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Marks obtained: 08/30

Name : M.Abdullah
Roll no : MCOF18E028
Class : M.COM 4th ss
Subject : IB

Q. 1. Being a student of International Business, do you favor Tariff &

Non-tariff barriers? Why or why not? Explain your answer with

Tax obstructions can incorporate a traditions duty or tariff on
merchandise entering a nation and are forced by a legislature. ... Non-
tariff hindrances can influence all types of merchandise and ventures
sends out – from nourishment and made items, through to computerized

With duties the Government gets the income though no income is gotten
by the Government by applying non-duty measures. Be that as it may, it
is supported as a suitable measure to satisfy the need of the nation and to
secure the business.
Non-duty measures ensure the systems and cause them to feel more
make sure about than under a tax. Yet, motivating forces are not there
under taxes. In duty client's grouping and valuation methods represent
an issue before the traditions specialists. Where-as under non-tax
quantifies no such issue emerges.

Non-Tariff boundaries to exchange actuate the local makers to shape

monopolistic associations with the end goal of keeping yield low and
costs high. This is beyond the realm of imagination under import
obligation. Non-Tariff boundaries stay incapable if monopolistic
inclinations win in the nation.

Tariff is better than Non-Tariff

Non-duty measures are adaptable than Tariff. Inconvenience of duty and
corrections are dependent upon administrative enactment. In non-Tariff
the value contrasts will be more prominent in two nations in light of the
fact that there is no free progression of imports; yet in tax—value
separation will be equivalent to the expense of tax and transportation
among sending out and bringing in countries. Tariffs are easy to work.
Tax rates once fixed through enactment require no individual
distribution of permitting standards or trade. For non-duty estimates
quantities of specialists are there to manage. It might bring about
political impedance or corruption. Tariff favors especially to productive
firms in the nation yet non-duty estimates advantage set up firm since
they get shares or import licenses.

Non-duties victimize new-comers however tax don't segregate.

Q. 2. Refer to the case study of Bangladesh discussed in class, what are
your suggestions for Pakistan to improve its economic growth
considering the recent developments in Bangladesh. (4.5/5)


Political Stability:
The political stability is very important for every country's success so
Pakistan should have political stability to get goals faster.

Pakistan should boost its industrial export and should give incentives to
the industrialist so that they can increase their exports thus there will be
good balance of payment.
Basically Pakistan is a agriculture country. The farmers should be
provided with easy loans so that they can increase their growth and more
production will help to lift them up and boost the economy

Pakistan should invest in the technology sector and develop research
center all over the country and should innovate on his own to compete
with world.
Pakistan should have enough educational budget as education is very
important for every country's prosperity. Without education we can not
face the hurdles that comes in ones country's success.

Q. 3. There are mainly three legal systems followed by world i)

Common Law ii) Civil Law & iii) Theocratic Law. Which of
them is best among all and why? Do you think Theocratic Law
is suitable for emerging Islamic democracies like Pakistan?
Justify. (3.5/10)
Common Law
Common law, likewise called Anglo-American law, the group of
standard law, in light of legal choices and epitomized in reports of chose
cases, that has been regulated by the precedent-based law courts of
England since the Middle Ages. From it has developed the sort of
legitimate framework currently discovered likewise in the United States
and in the vast majority of the part conditions of the Commonwealth
(some time ago the British Commonwealth of Nations).
Civil law
The meaning of civil implies the code of laws created from the Romans
and utilized today in Europe and the United States or anyone of law in a
country or state, especially having to do with singular rights.
Theocratic law
Religious government is a type of government wherein God or a god of
some kind is perceived as the preeminent decision authority, giving
heavenly direction to human mediators that deal with the everyday
undertakings of the legislature
Civil LAW IS Best:

The explanation is that civil is less complex, more unsurprising and

more hierarchial than the precedent-based law. To be official, a law must
be a composed law in the civil code. Points of reference are not
authoritative; they have just a referential worth. The courts don't make
new equity and new governing body, but instead decipher the current.
In civil law, the sections are short, there are no case laws and they are
explained by rules. The assignment of the legal advisor is to decipher the
legal standards, legal products and legal standards past the composed
law: for example what did the lawgiver have at the forefront of his
thoughts while systematizing his musings on content. What was his
expectation? What legal great is to be ensured? Which legal standards
are included?

For instance, Finnish Constitution ensures the opportunity of

articulation. This is, in any case, limited by loathe wrongdoing
governing body, criticism lawmaking body, interruption council and
reconnaissance assembly. The explanation is that while opportunity of
articulation (a positive opportunity) is a solid legal great, the casualty's
opportunity from physical or social risk (detest wrongdoing), casualty's
opportunity from social ambushes (slander), casualty's entitlement to
closeness (interruption) and state's appropriate for security (secret
activities) are viewed as more grounded legal products than opportunity
of articulation and they overwrite it. At whatever point in common laws
at least two legal products are in logical inconsistency, the more
grounded should consistently win.

