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A Case Study of Technology Transfer Process in a Government Research

Organization in Sri Lanka

Article · June 2011


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3 authors, including:

Darshana Mudalige Chandana Perera

University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology


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A Case Study of Technology Transfer Process in a Government
Research Organization in Sri Lanka
Department of Management of Technology
University of Moratuwa
Department of Management of Technology
University of Moratuwa
The purpose of this paper is to identify and discuss the critical elements of a successful
technology transfer process of a research organization by exploring the technology transfer
process adopted by a leading government research institute in Sri Lanka. A field study based on a
structured questionnaire and personal interviews was carried out to collect data. The study
identified several factors that hinder a successful technology transfer as well as several
facilitating factors. Findings reveal that contract research projects and funded projects have the
greatest probability of commercialization success. It exposed that only 37% of the technologies
that had received patents have been successful in the commercialization stage raising concerns
about the research productivity. It was also found that the personal approach to technology
transfer is dominating but dwindling compared with other approaches. Although the overall
technology transfer success is about 86%, commercialization success is well below an acceptable
level for this organization. Finally, this paper presents recommendations for an effective
technology transfer process which can be applied for similar institutes.
Key words – Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property Protection, Technology
1. INTRODUCTION technological resources. Technology transfer
offers the opportunity to obtain a greater
There is a belief that government
return on past investments in R&D.
expenditure for Research and Development
(R&D) can somehow be captured and Many of the technologies developed by in
redirected if not simply reallocated to R&D laboratories remain unexploited in
improve industrial productivity and to commercial scale either because they are not
response the multitude of demands facing proven on adequate prototype or pilot scale
the society. However it is often criticized or due to factors such as patenting and
that the industry or the society of the licensing problems, industry ignorance and
developing countries is unable to get the labs’ ignorance of market opportunities.
desired return from the government R&D Though in certain cases the reason for
expenditure. Although it is not realized, the inability for commercialization is
reason for this gap greatly lies in the pronounced, the underlying reasons are
technology transfer process as well as in the obscure and complex in many situations.
technology development process.
1.1 Objectives of the study and
Technology innovation and technology background of the institute
transfer represent two aspects of managing
This case analyzes a premier government 2. METHODS
R&D organization in Sri Lanka to identify
The case is based on data from several
and discuss the critical elements of a
primary and secondary sources. Some
successful technology transfer and
comments and suggestions included in the
commercialization process of a research
paper are as a result of face to face
interviews with officers of the institute.
The study investigates the relationship
between the nature of the research project
and its commercialization success. It
3.1 Technology transfer process
analyzes different approaches used by this
organization for technology transfer and Technology transfer is a process that permits
reveals trends in the modes of technology the flow of technology from a source to a
transfer and research employees’ perception receiver (Khalil, 2000). The following
about the existing infrastructure for diagram illustrates the stages of technology
technology transfer. Finally transfer process (Peiris, 2002). This research
recommendations are provided for a more paper analyzes the institute with respect to
effective technology transfer process which each stage.
can be applied for similar R&D
organizations to improve R&D productivity.
The research institute of the study was
incepted in 1955 with the recommendations
of International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development. Until early 1990s the ratio of
commercial income to recurrent expenditure
was between 30-40% and it was a non-profit
organization. The institute was not able to
achieve much autonomy with this
orientation because the institute still had to
depend on the state for all capital
expenditure and 2/3 of its operational
expenditure. In 1998 it went through
structural changes and its income generating
activities reached 60% of recurrent
expenditure in 2003. The institute is a semi
Figure 1- Stages of Technology Transfer
government organization today. Process
This institute is the only multi disciplinary 3.2 Technology creation
technical service provider in Sri Lanka. It
has three different sections namely R&D, According to Roberts (1982) market needs
information services and technical services. rather than technological opportunities
Technical services laboratories provide the provided the main motivation for research
necessary support for R&D activities by project output utilizations and 75% of the
sharing resources, providing advice and innovations judged as most useful by the
human resources. research institute originated as a response to
perceived needs in the market place.
Before 2003, technology transfer activities Demand pull and technology push played a
of the organization were a responsibility of significant role in development of
the R&D section which developed the technology in this institute as well for the
technology. In 2003, a Marketing and period 2002-2008.
Business Development (MBD) department
took over the responsibility excluding According to Ramanathan (2003),
Intellectual Property (IP) protection. technology transfer implies the movement of
technology from one entity to another and if this institute. Some researchers consider
transfer is successful the proper time, production rate and production
understanding and effective use of capacity as measures for effectiveness.
technology. Some commented that effectiveness is in
terms of products and how long they remain
Bozeman and Fellows (1988) presented two
in the market. Some measured technology
distinct models to measure technology
transfer effectiveness through feedbacks
transfer effectiveness namely out-the-door
(e.g. Appreciation letters), quality assurance
model and market impact model. According
programs and test samples received by the
to the first model, if the technology was
transferees. There is an inconsistency and
transferred to another organization, transfer
absence of a clear method for measuring
is called successful. But market impact
technology transfer effectiveness.
model assesses effectiveness according to
the commercial success of the transferred Commerci Commercia


