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D. Heynderickx, B. Quaghebeur, J. Wera, H. De Witte

BIRA, Ringlaan 3, B-1180 Brussel, Belgium

H.D.R. Evans, E.J. Daly

ESA/ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1, NL-2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands

Pasadena, GEANT4-SPENVIS workshop, 6-10 Nov 2006

Overview – 1

• Part 1: Existing SPENVIS (08 Nov 2006)

• Description of SPENVIS
• Models and tools
• Radiation
• (Overview of space environment and effects)
• Radiation sources
• Radiation effects
• Spacecraft charging
• Atmosphere and Ionosphere
• Magnetic field
• Meteoroids and debris
• Other models and tools
• databases
• Miscellaneous
• Practical info Pasadena, GEANT4-SPENVIS workshop, 6-10 Nov 2006
Overview – 2
•Part 2: Ongoing updates and new developments (09 Nov
•Enhancements of existing models
• Orbit generator
• Source particles
• Charging: new Dictat version
• Effects: Niel curves
•New models
•Geant4 applications: SSAT, GEMAT, GRAS, GDML

•Used web tools
•Installation kits
Pasadena, GEANT4-SPENVIS workshop, 6-10 Nov 2006
What is SPENVIS?

• WWW based interface to models of the space environment

and its effects on spacecraft and components:
• radiation sources: trapped particles, Solar energetic particles, GCR
• radiation effects: dose, NIEL, SEUs, solar cell degradation
• spacecraft charging
• magnetic fields
• atmosphere and ionosphere
• meteoroids and debris
• solar irradiance, …
• Models are run over spacecraft trajectories or coordinate grids
• Access to satellite data sets and geomagnetic indices
• On-line help and extensive background information
• Results in textual, tabular and graphical form
• Can be used as stand-alone application

Pasadena, GEANT4-SPENVIS workshop, 6-10 Nov 2006

• The next slides give a number of figures and statistics

• These figures should not be interpreted as being exact,

without knowing how these were obtained

• Everyone dealing with numbers and statistics (scientific or

other) should first read the following book:

Darrell Huff, How to lie with statistics,
W.W. Norton & Co Inc., New York,

Pasadena, GEANT4-SPENVIS workshop, 6-10 Nov 2006

SPENVIS User community - 1

• Intended usage:
• spacecraft engineering
• scientific
• educational support
• Currently 2,830
internationally registered
active users (Data 8 Nov
• Listed on NASA’s Technical
Standard site
• Used by major spacecraft
industries and universities

Pasadena, GEANT4-SPENVIS workshop, 6-10 Nov 2006

SPENVIS User community – 2

Pasadena, GEANT4-SPENVIS workshop, 6-10 Nov 2006

Radiation sources and effects

Pasadena, GEANT4-SPENVIS workshop, 6-10 Nov 2006

Radiation environment

• Spacecraft orbit generator

• Runge-Kutta trajectory tracing
• Parameter input: 6 orbit parameters,
pre-defined orbit types
(heliosynchronous, GEO), Two Line
Elements, multiple segments
• Trajectory file uploads
• Grid generator
• Environment models
• trapped protons (including
anisotropy) and electrons
• solar ions
• cosmic ray ions (GCR, ACR)
• Geomagnetic shielding for SEPs and
Pasadena, GEANT4-SPENVIS workshop, 6-10 Nov 2006
Radiation effects - 1

• Radiation effect models

• ionizing dose
• non-ionizing dose
• solar cell degradation:
damage equivalent electron
fluence for different cell type
• single event upsets
• Mulassis: Geant4 Monte
Carlo code for shielding

Pasadena, GEANT4-SPENVIS workshop, 6-10 Nov 2006

Radiation effects – 2
• Sector analysis tool
• Basic building blocks (sphere, box,
cylinder) to construct 3D model of
satellite system
• VRML view of geometry
• 1D and 3D shielding distributions
can be folded with flux and dose

Pasadena, GEANT4-SPENVIS workshop, 6-10 Nov 2006

Spacecraft Charging


• LEOPOLD: Environment parameters as a function of altitude
• DICTAT: internal deep dielectric charging
• FLUMIC trapped electron model
• Cylindrical and planar configurations
• Estimate of electrical breakdown and suggestions for design
• SOLARC: interaction of solar array and spacecraft with plasma
• EQUIPOT: analysis of spacecraft surface charging
• Simple isolated patch on conducting sphere model
• Includes major current systems
• Extended with Katz secondary electron model

Pasadena, GEANT4-SPENVIS workshop, 6-10 Nov 2006

Atmosphere and Ionosphere

• Models: NRLMSISE-00, MET V2, DTM, IRI-90, HWM

• Evaluation over spacecraft orbit:
• density, flux, and fluence of atmospheric or ionospheric
constituents on an oriented surface along an orbit
• erosion depths for atomic oxygen
• Over coordinate grids

Pasadena, GEANT4-SPENVIS workshop, 6-10 Nov 2006

Magnetic Field

• Orbital and grid version

• Field models:
• internal: IGRF/DGRF
• external: Mead-Fairfield, Olson-Pfitzer
quiet and dynamic, Tsyganenko
87/89/96/01/04, Ostapenko-Maltsev,
Alexeev (ISO draft standard)
• Drift shell tracing
• Used for trapped particle models (automatic
selection of appropriate models) and
geomagnetic cut-off calculations
• Fortran library:

Pasadena, GEANT4-SPENVIS workshop, 6-10 Nov 2006

Meteoroids and Debris

• Flux as a function of mass or diameter

• Grün meteoroid model
• Debris models:
• NASA-90
• NASA-96
• Impact risk analysis
• Critical impacting particle diameter derived from particle/wall
interaction model
• Probability of puncture
• Velocity distributions

Pasadena, GEANT4-SPENVIS workshop, 6-10 Nov 2006

Other Models and Tools

• Interface to data bases:

• satellite data: GOES-5-6-7-8-9-10/SEM, ISEE-1/WIM,
ISEE-2/KED, Meteosat-3/SEM-2, STRV-1B/REM,
• magnetic and solar indices and parameters
• format: CDF (ISTP/IACG guidelines) with IDL interface and
plotting library
• Links to and from ECSS-E-10-04 standard
• Visualization of coordinate transformations
• Solar irradiance
• Sunlight, albedo, Earth emitted infrared
• Geomagnetic cut-off maps
• Stormer
• Magnetocosmics

Pasadena, GEANT4-SPENVIS workshop, 6-10 Nov 2006

Practical info

• SPENVIS is available at
• Use of the Web service is free, but needs registration
• Commercial licences for PC Windows and Linux can be purchased
• Commercial and educational rates
• Multi and single user licenses
• Final GSTP contract extension has been approved and ESTEC contract
started on 01 June 2006. Afterwards?
• Next SPENVIS User Workshop
• Europe
• Combined with GEANT4 ?
• Venue (ESRIN, Italy ?) and date (Nov 2007 – Feb 2008 ?) to be

Pasadena, GEANT4-SPENVIS workshop, 6-10 Nov 2006



Thank you for your attention

Pasadena, GEANT4-SPENVIS workshop, 6-10 Nov 2006

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