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Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, 2019, 301–313

Advance Access publication October 22, 2019


Artificial Discretion as a Tool of Governance:

A Framework for Understanding the Impact of
Artificial Intelligence on Public Administration

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Matthew M. Young*, , Justin B. Bullock†,‡, Jesse D. Lecy§
*Syracuse University; †Texas A&M University; ‡Taiwan Institute for Governance and Communication Research;
Arizona State University

Address correspondence to the author at

Public administration research has documented a shift in the locus of discretion away from street-
level bureaucrats to “systems-level bureaucracies” as a result of new information communication
technologies that automate bureaucratic processes, and thus shape access to resources and deci-
sions around enforcement and punishment. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) are accelerating
these trends, potentially altering discretion in public management in exciting and in challenging
ways. We introduce the concept of “artificial discretion” as a theoretical framework to help public
managers consider the impact of AI as they face decisions about whether and how to implement
it. We operationalize discretion as the execution of tasks that require nontrivial decisions. Using
Salamon’s tools of governance framework, we compare artificial discretion to human discretion as
task specificity and environmental complexity vary. We evaluate artificial discretion with the criteria
of effectiveness, efficiency, equity, manageability, and political feasibility. Our analysis suggests
three principal ways that artificial discretion can improve administrative discretion at the task level:
(1) increasing scalability, (2) decreasing cost, and (3) improving quality. At the same time, artificial
discretion raises serious concerns with respect to equity, manageability, and political feasibility.

Introduction these technologies (Andrews 2018; Barth and Arnold

Herbert Simon—notable as an intellectual giant in 1999; Bullock 2019; Dunleavy et al. 2006; Gil-García,
both public administration and artificial intelligence— Dawes, and Pardo 2018).
argued that “decision-making is at the heart of admin- We present a framework for public managers to
istration” (2013). Advances in the field of artificial determine appropriate implementation of artificial in-
intelligence (AI) have profoundly changed the prac- telligence applications to enhance or replace human
tice of decision making in organizations, thus posing discretion in public organizations, resulting in the
fundamental changes to public administration as well. use of a special case of digital discretion that we term
AI, similar to other information communication tech- “artificial discretion” (AD). AD creates opportun-
nologies (ICT), continues to augment and supplant ities for more efficient and reliable government, as
human discretion within bureaucracies and govern- well as the potential to cause significant harm. With
ance entities (Bovens and Zouridis 2002; Busch and equal ease, artificial intelligence can be used for pro-
Henriksen 2018; Fountain 2001). New theoretical social and equity-enhancing projects or to generate dis-
and empirical scholarship is needed to understand criminative and regressive outcomes (Brundage et  al.
how public administration will evolve as a result of 2018). As a result, AI can be genuinely disruptive. It

© The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Public Management Research Association. 301
All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
302 Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, 2019, Vol. 2, No. 4

has already gained traction in local, state, and federal without a precise understanding of underlying causal
government agencies, but proper implementation of mechanisms. For example, some courts use machine
these technologies requires a clear governance frame- learning–based systems to determine whether to re-
work. As administration tasks shift from humans to mand or release individuals charged with crimes and
machine agents, public managers need tools to antici- to determine recidivism risk among prisoners seeking
pate the impact of deploying these technologies and to parole based on data from past cases by identifying
assess how programs’ costs and benefits might accrue characteristics that predict whether an individual will
to subpopulations differently. return to jail (Kleinberg et al. 2018). An expert systems
Public managers and policymakers will be interested approach would consist of a human-designed algo-
in how artificial discretion can improve outcomes from rithmic replication of human decision rules identified
programs that currently rely on human administrative in interviews with judges and legal scholars; machine-
discretion. Using Salamon’s (2002) framework for learning approaches generate their own algorithms

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evaluating tools of governance, we develop a frame- based on data from prior cases.
work to compare artificial and human discretion based For the purpose of this article, we define artificial in-
on the criteria of effectiveness, efficiency, equity, man- telligence as any domain-specific system using machine
ageability, and political feasibility. We argue that AD is learning techniques to make rational1 decisions per-
a governance tool whose optimal use differs according taining to nondeterministic tasks. A deterministic task
to the specificity of the task complexity of the task en- is one that can be performed accurately using a small
vironment, that is, the degree of discretion needed to number of rules, whereas nondeterministic tasks are
complete the task effectively. characterized by too little or too much information,
outcomes moderated by a variety of contingencies, or
Defining Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Discretion competing values that generate a frontier of optimal
The term “artificial intelligence” is used colloquially to outcomes instead of a single optimal solution. This
describe many technologies that use data, algorithms, definition captures the characteristics commonly and
and hardware to identify relationships, make predic- tacitly attributed to current AI applications while not
tions, or accomplish semicomplex tasks. A more tech- requiring the much more demanding standards applied
nically precise definition narrows AI applications to to AGI systems. We avoid the use of human intelligence
digital computers that either (1) possess and exhibit as a benchmark to account for the fact that AI has sur-
human-like intelligence or (2) are capable of rationally passed human capacity in some specific domains such
solving problems to achieve a goal (Poole, Mackworth, as strategic games (e.g., go, chess) or medical diagnos-
and Goebel 1998; Turing 1950). Scholars have differ- tics, but currently underperforms on other sensori-
entiated between Narrow AI, which refers to systems motor tasks such as perception and physical mobility
designed for specific tasks involving one or more de- (Russell and Norvig 2009).
cisions (identifying faces in images or self-driving ve- We focus our analysis on administrative tasks in the
hicles), whereas Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) public sector where AI may either augment or replace
refers to yet-unrealized and therefore theoretical sys- human discretion. Although many ICT tools such as
tems that meet the definitional condition of intelli- databases or dashboards can improve decision making,
gence across a broad set of cognitive activities (NTSC the relationship of artificial intelligence to discretion is
2016a). unique because of three of AI’s design features: (1) it
There are also architectural distinctions between is built for automating learning and decision-making
AI systems. Expert Systems are built by software en- processes through abstract mathematical represen-
gineers who consult subject area experts to construct tation of problems; (2) it can utilize input data with
a set of rules that attempt to replicate and ultimately speed and dimensionality that vastly outstrip human
automate the expert’s decision-making process. These cognition; and (3) as more data become available, it
systems require a precise understanding of the heur- can “learn” and adjust its behavior by updating its
istics deployed by experienced humans to achieve decision heuristics. By contrast, traditional ICT tools
performance commensurate with human experts. By and expert systems are either passive vehicles for the
contrast, Machine Learning approaches use training generation, transmission, and storage of digital data
data to identify patterns between input data and out- or preconfigured representations of expert human
comes to generate predictive models using probabil-
istic reasoning. They “learn” relationships from the
1 Here we use “rational” in the “bounded rationality” form employed
training data and thus do not require strong theory
by Simon (1991); all rational decisions are bound by limits to the
about a domain or rigorous statistical techniques typ- information available to the decision maker and its capacity to utilize
ically used in policy analysis and program evaluation. that information successfully. The field of artificial intelligence employs
Instead, these predictive models leverage correlations this concept of rationality as well (Russell and Norvig 2009).
Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, 2019, Vol. 2, No. 4 303