alization lization
Form of the project
Success in Success in
2007,% 2008,%
For the purpose of this research, technology
transfer success of the projects carried out
by this institute was measured using a projects funded
method similar to market impact model but 5 7 60 57
by other
only the application was considered rather organizations
than the commercial success. A transfer is
categorized as successful if the technology Treasury funded
8 9 62 55
has moved from research to an end user and
then has become a product or a part of a Contract
product or an important enhancement of a 10 16 70 62
research projects
production process,
Projects done as
Technology commercialization is the response to a 14 22 50 45
process of transforming innovative market need
technologies into commercially viable
products and services that are in market Projects done
demand. This process includes deciding a due to interests
10 4 20 25
of the
market niche, ensuring supply of raw researchers only
materials, obtaining IP protection,
developing a conversion technology, a Table 1- Nature of projects carried out and
manufacturing facility and a suitable commercialization success
business structure.
Sources such as researcher’s comments,
If the user has been able to convert or move letters with an invitation for a research and
the transferred technology into a profit grant of funds were used in categorizing
making position such projects were projects.
characterized as commercially successful
projects for the purpose of this research. Some research projects were started by the
Table 1 shows different forms of research researches with the sole purpose of
projects carried out by the organization and obtaining an additional qualification or due
its commercialization success. to their interests in that area without a
foreseeable technology opportunity or
There are no clear and standard methods to market request. Such research was
measure technology transfer effectiveness or categorized under the projects done due to
commercial success in this organization. the interests of the researcher only.
Often the terms "commercialization" and
"technology transfer" are treated as if they Table 1 indicates that funded and contract
are inter-changeable by the researchers of projects other than those funded by treasury
have increased at a considerable rate. This is which is not adequate for the broad scope of
mainly to take advantage of the large research carried out. Inadequate number of
resource pool in the institute. The slower chemical and mechanical engineers and
rate of increase in treasury funded projects is inadequate funding and expertise to set up
mainly due to decrease in funds offered by pilot plant facilities are common problems in
the government to R&D sector. Market scaling up technologies. There is a trend to
oriented research projects have increased at start a partnership with the private sector to
the highest rate. This shows an increase in set up pilot plants facilities and share
market responsiveness to the industry resources with the industry.
especially with the introduction of the MBD
3.5 Technology protection
unit in 2003. High commercial success of
contract research projects may have driven Identifying and managing IP rights such as
the organization to accept more requests ownership, disclosure and distribution of
from the industry to initiate research. income properly in research findings are
Research projects carried out due to interests
of the researchers only, is decreasing as only The major issue relevant to technology
few such projects were able to be protection in this government research
commercialized successfully. organization is the absence of a dedicated
department or a section that facilitates and
These findings reveal that contract research
takes responsibility of the protection of the
projects and funded projects have the
developed technology.
greatest probability of commercialization
success. The practice of this institute is that
determination of the patentability and
3.3 Research employees’ perception about
obtaining patent protection are done by
existing technology transfer procedure
R&D section or by the research team. The
Evaluating the commercial potential and technology protection stage is a complicated
locating suitable partners and negotiating process that can take up substantial time.
contract is mainly a responsibility of MBD Without proper guidance and knowledge,
unit. Since the first part of the process is the inventor may not be able to protect the
mostly an individual effort, there is a innovation properly and timely, which might
resistance from the inventor to share the put his innovation at the risk of counterfeit
knowledge with people who were not and misuse. Without such a department,
involved in the developing and patenting obtaining the protection has become an
stages. individual effort, taking up a lot of time of
the inventor that could have otherwise used
Most of the interviewed officers from the
for further development of technology or for
MBD unit (64%) were on a view that
other R&D efforts.
technology development staff does not have
knowledge and skills to promote the As depicted in the Table 2, most of the
technology to external parties. On the other patents obtained are local patents for the
hand, technology staff (72%) believes that period of 2001-2008. (Patents obtained in a
MBD staff is not capable of understanding year may not be the result of technologies
the use of the technology due to their lack of developed in the same year). However it is
science/engineering background and important to obtain an international patent if
because they were not engaged in the project possible, to increase the acceptance and to
from the beginning. reduce the misuse of technology in other
3.4 Scaling up of technologies
Only 35 technologies were patented out of
Scaling up technologies is another common
261 technologies developed during the time
barrier to transfer technologies of this
period from 2001 to 2008. 30% of the
organization. There is only one pilot plant
researches interviewed have a low
confidence of the local patent system and engineering, marketing and financial
they do not practice patenting because they specialists, use of integrators who act as
have to reveal data to other parties. This is third party transfer coordinators and new
the major reason for not patenting certain venture groups. Procedural approach
developed technologies. 35% have identified involves joint planning, joint funding and
the inability to get an economic benefit so joint appraisal of research projects using
they did not proceed with patenting. research and user groups from
manufacturing and marketing. Procedural
Only 37% of patented technologies
approach can be used to complement other
proceeded to the stage of commercializing.
Lack of coordination between the research
sections and MBD unit and inadequate Majority of technologies in this institute
information about the commercial potential were transferred through personal approach.
of a technology, have given rise to high Most of the researches in the institute (62%)
number of sleeping patents. The sleeping considered personal approach to technology
patents are those patented technologies transfer as a failure and procedural approach
which are unable to reach the stage of was rated as the best approach for
commercialization. The disintegration of the transferring technology.
process of technology development and

