Tutorial-6 18MAB204T

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SRM Institute of Science and Technology

Department of Mathematics
18MAB204T-Probability and Queueing Theory
Module – II
Tutorial Sheet - VI
S.No Questions Answers
Part - A
1 If X is exponentially distributed, prove that the probability that
X exceeds its expected value is e .
2 The amount time that a watch will run without having to be
reset is a RV having an exponential distribution with mean 120
days. Find the probability that such a watch will have to be rest
in less than 24 days.
3 In a test on 2000 electric bulbs it was found that the life of a
particular make was normally distributed with an average life of
2040 hours and a standard deviation of 60 hours. Estimate the
number of bulbs likely to burn for
(i) More than 2100 hrs.
(ii) More than 1920 hrs but less than 2160 hrs.
4 A random variable has a normal distribution with SD 10. If the
probability that the RV take on a value less than 82.5 is 0.8212.
What is the probability that it will take on a value greater than
Part - B
5 The length of the shower on a tropical island during rainy
season has an exponential distribution with parameter 2, time
being measured in minutes. What is the probability that a
shower will last more than 3 min? if a shower has already lasted
for 2 min. What is the probability that it will last for atleast one
more minute?
6 The daily consumption of milk in excess of 20,000L is
exponentially distributed with an average consumption of
10,000L. The town has a daily stock of 30,000L. What is the
probability that the stock is insufficient on a particular day?
7 The mean and standard deviation of marks in mathematics are
45 and 10 respectively. The corresponding values for computer
science are 50 and 15 respectively. Assuming that the marks in
the two subjects are independent normal variates, find the
probability that a student scores a total marks lying between
100 and 120 in the two subjects.
8 5% are under 30 and 40% and under 30 and 60. Find the mean
and SD of the distribution.

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