Unidades para Planeacion de Clase y Secuencia

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G past tenses: simple, continuous, perfect Why did

V sports Because he
he lose the
P h r! and /or/ w asn't feeling
very w ell in

th e last set.

Sports superstitions

1 V O C A B U L A R Y sports 3 S P E A K IN G
a Take the quiz in small groups. In pairs, interview your partner about sports using the
questionnaire. Ask for more information.
W hat sp o rt do you associate with...?

Do you
like sports?
What sports! sport(s)
do /did you do you
have to play at play?
often do
Do / Did you play
you enjoy sports?
it? Have you
ever won
Do you do a cup or a
any kind of trophy?
exercise? Have you
1 Do you think ever been
you’re in shape? [injured playing
Would you like sports?
to get in better Do you
Do your shape? prefer
b > - p . l 5 7 Vocabulary Bank Sp o r t s. playing sports
family and
friends like or watching
sports? sports?
2 P R O N U N C IA T IO N hr/ and /or/
Is there
any sport How many hours
a W rite the words in the correct column. Be careful
you don’t mind do you spend a
with o r (there are two possible pronunciations). watching on week watching
TV? sports on TV?
court four girl hurt score serve shirt
shorts sport warmup world worse workout What Do you
sport(s) do you go to watch
hate watching a local sports
on TV? team?
What’s the
Have you most exciting
ever found a sports event
sports event you have been
exciting? to?

b 3 6))) Listen and check. Do you think Do you think

Do you think
that there are physical education
there is too much
c >• p.166 Sound Bank. Look at the typical spellings good sports should be optional
(or not enough)
o f these sounds. facilities in your or required at
sports on TV?
town? school?
d 3 7))) Listen and write six sentences.
4 R E A D IN G e Look at the photos o f four more famous sports people
who are superstitious. Do you know what any o f their
a Do you know o f any sports players who are superstitions are or were?
superstitious? W hat do they do?

b Read an article about sports superstitions and

complete it with A-F.
A It is not only the players who are superstitious
B A good example is Serena Williams
C Superstitions and rituals are very common among fans
D After my wife had left the room, Murray lost the
fourth set
E The superstitions and rituals are not confined
to the court
F Tennis players-are-strartge-people
c Read the article again. W ho does the article say f > - Communication O t h e r sp o r t s s u p e r s t i t i o n s
are superstitious: sports players, sports fans, TV A p.104 B p.108. Read and tell each other about the
spectators, or all o f them? people in the photos.

d Underline five words or phrases you want to remember g Do y o u have any superstitions, e.g., when you are
from the article. playing or watching sports, or before an exam?

If I bounce the ball five times... F-


MATTHEW SYED writes about ________________ . Goran Ivanisevic, ________________ . She returned, £0)
Wimbledon champion in 2001, was and he won the fifth. I laughed at §-
sports superstitions
convinced that if he won a match, he her, and then remembered my soccer