2002, %

2003, %

2004, %

2005, %

2007, %
commercialization has resulted in a waste of Approach
valuable resources of the institute.

Technologies/Patents Number/Percentage Personal 90 85 55 50 45 45

Technologies developed 261 Organizational

5 10 35 35 40 40
link - pins
Patented technologies 35

Local patents out of 32 Procedural 5 5 10 15 15 15

patented technologies
Table 3- Approaches to technology transfer
Sleeping patents 22 2002-07
Percentage of patents 13% A remarkable drop in personal approach in
obtained out of 2003-04 is due to the introduction of MBD.
developed technologies Organizational-link-pins approach increased
gradually with a remarkable increase in
Percentage of Patents 37% 2003-04 due to the same reason.
3.7 Revenue management
Table 2 - Patents obtained and When an invention made by an employee of
commercialized 2001-2008
an institution is patented and
3.6 Approaches to technology transfer commercialized, the general principle of this
institute is that 100% of the revenue goes to
According to Roberts and Frohman (1982)
the institution until all expenses associated
there are three approaches used by research
with protection and exploitation of the
organizations to facilitate research
patent have been reimbursed. Thereafter the
utilization. Personal approach involves
net income is shared and inventor’s share
movement of people, joint teams and
decreases with time. Institution defines the
intensive person to person contacts between
stakeholders with whom the institution’s
the developer and the user of the technology.
income may be shared.
Organizational link-pins approach involves
specialized transfer groups that include
Contemporary licensing arrangements
Effort in
include direct profit sharing, running R&D Technology Technology
royalties, lump sum payments and Transfer
combination of down payment and royalties.
Royalty is determined by applying a royalty Food Technology
rate and paid at predetermined periods. 0.4
Obtaining a lump sum has been prominent
Herbal Technology
in transferring technology of this institute. (HTS)
The first royalty and lump sum based
agreements for the period came in to effect Material Technology
in 2002. The differed royalty has not taken 0.7
place until 2010. Three royalty agreements
have been signed since 2002 up to 2007. Environment
Technology (ETS)
3.8 Modes of technology transfer
Upstill and Symington (2002) identified Table 4 - Modes of technology transfer of
three modes available for transfer of R&D sections
technology from research agencies to the Table 4 indicates that although Materials
business sector namely non – commercial Technology Section has conducted fewer
transfer, commercial transfer and new number of non commercial transfer
company generation. programs their effort in technology transfer
Non commercial transfers take place without is high compared to their number of
any contractual agreement and include employees. This should be taken into
seminars, informal contacts, publications, account when assessing and rewarding the
secondmends, staff exchange and training. effort of non commercial technology
The more common method is for the lab to transfer.
educate or train the user. Commercial Vidatha Programs
transfer includes collaborative research,
contract research, consulting and licensing Vidatha is a mechanism initiated by
and sale of IP. Ministry of Science and Technology of Sri
Lanka to transfer technologies developed in
3.8.1 Non commercial transfers government research institutes to rural areas
Non commercial transfers such as and to solve technical problems of those
publications, seminars and training are areas. Majority of researches (65%) were of
mainly used by the institutes. Unlike the view that Vidatha program is a good
commercial transfers, the effort for non mechanism of technology transfer.
commercial transfers is difficult to measure
due to absence of income indicators. Since Year 2005 2006 2007
absolute numbers will not give an accurate
view of the transfer effort the following Num. of Vidatha 69 229 82
formula was developed to assess the transfer
effort of the section which takes in to
Table 5 - Number of Vidatha programs
consideration the number of employees in participated
the section.
About 40 % of the programs participated in
all three years involved Kithul tapping
Effort in non commercial transfer = (Total num technology showing the limited scope of
of Seminars + Publications + Training)/Num of technologies transferred. Other participated
Employees in the section programs include technologies related to
agriculture sector (24%) and dairy products
sector (15%). 97% of the technologies
transferred were for individuals and small number of international patents obtained
business sector. The reasons for this are that (Table 2) implies that technological know-
larger firms often have their internal source how developed by the research institute is
of technology development and SME sector vulnerable for counterfeit in other countries
is more eager to get and try new technology. as most technologies are unprotected but
transferred via non commercial methods.
During the three years of consideration, 51
used technologies transferred by the institute Training Programs
for their existing business while 77 used the
Training programs conducted by the
technology to start a new business. This
institute per year and the revenue from
shows the contribution of Vidatha programs
training programs have increased gradually
to develop entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka.
as can be seen from Table 7. In contrary to
Publications of the research staff the literature, training programs are now
viewed as a method of generating income
The following table gives a summary of the
for the institute so it is getting more inclined
publications of research staff of the
to a commercial transfer method.











