I. Read Aloud: Introduce Yourself Using The Following Clues

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Introduce yourself using the following clues:

 Your name
 Hometown
 Qualification
 Interests
 Why would you like to abroad?


I. Read Aloud
1. Recent years have brought minority-owned businesses in the United States unprecedented
opportunities-as well as new and significant risks.

2. Corporate response appears to have been substantial. According to figures collected in

1977, the total of corporate contracts with minority businesses rose from $77 million in
1972 to $1. L billion in 1977.

3. A second risk is that White-owned companies may seek to cash in on the increasing
apportionments through formation of joint ventures with minority-owned concerns.

4. Efforts to explain how the pterosaurs became airborne have led to suggestions that they

5. In the eighteenth century, Japan’s feudal overlords, from the shogun to the humblest
samurai, found themselves under financial stress. In part, this stress can be attributed to
the overlords’ failure to adjust to a rapidly expanding economy, but the stress was also due
to factors beyond the overlords’ control.

6. Between the eighth and eleventh centuries A.D., the Byzantine Empire staged an almost
unparalleled economic and cultural revival, a recovery that is all the more striking because
it followed a long period of severe internal decline.
7. By the early eighth century, the empire had lost roughly two-thirds of the territory it had
possessed in the year 600, and its remaining area was being raided by Arabs and
Bulgarians, who at times threatened to take Constantinople and the empire altogether.

8. But how can scientists detect a particle that interacts so infrequently with other matter?
Twenty-five years passed between Pauli’s hypothesis that the neutrino existed and its
actual detection: since then virtually all research with neutrinos has been with neutrinos
created artificially in large particle accelerators and studied under neutrino microscopes.

9. But a neutrino telescope, capable of detecting cosmic neutrinos, is difficult to construct.

No apparatus can detect neutrinos unless it is extremely massive, because great mass is
synonymous with huge numbers of nucleons (neutrons and protons), and the more
massive the detector, the greater the probability of one of its nucleon’s reacting with a

10. Most economists in the United States seem captivated by the spell of the free market.
Consequently, nothing seems good or normal that does not accord with the requirements
of the free market.

11. A price that is determined by the seller or, for that matter, established by anyone other
than the aggregate of consumers seems pernicious.

12. Accordingly, it requires a major act of will to think of price-fixing (the determination of
prices by the seller) as both “normal” and having a valuable economic function. In fact,
price-fixing is normal in all industrialized societies because the industrial system itself
provides, as an effortless consequence of its own development, the price-fixing that it

13. The majority of successful senior managers do not closely follow the classical rational
model of first clarifying goals, assessing the problem, formulating options, estimating
likelihoods of success, making a decision, and only then taking action to implement the

14. Rather, in their day-by-day tactical maneuvers, these senior executives rely on what is
vaguely termed “intuition” to manage a network of interrelated problems that require
them to deal with ambiguity, inconsistency, novelty, and surprise; and to integrate action
into the process to thinking.
15. A debate arose over what exactly was happening. Which embryo cells are determined, just
when do they become irreversibly committed to their fates, and what are the
“morphogenetic determinants” that tell a cell what to become?

16. But the debate could not be resolved because no one was able to ask the crucial questions
in a form in which they could be pursued productively. Recent discoveries in molecular
biology, however, have opened up prospects for a resolution of the debate.

17. In 1896 a Georgia couple suing for damages in the accidental death of their two year old
was told that since the child had made no real economic contribution to the family, there
was no liability for damages.

18. Within the larger ethnic community, rotating credit associations have been used to raise
capital. These associations are informal clubs of friends and other trusted members of the
ethnic group who make regular contributions to a fund that is given to each contributor in

19. One author estimates that 40 percent of New York Chinatown firms established during
1900-1950 utilized such associations as their initial source of capital. However, recent
immigrants and third or fourth generations of older groups now employ rotating credit.

20. Traditionally, the first firm to commercialize a new technology has benefited from the
unique opportunity to shape product definitions, forcing followers to adapt to a standard
or invest in an unproven alternative.

21. Today, how-ever, the largest payoffs may go to companies that lead in developing
integrated approaches for successful mass production and distribution.

II. Describe Image

Q. N. 1.
Q.N. 2.

Q.N. 3.

Q.N. 6.

Q.N. 8.

Q.N. 10.





III. Repeat sentence

IV. Re-tell lecture

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