decision-making processes that do not change without Uses for Artificial Discretion in Governance
human intervention. Thus, we define artificial discre- Artificial discretion presents an opportunity to im-
tion (AD) as cases where artificial intelligence is used prove on the status quo in government by addressing
to augment or automate the exercise of administrative deficiencies that are ubiquitous in administrative de-
discretion. We include both commercial AI systems cision making. These problems include (1) inaccurate
such as IBM’s Watson, and ad hoc implementation predictions2 on consequential discretionary tasks
of predictive models that augment tasks that require such as placing a child into foster care or granting a
discretion. small business loan; (2) inconsistent quality of discre-
Current research on “algorithmic” and “smart” gov- tion through variance in accuracy across managers,
ernance focus on the potential and observed impacts of or variance across time because of decision fatigue
information technologies on government practices, but or emotional shocks3; (3) bias in discretion such as
neither names artificial intelligence as its empirical focus inconsistent citation rates in policing; (4) corruption

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nor considers the unique theoretical implications of that results when discretionary tasks are used to gain
these systems for administrative discretion and decision influence such as granting lucrative government con-
making (Anthopoulos and Reddick 2016; Janssen and tracts to political allies; and (5) the high labor costs
Kuk 2016; Meijer 2018). Busch and Henriksen (2018) of semi-routine bureaucratic tasks that require some
call attention to the impact of AI on digital discretion, discretion, such as processing applications to admin-
but do not address the implications for public adminis- ister permits. AI offers opportunities to improve on
tration. We develop the construct of artificial discretion each of these dimensions by being more accurate, more
to fill this gap in the literature, articulate the potential consistent in ways that reduce variance and bias, less
for AD to significantly impact government practices in corruptible by having a stronger relationship between
both good and bad ways, and provide a framework for data inputs and decisions, and more cost-effective by
evaluating the appropriateness of supplanting human reducing labor costs associated with mundane tasks.
discretion in public institutions. The primary challenge in evaluating artificial discre-
The topic has some urgency given that labor ad- tion results from performance varying across these
vocates and academic researchers both argue that AI dimensions. If an AI system is half the cost of the cur-
will begin to displace a significant number of service- rent system, but 10% less accurate, is it better? What
sector workers (Frey and Osborne 2017; Lee 2016; if overall accuracy improves but the system performs
NTSC 2016b). Unlike the displacement of low-skill very poorly for a particular subpopulation?
human labor in manufacturing through automation, Public managers will be interested in three prin-
AI has the potential to target jobs that have typically cipal uses of artificial intelligence in government: (1)
been immune from automation because they require creating structured data from unstructured inputs such
specialized cognitive skills. Law, for example, lends it- as images, sensors, or text; (2) leveraging large and
self nicely to AI systems because legal databases and multidimensional data sets to identify patterns, gen-
natural language processing algorithms can be used erate new insights, or make accurate predictions; and
to model case law. Many bureaucratic or managerial (3) eliminating human components of administrative
tasks in the public and nonprofit sectors have similar tasks through automation. Because the quality of deci-
characteristics as those in law, creating opportunities sions made by AI systems performing these tasks will
to automate specific tasks or wholly replace some determine performance in each domain, the topic of
public servants. There is no economic rationale for artificial discretion is central to public administration
the public sector to favor human labor over machine when AI is present. This section frames the discussion
labor (Alvarez-Cuadrado, Van Long, and Poschke about which uses of AI are most appropriate based on
2018). The political and fiscal pressures to downsize the degree of discretion required for a given task.
government and “do more with less” will, if anything, AI is useful for generating structured data from un-
promote labor substitution for practical or ideological structured inputs in task environments where large
purposes, potentially even when evidence suggests that amounts of data are necessary to improve the admin-
this substitution neither lowers costs nor improves istrative task, but the data-generation process is in-
quality. For example, the privatization movement has feasible using humans because of cost or complexity.
been successful at marketizing public services and
disposing public goods using ideological arguments,
even when there is little empirical support for the prac- 2 Accuracy might be measured as a percent of correct predictions, but
tice (Ballard and Warner 2000; Savas and Savas 2000). if the cost of false positives and false negatives differs significantly, it
might be better captured by specificity or sensitivity of models.
In short, we can expect artificial discretion to become 3 Eren and Mocan (2018) find causal evidence of judges in juvenile courts
an increasingly important topic in the field of public imposing harsher sentences the week following an unexpected loss by
administration. their alma mater’s football team.
304 Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, 2019, Vol. 2, No. 4

