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SE 601 Final Project

Allison Bartolomeo, Shannon Creedon, Lexie Smith

Alan: A Grade 5 Student

Student overview Alan is a rising sixth grader. He enjoys music,
is a detailed artist and has recently finished
his fifth grade year in an integrated
classroom. Alan often uses his sense of smell
to investigate objects. Alan prefers his own
company and personal space. He has been
receiving speech therapy since he was three
years old. Currently he receives adaptive
assignments. Alan was diagnosed with
Autism in 1994, when he was only six years
old. Alan has had success using a choice
book to make choices and he is currently
using a behavior plan. He has mastered the
use of a signal card to indicate when he is
ready to interact with others and when he is
not. It is important to note that Alan’s fifth
grade teacher and family have had success
with constant communication and
coordination of strategies between home and
school to ensure consistency.

Present performance ● Academics (As of October 1999-

beginning of 5th grade):
○ Language Arts:
■ Reading decoding at
grade level 3.
■ Comprehension at
grade 2.
■ Can follow simple
instructions when
accompanied with
familiar language
patterns and examples.
■ Can use a computer for
word processing simple
○ Math:
■ Computation at grade
■ Problem solving at
grade 2.
■ Mastered addition,
subtraction, and
multiplication at grade
■ Needed visual prompts
to attempt problems.
■ Refuses to attempt
geometry problems.
SE 601 Final Project
Allison Bartolomeo, Shannon Creedon, Lexie Smith

● Behavior:
○ When anxious, Alan displays
disruptive behaviors 50% of
the time
○ Emergency Behavior Strategy
Plan was used
■ October: twice a week
■ March: one every other
■ May: once

Student Strengths ● Following instructions using visual

● Typing written assignments
● Use of timer to self monitor on-task
● Preparing for changes using visual

Student Needs ● Develop independence at school

● Master coping strategies for
● Master calming strategies when
feeling anxious
● Increase responsibility for materials
● Decrease reliance on teachers

Progress Monitoring ● Progress will be monitored by…

○ Behavior goal/plan: BCBA
○ Academic goal: special
educator and general
education teachers
○ Speech theraphy: speech
● Alan’s family will receive information
on his academic progress towards his
IEP goals every academic quarter.

Related services ● Consultation (Indirect Services to

School Personnel and Parents):
○ Speech/Language: Meeting
with Speech and Language
Pathologist and grade level
team. 1 x 60 min/30 days
○ Consult to Staff: Special
educator communicates with
the team. 1 x 20 min/5 days
○ Behavior Support: Meeting
with the BCBA and the grade
level team. 1 x 20 min/5 days
SE 601 Final Project
Allison Bartolomeo, Shannon Creedon, Lexie Smith

● Special Education and Related

Services in General Education
Classroom (Direct Service):
○ Academic Support: Student
works with special educator or
paraprofessional. 3 x 20 min/5
○ Behavior/Social Emotional
Support: Student works with
special educator or
paraprofessional. 1 x 380 min/
5 days.
○ Counseling: Student works
with counselor. 1 x 30 min/5
● Special Education and Related
Services in Other Settings (Direct
○ Academic Support: 2 x 20
min/5 days.
○ Communication: Student
works with AAC specialist. 1 x
30 min/5 days.
○ Speech/Language: Student
works with speech pathologist.
1 x 30 min/5 days.

Behavior plan ● All staff that implements this behavior

plan must have specialized training in
crisis management and safe holding
● This behavior plan has been
successful thus far so we would like to
continue to implement this plan. At the
time the behavior plan was introduced
the behaviors were happening about
twice a week, by the end of the school
year the emergency behavior had only
occured one time. Due to the students
difficulty with transitions and changes
keeping this plan would be the best
course of action.
● Target Behavior: Throwing objects in
the classroom which puts peers,
teachers, and materials at risk of harm
and disruption of class activities. Alan
begins to bang and throw objects with
no response to the directives of the
● Proactive plan: Positive token system
SE 601 Final Project
Allison Bartolomeo, Shannon Creedon, Lexie Smith

