Lecture 01 Introduction To Product Design and Development PDF

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Lesson 01

Product Design and Development


Dr. Inderdeep Singh

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Outline of Presentation

 Course Details
 New Product Design
 Need of a New Product Design
 Product Development
 New-Product Development Strategy
 New-Product Development Process
 Successful Product Development
 Product Life-Cycle (PLC)
Course Details Course Details
Brief Contents
• Introduction

• Product life cycle

• Product policy of an organization

Week 1
• Selection of a profitable product

• Product design process

• Product analysis
Course Details Course Details
Brief Contents
• Value engineering concepts: Advantages, applications in
product development

• Problem identification and selection

Week 2
• Analysis of functions: Anatomy of function

• Types of functions, functional analysis system technique

• Case studies
Course Details Course Details
Brief Contents
• Introduction to product design tools

• Quality function deployment (QFD)

• Computer Aided Design

Week 3
• Design for excellence (DFX), robust design

• Design for manufacturing (DFM), design for assembly


• Ergonomics in product design

Course Details Course Details
Brief Contents
• Design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA) guidelines

• Product design for manual assembly

Week 4 • Design guidelines for manufacturing of metallic and non-

metallic products

• Rapid prototyping, concept, advantages

• Working principle of SLA, LOM and SLS

New Product Design

 Every organization has to design, develop and introduce new

products as a survival and growth strategy.

 Product design is conceptualization of an idea about a product and

transformation of the idea into a reality.

 To transform the idea into reality a specification about the product

is prepared.
New Product Design
 This specification is prepared by considering different constraints
such as production process, customer expectation, etc.

 In product design stage, various aspects of the product are

analyzed. Also final decision regarding the product is taken on the
basis of the analysis.

 Thisdecision can be any aspect related to the product, e.g.

dimension and tolerances, type of material for each component.
Need of a New Product Design
 Organization’s are required to design the new products for the following reasons:
• To be in business for a long time

• To satisfy unfulfilled needs of the customers

• Too much competition in the existing product line

• The profit margin is on the decline

• The company’s existing product line becomes saturated
and the sale is on the decline
New Product Design

How the Product Design and Manufacturing

Influence the Price, Quality, & Cycle Time?
Product Development

Source: http://eurasiacm.com/?tag=velosiped
New-Product Development Strategy
Reasons for new product failure:
• Overestimation of market size
• Poor design
• Incorrect positioning
• Wrong timing
• Priced too high
• Ineffective promotion
• Management influence
• High development costs
• Competition
New-Product Development Process

1. Idea generation
2. Idea screening
3. Concept development and testing
4. Marketing strategy development
5. Business analysis
6. Product development
7. Test marketing
8. Commercialization
Successful Product Development

There are five characteristics of successful product

• Product quality
• Product cost
• Development time
• Development cost
• Development capability
Product Life-Cycle (PLC)

 Product life cycle (PLC) is the course that a product’s sales and
profits take over its lifetime

 The product life cycle concept is derived from a fact that a given
product’s volume and revenue follow a typical pattern of four
Product Life-Cycle

 The four phases of life-cycle of a product: • Introduction

• Growth
• Maturity
• Decline
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