Unstructured data might include real-time data gen- of the AI system, risk and uncertainty associated with
erated from sensors or video, a situation where AI’s the task, and the political feasibility of using nonhuman
scalability is particularly valuable. For example, AI solutions. These features of the task environment can
has been used to read the text of public policies and be largely described by the degree of discretion that is
develop taxonomies that simplify the laws (Rice and necessary to perform the task well; thus, we use the
Zorn 2019). Another is the use of facial recognition concept of artificial discretion to organize the analysis
software to monitor live-stream video feeds for real- of AI applications applied to public administration
time identification of known fugitives or terrorists tasks. Table 1 illustrates the theoretical best-fit use of
(Viola and Jones 2004). AI can also generate insights artificial discretion according to the degree of task dis-
using structured data to identify relationships in large cretion. It is crucial to note that these factors are time
and complex data sets, and using those discoveries and place sensitive; we hold both constant here for the
to classify cases or predict outcomes. For example, sake of theoretical clarity and brevity.

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Helsby et al. (2018) demonstrated that AI trained on In cases where tasks require a relatively low level
law enforcement data identifies police officers who are of discretion, automation is appropriate. The po-
likely to use excessive force in the future with greater tential benefits include cost-savings, and eliminating
accuracy—both in terms of minimizing false and maxi- situations where low-discretion tasks are dull and re-
mizing true positives—than traditional approaches. petitive to human agents, leading to low-quality out-
In a more contentious example, the Department of puts and outcomes. Alternatively, automation can be
Defense uses AI to identify enemy combatants based on used when the quality of discretion varies significantly
patterns of behavior and communication (Lee 2018). across different human agents. Using AI as a decision-
Third, AI can partially or fully replace human labor support tool can improve discretion when tasks are
through automation of tasks involving discretion. less structured, data are scarce, or outcomes are harder
The automation of labor requires a blending of real- to define. In these cases, AI can increase the scope and
time structured data generation from raw inputs such quality of information available to the human agent or
as sensors or text, the analysis of these data, and the enhance the ability to explore scenarios or predict out-
ability to translate the decision into action. The action comes, thus augmenting human discretion.
itself may originate from the AI system, or the deci- High-discretion tasks are defined by poor data,
sion can be transmitted to a separate system for execu- uncertainty about the factors that lead to success, or
tion. One commonly employed but often-overlooked tightly coupled systems that are difficult to model.
example of this use of AI is the detection of malicious Decision-support tools and predictive analytics are in-
messages in email platforms. Modern systems fully appropriate in these scenarios because the problems
automate that task using AI and quarantine messages are not well-enough defined or there is not enough
before they hit your inbox. data to model them effectively. The ability to generate
Each of these categories of AI applications is poten- large quantities of new data and the search for factors
tially valuable for public sector organizations, but not that best predict outcomes can vastly improve discre-
every administrative task can be easily improved by AI. tion in these scenarios. For example, Pentland (2014)
These tasks vary along several dimensions, including describes how new smart badges were invented to col-
the amount, veracity, and completeness of informa- lect the types of data that were necessary to effectively
tion available to the agent at the time of a decision, model collaboration in large organizations. In other in-
the cost, risk, and reward associated with the decision, stances, the administrative milieu is data rich, but tasks
the amount of goal or value ambiguity, and the stake- require high discretion because systems are complex
holders involved.4 Similarly, the quality of the decision and chaotic. Weather scientists, for example, have huge
will be shaped by the information processing capacity amounts of granular and accurate data, but weather
of the agent and the decision architecture used. Some systems destabilize quickly, making it difficult to pre-
tasks are individual, whereas others demand some de- dict extreme weather events or long-term forecasts.
gree of interpersonal communication and negotiation.
AI’s appropriateness for a specific administrative Table 1.  Potential Use of Artificial Discretion for Tasks
task is a function of the task complexity, quality and by Degree of Discretion
availability of data, technical requirements, limitations
Low Medium High
Discretion Discretion Discretion
4 These factors that influence the type of task to be completed are
similar in construct to Simon’s (2013) idea of decision premises. Simon Automation Decision-support New data generation,
defined these decision premises “to refer to the facts and values that tool, predictive reduction of data
enter into the decision-fabricating process, a process that involves analytics complexity,
fact-finding, design, analysis, reasoning, negotiating, all seasoned with
relationship discovery
large quantities of ‘intuition’ and even guessing” (Simon 2013, 23).
Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, 2019, Vol. 2, No. 4 305

In these three contexts human discretion becomes The micro-level of analysis includes contextual fac-
“artificial” when is it augmented or supplanted by AI tors across professionalization, computer literacy, deci-
that provides inputs into the discretionary tasks or re- sion consequences, information richness, and relational
places human discretion through automation. Some negotiations. Examples of low-discretion tasks at the
applications of artificial discretion generate clear, micro-level include data entry and formulaic or menu-
uncontested, and nonrivalrous public goods. For ex- driven licensing or permitting for routine functions.
ample, routing ambulances to shorten travel time by Tasks requiring more professional training with serious
avoiding traffic benefits everyone without comprom- individual and social consequences such as whether to
ising other outcomes. But most solutions to public place a child in foster care or to grant parole to a pris-
sector problems involve trade-offs that differentially oner are examples of tasks where the agent is afforded
affect specific interest groups or classes of people, cre- more discretion. Tasks undertaken in situations of ex-
ating winners and losers when policy changes. The treme uncertainty where the policy framework is not