Method % of

Papers in Training
5 5 11 9 10 3 26 75 90 88 75 84 96
international/regional Programs
referred journals

Papers in proceedings of
international 1 2 1 2 1 2 5 generated as a 6 3 3.7 7 2.5 2.9
conferences % total income

Abstracts in proceedings
1 2 1 0 0 1 3
Table 7 -Number of training programs and
of international
conferences Income generated

Presentations at
3.8.2 Commercial transfers
international and 3 4 5 8 16 11 28
regional programs Use of R&D contracts was the main
mechanism of commercial transfers. Income
Papers in local journals 2 2 1 0 2 3 6 from technical services has grown at a
significant rate as can be seen from Table 8.
Papers in proceedings of 2 3 3 0 1 2 6
local conferences Direct spin offs are companies involving
institute generated intellectual property and
Abstracts in proceedings
of local conferences
5 9 13 - 8 8 26 former institute staff where as indirect spin
off companies are established by former
Table 6 - Publications of research of the staff drawing on the knowledge acquired
institution during the career. There are no records or
evidence of direct spin offs from this
Publishing abstracts in proceedings of local
institute but there are many companies
conferences was the prominent non
established by the former staff drawing on
commercial transfer method. But presently
the knowledge acquired. During the time
presentations at international and regional
period (2002-08) considered, two employees
programs and papers in
of this institute incepted their own business
international/regional referred journals have
which can be assumed to have started with
also contributed substantially as a non
the technological knowledge gained.
commercial transfer method. The percentage
of publications in international and regional
journals and presentations in international
and regional conferences in relation to the
Table 9 shows that although technology

2003, %

2004, %

2005, %

2007, %

2008, %
Source of Income transfer success is at a acceptable level of
86%, the commercialization success is
Income from below the satisfactory level. All sections are
equally successful in technology transfer but
75 76 80 81 92 86 shows great differences in technology
transfers as a % of
commercialization success.
total income
3.10 Non transferred technologies
Testing services 54 50 68 62 68 70 A non transfer refers to research projects
that were intended for transfer but were
Contract projects 16 23 8 14 19 9 never accepted. There are 60 technologies
which are not transferred in the period
considered. Most of them were initiated
Consultancy 5 3 4 5 5 7
within laboratories expecting future demand.
22 out of 60 non transferred technologies
Table 8 – Income from commercial activities received patents. There were 3 stagnant
3.9 Success of technology transfer and technologies which could not be transferred
technology commercialization (2001- to the industry for reasons not associated
2008) with the technology. Scaling up issues, lack
of pilot plant facilities, lack of motivation
There were 239 technological innovations, from management, favoritism and members
11 new products and 11 new processes of the team leaving the institutes are
during the period. Only 233 of them were common reasons for technology stagnation.
attempted to transfer during 2001-2008.
50% of them were from food section (FTS), There are no special arrangements taken by
33% from herbal and natural products (HTS) the institute to investigate the reasons for
section and 9% from Materials Technology non transfer and transfer the non transferred
Division (MTD). technologies.
Successful technology

