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Final - Fall 2018

Lesson Plan Components

Date Plan Written: Date Lesson will be Taught: _ Grade Level: # of Students for the Lesson

Targeted Content: equivalent fractions Integrated Content (if applicable):

State Content Standard and/or Common Core Standard(s):

This should be the content area, grade level and letter/number identification; the actual standard(s) should be written under this heading. Divide the standards into the following categories as
Target Standard(s): NUMBER AND OPERATIONS—FRACTIONS 4.NF Extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering limited to fractions with denominators 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12,
and 100.
4.NF.1 Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n × a) /(n × b) by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions
themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize and generate equivalent fractions.
Practice Standard: Math &/or Science:
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Supporting Standard(s):

Instructional Setting: Include all that apply:

(whole group, small group, individual, centers, workshop, lab, other)
Whole Group, Centers-Small groups

Lesson Focus: Clearly articulate the focus of the lesson in 1-2 sentences. For example: Students are learning about 3-dimensional objects and this lesson will focus on naming particular 3-
dimensional shapes and the number of vertices, edges, and faces/bases for each 3-dimensional shape studied (i.e., cube, rectangular prism, triangular prism)
Students are learning about equivalent fractions and this lesson will focus on practicing equivalent fractions and making equivalent
fractions through repeated practices using centers.
Learning Objective/Target(s): The objective/target must include 3 parts: the context, the skill & the criteria. Objective(s) should be observable and measurable. It could start with the
context, “Using algebra tiles. . . or Comparing two maps,…”
By going to centers students will repeatedly practice with creating equivalent fractions or deciding if fractions are equivalent. Students will be able to identify equivalent fractions 4 out of 5
Assessment Measures:
List assessments that will be used during and/or after the lesson. Provide the type(s) of assessment being used (formative and/or summative)
Formative Assessment(s): Worksheets turned I from 3 out of 4 centers. And questions asked and monitored at the teachers center.
Summative Assessment(s):
Note: You may or may not complete a summative assessment for the lesson, but you will need to include formative assessment measure(s).

Differentiation & UDL: Describe how you will differentiate content, process and/or product for specific students during this lesson. Be sure to include how you are meeting the various needs
of ALL learners. (Identify how the differentiation specifically connects to students who have IEP or 504 plans, as well as students with specific language needs, other learning needs, and advanced
students. You may also identify elements of UDL.)
Final - Fall 2018
_______# of Students on IEPs/504 Plans _______# of Students with Specific Language Needs (ELL & Speech/Communication Needs)
_______# of Students who are Advanced _______#of Students with other Learning Needs

Materials: List all of the materials necessary for delivering instruction. Attach all handouts/book pages, etc.
 Clip boards
 Pencils
 Ice cream center
o Ice cream cones cut out
o Ice cream scoops cut out
o Worksheet
 Spoons Center
o Spoons
o Spoon fraction cards with pictures
o Spoons worksheet
 Rolling Equivalent Fractions Center
o Dice cut out and folded
o Worksheet
 Teacher center:
o White boards 5-6
o White board markers 5-6
o White board erasers 5-6
o Teacher guiding questions
Prior Knowledge: Prerequisite knowledge, skill &/or data. Objectives and/or data from previous lesson, and previously learned concepts related to this lesson.
3.NF.3 Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases, and compare fractions by reasoning about their size. 
a. Understand two fractions as equivalent (equal) if they are the same size or the same point on a number line. 
b. Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, e.g.,  1/2 = 2/4, 4/6 = 2/3. Explain why the fractions are equivalent, e.g., by using a visual fraction model G. 
Final - Fall 2018

INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY PLAN (step-by-step sequence)

Lesson Events: (number each action)
Engage/Anticipatory Set/Opening
Teacher’s Actions Students’ Actions Time Differentiation &/or UDL
1. Students will be divided into 4 groups based on 1. Students will grab a clip board and pencil and 5 min
math ability level. (Teacher will create groups sit at their table and listen to the teacher’s
based on how activities and assessments went in directions.
prior days). 2. Students will then be divided into 4 groups
2. One group will play equivalent fraction spoons based on math ability level.
3. Another group will be working with Equivalent 3. Students will work in centers quietly with a
whisper to their partners.
fraction rolling game
4. Another group will be working with Equivalent
Fraction Ice cream center.
5. And the fourth group will be with the teacher
with a white board answering questions.
6. Before students are divided up teacher will ask
each student to get a clipboard and pencil for
center work. All materials will be set up at each
center location.
7. The teacher will then explain the directions of
each center before moving forward and dividing