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“optimal” solution, which maximizes efficiency, might defined or with potentially immediate, life-or-death
place an unfair burden on a neighborhood or minority consequences require the most discretion.
group. A  common use of discretion in bureaucratic Meso-level tasks shape and affect the organizational
decision making is to balance considerations of cost, environment in which individual agents are embedded.
efficiency, fairness, and justice, especially when these Contextual factors at this level of analysis include for-
considerations are poorly defined in the policy or man- mulation of organizational goals, formalization of
date (Gailmard and Patty 2012; Huber and Shipan routines, and interagency dependency. An example of
2002). As with any tool, determining whether or how a low-discretion meso-level task is the determination
the use of Artificial Discretion is appropriate requires of when and how to use energy in facilities operations.
careful consideration grounded in the implementation More discretion is required for tasks such as hiring
context. Without this consideration, implementation new personnel or determining performance manage-
failures, along with unintended and negative conse- ment metrics for a department, whereas broad and
quences, are all but assured. ambiguous tasks such as organizational agenda and
goal-setting require the most discretion.
Key Task Dimensions for Artificial Discretion: Degree Macro-level tasks are institutional in scope,
of Discretion and Contextual Level of Analysis including multiorganizational partnerships or negoti-
Two key task dimensions are important for under- ations that involve policy or goal-setting, and typically
standing the potential utility of artificial discretion: have broad consequences. The contextual factor at this
the level of discretion required and the level of ana- level of analysis is the formulation of rules. This au-
lysis (Busch and Henriksen 2018). Some tasks are thority can be hierarchical (e.g., governments) or net-
straightforward, narrowly defined, and relatively worked (e.g., supra-organizations or groups created to
constrained (e.g., issuing parking tickets), whereas design and operate the institutional framework for a
others are informed by procedures but consist of a cross-sector collaborative effort). Low-discretion tasks
broader set of possible choices (e.g., law enforcement at this level include the execution of well-defined statu-
intervening in a domestic dispute). Many others are tory obligations, such as the Bureau of Labor reporting
highly complex, open-ended, and largely unstruc- aggregate measures of economic activity. Formulating
tured, especially in the design phases of policies or policies for well-understood issues is an example of
programs. The level of analysis highlights the con- macro-level tasks with additional discretion. Finally,
textual factors that influence how tasks are com- macro-level tasks undertaken in response to shocks
pleted. Some tasks can be completed by individual or crises have extremely high uncertainty, complexity,
managers or in consultation with a limited number of and impact, and thus high amounts of associated dis-
stakeholders, whereas others are intraorganizational cretion. An example of this task type is the federal
or take place at a superstructural level, such as government’s response to the September 11 attacks,
multisector negotiations that occur while designing which include the creation of a new Cabinet-level ex-
new policies. The more actors the process requires, ecutive department, the USA PATRIOT ACT legisla-
the more constrained and interdependent discretion tion, and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.
becomes. Thus, tasks can be described by whether
they can be implemented at the individual level
(micro), the team or intraorganizational level (meso), An Evaluation Framework for Artificial Discretion
or the institutional and policy-setting level (macro). Artificial discretion presents both opportunities and
Table 2 organizes the classification of tasks along challenges for the public sector. Potential positive
these two dimensions and provides illustrative ex- outcomes include higher quality, lower cost, or novel
amples of tasks for each combination. government services, and increased consistency in the
306 Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, 2019, Vol. 2, No. 4

Table 2.  Matrix of Task Analysis by Level of Analysis and Degree of Discretion

Degree of Discretion Low Discretion Medium Discretion High Discretion

Level of Analysis
Micro (individual) Data entry, issuing Placing children in foster care, Emergency response
licenses or permits sentencing/parole
Meso (organizational) Facilities operations Hiring processes, performance Goal setting, strategic planning
Macro (institutional) Statutory obligations Policy formulation Crisis response and management

exercise of discretion. Possible negative outcomes in- discretion is nonaugmented human discretion exer-

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clude the erosion of transparency and accountability, cised by a public administrator in the same task envir-
distance from tasks that might nurture learning and onment. There are three principal ways that artificial
innovation, a significant risk of increasing inequality, discretion can improve discretion at the task level: by
and increases in the capacity for administrative evil increasing scalability, decreasing cost, and improving
(Bullock 2019; Gianfrancesco et  al. 2018; O’Neil quality. Task scalability is a function of the number of
2017). Rapid growth in AI capability means oppor- tasks performable in a unit of time. Task cost is both
tunities to deploy AD for many innovative purposes, the unit and marginal cost per task that an organiza-
but it also presents the challenge of anticipating areas tion must pay. Task quality refers to success or failure
in which the disruption it causes creates unacceptable rate over a set of tasks.
harms (Bostrom 2014). The exponential growth in computing power and
Salamon (2002) notes that the management chal- information technologies beginning in the late 20th
lenges found in traditionally hierarchical service- century presents clear opportunities to scale technical
providing public organizations have been exacerbated solutions to policy problems (Hilbert and López 2011).
by modern governance arrangements. Collaborative or These gains created the necessary conditions for more
polycentric governance requires extensive planning and organizational activities to become both data driven
coordination, incurs higher transaction costs, and often and networked. The combination of increased computa-
has diffuse accountability. In these contexts, artificial tional capacity, decreases in cost, and the growth of data
discretion has the potential to achieve greater gains by reduced or removed many of the technical barriers that
reducing information blindness and decision fatigue previously limited machine-learning variants of artifi-
experienced by administrators; however, it also has cial intelligence (Kim 2016; McCorduck 2004). These
the potential for harm due to inappropriate or poorly conditions were necessary to support the design, imple-
designed applications, as well as cooptation of public mentation, and scaling of artificial discretion systems.
goods by influential or strategic actors that use artifi- As a result, artificial discretion enjoys a clear compara-
cial discretion to limit the ability of public managers to tive advantage with respect to task scalability and cost.
exercise their own discretion. Salamon’s (2002) frame- However, the relative quality of artificial versus human
work for evaluating tools of governance is helpful for discretion is less clear because it requires a balanced as-
understanding the efficacy of artificial discretion. sessment of task scalability, task cost, and task quality.

