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Bangladesh University of Professionals

Assignment on

Case Study

Course Title: Human Resource Management

Submitted to:
Dr. Sumayya Begum
Assistant Professor
Bangladesh University of Professionals

Submitted By:
Asma Sadia
Roll: M17232020
Batch: MBA- 2017
Bangladesh University of Professionals

Date of Submission:20th August, 2017

Case Name: Fire My Best Salesperson?


International Widget Industries (IWI) faced a very critical, but a common problem of
fraudulent. Greg Johns is the Sales Director of the company and he came to know that
one his top most salesperson, Bob Pollock has been engaged in stealing from the
company. He did this by inflating expense reports and exaggerating his sales. As a result,
he was able to get commissions and higher expense reimbursements than he deserved.
John needs to fix this situation at any cost. The company decides to prove Bob’s
unethical and criminal practices and then quietly terminate him.

Problem Statement

The Sales Director had to come with a wise decision that could solve the issue of
fraudulent taking place in the company. The main problem was to make a decision of
losing such a talented salesperson or terminating him and saving the company’s assets
and reputation.


Assume that you are Johns. Specifically,

1. What should you do now?

2. Why should you do it?
3. How would you do it?
4. Knowing what IWI actually did, what do you think of their response?
5. What, if anything, would you have done differently?


1. What should you do now?

A: The salesperson should be fired.

2. Why should you do it?

A: The sale person should be fired because his actions represent gross misconduct-
deliberate and willful violation of the employer's rule.

3. How would you do it?

A: I would do it by maintaining the following steps:

(A)Disciplinary procedure:

 Framing a charge and issuing a letter: As the employee committed an act of

misconduct that requires disciplinary action, the employee concerned should be
issued a charge sheet.

 Consideration of explanation: On getting the answer for the letter of charge served,
the explanation furnished by the convicted employees is not satisfactory.

 Issuing a show -cause letter: Then Show-cause notice will be issued by the manager
as I am convinced that there is sufficient prima facie evidence of employee’s

 Forming a fully-fledged inquiring committee: As the process of inquiry is over and

the findings are the same as recorded, the inquiry officer suggest to fire him.

 Passing the final order of punishment: Disciplinary action-dismissing the problem

employee is to be taken as the misconduct of the employee is proved.

(B)Factors to be considered before taking Disciplinary Action

Undermining the Employee's work history and extenuating factors (family pressure), factors
include seriousness of the problem and implications for other employees have been
No company can tolerate stealing on the part of its employees. If I cannot trust the
salesperson, his presence with my company will have a corrosive effect on all that he deals
with, including customers and co-workers.

(C)Termination interview
For dismissing the employee termination interview must be conducted. Termination
interview is the interview in which an employee is informed of the fact that he or she has
been dismissed. Guidelines in the textbook for a termination interview include:

I. Plan the interview carefully

 Make sure the employee keeps the appointment time.
 Never inform the employee over the phone.
 Allow 10 minutes as sufficient time for the interview
 Have employee agreements, the human resource file and a release announcement
(internal and external) prepared in advance.
 Be available at a time after the interview in case questions or problem arise.
 Have phone number ready for medical or securities emergencies.
II. Get to the point
As soon as the employee enters, give the person a moment to get comfortable and then
inform him or her of my decision.
III. Describe the situation
Briefly explain why the person is being let go. Describe the situation gently rather than
attack the employees personally.
IV. Listen
Continue the interview until the person appears to be talking freely and reasonably
calmly about the reasons for his or her termination and the support package.
V. Review all elements of the severance package
Describe severance payments, benefits, access to office support people and the
references will be handled

4. Knowing what IWI actually did, what do you think of their response?

A: I think that IWI’s decision of terminating the employee was an appropriate response
under the given circumstances. Bob Pollock’s act not only affected the company
financially, but it also affected the reputations of the company. Furthermore, if other
employees would get to know about his acts, they would also try to make attempts to
cheat with the organization and fulfill their self- interests. Bob was the company’s top
salesperson, and it was his duty to maintain his position and reputation in the company.

Best employees of the company are always appreciated and other workers take them as
their mentors. However, his act of cheating, stealing from the company will no way
create a good impression for the workers of the company, it is highly unethical and
unacceptable. This would be included in crime and no company wants a criminal to work
in the organization.

IWI did not also want to the company’s reputation to be negatively affected, so they
decided to quietly terminate Bob. This was also in a way a very important and difficult
decision as a negative news about the company could have really affected the company’s
reputation badly. However, quietly terminating a worker will not alarm or alert other
employees of the consequences of what could happen to them if they cheat or act
unethically with the organization.

5. What, if anything, would you have done differently?

A: I would have without a doubt, terminated Bob Pollock from the organization.
However, it is not a wise decision to just quietly terminate an employee for his faults. He
can also say undesirable things about the company firing him as he would know that the
company will not discuss about this matter in the public. He might also take an
advantage of it. Moreover, other employees should also be warned of conducting such
practices by cautioning them against its undesirable implications. So, I would not decide
to remain quiet in this situation. I would have filed a charge against Bob too for not only
exaggerating company sales but also hurting the company’s image.

I would have also made rules and regulations such that employees who have such critical
positions and have more chances to make fraud if such intensity, could be closely
monitored and if someone would do it, then other employees would be told about the
after effects of such practices.

Moreover, various sorts of check and balances would have been implemented as there
must be a routine accountability of sales and the sales expenditures that have taken place
in the company so that chances of fraud decreases.

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