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Individual Differences in Musical Taste

Author(s): ADRIAN C. NORTH

Source: The American Journal of Psychology , Vol. 123, No. 2 (Summer 2010), pp. 199-208
Published by: University of Illinois Press
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The American Journal of Psychology

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Individual Differences in Musical Taste
Heriot Watt University

Several studies have investigated the relationship between (usually a narrow set of) personality
dimensions and liking for a small number of individual musical styles. To date there has been
no attempt to investigate, within a single methodology, the extent to which personality factors
correlate with liking for a very wide range of musical styles. To address this, 36,518 partici-
pants rated their liking for 104 musical styles, completed a short form of the Big 5 personality
inventory, and provided other data about their favorite musical styles. Personality factors were
related to both liking for the musical styles and participants’ reasons for listening to this music.
However, on the whole these latter variables were related more closely to participants’ age,
sex, and income than to Big 5 scores. Thus, personality is related to musical taste, but other
individual differences are arguably related more closely.

Research has characterized aesthetic responses to O’Neill, & Ivaldi, 2001). Research on the third factor,
music as mediated by aspects of the music itself, the listener, is scarce, however. Arguably the most
the listening situation, and the listener (e.g., North frequently studied individual difference factor in mu-
& Hargreaves, 2008). Studies of the aspects of the sical taste is personality, and research has focused
music itself that influence musical preference have strongly on factors that distinguish fans of both rap
focused on the complexity and familiarity of the mu- and rock from the rest of the population, such as
sic or the extent to which it is typical of that to which Zuckerman’s (1979) sensation-seeking scale (Arnett,
participants are usually exposed (e.g., Martindale & 1991, 1992; Hall, 2005), conservatism variables (Glas-
Moore, 1989). Research on the listening situation gow & Cartier, 1985; Lynxwiler & Gay, 2000), and
has investigated how listeners use music to mediate anti-authoritarianism (North & Hargreaves, 2006;
arousal in the autonomic nervous system caused by Wingood et al., 2003).
those situations (Konečni, 1982; North & Hargreaves, Note, however, that the rebellious nature of rock
2000) or to meet a series of mundane, everyday goals fans is not found universally (Zweigenhaft, 2008) and
(North, Hargreaves, & Hargreaves, 2004; Sloboda, that George, Stickle, Rachid, and Wopnford (2007)

American Journal of Psychology

Summer 2010, Vol. 123, No. 2 pp. 199–208 • © 2010 by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois

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and Rentfrow and Gosling (2003) found that rap and Second, another consequence of the focus on
rock load onto differing groupings of musical taste anti-authoritarianism among fans of rap and rock is
and so must be treated separately. Moreover, this that little is known about the extent to which more
focus on anti-authoritarianism among rap and rock general aspects of personality are related to liking for
fans has two implications. First, little is known about a range of musical styles. The correlations between
whether personality in general is related to musical liking for metastyles and scores on the Big Five di-
taste in general, with perhaps only two attempts to mensions identified by Rentfrow and Gosling (2003)
investigate this question to date. Rentfrow and Gos- were typically between .10 and .25, indicating that
ling (2003) first identified four musical metastyles: they explained far less than 10% of the variance in
reflective and complex, intense and rebellious, up- participants’ data. The possibility exists that although
beat and conventional, and energetic and rhythmic, a general measure of personality is related to liking for
which were associated with scores on the Big Five a wide range of musical styles, any such relationships
personality inventory (see Langford, 2003), which might be small.
produces a score for an individual on each of five To address these two issues, this article presents
dimensions that together are claimed to provide a regression data based on an Internet survey of more
comprehensive overview of personality. The Big Five than 36,000 people concerning the extent to which
dimensions are openness, conscientiousness, extro- their degree of liking for 104 different musical styles
version, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Openness is could be predicted by their scores on a short measure
an appreciation of adventurousness and art, curios- of the Big Five personality inventory. The main hy-
ity, and enjoyment of the unusual; conscientiousness pothesis of the present research was that participants’
consists of self-discipline, feelings of duty, planning, liking for these musical styles should be related to
and achievement orientation; extroversion consists their personality.
of seeking stimulation and company, energy, and sur-
gency; agreeableness consists of being compassion- Other Individual Difference Variables:
ate and cooperative; and neuroticism is emotional Self-Esteem, Age, Sex, and Income
instability and a predisposition toward negative emo- Research suggests that several aspects of the listener
tions such as anxiety and depression. For example, other than personality might also be related to musi-
Rentfrow and Gosling (2003) found that liking for cal taste. Therefore, the second aim of the present
both reflective and complex music and intense and research was to compare the strength of the relation-
rebellious music was related positively to openness; ship between musical taste and personality with rela-
that liking for upbeat and conventional music was tionships between musical taste and self-esteem, age,
related positively to extroversion, agreeableness, and sex, and income.
conscientiousness and negatively to openness; and First, the research investigated whether self-es-
that liking for energetic and rhythmic music was re- teem was related to liking for the musical styles. This
lated positively to extroversion and agreeableness. question was considered because of research showing
Similarly, George et al. (2007) assessed liking for elevated levels of self-harming and lower self-esteem
30 musical styles among 358 people and studied how among rock fans (e.g., North & Hargreaves, 2006;
this related to the Big Five personality dimensions Rubin, West, & Mitchell, 2001) and Tarrant, North,
plus several other individual difference variables: in- and Hargreaves’s (2002) finding that the maintenance
telligence, spirituality, self-esteem, social skills, locus of self-esteem underlies the use of musical preference
of control, emotional stability, hostility, and depres- in intergroup discrimination. Second, the role of age
sion. They found that “factor analysis of the 30 music in musical tastes has been studied surprisingly little,
styles resulted in 8 factors . . . [and that there was] an but Hargreaves and Castell (1987) reported evidence
almost comprehensively negative personal profile for supporting their contention that age should be related
those who listen to the Rebellious and Rhythmic & positively to liking for more complex music; other
Intense categories of music. Results further produce studies implicate adolescence as a critical period in
an almost comprehensively positive profile for those the development of musical taste (Holbrook & Schin-
who listen to Classical music” (p. 32). dler, 1989; North & Hargreaves, 1995, 2002). Third,