Comparing Artificial and Human Discretion Task Scalability

Due to the centrality of decision making in organiza- Artificial Discretion is highly scalable because its
tions and its impact on performance, managerial ef- machine learning–based architecture was developed
fectiveness can be evaluated in part by assessing how specifically for serially processing vast quantities of
well administrators employ the discretion afforded high-dimensional data. The growth of data available
them. The implicit causal chain is that better use of dis- to organizations has rapidly outpaced human capacity
cretion leads to better decisions, which lead to better for exploiting the information; this mismatch of cap-
organizational performance, and ultimately better out- acity and content is the defining characteristic of “Big
comes (Bullock, Greer, and O’ Toole 2019). Thus, tech- Data” (Kitchin 2014; Meijer 2018). The per-task speed
nologies used to improve the exercise of discretion will of AD outpaces the speed of human discretion. Even in
assumedly have a positive impact on performance. The circumstances where AD performs worse than human
unit of analysis in this evaluative framework is the de- discretion in terms of task quality on average, it still
cision task (hereafter ‘task’), a discrete instance where produces superior performance. For example, some
an agent uses the discretion afforded them to make a disaster response organizations use artificial discretion
decision. The appropriate counterfactual to artificial to categorize social media posts or process satellite
Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, 2019, Vol. 2, No. 4 307

images during periods of crisis to document where cas- using high-dimensional data. This task is particularly
ualties and damage are greatest and more efficiently important for extracting actionable information from
coordinate rescue operations. These AD systems can “big” data when there is no appropriate theoretic-
disambiguate and tag social media posts and identify ally informed model to draw on and is the capacity
specific items in satellite images faster, albeit less ac- at the center of most current implementations of AI
curately, than humans. But the benefits of speed and technologies. For other types of tasks, however, human
scalability outweigh lost categorical accuracy for the agents obviously—and sometimes hilariously—outper-
outcome of interest: finding and saving victims (Meier form artificial discretion. Tasks such as navigating a
2015). complex physical environment or object recognition
and identification are examples where human capabil-
Task Cost ities continue to exceed artificial systems.5 Artificial
Artificial discretion is more cost-effective than human discretion systems are also currently incapable of

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discretion under certain conditions. The fixed costs discerning meaning beyond objective functions, which
of design and setup for AD are usually nontrivial. can result in strange behavior (Bostrom 2003).
Hardware systems need to be built. Machine-learning A well-known problem with administrative dis-
software needs to be architected and trained from past cretion is human bias, or cognitive limitations that
data. Custom databases or sensors often need to be prohibit an agent from making the correct decision
created. Once created, though, the marginal cost of (Kahneman 2011). Of concern—especially in the public
executing new tasks approaches zero, leading to dra- sector—is bias that arises from prejudice against indi-
matically lower unit costs over time. For programs that viduals based on their innate characteristics, religious
benefit from volume, AD’s superior scalability makes beliefs, or other affiliations. Conceivably, the substitu-
cost-savings over human discretion likely, especially tion of artificial discretion for human discretion could
in the public sector where many workers still possess improve task quality by eliminating the explicit and
collectively bargained benefits. This cost differential is implicit biases present in human agents. Empirically,
at the heart of the attention developments in AI have however, the results are mixed at best. Even when arti-
received in the past several years as a potential source ficial discretion systems include direct measures to re-
of disruption in the labor market not just for unskilled duce or eliminate the impact of sensitive characteristics
labor, but for jobs that currently require advanced such as race and ethnicity in its decision making, bias
training and/or graduate degrees (Frey and Osborne can be introduced through artifacts of past human
2017). In environments of fiscal austerity, there may be biases embedded in the data required to “train” the
strong incentives to embrace this trade-off irrespective system (Bellamy et  al. 2018; Veale, Van Kleek, and
of its impact on organizational performance and gov- Binns 2018). Bias can also occur because models are
ernance outcomes. Care is needed to avoid overly oversimplified and rely on sparse, incomplete, or in-
preferencing cost reductions. Furthermore, possible ap- accurate input data. For example, facial recognition
plications for AD include tasks that are not currently programs trained on images of mostly white people
feasible for governments. Such applications could lead perform well on white faces but very poorly when ana-
to new programs instead of augmenting existing ones, lyzing other skin tones (Buolamwini and Gebru 2018).
complicating the cost-savings argument.
Evaluating Artificial Discretion
Task Quality Public managers, policymakers, and researchers need
Task quality is where artificial discretion’s compara- criteria to weigh the normative benefits and costs
tive advantage is both more nuanced and fluid as the of implementing artificial discretion ex ante and
technology matures. In some cases, artificial discre- evaluating its impacts ex post. We argue that public
tion has surpassed human discretion with respect to sector use of artificial discretion should be evaluated
task quality. For example, AD has replaced human according to the five criteria put forward by Salamon
agents for routine image identification tasks such as (2002): effectiveness, efficiency, equity, manageability,
identifying the amount of money and signatures on and political feasibility. For each criterion, we also
handwritten checks, obviating the need for staff to examine how evaluation differs according to appro-
verify the amount manually at the time of deposit. priate use of AD by the level of discretion required—
Another example of AD’s demonstrated superiority is automation for low-discretion tasks, decision support
the improved rate of correctly identifying medical con- for medium, and discovery for high—as summarized
ditions such as cancer or genetic disorders under spe-
cific conditions (Gurovich et al. 2019). One of the most 5 Artificial intelligence researchers refer to the counterintuitive fact that
unambiguous conditions where artificial discretion out- basic sensorimotor skills are extremely computationally intensive while
performs humans in task quality is pattern recognition high-order reasoning skills are not as “Moravec’s Paradox.”
308 Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, 2019, Vol. 2, No. 4

in Table 1. These criteria allow researchers and prac- gains in effectiveness because of its ability to reduce
titioners to systematically examine the opportunities data dimensionality and volume into structures, pat-
and threats artificial discretion poses for the public, terns, and other information understandable to human
public organizations, and governance institutions. decision makers. Under the strong assumption that the
data inputs and system architecture are optimized with
Effectiveness respect to the task, artificial discretion’s use to amplify
The criterion of effectiveness refers to the degree of human decision makers’ intelligence and situational
success or achievement an activity enjoys relative to awareness may prove to be its most effective use for
its intended objective (Salamon 2002). For any task, public managers.
it is important to carefully define both the intended The criterion of effectiveness is perhaps the most
objective and success or achievement relative to that challenging for evaluating because of uncertainty re-
objective. In task domains where more discretion is garding future advances in machine learning, data gen-