1 Tennis players are strange people. Have

you noticed how they always ask for
three balls instead of two; how they
had to repeat everything he did the
previous day, such as eating the same
team, Spurs, who were losing 1-0 in
the Carling Cup. "If I leave the room
food at the same restaurant, talking now, Spurs will score/’ I told my kids,
bounce the ball the same number of to the same people, and watching the after 27 minutes of overtime. I left the
times before serving, as if any change same TV shows. One year this meant room and they scored. Twice.
from their routine might result in that he had to watch Teletubbies
disaster? Glossary
every morning during his Wimbledon Teletubbies a television series for
campaign. “Sometimes it got very very young children
boring/’ he said. Spurs Tottenham Hotspur, a London
soccer team
________________ . As we were
watching tennis player Andy Murray
play the fourth set at Wimbledon, my
wife suddenly got up and went to the
kitchen. “He keeps losing games when
I’m in the room/' she said. “If I go out
now, he’ll win.”
________________ . Last year, a
survey of British soccer supporters
________________ , the number
found that 21 percent had a lucky
1 female tennis player. When she
charm (anything from a scarf
was once asked why she had played
to a lucky coin), while another
so badly at the French Open she
questionnaire revealed that
answered, “I didn't tie my shoe laces
70 percent of Spanish soccer fans
right, and I didn't bounce the ball five
performed pre-match rituals (like
times, and I didn’t bring my shower
wearing “ lucky” clothes, eating the
sandals to the court with me. I didn't same food or drink, or watching
have my extra dress. I just knew it was
games with the same people).
fate; it wasn’t going to happen.”
5 L IS T E N IN G 6 G R A M M A R past tenses: simple,
a In your country, are referees a) well-paid b) respected c) unpopular? continuous, perfect
W hy do you think somebody would want to become a referee? a In your country, is cheating considered a
serious problem in sports? In what sports
b 3 8))) You’re going to hear an interview with an ex-Champions
do you think cheating is most common?
League soccer referee from Spain. Listen to P a rt 1 and choose a,
W hat kinds o f things do people do when
b, or c.
they cheat?

b Read Ta k in g a Sh o r t C u t about a marathon

runner who cheated. How did she cheat?

1 Why did he become a referee?

a His father was a referee.
b He liked sports, but wasn't good at them,
c He was always attracted by the idea.
2 What was the most exciting game he ever refereed?
a His first professional game.
b He can't choose just one.
c Real Madrid against Barcelona.
3 The worst experience he ever had as a referee was when_______
attacked him. c Look at the highlighted verbs in the text.
a a player b a woman c a child W hich o f them are used fo r...?
4 Why does he think there is more cheating in soccer today? 1 a completed action in the past
a Because soccer is big business. 2 an action that happened b e f o r e the past time
b Because the referees are worse, we are talking about
c Because soccer players are better at cheating. 3 an action in progress (or not) at a particular
5 How does he say soccer players often cheat? moment in the past
a They fall over when no one has touched them, d > - p.140 Grammar Bank 5A. Learn more
b They accept money to lose games, about past tenses and practice them.
c They touch the ball with their hands.
e Read T h e H a n d o f G o d ? and complete it
c 3 9))) Now listen to P a r t 2 . Complete the sentences with one to with the verbs in the right tenses.
three words.
1 The most difficult thing for him about being a referee is making
during a game.
2 One o f the reasons why it’s difficult is because soccer today is
so _________________ .
3 Making correct decisions often depends on the referee’s
interpretation o f_________________ .
4 He thinks that players who cheat are still_________________ .
5 A study that was done on Leo Messi shows that he can run
exceptionally fast_________________ .
6 He thinks Messi isn't the_________________ soccer player.
d Do you agree with the referee that there is more cheating in
soccer than before? Is it true in other sports as well? Would you
like to be a sports referee (or umpire)? W hy (not)?

46 5A
7 S P E A K IN G

Famous (cheating) a You are going to tell your partner two

moments in sports
anecdotes. Choose two o f the topics below
and plan what you are going to say. Ask your
teacher for any words you need.
Although it isn’t true that everybody
in sports cheats, it is certainly true that TELL YOUR PARTNER ABOUT...
there are cheaters in every sport... • a time you cheated (in a sport/game
or on an exam)
When and where did this happen? What were
you doing? Why did you cheat? What happened in
Taking a short cut the end?