Body of Lesson
Teacher’s Actions Students’ Actions Time Differentiation &/or UDL
Directions to Spoons: 1. Students will listen to each center directions 60 min
Students should remember the game from the day and ask questions if they have any before Students will work in ability level
prior but as a reminder. Students will fill out the centers begin. groups
worksheet again as well. 2. Students will then participate in center
1. Explain that the goal of spoons is to get 4 of a rotations for the duration of class time, by Students who are in the lowest
kind so 4 cards with an equivalent number on being quietly working with some discussion, ability level group will meet with the
them. and completing their work. teacher first to review equivalent
2. So today we will play equivalent fraction spoons. fractions before doing individual
Final - Fall 2018
So, you will be in a group of 4-5. There will be
one dealer they will give each player 4 cards.
Then what will happen next one card at a time
the dealer will pick up a card from the deck. They
will look at it and see if it is equivalent to any of
the fractions in their hands and if it is they will
keep it and pass another card from their hand to
the person sitting to the left of them.
3. Then the next person will do the same thing with
that card and so on. If you end up with 4
equivalent fractions you will grab a spoon. Once
one person grabs a spoon you want to grab one.
Then whoever is the last person to grab a spoon
will not receive a point for that round. Then you
once people grab spoons the person who got
four of a kind will lay down their hand and the
group will go over the hand and discuss why they
are equivalent.
4. Then you will fill out this worksheet that has
room for each hand on here to fill out and draw a
picture of the 4 of a kind equivalent fractions.
(See attached worksheet) once you complete the
worksheet for that round you will start another
5. Students can keep the white board with them if
they need to use during the game to find the
equivalent fraction. For students who may
struggle they can use the adapted cards with
pictures on them.

Directions to Equivalent Fraction Rolling:

*Show how to play on Doc camera so students
understand worksheet.
1. Students will all need a worksheet from the bin.
Final - Fall 2018
2. This is more of an individual center but can ask
their partners for help if needed.
3. Students will roll one dice.
4. In the first box, they will write the fraction they
rolled. Then they will need to write 3 equivalent
fractions to that fraction.
5. Students will then need to prove why their
fractions are equivalent using one of our
strategies for days prior.
6. They will then repeat this process in all 6 boxes.
7. Students will rotate and trade dice each turn.

Directions to Ice Cream:

1. Students will use the ice cream cone as the first
fraction and they will have to decide what “ice
cream” goes on top of each cone.
2. When they finish, they will check their answers
with the answer key. Students will do their own
work with their own set of ice cream cones.
3. One set is in each bag.
4. Once they finish Students will create their own
ice cream by using the worksheet and coming up
with some more equivalent fractions but they
can’t use the fractions they have already

Directions for teacher table group:

You don’t need to explain this center before center
time. When they arrive at the table they will listen to
your directions since each group will be based on
ability level. I would also start with the lower ability
group to assist them before they do individual work.
1. Each student will sit at the teachers table and in
front of them they will have a white board, a
marker, and an eraser.
Final - Fall 2018
2. Teacher will ask series of questions based on
ability level. See question guide for teacher.
3. Use questioning to help guide discussion with

Directions for students:

1. Students will work in four groups and work
quietly with whisper voices if they need help.
2. Students will not be able to ask for help from the
teacher as groups will be working with the
3. Students will need to problem solve in their
4. Students will turn in all their work at the end of
the centers.

Teacher’s Actions Students’ Actions Time Differentiation &/or UDL
1. After every student has completed each center 1. After every student has completed each 5 min
students will turn in work to their turn in basket. center students will turn in work to their turn
2. Students will sit back down in their seats. in basket.
Students will then Be able to share what they 2. Students will sit back down in their seats.
liked and didn’t like about the center work. What Students will then Be able to share what they
helped them? Or which strategy they liked most. liked and didn’t like about the center work.
What helped them? Or which strategy they
liked most.

Closing/Summary & Check for Understanding [At the end of the lesson, engage in a closure (wrap-up) to help students connect what they have learned to the real world and/or to expand
on what they learned.]
Teacher’s Actions Students’ Actions Time Differentiation &/or UDL
1. Teacher will handout homework worksheet to 1. Students will put homework in their take
students to put in their take home folders. home folders.
Final - Fall 2018
Equivalent fraction Worksheet.
Lesson Reflection (To be completed after the lesson is taught and the reflection must have supporting evidence/data.)
1. Reflect on specifics in your instructional procedures. (This is to be written in first person. Note what worked, what didn’t work; be sure to reflect not report.)

2. State connections to research and theory for both instructional practices and student learning.

3a. Record and analyze data from formative assessments.

3b. Analyze and reflect on summative assessment if appropriate.

4. Based on 1 & 3, what will you do for your next lesson?

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