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required, it is also correspondingly more challenging eration, and other factors that determine the range of
to carefully define objectives and success for a given domain spaces where AD demonstrably outperforms
task. Once a minimum threshold of effectiveness is met human cognition. Variance across human agents is an-
(e.g., can the system perform a given number of tasks other important consideration for measuring AD’s ef-
at a designated success rate in a specified amount of fectiveness. Artificial discretion need not outperform
time), evaluating effectiveness centers on comparisons the best human agents or alternative decision-support
against the opportunity costs of foregone alternatives tools in a decision-making environment to be more ef-
(i.e., what is the most effective option from the set of fective at a systemic level; once average task quality is
options {A, B, C}). sufficiently high, its scalability may make it dominant.
For tasks with lower levels of discretion, artificial It is currently unclear at what level of discretion
discretion will often dominate human discretion in overall effectiveness related to the utilization of AD be-
terms of effectiveness. But in a subset of such cases, gins to decline and human discretion becomes likely to
human agents may not be the appropriate unit of com- remain more effective. Organizations should thus tread
parison. Whenever discretion is explicitly a function of carefully when experimenting with artificial discre-
task uncertainty (e.g., decision makers are given more tion—especially with respect to its use for automation.
discretion precisely because the level of uncertainty as- Careful consideration should be given to determining
sociated with the decision is relatively high), the need an appropriate threshold for task quality, and this must
for discretion necessarily decreases as the level of un- first be met for any task for which artificial discretion
certainty approaches zero (i.e., perfect information). replaces human discretion. Experimentation will be re-
In these cases, human-generated algorithmic automa- quired to develop a clearer understanding about which
tion—that is, expert system-based AI—is likely to be specific task domains are more effectively executed by
as or more effective than AD. For example, for a task which form of discretion.
that can be simplified to “If A, then B; else C,” expert
system automation is sufficiently effective so long as Efficiency
“A,” “B,” and “C” are sufficiently defined, and in- Efficiency balances outputs or outcomes against inputs
stances are preclassified as “A” or “not A.” But in such and their associated costs. The most efficient choice
cases where the classification of “A” or “not A” is not need not be the most effective one; instead, it is the
predetermined and has high uncertainty, artificial dis- choice that maximizes the ratio of benefits to costs sub-
cretion is preferable. ject to a set of policy and political constraints (Salamon
As the level of discretion required for a task increases, 2002). Although many technologies are characterized
human agents are likely to be more effective decision by large fixed costs of design and implementation and
makers. In these circumstances, the most effective role a low marginal cost of operation, one advantage of
of automated discretion is likely to be equivalent to AD is that many of its fixed costs are comingled with
intelligence amplification rather than automation. For other technological systems (e.g., telecommunications
example, AD may aid organizational goal formulation infrastructure for data input/output, etc.), thus making
by evaluating complex unstructured data to identify deployment cheaper (Brundage et al. 2018). However,
previously unrecognized needs. For tasks requiring a large investments might be needed either in developing
moderate level of discretion, AD’s effectiveness can be robust input data into the AI processes or in creating
evaluated against the same task performed without a an organizational culture that can embrace new in-
decision-support tool and with alternative tools such sights (Barton and Court 2012).
as human-designed algorithms or heuristics. Unlike effectiveness, the efficiency of artificial dis-
Tasks requiring the greatest amount of discretion are cretion is not a function of task discretion. The high
where artificial discretion may generate exponential scalability and low unit and marginal costs of AD
Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, 2019, Vol. 2, No. 4 309

make it dominant to human efficiency for any discrete data and implemented by criminal justice agencies
task that it can complete (Brundage et al. 2018; Husain have produced demonstrably biased decisions (Dressel
2018). This is likely to hold true even for tasks where and Farid 2018; Corbett-Davies and Goel 2018).
human-designed algorithms are equally as effective Although popular media often refer to observed in-
because the total factor cost of human-designed algo- stances of these equity-harming outcomes of artificial
rithms includes the inputs of the software developers intelligence as “Racist AI” or “Sexist AI” (see Dastin
who write and/or modify the program. This domin- 2018; Lutz 2019; Zou and Schiebinger 2018), we
ance, however, belies the fundamental limitations— argue that this perspective misses the mark. Observed
indeed, danger—of efficiency as a primary evaluative inequality in artificial discretion can be attributed both
criterion: selecting a maximally efficient but Pareto in- to the biases of the developers and implementers in
ferior decision at best minimizes the welfare loss of re- the human system and to inequalities generated from
quired inputs, but the optimal choice would be to not historic human decisions (made possible through the