n A p r i l 2 1 , 1 9 8 0 , 2 3 - y e a r - o ld R o s ie • a really exciting sports event you saw
R u iz w a s t h e f ir s t w o m a n t o c r o s s t h e Where and when was it? Who was
f in is h lin e a t t h e B o s t o n M a r a t h o n . playing?
What happened? Why was it so
S h e f in is h e d t h e r a c e in t h e t h ir d - f a s t e s t t im e
f o r a f e m a le r u n n e r ( tw o h o u r s , 3 1 m in u t e s ,
5 6 s e c o n d s ) . B u t w h e n t h e o r g a n iz e r s • a time you had an accident or
c o n g r a t u la t e d R o s ie a f t e r t h e r a c e , t h e y w e r e got a sports injury
s u r p r is e d b e c a u s e s h e w a s n ’t s w e a t in g v e r y When and where did this happen?
m u c h . S o m e s p e c t a t o r s w h o w e r e w a t c h in g
What were you doing? How did the accident
happen? What part o f your body did you hurt?
t h e r a c e t o ld t h e m w h a t h a d r e a lly h a p p e n e d .
What happened next? How long did it take you
D u r in g t h e la s t h a lf m ile , R o s ie s u d d e n ly
to recover?
j u m p e d o u t o f t h e c r o w d a n d s p r in t e d to
t h e f in is h lin e . T h e m a r a t h o n o r g a n iz e r s • a time you saw or met a celebrity
t o o k R u iz 's t i t l e a w a y a n d a w a r d e d i t t o th e When was this? Where were you? Who were
r e a l w in n e r , J a c q u e lin e G a r e a u . I t w a s la t e r
you with? What was the celebrity doing?
What was he / she wearing? Did you speak to
d is c o v e r e d t h a t t h r e e m o n t h s e a r lie r , R o s ie h a d
him / her? What happened in the end?
a ls o c h e a t e d in t h e N e w Y o r k C it y M a r a t h o n
w h e re s h e h a d ta k e n th e su b w a y ! • a time you got lost
Where were you going? How were
you traveling? Why did you get lost?
What happened in the end?

b Work with a partner. Tell each other your

The hand of God? two stories. Give as much detail as you can.

t w a s J u n e 2 2 , 1 9 8 6 . A r g e n t in a Starting an anecdote
t w o s p l a y i n g ( p la y ) E n g la n d in t h e q u a r t e r - I'm going to tell you about a time when...
f in a ls o f t h e W o r ld C u p , a n d b o t h t e a m s This happened a few years ago...
2_________ ( p la y ) w e ll. T h e s c o r e 3__________ (b e ) When I was younger...
0 - 0 . In t h e 5 1 s t m in u t e , t h e A r g e n t in ia n
c a p t a in , D ie g o M a r a d o n a , 4_________ ( s c o r e ) a
g o a l. T h e E n g lis h p la y e r s 5_________ ( p r o t e s t ) , 8 W R IT IN G
b u t t h e r e fe r e e 6__________( g iv e ) t h e g o a l.
H o w e v e r, T V c a m e r a s s h o w e d t h a t M a r a d o n a > - p.116 Writing T e llin g a s to ry . Write a story about something
7_________ ( s c o re ) t h e g o a l w it h h is h a n d ! that happened to you.
M a r a d o n a e__________ (s a y ) t h e n e x t d a y “ I t w a s
p a r t ly t h e h a n d o f M a r a d o n a , a n d p a r t ly t h e
h a n d o f G o d .”
9 3 14))) S O N G We Are the Champions

L a t e r in t h e g a m e , M a r a d o n a 9_________ (s c o re )
a n o t h e r g o a l, a n d A r g e n t in a 10__________ (w in )
t h e g a m e 2 - 1 . T h e y w e n t o n t o w in t h e
W o r ld C u p .

Online Practice 5A 47
G usually and used to How do
V relationships
you usually get I used to
P linking, th e le tte r s
to work? take the bus,
but now I ride

Love at Exit 19
my bike.

1 R E A D IN G
a How do you think people usually meet friends and
partners nowadays? Number the phrases 1-5
(1 = the most popular). Then compare with a partner.
Do you agree?

A D at work
at school or college
c D on the Internet (e.g., on forums, on social
networking sites, etc.)
d D in a cafe, dub, etc.
E through friends
b 3 15))) Read and listen to an article about Sonya Baker
and Michael Fazio. Why did their relationship almost
never happen?