This legal standard chain of importance likewise adequately forestalls

expressing imbecilic, dumb or pointless laws. There is a plenty of them
(case laws) in the Common Law. See www. dumblaws .com - We have
bizarre laws, weird laws, and outright insane laws!. Look at the
'universal' - there are scarcely any extremely bizarre laws in the common
law nations, and a large portion of them really bode well in the event
that you investigate the hidden legal standards.

There is no comparable legal standard progressive system in the

Common Law, but instead the standards are free and deciphered one
case at a time case. Additionally the law content is deciphered verbatim,
actually. Common law is about translation; custom-based law is about
phonetics and semantics.

Common law is additionally more straightforward. The entire Finnish

Law can be pressed in unimportant two books. The explanation is that
there are no case laws; the sections are summing up. This puts a great
deal on the shoulders of the adjudicator, yet in addition delivers
progressively unsurprising results. The effortlessness likewise implies
more prominent openness of the law.
The Founder of Pakistan over and again said that Pakistan will not be a
religious state to be controlled by clerics with a heavenly crucial. In the
last All India Muslim League's show in Karachi in December 1947, he
clarified that in his view Islam didn't represent a clerical state. He
additionally wouldn't be the leader of the Pakistan Muslim League that
was a successor to AIML expressing that he couldn't as the true Head of
State likewise lead an avowedly mutual association. It is said that he
needed to change the League into a national body in Pakistan as it not, at
this point appeared well and good to have a Muslim League in a nation
that was overwhelmingly Muslim lion's share. Then he needed the
Muslims in India to joined under the banner of Indian Union Muslim
League to ensure and battle for the privileges of the Muslim minority.
For once his will didn't convey the day undoubtedly. At last he had to
tell a questioner that the ideal opportunity for such a move had not yet
come however that the choice to have an absolutely Muslim association
was not irreversible and would be returned to when enough advance has
been made. Anyway the basic point here is the qualification between a
majoritarian bunch patriotism and a minority bunch patriotism. This is
the thing that isolates the minority Muslim patriotism of 1930s and
1940s from the majoritarian Hindu patriotism we've found in India,
simply Black patriotism in the US can never be likened to White
patriotism that plagues it. A minority patriotism is about endurance and
a larger part patriotism is about oppression.

The issue with Pakistan is that the individuals who came after Jinnah
couldn't make that unpretentious qualification between the two'. Rather
than paying attention to the 11 August discourse and permitting the
differentiations of larger part and minority to evaporate after some time,
Pakistan has demanded letting them become hardened into non-
debatable positions. In the process Pakistan has become a religious
government all things considered. Theological rationalists for religious
government in Pakistan state that Pakistan isn't a religious government
since parliament is sovereign. In all actuality the principal line of the
Pakistani constitution states: Sovereignty of the whole Universe has a
place with Allah alone. So that is the divinity statement of our
constitution. Anyway this by itself doesn't make Pakistan a religious
government. After all Republic of Ireland has a comparable condition
and the announcement "One Nation under God" exists in the US promise
of faithfulness also. The Objectives' Resolution attempts to empower
Muslims to live as per Quran and Sunnah. Here the word is empower not
implement a basic distinction. So the facts confirm that the Objectives'
Resolution – while a common and majoritarian record doesn't make
Pakistan a religious government in a lawful and established sense. In this
way the 1956 and 1962 Constitutions can't said to be religious
constitutions however these had particular religious highlights. There
were Islamic arrangements in reverence to the Muslim larger part and
Muslim social life however they all around didn't try to force religion.
The workplace of the president was held for Muslims alone and that was
the start of genuine sacred separation in Pakistan against the minorities.
By and by, the workplace of the Prime Minister, in whom was vested
official authority under 1956 Constitution, was available to any resident
of any confidence. Essentially neither one of the constitutions had a state
religion, on the grounds that the accord was that a state couldn't have a

The 1973 Constitution accommodated a state religion and furthermore

went farther than 1956 Constitution by shutting the entryway on
minorities opposite the workplace of Prime Minister. The repugnancy
statement for example Article 227 made all enactment subject to orders
of Islam. The opportunity of articulation provision had the magnificence
of Islam special case. It was a completely unfair and religious
constitution from the earliest starting point however presentation of
Federal Shariat Court and arrangements included by General Zia ulHaq's
military system made it an out and out religious government.

