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Jade Jimenez

Web Research Guide

Evaluating a Web Site

Name of Site: WEDU_

URL: _

Critical Questions My Notes

Who wrote/published the information  Publisher: Florida West Coast
on the site? Public Broadcast Inc.
 Their contact information includes
• Who is the author/publisher? their business address, phone
• Does the author provide contact number, fax, staff member names,
information? and online forms.
• What are the author's credentials?
• Is the site created or sponsored by a
 This is a big broadcasting
reputable organization? company the offers many different
educational opportunities for
teachers, parents, and children.
They have a lot of credentials.
 WEDU has a lot of affiliations like
PBS (Public Broadcasting
Services), FPBS (The Association
of Public Media in Florida), and
APTS (Association of America’s
Public Television Stations). They
do charity too and are partnered
with Community Foundation of
Tampa Bay and Arts Council of
What information and resources does  WEDU’s purpose is to inform
the site provide? people of mainly news and
weather, but they also provide
Content many community and local event
• What is the site's purpose: to persuade, information. They also have a
inform, or entertain? whole section dedicated to
• Is the information on the site objective or education.
 I don’t think there are any news
• Does the site provide thorough coverage of
the topic? sources anymore that are
• Is the information on the site well written? unbiased.
Are there misspellings or grammatical errors?  They provide a lot of coverage
• Does the site provide a works cited page? about every topic on their website,
• Does the site include multimedia elements from today’s weather to libraries
that help explain the topic? nearby.
 I think the information is well
Navigation written, as I imagine they probably
• Is the site organized and easy to navigate? have a lot of article writers in their
• Does the design suit the purpose? staff. There will always be
• Are there ads that might distract me?
grammatical errors and
• Does the site take a long time to load?
misspellings in everyone’s work
every here and there.
 They have a closed captioning and
public files section, but there is no
cited page.
 There are a lot of different
multimedia elements such as
videos, writing, pictures, and other
tools. I think videos and writing
always help to explain a topic
 The site is kind of confusing
because there is so much going
on, but it’s not too difficult to
 I don’t like the design of the
website and it makes it a bit
difficult to navigate. I also think it’s
very outdated.
 The ads are all the way at the
bottom of the page and they’re
small, so they are not really a
 Site loading speed differs from
people to people because it is
dependent on your internet speed
and strength. It also depends on
the server hosting, but because
this is WEDU a huge business if it
takes to long to load then its your
When was the site created/last  The site doesn’t state when they
updated? first created it or when it was
lasted updated. They do post new
• Does the site indicate when it was first information a lot every day and
created and last updated? their copyright was updated as of
• Do the links work, or do they lead to error this year.
messages, such as “Page Not Found”?
 I have yet to find a page not found
Where does the site “live”?  The extension of the URL is a .org.
This means its an organization
• What is the extension in the URL? which is generally non-commercial.
• What, if anything, does the extension tell me
about the source of the site?
Why should I use this site?  This site meets everyone’s need,
do you need to view the weather
• Do the resources on this site meet all my while seeing what events you are
needs? around. It also has a great
• Is the information verifiable, in-depth, and educational section where you can
up to date? find new books for children,
• Why is this Web site a better research libraries, and documentary options
source than some of the other sites I've
for teachers.
already visited?
 The information is very up to date
and in depth.
 Not many people think of WEDU
as a place for educational
resources and information. Most
people think its just the place to
get weather.
Copyright © 1995-2008 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. 

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