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Gender roles interview questions

Mario, Zola dance teacher

1. Why did you choose to do this particular job?

Because I have been dancing all my life and I have always liked to act. Although I have
studied teaching, my professional career has always been oriented to art.
The school was looking for someone who could teach dance and sport and that was
what I had.
2. What aspect of your job is particularly interesting?
I like to work with groups of people because it enriches me a lot. I am constantly
learning and growing as a person.
3. Are you aware that it is mostly done by men/woman?
I have always been influenced by that fact, because being in a group of girls all the
time is not easy. However, this is the place where I feel comfortable and happy.
4. Being a man/woman, which problems do you sometimes face in your workplace?
I have never had any problems in my workplace. My workmates were very happy that
the dance teacher was going to be a man instead of a woman. At first the kids were
impressed, but now everything is perfect.
5. Do your colleagues and/or customers act differently towards you because you're a
man or woman?
Once they called me a woman just because I was a dance teacher, but most of the
times they think it's normal and so they act.
6. Which anecdotes related to your position on gender in that job do you have?
When they're older they comprehend it better, but sometimes the youngest ones
freak out when I put my hair up in a bun while we're dancing because they are not
used to it.
7. Are the work facilities appropriate for you?
Well yes, I really feel as one more in the team of Zola teachers, and also the
installations of blue zone are very well equipped.
8. If you could start all over again, would you choose the same occupation? Why, why
I'm very happy with the decision I made but I'm always trying to combine my current
job with another passion I have, the theater. This job is very tiring but I don't regret my
9. Do you know anyone personally of the same gender who does a similar job?
There are a lot of guys who have to deal with this situation. I know this because in my
university I met many of them who had the same hobbies as me and now they are
working in what they really love to do.
10. Do you think that there are jobs that are more suited to for men or for women?
No all jobs can be exercised by women and men equally, but this isn't completely
accepted by this society because there are still many stereotypes.

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