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few studies have addressed sex as the primary source complete an online questionnaire presented there.
of variation in musical taste, although there is some Data from 1,336 respondents (3.5% of all respon-
indication that women prefer “softer” musical styles dents) were discarded because the participants did
such as mainstream pop, whereas men tend to prefer not live in the target areas. Data was deleted from
“harder” styles such as rock (see North, Hargreaves, another 66 respondents who did not state their age
or country of origin. Data were deleted from 5 other
& O’Neill, 2000). Finally, there is some indication
respondents who failed to select the “unknown” op-
from sociological research drawing on a Marxist ap- tion for a fictional musical style included on the list,
proach that higher income is associated with taste for “pancat,” which was included to identify participants
“high art” musical styles (see Shepherd, 2003; North producing unreliable data. This left a final sample
& Hargreaves, 2007). of 36,518 participants with a mean age of 28.13 years
(SD = 10.47), comprising 22,163 men and 14,355
Reasons for Listening to Favorite Musical Style women, with 24,792 from Europe (principally Den-
The present research also allowed investigation of mark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Norway, Poland, and
an interesting subsidiary issue concerning individual the United Kingdom), 10,223 from North America,
differences in musical taste. As noted earlier, several and 1,503 from Australia and New Zealand. Respon-
dents’ Internet Protocol addresses were used to verify
studies have found that people whose favorite musi-
that they did not complete the questionnaire twice.
cal style is rap or rock score higher than others on A researcher was available via phone and e-mail dur-
various measures of anti-authoritarianism. Implicit in ing data collection to answer participants’ questions
these studies is the notion that the sensational lyrics and prevent dropouts. A region (Europe vs. North
and musical characteristics associated with the mu- America vs. Australasia) × gender multivariate analy-
sic reflect the dispositions of the listeners. More for- sis of covariance (mancova) (which treated income
mally, this suggests that favorite musical styles might and age as covariates) was carried out on factor scores
reflect aspects of personality: The characteristics of resulting from the principal component analysis of
a person’s favorite musical style might correspond ratings of liking for the musical styles (Table 1); this
with an exaggerated personality disposition held by indicated no effect of region when these other fac-
that person. However, data concerning a much wider tors were accounted for, so data from Europe, North
range of musical styles are needed before such a con- America, and Australasia were pooled in the analyses
reported here.
clusion can be stated with confidence. In particular,
an alternative possibility is that people might instead Questionnaire
have as their favorite a musical style that compensates Participants stated their age in years, their sex (with
for, or attenuates, an otherwise exaggerated personal- 1 = male, 2 = female), and their total personal annual
ity trait. income before tax and then completed the Rosen-
berg self-esteem scale (Rosenberg, 1989), on which
Study high scores indicate high self-esteem (Cronbach’s
alpha = .87).
The most thorough assessment of the Big Five
Method was provided by Costa and McCrae’s (1985) 240-
item NEO Personality Inventory. However, its length
Participants clearly makes it unsuitable for use in research that
Data were collected via an Internet questionnaire (in also requires data collection for a second factor, in
English) that was publicized by the host university’s this case musical preferences. Participants therefore
Web site and a press release targeted at newspapers completed Langford’s (2003) five-item measure of
and radio stations situated in Europe, North Amer- the Big Five personality dimensions. Langford inves-
ica, Australia, and New Zealand. The press release tigated the validity and reliability of several shorter
noted that an attempt was being made “to carry out versions of Shafer’s (1999) 30-item measure of the
the largest-ever academic study of musical taste,” that Big Five and concluded that there was “only a slight
the intention was to collect data from a large number decline in predictive validity as the number of items
of respondents, and that as many people as possible and adjectives in the Big Five measures decreased.
were needed to visit the project Web site in order to The results support the use of the abridged measures

