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Diamond lace kippah for J

pm = place marker

sm = slip marker

k = knit

p = purl

kfb = knit once into the front of the stitch, then into the back of the stitch (aka "bar increase," makes two
stitches out of one)

k1bL = knit the next stitch, then without dropping the stitch from the left needle, knit into the stitch in the
row below the next stitch (produces in increase slanting to the left)

k1bR = Without dropping the next stitch from the left needle, knit into the stitch in the row below it, then
knit the next stitch (produces an increase slanting to the right)

Crown shaping
c/o 4 sts. Join into round

Round 1: kfb, repeat to end of round (8 sts).

Round 2: k to end of round.

Round 3: *(k1bL, pm, k1bR), repeat from * to end of round (16 sts).

Round 4: k to end of round, slipping markers purlwise.

Round 5: *(k to stitch before marker, k1bL, sm, k1bR), repeat from * to end of round (24 sts)
Rounds 6 - 17: Repeat rounds 4 and 5 until you have 72 (18 * 4) stitches.

Round 18: k to end of round, slipping markers purlwise.

Round 19: *(Knit to one stitch before marker, pm, K1bR, drop the old marker, K1bL, pm), repeat from * to
end of round (80 sts).

Round 20: k to end of round, slipping markers purlwise.

Round 21: *(k to marker, sm, k1bR, knit to stitch before next marker, k1bL, sm), repeat from * to end of
round (88 sts)

Rounds 22 - 35: Repeat rounds 20 and 21 until you have 136 (34 * 4) stitches.

Round 36: k to end of round, discarding all markers.

Sides (lace panel)

Place marker at beginning of round.

Set-up round: *(k 13, p 1, k 2, p 1), repeat from * to end of round.

Do lace pattern as shown in chart. Each round requires 8 repetitions of the corresponding pattern row.

- -
- - - - o / o / o ^ o \ o \ o 17
- -
- - - - o / o / \ o \ o 15
- -
- - - - o / o / o ^ o \ o \ o 13
- -
- - - - o / o / \ o \ o 11
- -
- - - - o / o / o ^ o \ o \ o 9
- -
- - - - \ o \ o \ o o / o / o / 7
- -
- - - - \ o \ o o / o / 5
- -
- - - - \ o \ o \ o o / o / o / 3
- -
- - - - \ o \ o o / o / 1
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

/ k2tog (right slanting decrease)

\ ssk (left slanting decrease)
o yo
^ sl1-k2tog-psso (decrease 3 to 1)
- p
Round 19: *(k 13, p 4), repeat from * to end of round.

Round 20: k to end of round.

Round 21: p to end of round.

Repeat last two rounds.

Finish with I-cord bind-off.

Cast on 4 stitches on left needle.

Knit 3, then knit next two (last cast-on stitch plus first stitch of the final round) together.

Slip four stitches from right needle back to left needle. Knit 3, then knit next two stitches together. Repeat
until all stitches from the final round are used up.

Graft the ends of the I-cord bind-off together and weave in the ends.

Diamond kipah for J by Martin Milligan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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