________ is more ________________ than __________________
o The problem can no longer be ________________
o Possible ________________________
o The alcoholic becomes _____________________ and is
____________________ from friends and family
o _________________________
o ___________________ tolerance – it takes ____________ alcohol to cause
o Delirium _______________ (DTs)
o Hot and cold ______________, severe ________________, nightmares,
_________________________, and having ______________ of people
and animals
o Need prompt ________________ ___________________
Cost to the Family
o A major factor in the four leading causes of accidental death: ____________
crashes, _________________, drownings and _________________
o Factor in _____________ percent of all ____________________
o Plays a major role in ________________ ___________________
o Co-alcoholics or ___________________
o ____________________ their own ___________________
o Sometimes ____________________ their own __________________
Cost to Society
o Alcohol is a major factor in the three leading _____________ of _____________
for _____________ year olds (traffic _______________, homicides and
o Costs employers _________billion a year in _____________ _____________
Alcohol and Sexual Activity
o Alcohol affects a person’s _______________ and _________ _____________
o Unplanned _______________________, STDs, _________, ruined
_______________________, date rape and other _________________
o ________________________ - avoiding risky behaviors
o The best way to _______________ ________________ and


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