Love at Exit 19
He was a tollbooth collector, and she was a soprano who sang cone in front of his lane. He thought, “It will be like putting a candle
in Carnegie Hall. Their eyes met at Exit 19 of the New York State in a window.” Sonya saw it, and their romance started up again. “I
Thruway, when he charged her 3?ct. The romance that followed almost crashed my car on various occasions,” she said, “trying to
was even less likely than the plot of an opera! cross several lanes to get to his exit/’ Finally, she found the courage

onya Baker was a frequent commuter from her home in the to give Michael a piece of paper with her phone number as she
suburbs to New York City. One day, when she was driving to passed through the toll. Michael called her and for their first date
an audition,she came offtheThruway and stopped atthe they went to see the movie Cool Runnings, and then later they
tollbooth where Michael Fazio was working. She talked with him as went to an opera, La Boheme, and to a Yankees game.
she paid to go through, and thought he was cute. For the next three They are now married and living in Kentucky, where Sonya is a
months, they used to exchange a few words voice and music professor at Murray State
as she handed him the money, and he raised College and Michael runs an activity center
the barrier to let her pass. “It was mostly at a nursing home. It turned out that she had
‘What are you doing today? Where are given him her number just in time. A short
you going?”' she said. They learned more while later, she moved to New Jersey and
about each other, for example that Sonya stopped usingthe New York State Thruway. “I
loved Puccini and Verdi, while Michael’s might never have seen him again,” she said.
love was the New York Yankees. But their
conversations suddenly came to an end when
Michael changed his working hours. “He used a tollbooth a small building by the side o f a road
to work during the day/’ said Sonya, “but he where you pay money to use the road
A dapted from The Times

changed to night shifts/'Although Michael still Carnegie Hall a famous concert hall in New York
looked out for Sonya’s white Toyota Corolla, he New York State Thruway a road
did not see her again for six months. New York Yankees a baseball team based in the
Bronx in New York City
When Michael's working hours changed back a traffic cone a plastic object, often orange and
to the day shift, he decided to put a traffic white, used to show where vehicles can or can’t go

c Read the article again and number the events in the order 3 P R O N U N C IA T IO N &
they happened.
S P E A K IN G linking
a D Michael changed his working hours.
^ 3 used to
B Michael tried to find Sonya. Remember th a t used to and use to are usually
C LH They got married. linked and pronounced /'yusta/.
D Sonya moved to New Jersey.
E Ld Sonya gave Michael her phone number. a 318))) Listen and repeat the sentences.
F Michael changed his working hours again. Copy the linking and the sentence rhythm.
G CD Sonya talked with Michael.
H Ld They stopped seeing each other.
ı ı usedjo livejn Los Angeles.
I They had their first date. 2 she didn’t ussjo wear glasses.
J I 1 Sonya and Michael moved to Kentucky. 3 Where did you usqjo work before?
4 They usecjjo see eachj)theua lot.
d Read the article again and look at the highlighted words and 5 Didn’t you usqjo haveja beard?
phrases. Try to figure out what they mean. Then match them with
1-10 below. b In pairs, tell each other about t h r ee o f the
1 __________ a period o f time worked by a group o f workers following. Give as much information as you
2 __________ a person who travels into a city to work every day can. How do you feel about these people and
things now?
3 __________ attractive, good-looking
4 __________ what had happened was
5 __________ manages Is there...
6 __________ probable • a kind of food or
7 __________ something that is used to give light, made o f wax drink you didn't
8 __________ have short conversations use to like at all, but
that you now like?
9 __________ they looked at each other romantically
• a TV series you used to
10 __________ was brave enough
be addicted to?
Why did you like it?
2 G R A M M A R usually and used to • a singer or a kind o f music you used
to listen to a lot (but don’t anymore)?
a Think o f a couple you know well, e.g., your parents or friends. • a sport or game you used to play a lot, but
How did they meet? Do you know any couples who met under th a t you’ve given up?
unusual circumstances? • a place you used to go
during summer vacation,
b 3/16))) Listen to four people talking about where they met their and th a t you’d like to go
partner. Match each one with a place from la . back to?
Speaker 1 LH Speaker 2 LH Speaker 3 L j Speaker 4 LD • a machine or
gadget you used
c Listen to each story again and take notes on how the people to use a lot,
met. Compare your notes with your partner and listen again if but th a t is
necessary. W hich meeting do you think was the most romantic? now out of
d Look at two extracts from the listening. Answer the questions
with a partner.
I used to hate most vegetables, especially
We used to go to clubs together on Saturday night.
spinach and cauliflower, but now I love them
It used to be difficult to meet people. and usually eat a lot o f vegetables every day...