Success in technology
commercialization, %
attempted to transfer
Num of technologies

Num of technologies

Num of technologies

Degree of success in

Degree of success in

The primary conclusion to be drawn from

R&D Division

transfer, %


the foregoing study of the experience of

government research institution in
technology development and transfer is that
the adopted technology transfer process has
Very many shortcomings which has led to low
FTS 116 104 49 89 47 Poor
good rate of commercialization and raises a major
Very concern about the R&D productivity of the
HTS 77 62 31 80 50 Average country.
Very Furthermore it reveals that explicit policies
MTD 18 15 6 83 40 Poor
good for technology transfer do not exist in the
Very institute. Attempts to transfer have been a
ETS 22 20 9 90 45 Average self activated endeavor at different levels.
Such self activated behavior often lacks
Total 233 201 95 86 47 Poor coordination and direction. There is no
single unit that caters the full range of
Table 9 – Technology transfer success of R&D
process of technology transfer from the
identification potential technology to
(0 – 49 Poor, 50 – 64 Average, 65 – 79 commercialization. In the absence of such
Good, 80 – 100 Very good) unit, work is divided among research
sections, MBD group, Corporate Services
Division and individuals. Therefore the Institute is negotiating for lump sum plus
scope of each party is often blurred and royalties starting from 2002.
inconsistent. This inconsistency has resulted
Rate of success in technology transfer for
in lack of responsibility and a substantial
technologies developed by this institute is
number of unexploited technologies.
80-90% and technology commercialization
Commercialization success indicators success is 40-50%. Degree of success in
explain that contract projects and funded technology transfer is very good and
projects achieve the maximum success. The technology commercialization is poor. There
main reason for this is that such projects are is substantial number of non transferred
funded after a thorough feasibility analysis technologies in the institute.
by the funding organizations and research
requests were received after identifying an
already existing opportunity in the industry. 5.1 Increasing the technology transfer and
commercialization success
The resources available in this institute for
scaling up and pilot plant are inadequate. 23% of the technologies developed by this
There is a trend to start partnership with the research institute are not transferred to the
private sector to set up pilot plants facilities industry and spin off applications were not
and share resources among the industry. considered as a mechanism of technology
transfer. Interaction between the industry
Investigations in the stage of intellectual
and institute should be promoted through
property protection expose many critical
consultative meetings and collaborative
issues. Reluctance of majority of researchers
studies to identify market opportunities for
to patent technologies, lack of confidence
existing technologies and to identify new
for the existing patent system of the country,
opportunities for technology development.
inability to commercialize majority of
patented technologies due to ineffectiveness 5.2 Developing a technology policy and
in evaluating the commercial potential, implementing a technology transfer office
locating suitable partners and negotiating The commercialization success of developed
contracts are those issues. Lack of trust and and transferred technologies can be
communication between the research increased through integrating the activities
sections and MBD unit has delayed the of the technology development and transfer
process of obtaining IP protection. process by setting up of a technology
Personal contacts are the dominant approach transfer office.
to technology transfer in this institute. The institute should develop a technology
However the trend is towards organizational policy that implements policies governing
link pin approach which is considered to be the technology development and transfer
more effective by majority of the staff. process. It would bring consistency and
Procedural approach is still a small transparency to technology transfer process.
percentage of the three technology Technology policy should develop
approaches. guidelines for implementation of a
Small to Medium size companies are often technology transfer office.
receptive to Institute technologies. 97% of The proposed technology transfer office
the technologies transferred through Vidatha should deal with all stages of the technology
Programs were for individuals and small transfer process. Devising a technology
business sector. strategy, technology protection activities,
Lump sum is obtained as the method of evaluating the commercial potential of
payment for technology transfers in most innovations, revenue management,
instances. Researches are in the view that a negotiating agreements with different parties
technology is undervalued in this method. and promoting technological innovations to
get the maximum return of investment are
some key responsibilities of the office. Existing reward structure should be
Persons with science or engineering changed. The present scheme takes in to
background with additional qualifications in consideration only the technology
management, law or technology development aspect. The new reward
management should be appointed to this structure should also look at the technology