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Table 1. Rotated component matrix

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Classical .832
Baroque .790
20th century .749
Opera .747
Choral .705
Cool jazz .809
Jazz .785
Free jazz .773
Smooth jazz .722
Funk .558
Soundtracks and theme songs .739
Musicals .666
Showtunes .651
Easy listening .647
Film scores .608
Pop .573
Romantic .520
American folk .794
Folk rock .708
Country and Western .694
Bluegrass .676
Folk music .640
Punk .784
Alternative rock .757
Indie .727
Garage .627
Ska .570
Samba .671
Rumba .665
Latino .570
Swing .538
Rap .845
Hip-hop .840
R&B .674
Reggae .536
Dance and electronica .877
Techno .864
House .772
Disco .544
Rock and roll .657
Rock and heavy metal .641
Marching and military .582
Religious and praise .550
Eigenvalue 5.25 4.99 4.41 4.31 4.15 3.65 3.52 3.12 1.80 1.63
Percentage of variance 9.90 9.41 8.31 8.14 7.84 6.89 6.64 5.89 3.39 3.07

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under conditions when administration time is short, emotion. Participants also rated four reasons (from
rater fatigue is likely or when multiple measures are North & Oishi, 2006) why they might buy music
being administered,” such as in the present study within their favorite musical style (0 = definitely not
(Langford, 2003, p. 1127). The resulting five-item a reason, 10 = definitely is a reason).
measure produced by Langford requires participants
to rate themselves on 7-point proxy scales for the Results and Discussion
Big Five dimensions of openness, conscientiousness,
extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism, which Many of the non-Western musical styles were not rec-
are respectively “uncreative–creative,” “lazy–hard- ognized by a large portion of the participants, with
working,” “shy–outgoing,” “headstrong–gentle,” and implications for the statistical power and degrees of
“nervous–at ease.” The items selected by Langford freedom of further analyses, so 51 musical styles that
for this five-item measure were those that showed were not recognized by at least 60% the participants
the highest weighted average factor loadings across were deleted from the dataset. A list of these can be
Shafer’s published studies, and scores on these five downloaded from the author’s Web page (http://
items produced correlations with scores on a 30-item
measure of the Big Five dimensions between .69 and
.82 (mean = .76). Note that although the five items
used here are appropriate proxies for the Big Five
dimensions, the manuscript hereafter refers only to A principal component analysis was carried out on
the five items themselves, for the sake of accuracy. ratings of liking for the remaining musical styles. Vari-
Similarly, note that the conclusions reached must be max rotation yielded 10 components with eigenvalues
taken as being in relation to the five items themselves greater than one (see Table 1), with these metastyles
and that the relationship between these conclusions being labeled classical music, jazz, mainstream,
and the Big Five dimensions per se is potentially folk, alternative rock, Latino, music of black origin
more open to debate. (MOBO), dance, rock, and functional.
Participants then rated their liking for 104 musi-
cal styles, presented alphabetically, from 0 (dislike a Musical Taste and Individual Differences
lot) to 10 (like a lot). Participants were also told, “If Multiple regressions investigated the extent to which
you have never heard of a musical style, or you don’t
personality, self-esteem, age, sex, and income could
recognise it, then please select ‘unknown’” instead of
predict liking for each separate musical style. The
giving a rating. In an attempt to investigate the widest
possible range of musical styles, the 104 styles were full results for each unique musical style are available
from all global regions, selected in consultation with from the author’s Web site, which shows that liking
an ethnomusicologist and checked with the relevant for each was predicted significantly by the individual
cultural groups (e.g., via cultural centers, Internet difference variables and by at least one of the person-
chat rooms, and student societies) to ensure that they ality variables. However, in a dataset as large as that
were well known. here, indicators of the actual strength of association
Participants were next presented with the full list other than statistical significance are arguably more
of musical styles and asked to nominate one as their insightful. Accordingly, Table 2 presents two ver-
favorite; 10 statements from North, Hargreaves, and sions of the mean standardized beta values for each
O’Neill (2000) and asked to rate the extent to which metastyle. In the calculation of the first set of mean
each was a reason why they listened to their favorite
beta values (designated “Strength”), the direction
style of music (0 = definitely not a reason, 10 = defi-
of the individual values was ignored, indicating the
nitely a reason); and nine emotional terms from
North and Hargreaves (1997) on which they rated overall strength of association. The second set of
how their favorite style of music usually makes them mean beta values (designated “Direction”) included
feel (0 = not at all true for me, 10 = really true for me). the direction of the values in calculating the mean.
In addition to the rating of how arousing the music Table 2 shows that the predictor variables explained
was (see Berlyne, 1971; Russell, 1978), the remaining only a small proportion (typically between 2% and
eight emotional terms represented two from each of 5%) of the variance in musical taste. Individual dif-
the four quadrants of the circumplex approach to ferences were related only weakly to musical prefer-