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make the Pareto inferior decision at all. exercise of discretion) that are embedded in the data
Potential improvements in efficiency from uses of used to train the system. Given empirical evidence of
AD are simultaneously a challenge as well as an op- structural and behavioral inequalities in public admin-
portunity for the public sector. The opportunities istration and governance, this suggests that there are
are sufficiently obvious; the challenges require atten- significant challenges for implementing artificial dis-
tion. Furthermore, the challenges raised by artificial cretion in the public sector with respect to optimizing
discretion’s efficiency apply across all levels of task dis- equity for tasks at any level of discretion or context.
cretion and context. The ease of achieving economies However, as with the criterion of effectiveness,
of scale with artificial discretion has already led to sub- properly evaluating artificial discretion’s equity effects
optimal implementation outcomes with respect to both requires benchmarking it both against the normative
effectiveness and equity, in both the public and private value of maximal equality and AD’s impact relative to
sectors. Incentives to embrace efficient AD-driven sys- alternatives. Appropriate alternatives for comparing
tems may even be coercive in fiscally constrained en- equity effects are the same as for effectiveness: the set
vironments, leading to trade-offs that can be punitive of human bureaucrats whose work would be auto-
to marginalized populations (Kleinberg et  al. 2018). mated for low-discretion tasks; the same task absent
Furthermore, it may be tempting to substitute easily an AD-enabled support tool or made with non-AD
measurable outputs for actual outcome objectives in tools for tasks requiring more discretion; and the same
the name of improving efficiency, potentially at the ex- task without the use of artificial discretion for high-
pense of effectiveness. This substitution may be even discretion tasks where AD’s use is likely to be novel.
more tempting for tasks with higher levels of discre- The second aspect of equity discussed by Salamon
tion, as the associated outcome objectives are likely is the notion of redistribution of resources or govern-
more challenging to define. Finally, at higher levels of ment benefits to those who need them the most. Prior
task context such as macro and meso when compared evidence shows that modern, data-driven systems have
with micro, the substitution of outputs and outcomes a tendency to exacerbate inequality (Eubanks 2018;
for truly defined objectives can cause more widespread Noble 2018; Selbst 2017). This arises because of differ-
harm throughout a network. ential access to new technologies, differences in ability
to use technology, or differences in the voice needed
Equity to determine how technology is imposed on commu-
Salamon (2002) argues for evaluating a tool’s equity nities. As O’Neil (2017) notes, we see a disturbing
impacts along two dimensions: whether it provides pattern where human discretion is used for decisions
equal treatment to all members of the public and regarding wealthy people, and artificial discretion is
whether it is redistributive in favor of disadvantaged used for decisions regarding poor people. This implies
subpopulations. Unequal treatment when high levels that evaluating artificial discretion’s equity effects must
of discretion are present is well documented in deci- begin with a structural analysis of the proposed imple-
sion tasks of high consequence within judicial and law mentation, whether it is augmenting an existing task
enforcement systems (Schneider and Ingram 1993; process or generating new ones.
Wade-Olson 2016). Thus, bureaucratic discretion sets Two characteristics of AD are especially important
a relatively low bar, across at least some domains, with for evaluating its equity impacts. These are its dual-use
respect to equity. nature, and its capacity to increase psychological
Public sector use of artificial discretion carries clear distance and anonymity. The dual-use characteristics
equity concerns for person- and place-based predictive highlight that artificial discretion can, very broadly
policing. These issues are increasingly apparent as put, be aimed in any direction, toward any goal.
machine-learning systems trained on administrative Thus, artificial discretion can be employed in service
310 Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, 2019, Vol. 2, No. 4

of equity-enhancing or harming ends with equal ease. issues and intellectual property protections that make
AD’s facilitation of psychological distance and ano- system processes more secretive and thus difficult to
nymity make it particularly dangerous in the service of evaluate (O’Neil 2017).
administrators who seek to oppress or subjugate indi- Moreover, artificial discretion’s architecture intro-
viduals or groups of people (Fennimore and Sementelli duces new manageability issues. The artificial neural
2019). network (ANNs) architectures that dominate the
machine learning–based artificial intelligence land-
Manageability scape are often described as “black box” systems
Salamon (2002, 24) notes that manageability, also re- because their complexity makes it impossible to
ferred to as implementability, “refers to the ease or reverse-engineer the algorithm to understand the fac-
difficulty involved in operating programs. The more tors and weights used in its decision making ex post
complex and convoluted the tool, the more separate (Lipton 2016; Liu et  al. 2017; Schmidhuber 2015).

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actors involved, the more likely it is to be difficult to Relatedly, artificial discretion presents new manage-
manage.” Artificial discretion presents an interesting ability challenges with respect to system security and
challenge with respect to manageability. Although its resilience. ANNs are susceptible to manipulation
use could eliminate some types of management issues using “adversarial” data designed to force the system
in public administration, AD also intensifies other to make an incorrect decision (Brundage et  al. 2018;
manageability challenges and introduces new ones. Ilyas et al. 2018; Papernot and McDaniel 2018). The
A central if not always explicated normative argu- speed at which adversarial exploits are discovered is
ment for automating public sector tasks is that it rep- vexing in its own right: since 2014 a machine-learning
resents the ideal form of a rational-technical public system architecture known as generative adversarial
administration unfettered by moral hazard. In circum- networks pits offensive, or generative ANNs against
stances where expert system-based automation is not defensive, or discriminatory ANNs, to recursively train
possible, artificial discretion-based automation still af- the former to fool the latter or the latter to catch the
fords elected officials increased control by eliminating former in the act (Goodfellow et al. 2014).
human bureaucrats. Not only does this automation re-
duce managerial complexity in terms of employee mo- Legitimacy and Political Feasibility
tivation and other organizational behavior challenges, The final criterion of legitimacy and political feasibility
it also eliminates the capacity for bureaucrats to pas- is defined as whether the general public and politically
sively or actively resist organizational or policy changes active agents deem a tool legitimate (appropriate for
(O’Leary 2013). For tasks requiring more discretion public action) and politically feasible (either enough
such that complete automation is not feasible, AD can political will exists to implement the tool or not enough
still provide checks against human-induced manage- political will exists to oppose it) (Salamon 2002). Of
ability issues through its use as a decision-support tool all the proposed criteria, this is the most mutable and
and/or information generator. Both uses of AD reduce difficult to generalize. The interaction of artificial dis-
task uncertainty, making it easier to standardize be- cretion with democratic public administration further
havior and predict outcomes. complicates the picture.
Even simple implementations of artificial discre- Exactly what constitutes a legitimate use of artificial
tion itself, however, create their own manageability discretion has yet to be determined across any level of
challenges. Because it is so easy to scale, AD invites task discretion or context. That said, the interaction of
overambitious project or policy design, which can the previous evaluative criteria with current and future
lead to overly or unnecessarily complex administrative AD applications may make its adoption more or less
systems. This is especially a concern with respect to palatable. In cases where using AD allows for outcomes
AD’s need for and facility with large volumes of high- that are both broadly considered prosocial and simply
dimensional data. The logic of using AD to generate not possible via human cognition, it is easy to envision
new information about the state of the world and AD’s acceptance as legitimate. In these instances, polit-
otherwise unobservable correlations compels policy- ical feasibility is also likely to be high, but contingent
makers and administrators to increase existing and on opportunity costs and fiscal constraints. For ex-
deploy new data generating systems. These in turn ample, increases in effectiveness and efficiency bench-
necessarily increase overall system complexity, poten- marks for the use of artificial discretion to generate new
tially further eroding manageability. Property rights information in aiding disaster response teams are likely
around the AD systems themselves may also compli- to increase the technology’s perceived legitimacy and
cate their manageability. When AD capacity is supplied feasibility. This does not mean, however, that every or-
by private technology or service vendors via contract, ganization tasked with disaster response and manage-
it introduces both standard contract manageability ment will be able or willing to pay for these systems.
Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, 2019, Vol. 2, No. 4 311