technology transfer office. The office will transfer success and commercialization
also investigate the reasons for non success of the department and the
transferred technologies and take measures individuals. Also the effort in non
to gain an economic/social benefit from commercial transfer should be assessed
those. The technology transfer office should using an equation similar to the proposed
take measures to improve relationship with equation, instead of absolute values.
foreign universities and research institutes to
5.5 Develop research teams with diverse
gain a broader market opportunity for its
capabilities and educational backgrounds
technological products and transfer and
obtain valuable technological knowledge The institute should encourage
from other countries through participatory communication and sharing of information
research and training programs. with the technology transfer office from the
time of formation of the research team to
5.3 Changes to revenue management
avoid last moment misunderstandings. It is
Lump sum payment method should be advised to include an engineer in the
discouraged as a revenue generating method. research team to assist scaling up and to
Since the payment is received before the developing pilot plant facilities without
transfer effort, technology transfer process is delays. The institute should form following
not followed up by the transferors. It is groups and mechanisms to assist the
proposed to use a combination of lump sum technology transfer process.
and royalties as much as possible so that the
Engineering Assistance Group (Under
employees are continuously in touch the
Engineering Section)
status of the transferred technology.
This group communicates and coordinates
5.4 Support innovation by changing the
with all research groups in the institutes and
organization culture and the reward
the research team will request for assistance
in scaling up and pilot plant facilities as the
Promote knowledge sharing, communication projects are going on. With this way
and technology transfer culture among the feasibility of pilot scale can be assessed
employees. Research employees without delay.
underestimate or confront with technology
Intellectual Protection Group (Under
transfer and technology promotion efforts
Technology Transfer Office)
mainly because they lack knowledge in
these areas and they feel that they are being The activities of related to technology
left out from the transfer and protection should be carried out by this unit
commercialization stages. So the including determination of patentability,
management must use training programs to processing and safeguarding patent and
increase the knowledge and skills on these copyright arrangements, obtaining
areas and conduct activities to increase the appropriate protection and negotiating and
cohesiveness of the employees. Similarly the managing licenses.
employees must be encouraged to enter Feasibility Study Group (Under Technology
more procedural or organization link pins Transfer Office)
type of technology transfer activities and
more funded, contract and market oriented This group is formed to continuously
projects where the commercialization monitor the market needs and technological
success rate is high. opportunities for research projects.
Evaluating the commercial potential of the
invention and locating suitable commercial of Technology, Management and
development partners should come under Innovation, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp 25-41
their purview. This group will monitor the
Beaumount C.,Dingle J. and Reithinger
commercialization success after the
A.(1981), Technology transfer and
technology has been transferred to
applications, R&D management, 11,4,
continuously improve research productivity
of the institute.
Bhaneja B., Lyrette, Davis T.W. and Dohoo
The above groups will help the institute to
R.M.(1982), Technology Transfer from
reduce the technology transfer cycle
Governmnet Laboratories to Industry:
immensely as some work can be done
Canadian experience in the communication
simultaneously, methodically and minimized
sector, R&D Management, Vol 12, No 02,
5.6 Increasing the scope of non
Bozeman B.(2000), Evaluating Government
commercial transfers
Technology Transfer: Early impacts of the
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reveal the limited scope of the technologies Studies Journal, Vol 22 No 2, pp322-331
transferred. It is recommended to expand the
Colier D.W. (March – April 1983), How to
scope and to increase the transfers to
improve government research for civilian
medium scale companies in which the
economy, Research Management, Vol 26
financial benefit to the institute is high.
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The approach and the recommendations of
Cohen H., Keller S. and Streeter D. (1979),
this case study can be made use by any
The Transfer of Technology from Research
similar research institute to develop a more
Development, Research Management, Vol
effective technology transfer process.
22/No 03, pp11-17
Further research opportunities are available
to investigate whether these research Gartner J. and Naiman C.S. (1978), Making
outcomes are common for all research Technology Transfer happen, Research
oriented organizations in Sri Lanka Management, Vol 21, No 03 pp 34-38
irrespective of the organizational Industrial Technology Institute (2001 -
differences. 2007), Annual Reports, Colombo Sri Lanka
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