for using acceptable form of

communication of wants and needs.
● Precursor behavior: Loud speaking
volume, appears agitated, and
increases in motor activity.
● Staff responses: Attempt to redirect
Alan to use the choosing book to
express his wants and needs. He will
receive a token reinforcer if he uses
the book. Reminder of access to
tokens for appropriate use of calming
activity with Walkman.
● Crisis Intervention Stage: If there is no
potential harm to objects or individuals
model self talk and use of choosing a
book and calming activity. If throwing
continues to happen, hold his hands in
his lap while re-stating rule (ie. No
throwing in the classroom.) If the
aggression escalates use the
● Tension Reduction Stage: Redirect
Alan to the class quiet area, reminding
him of the calm down procedure, set a
timer for five minutes and let him know
that when the timer rings, it will be
time to go back to class activity.
● Staff Follow-up Response Stage:
Following return to activity, praise
students for resilience. Later in the
day, review the “rule” and model and
reinforce the use of choosing a book.
● Monitoring the Physical Intervention
Plan: Record frequently and intensity
counts on chart. Provide feedback to
parents when a plan is used (by
phone, leaving voicemail if
necessary). Record event on school
incident report forms for serious
● Evaluation of Plan: Success
measured by reduction in throwing
behavior on chart record.

Transition plan/support ● Alan will need a computer for a variety

of tasks so there should be an
arrangement for portable technology
for him in middle school.
● A peer helper, or “buddy”, from grade
6 will visit Alan near the end of the
SE 601 Final Project
Allison Bartolomeo, Shannon Creedon, Lexie Smith

year to accompany him for visits to the

middle school.
● This “buddy” relationship will continue
by having them participate in activities
with Alan.
● Alan will still have a paraprofessional
and this person will be trained by the
PRP Outreach Resource Program in
● The 6th and 7th grade team and
Alan’s mom will explore areas of
strength for future
vocational/community participation.

Goal 1 Language Arts

Current Alan's current performance for comprehension is at grade level two. Alan is
Performance decoding words at a third grade level.

Measurable Using a variety of instructional methods, Alan will be able to answer third
Annual Goal grade comprehension questions with 80% accuracy.

Benchmarks/ After hearing a Grade 3 story using a text reader, Alan will correctly state
Objectives the main idea and 3-5 supporting details with a score of 3 or better on a 5
point rubric. 95% accuracy In 4 out of 5 opportunities.

Given 5 four letter single syllable words, Alan will decode them at a rate of
5 words per minute with 85% accuracy over 5 consecutive sessions.

Goal 2 Mathematics

Current Alan is currently at a second grade level with problem solving, but he has
Performance mastered addition, subtraction, and multiplication at grade level. He has
Level not attempted any geometry problems in the past year on 4 out of 5

Measurable Given manipulatives, exemplars, or reference sheets, Alan will solve multi-
Annual Goal step word problems with 80% accuracy by the end of the 4 month period.

Benchmarks/ When given a word problem, Alan will be able to independently state what
Objectives operations will need to be used with 80% accuracy over 5 consecutive
SE 601 Final Project
Allison Bartolomeo, Shannon Creedon, Lexie Smith

When given a word problem, the student will be able to ask questions that
lead him to a better understanding of how to solve problem.

Goal 3 Behavior and Self Regulation

Current Alan currently has a behavior plan in place to support his needs. His
Performance emergency plan was used twice a week in October, once every other week
Level in March, and once in May. When anxious, Alan disprays disruptive
behaviors 50% of the time.

Measurable Given a positive behavior plan, Alan will increase his ability to demonstrate
Annual Goal expected school behaviors and appropriate responses as measured by the
following objectives.

Benchmarks/ With fading adult support, when feeling dysregulated, Alan will use
Objectives strategies to keep a calm, safe body (take a calming breath, drink water,
movement break) with 90% accuracy across 5 consecutive data points.

Alan will increase her ability to effectively express his emotions in times of
distress in 3 out of 5 opportunities as seen through staff observation and
data collection.

With adult support, Alan will develop a plan to help him match his reactions
to the actual size of a problem in 3 out of 5 occasions.

Goal 4 Communication

Current Alan is working on improving his communication skills. He currently uses

Performance his choice board independently to express his needs and desires. He is
Level also able to use 5 different sentences to communicate with his peers and
will attend to peers’ use of his choice board to communicate with him.

Measurable Given an augmented and alternative communication device, Alan will

Annual Goal effectively communicate with adults and peers on 4 out of 5 opportunities.

Benchmarks/ Given a digital based AAC device, Alan will communicate his wants and
Objectives needs on 4 out of 5 opportunities.

Given instructional opportunities, Alan will use his AAC to make academic
choices on 4 out of 5 opportunities.
SE 601 Final Project
Allison Bartolomeo, Shannon Creedon, Lexie Smith

Given a peer interaction, Alan will demonstrate expected language either

orally or with his AAC on 4 out of 5 opportunities.

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