The political feasibility of artificial discretion’s use adoption of innovative technology follows a common
to automate low-discretion tasks is highly volatile. pattern as the technology morphs over time (de Vries,
Theories of public administration and management Tummers, and Bekkers 2018). Adoption is often re-
have heavily weighted efficiency and effectiveness sisted when the technology is immature, as the tech-
since the field was founded; they remain a driving nologies underlying artificial discretion currently are.
force in more recent and emergent frameworks as well However, as these tools become more commonplace
(Dunleavy et  al. 2006; Frey and Osborne 2017; Gil- and their value—real or perceived—becomes common
García, Dawes, and Pardo 2018). At the same time, sense wisdom, resistance can give way to a wave of mi-
many low-discretion, automation-appropriate tasks metic adoption (DiMaggio and Powell 1983; Jun and
in the public sector are currently performed by union- Weare 2010). In the case of public sector adoption of
ized or otherwise protected workers. Attempts to artificial discretion, this phase transition could be ac-
completely substitute capital for labor in these circum- celerated by the technology’s saturation of the private

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stances will almost certainly provoke political conflict. sector due to the ideological dominance of belief in
Even partial automation is likely to face resistance, as private-sector efficiency.
it is frequently perceived—often rightfully so—as a
beachhead for future full-scale displacement of labor.
Academic prognosis and empirical evidence of this
friction and conflict have largely focused on private Artificial discretion is an emergent domain that will
labor markets, likely due to the relative evisceration of be of great interest to public administration as discre-
collective bargaining and its benefits for labor security tion is enhanced and automated across government.
in that sector. One possible circumstance that could tilt Technological capabilities continue to increase in the
political feasibility in favor of automation via artificial level of task discretion for which artificial discretion
discretion, especially at the subnational level, is one or can reasonably substitute for bureaucratic discretion
more future economic shocks that motivate elected of- (Grace et al. 2018). The level of task discretion guides
ficials to both cut costs via staff reductions and seek this diffusion of artificial discretion across the micro,
out efficient alternatives for necessary tasks. meso, and macro levels of governance tasks. This pre-
Questions of artificial discretion’s perceived legit- sents questions for scholars of governance as to how
imacy for both automation and as decision support for the governance tool of artificial discretion will affect
more discretion-intensive tasks are similarly complex. the effectiveness, efficiency, and equity of governance,
Research on “algorithm avoidance” suggests people and for the manageability and legitimacy of the tool.
tend to prefer human judgment6 over an algorithm’s, We provide a framework for defining, characterizing,
even after receiving unambiguous evidence of the latter’s and evaluating artificial discretion as a technology that
superior performance (Awad et  al. 2018; Bonnefon, both augments and competes with traditional bureau-
Shariff, and Rahwan 2016; Dietvorst, Simmons, and cratic discretion. We also utilize Salmon’s tools of gov-
Massey 2015; Frick 2015). This aversion is not, how- ernance analysis to propose an evaluative framework
ever, absolute. On a basic level, the congruence between for artificial discretion’s use in the public sector, and
task and system appearance and behavior (whether describe the defining characteristics and key tool di-
physical, verbal, or written) increases acceptance and, by mensions. We posit that artificial discretion arises in
extension, legitimacy (Goetz, Kiesler, and Powers 2003). cases where artificial intelligence is used to improve or
Framing systems employing artificial discretion in terms automate the exercise of administrative discretion in
of the values of the human agents involved in their de- the form of decisions. We also identify three principal
sign can improve perceived legitimacy (Jago 2019). ways that artificial discretion can improve discretion at
Similarly, providing some form of feedback mechanism the task level: by increasing scalability, by decreasing
that can modify system outputs, even to a minor de- cost, and by improving quality. We then examine the
gree, can facilitate acceptance of artificial discretion’s moderating role task discretion plays, along with the
replacement of human agency (Dietvorst, Simmons, contextual factors likely to moderate the diffusion of
and Massey 2016). Public managers looking to imple- artificial discretion as a substitute for human discre-
ment artificial discretion will need to incorporate these tion. Finally, we examine the implications of the diffu-
and related findings on human–machine interaction to sion of artificial discretion across the evaluative criteria
maximize their potential legitimacy and feasibility. of effectiveness, efficiency, equity, manageability, and
Finally, it is important to note that to the extent le- political feasibility.
gitimacy and feasibility are preconditions for public Potential applications of artificial discretion in govern-
sector adoption of artificial discretion, organizational ment are hard to predict. We know that low-discretion
tasks can be automated, but AI is typically cost-effective
6 Especially their own. when tasks are of high volume, so high fixed costs of new
312 Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, 2019, Vol. 2, No. 4

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