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Stage 1- Desired Results

Connections to Context: Transfer

Students will be able to independently use their learning to…

Amount of trash produced by students
Amount of water students use
Distance between home & school ● Understand their relation to the world around them
● Understand the impact of events (natural disasters etc)
● Compare customary units of measurement using models
● Justify the use of models

(What kinds of long-term independent accomplishments are desired?)



Established Goals Students will understand that… Students will keep considering…
Common Core: 4th grade
Measurement & Data ● There is a difference between ● How can you use models to compare units of length?
1) Solve problems types of measurements ● How can you use models to compare units of weight
● How can you use models to compare units of liquid
involving measurement
● Measurements play a part in the volume
and conversion of
world ● How can you make and interpret line plots with fractional
measurement from a data?
smaller unit ● Measurements can be used to
2) Represent & describe their world
Interepret data Acquisition of Knowledge, Skill and Values/Commitments/Dispositions
3) Understand one’s
Knowledge Objectives Skill and Physical Development Objectives Socio-emotional Objectives
place in relation to the The students will be able to… The students will be able to… The students will be able to…
● Convert measurements ● Use measurement tools ● Understand their impact on
accurately the world and the world’s
● Understand impact on them
measurement labels ● Construct models to
compare measurement units
Stage 2- Evidence

Evaluative Criteria Students will show their learning by… (summative assessment)


● Project Rubric - ● Collection of measurement data in their area
teacher ● Construction of models
● Presentation Rubric ● Presentation of data to a small group
- Peers
● MidChapter Checkpoint

(What criteria will be used in each

assessment to evaluate attainment of the
desired results?)(rubric required)

(Regardless of the format of the OTHER EVIDENCE:

assessment, what qualities are most
● Project Reflection
1. Understanding the
relationships ● Large Group Dicussion
between different ● Partner Confrences
measurements. ● Homework completion
2. Understanding one’s
self in the context
they live in using
measurements to
assess the surrounds
Stage 3- Learning Plan

Unit pre-assessment will be completed via a google form before the first lesson is taught
Every day there will be a survey of prior experience with the present topic done by the teacher at the beginning of every lesson.
Pre-assessment- due ________

(What pre-assessments will you use to check students’ prior knowledge, skill levels, and potential misconceptions?)

Learning Events Progress Monitoring

Student success at transfer, meaning, and acquisition depends upon their participation in these
Lesson 1 - Introduction to
learning events…
customary units of length ● (How will you monitor students’
progress toward acquisition, meaning,
measurement and transfer during lesson events?)
Lesson 2 - Introduction to Initiating or Introductory Phase
(Formative Assessment)
Lesson 1 - Introduction to customary units of length measurement
customary units of weight Lesson 2 - Introduction to customary units of weight measurement
measurement Lesson 3 - Introduction to customary units of liquid volume measurement
Lesson 3 - Introduction to Lesson 4 - Constructing line plots 1. Mid Chapter Checkpoint
customary units of liquid 2. Worksheet/Homework
volume measurement Questions
Lesson 4 - Constructing line 3. Project Worksheets
plots Developmental Phase ● (How will students monitor their own
Lesson 1 - Curriculum homework problems progress toward acquisition, meaning,
Lesson 2 - Egg or Chicken Worksheet or curriculum homework problems and transfer?)(Assessment as
Meaning Lesson 3 - Gallon Man Worksheet or curriculum homework problems learning)(rubric?)
Lesson 4 - Brainzy Line plot online game 1. Project Rubric - Teacher
Lesson 1 - Introduction to
Lesson 5- Line plot and Country Data comparison Worksheets, small group presentation
customary units of length 2. Presentation Rubric -
Lessons 1-4 - Peer conferencing (Math Talks), Constructions of models,
measurement Peers
Lesson 2 - Introduction to 3. Lesson Expectations
customary units of weight slideshow
Culminating Phase
measurement Lesson 5 - Data collection Workshop - free-response questions, free response essay,
Lesson 3 - Introduction to Lessons 1-4 - Questions
customary units of liquid
● (What are potential rough spots and
student misunderstandings?)
volume measurement
1. Differentiating between
the types of measurements
Transfer 2. Multiplication and
Lesson 5- Line plot and Country fractional data
Data comparison Worksheets, 3. Thinking about
small group presentation measurements abstractly
Lesson 5 - Data collection
Workshop - free-response
questions, free response essay ● (How will students get the feedback
Lessons 1-4 - Peer conferencing they need?)

(Math Talks), Constructions of 1. Group Meetings

models, (project)
2. Graded
3. Partner

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