1 When do we use used to? How do you make negatives and

2 How would you change these sentences (using usually) if you
wanted to talk about present habits or situations?
e >• p.141 Grammar Bank 5B. Learn more about u s u ally and used
to, and practice them.

Online Practice 5B 49
4 V O C A B U L A R Y relationships 5 P R O N U N C IA T IO N
a Explain the difference between these pairs o f phrases. the letter s
1 to meet somebody and to know somebody a 3 21))) Listen to the words in the list.
2 a colleague and a friend How is the s (or se) pronounced? W rite them
3 to argue with somebody and to discuss something in the correct columns.
with somebody busy close (adj) close (verb) conversation decision
b > • p.158 Vocabulary Bank Relationships. discuss eyes friends lose music pleasure
promise raise school somebody sport sugar
c Think o f one o f your close friends. In pairs, ask and summer sure unusual used to usually various
answer the questions.

How long have you known him / her?

Where did you meet?
Why do you ge t along well?
What do you have in common?
Do you ever argue? What about?
How often do you see each other?
How do you keep in touch?
Have you ever lost touch? Why? When?
Do you think you’ll stay friends?
b 3 22))) Listen and check.

c Answer with a partner.

1 How is s usually pronounced at the beginning o f a
word? What are the two exceptions?
2 What two ways can s (or es) be pronounced at the end
o f a word?
3 How is s pronounced in -sio n ?
a Talk to a partner. Do you think the following are T (true) or
F (false)?
1 22-year-olds have an average o f 1,000 friends.
2 Men have more online friends than women.
7 S P E A K IN G
3 People who spend a lot o f time on Facebook become more
dissatisfied with their own lives. Read sentences A - F below. Check ( / ) the
ones you agree with and put an / next to the
3 23))) Listen to the introduction to a radio program.
ones you don’t agree with. Think about your
According to research, are 1-3 in a true or false?
c 3 24))) Listen to four people who call the program, Young,
Beth, Emma, and Ned. W ho is the most positive about Facebook? A □ You can only have tw o or th re e
W ho is the most negative? close friends.
B L d Nowadays people are in to u ch
d Listen again. Answer with Young, Beth, Em m a, or Ned. w ith more people b u t have few er
close friends.
Which caller...?
C □ Men keep th e ir friends longer
1 L J does not want to share personal information with strangers than women.
2 LH has fewer Facebook friends than he / she used to have D P ] You should never criticize your
3 L J has over a thousand friends friend's partner.
4 Q J uses it to keep in touch with friends who don’t live close by E rU You should never lend money to a
5 L J thinks people use Facebook to give themselves more friend (or borrow money).
importance f D It's impossible to sta y good friends
6 [__j used to use Facebook more than he / she does now' w ith an ex-partner.
7 Q uses Facebook instead o f calling
8 [__I does not use social networking sites b In groups, compare opinions. Try to give
real examples from your own experience or
e Do you use Facebook or any other social networking sites? Do o f people you know. Use the phrases below
you agree with anything the speakers said? to help you.

P Giving examples
For example, I have a friend who I’ve known
since I was five years old...
For instance, I once lent some money to a

Online Practice 5B 51

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