Q. 4. Turkey applied to join European Union in 1987 and fulfilled many requirements till 2016
to become a full member state. However negotiations are stalled (stopped) since 2016 as EU has
criticized and accused Turkey of violating human rights by invasion in Syrian war, not
entertaining refugees appropriately and disobeying rules of EU. In 2017, EU officials expressed
that Turkey has violated the criteria of eligibility for EU membership. However, assuming that in
near future after some settlement, European Parliament & Council decides to add Turkey as
member of this Economic Union & Political Union, what do you think Turkey should adopt Euro
by sacrificing Lira (its current currency) or not? As we know just 19 out of 27 existing members
of EU have adopted Euro. Do you suggest Turkey should adopt Market Economy as its
Economic system in order to compliance with the requirement that there should be a similar
economic system in European Union considering the fact that France and Sweden are still mixed
economies and have not adopted Market Economy fully. Similarly, do you recommend Turkey
should accept common monetary and fiscal policy and open its all markets for EU while
knowing that some nations i.e. Czech Republic & Ireland have still their own national monetary
and fiscal policies and even some markets in EU i.e. Energy markets are still not liberalized


The presentation of the euro is influencing not just the economies that
are individuals from the European Union yet in addition non-part
economies that have close connections with individuals. These
incorporate developing business sector economies quite a bit of whose
exchange and budgetary exchanges is with European Union individuals.
Those whose outside obligation is to a great extent designated in
European Union monetary standards will be influenced the most.
Despite the fact that Turkey isn't yet an individual from the European
Union, it has close ties with nations that are. In addition to the fact that
Turkey carries on an enormous volume of outside exchange with EU
individuals, it is likewise the main possibility for enrollment that has
gone into a traditions association with the EU, marked toward the finish
of 1995. Turkey's cozy relationship with EU nations and the current job
of the euro in the Turkish economy are represented by the
accompanying: • Europe is Turkey's biggest exchanging accomplice. In
1999, 54 percent of Turkish fares - $14.3 billion- - and 53 percent of
Turkish imports- - $21.4 billion- - went to or originated from EU
nations. • About 54 percent of Turkey's authentic stores comprises of
Euro-11 monetary forms and the euro itself. • The remote trade stores
having a place with Turkish laborers in different nations and held in the
Central Bank of Turkey add up to around 11 billion euros, right around
93 percent of which is as deutsche marks. • Our outer obligation sums
about US$106 billion, 34 percent of which comprises of Euro-11
monetary standards and the euro itself. • Since January 1, 2000 the
Turkish Treasury has acquired by means of security issues in the
worldwide capital markets a complete US$7.5 billion, 37 percent of
which is named in euros. • During the most recent five years, 60 percent
of direct remote interests in Turkey originated from Europe. • Of the 9.3
million outside voyagers who visited Turkey during the initial ten
months of this current year, 5.1 million originated from Europe. Given
the expansiveness and profundity of Turkey's relationship with the
European Union, it is no big surprise that the euro and the production of
an European cash will intensely influence the Turkish economy starting
now and into the foreseeable future. Expecting that the euro is
acknowledged by the global money related markets as a steady hold
cash, the medium and long haul will see the euro's offer in Turkey's
budgetary records keep on expanding. I for one imagine that
acknowledgment of the euro in day by day life and monetary exchanges
will come quicker in Turkey than in different nations, for three reasons:
the huge quantities of Turkish residents living in Europe, the huge
volume of exchange and the travel industry exchanges with Europe, and
the predictable strength of the deutsche mark 20 years and that's just the
beginning. The presentation of the euro has decreased exchange costs
and evacuated the dangers associated with progressively unpredictable
monetary forms, expanding the motivating forces for European capital
markets to depend more on direct financing. A profound, fluid, and
effective euro security market will be invited by Turkish sovereign and
private security backers. Also, the volume of exchanges in the euro
security showcase is relied upon to be a lot bigger than today. Expanded
acknowledgment of euros in Turkish exchange and money related
exchanges, obviously joined with a domain of low swelling, will make
direct interests in Turkey progressively appealing to European firms.
Turkey's by and by little aggregate of direct outside ventures from
European financial specialists would unquestionably be urged to develop
by the vanishing of remote trade dangers. Under such conditions, both
Turkish and European banks could be required to expand their merger
and procurement exercises. For the present moment, the most significant
objective is to advance the euro as a worldwide cash. Achievement will
vitally rely upon the new cash's acknowledgment by the individuals of
the EMU nations and different nations too. The quicker this
acknowledgment can be accomplished, the more noteworthy will be the
euro's quality as a money in the medium and longer term. Lamentably,
we can't state this has just occurred. Its deterioration against the US
dollar has not advanced expanded trust in the euro. This is most likely a
decent second to depict how the vacillations in the euro/dollar
conversion standard have influenced the Turkish economy. A low
valuation of the euro would influence our economy through two
