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4-20 Daily Schedule: Week Four 

  Monday 4/20  Tuesday 4/21  Wednesday 4/22  Thursday 4/23  Friday 4/24 

Reason to  Class 4-20 Day​!​ a​ nd  Big Word Day  Earth Day  Take a Chance Day​ ​and  Arbor Day 
Celebrate  Look Alike Day  (Shoutout to La’i!)  Ramadan​ begins 

4-20  Newsroom Meeting @ 9   Tues. & Wed:  News Department Meetings  Share essential  Newsroom Meeting @ 9 
Revise/edit your story  Read story out loud.  features. ​Email  Editors contact 
Newsroom  Make final edits & 
based on editors’  National Parks​ (choose a  department when done.   reporters about missing 
feedback. Watch Ms. C’s  revisions. Re-watch  park) O
​ R  Essential features due  essential features.  
lesson on “​ ​Essential  lesson & work on  Hawai’i Volcanoes  to editors by 2pm! 
News Features​.”  essential features.  National Park 

Math  Menu A​: 2x/week (unlimited min.)  Menu B​: 2x/week (15+ min.)  Which M​ enu B​ site did 
❏ IXL​: s​ ee email to parents for username & password.   you use? Tell about a 
(choose at least 1 per  ❏ Prodigy​: the m
​ ost popular​ ​math menu 
math skill you worked on.  
day! Add suggestions  option for three weeks straight   ❏ Stepping Stones​:​ m ​ ath designed for at home 
here​)  Post a comment on class 
❏ Adapted Mind Math​ ​(thanks for the suggestion,  learning; 5 days of activities based on a weekly topic 
learning blog​ under “Math 
BF!)  ❏ Khan Academy  Menu.” 
❏ P.S. 321 Math Games ​website 

Read  - a book from home - ​Scholastic Magazines​ -​Time for Kids   

(20+ min/ day)  - S
​ ora by Overdrive​ -P​ oetry Foundation collections​ -​Michelle Obama w ​ eekly read aloud 
-S ​ toryline Online​ ​(celebrity read alouds) ​-Flocabulary (​ link coming!) ​-Ms. C: n
​ ew class read aloud, ch. 1​ (​ link coming!) 
Passion Project  Passion Project: Week 4  Flipgrid #4​: 
(health, art,  This week, you’re either launching a new project OR you’re close to finishing (5 week project).  Make a 1-minute 
movement,  Some possible questions to think about: ​5 Week Projects:​ ​How’s it going? What do you want to  video explaining how 
accomplish by the end? What do you need to do to reach your goal? Anything else you want  your project is going. 
mindfulness,  to ​show/tell us?​?​ ​New Projects:​ ​Why did you choose this topic? What do you already know   
etc.)  about it? What do you want to show/tell us?  Padlet #1​: What’s on 
your gratitude list?  

Break Time 
(choose at least 2 per 
​Make cupcakes Stretch Do a puzzle ​Yoga for Kids​ Help someone   
day! Add suggestions  Bird watch Sketch a plant Take a walk Make a postcard Do a read aloud 
Practice mindful breathing Braid something Draw a map of your home/neighborhood ​NFL play60   
❏ = link 

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