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Danielle Parker


EDUC 450

18 March 2020

School Meeting Reflection

The school meeting I attended took place on Thursday, March 12. The meeting began

before school started, roughly at 8 am. The meeting was covering the outbreak of COVID-19 and

everything that was to follow. Essentially, the principal had a Microsoft Word sheet with bullet

points he wanted to touch on projected on one of the screens in the media center. After he went

over and touched on all of the bullet points on the word document, he opened the floor for

questions, concerns, and suggestions. Overall, the meeting felt pretty informal. The meeting also

felt really tense and a little uneasy because what was to come was so uncertain. The faculty and

staff of RMHS were coming up with a ton of amazing questions about how to proceed, what the

future was going to look like, how this would impact their students, etc and the answer for a lot

of these questions was ‘I don’t know’. COVID-19 is a rapidly spreading virus that we only know

so much about, so we are in completely unprecedented and uncertain territory. The

circumstances then and now are both uncertain, and we don’t know entirely what all of this


I liked the overall process of the meeting because it felt like it flowed really well. The

principal was able to cover everything he felt the faculty and staff absolutely needed to know and

cleared up a lot of the rumors and information that had been spreading around the community in

regards to COVID-19. He also gave them insight into how to proceed with their students, how to
calm them, and what some of the next steps will look like. He then opened up the floor for

questions and concerns and people were able to collaborate together, propose solutions, and offer

support. We also all went to this meeting together, so I’m assuming that’s evidence.

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