channels: first, through the euro's job in our new conversion standard
framework; and second, through the enormous portion of EU nations in
our outside exchange. Toward the start of the year 2000, Turkey
propelled a far reaching disinflation program dependent on a pre-
reported way of Turkish lira against a cash bin comprising of "1 US
dollar in addition to 0.77 Euros." Mainly by exploiting the astounding go
through of the conversion scale to value levels, this program has
achieved a significant bringing down of the expansion rate. Sadly, the
quick energy about the US dollar against the euro in the worldwide
markets has fairly debilitated the impact of the conversion standard crate
on expansion. During the initial ten months of this current year, the
Turkish lira deteriorated by a normal 26.5 percent against the US dollar,
however by a normal 6.5 percent against euro. The activity of the go
through system to value files in Turkey is a lot more grounded for the
dollar than it is for the euro, or recently was for the deutsche mark.
Turkish inflationary desires have been following the conduct of the US
dollar. Under these conditions, swelling results have slacked over the
focused on level. What's more, due to the preannounced deterioration
way of the Turkish lira against the cash bushel, the constant devaluation
of the euro against the dollar has brought about lost intensity of Turkey
versus Europe. Because of this chain of occasions, the absolute
estimation of Turkey's imports from the EU nations have risen 29.6
percent in the main portion of the year, while the estimation of Turkey's
fares to EU nations have developed by just 3.4 percent. As it were, the
deterioration of the euro has added to Turkey's developing exchange
deficiency, which was at first confused with a reaction of the disinflation
program. In this circumstance, the revision of the euro's an incentive
against other significant monetary standards will beneficially affect
Turkey's present record balance, notwithstanding the counterbalancing
of the negative impacts of the frail euro gave by the high profitability of
our assembling area and the enhanced idea of our fares. The feeble euro
has additionally prompted a portfolio move in the Turkish economy.
Toward the finish of September, complete remote trade stores in Turkish
business banks added up to US$43 billion. Of this 27 percent comprised
of euros, which has diminished in an incentive by 38.5 percent since the
finish of 1998. The portion of US dollars bit by bit expanded during a
similar period from 58 percent to 71 percent. At the Central Bank, we
have additionally moved the money sythesis of our stores from euros to
US dollars. The portion of euros in our stores has tumbled from 73
percent to 54 percent, and there has been an equal move in the structure
of our remote trade liabilities. Presently let me call attention to two
significant constructive outcomes of bringing the euro into the Turkish
economy. The primary constructive outcome is that disposal of the
exchange costs emerging from a huge number of European trade rates
has energized the utilization of the euro as a unit of money. Somewhere
in the range of 1994 and 1998, the euro's offer in the present record's
remote trade receipts found the middle value of 37 percent and in its
outside trade uses arrived at the midpoint of 32 percent. Eighteen
months after the presentation of the euro, these figures have scarcely
changed: the individual offers are 40 percent and 33 percent. The
subsequent beneficial outcome is that the Convergence Criteria of the
Maastricht Treaty, and the Copenhagen Criteria, require economies
looking to join the EU and EMU to become productive market
economies and accomplish a high level of unquestionable assembly with
the EU. As we as a whole know, the necessities incorporates value
strength, low market-based loan fees, stable trade rates, and practical
open accounts. Furthermore, regardless of whether it is considered
quickly significant for Turkey to turn into an individual from EMU,
these intermingling measures can give us a powerful methods for
teaching our economy. This is the reason we have propelled an
exhaustive disinflation program planned for arriving at single-digit
swelling and taking out macroeconomic lopsided characteristics before
the finish of 2002. Winning for Turkey the chance of participation in the
EU and EMU is one of the primary objectives of our program. The
perfect of autonomous national banks is a center issue for the nations of
the European Union. We are right now during the time spent analyzing
our Banking Law to figure out what must be done to bring it up to the
guidelines proclaimed by the European System of Central Banks. New
alteration are intended to make value security the important objective of
fiscal strategy. Obligation adaptation will never again be permitted. The
new Law will likewise give more freedom to the Central Bank. Prior to
closure these comments, I need to call attention to that presenting a
solitary money and the receiving the full rewards of doing so is a drawn
out undertaking. For the present, Turkish financial approach is
coordinated towards a solitary straightforward target, that of value
soundness. Value steadiness will fill in as a connection between the
underlying assumptions regarding the euro zone and the potential
financial advantages of a solitary money framework. The changes and
switches executed up to now will give a base to eager future approaches
that will widen the territory of reconciliation and empower the
confidence of monetary operators that the region offers extra
advantages, for example, more prominent value straightforwardness,
improved proficiency, developing speculations and financial movement,
and an increasingly serious condition. Furthermore, presumably the
world economy will likewise have an offer in these advantages.

The most significant exceptional issues in talks put a negative effect of

Turkey's membership.

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