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ence, and age alone explained the greatest portion tive attitudes. The “Direction” rows of Table 2 indi-
of the relationship. cate that when used to predict liking for the MOBO
Indeed, the grand mean row in Table 2 for strength metastyle, “gentle” (the proxy for the agreeableness
indicates that the variables most closely related to mu- dimension) gave rise to a mean standardized beta
sical taste were, in descending order, age, gender, in- value of just .001; this fails to support the findings of
come, “creative,” “outgoing,” “self-esteem,” “gentle,” previous studies suggesting a reasonably strong posi-
“hardworking,” and “at ease.” Of the five personality tive relationship between anti-authoritarianism and
dimensions, scores for “creative” were related most liking for such music. Similarly, the rock metastyle
closely to musical taste. Creative was the proxy term was associated with a mean standardized beta value
for the openness dimension of the Big Five. The latter of .006 for “gentle,” which is also arguably incon-
subsumes concepts such as being creative, imagina- sistent with a rebellious worldview (and consistent
tive, and artistic, and so it is unsurprising that the term with Zweigenhaft’s, 2008, conclusion that rock fans
representing this scale in the present research is more are not necessarily rebellious). Similarly, the classi-
closely related to musical taste than others. cal music metastyle was associated with the highest
Although the beta values in Table 2 are small, score for “creative” (the proxy for the “openness”
which undoubtedly tempers the strength of any dimension), which is arguably inconsistent with a
broader conclusions about the specific direction conservative worldview and more consistent with
of the findings, it is also interesting to compare the a liberal one; many measures of conservatism (e.g.,
present data with those from earlier studies that Wilson, 1975) have interest in the arts contributing
have concluded that people who like both rap and negatively.
rock music hold anti-authoritarian attitudes and that It is also interesting that the strength of the pres-
people who like classical music hold more conserva- ent relationships was lower than identified by George

Table 2. Mean standardized beta weights for each component

R 2 Self-esteem Creative Hardworking Outgoing Gentle At ease Age Gender Income

Classical music Strength .055 .037 .123 .009 .034 .018 .013 .192 .045 .050
  (Component 1) Direction .037 .123 .003 –.034 .008 .013 .192 .045 –.050
Jazz Strength .028 .039 .096 .007 .037 .021 .021 .066 .056 .061
  (Component 2) Direction .039 .096 –.005 .037 .021 .021 .034 –.056 –.044
Mainstream Strength .045 .019 .049 .018 .022 .036 .010 .067 .149 .061
  (Component 3) Direction .017 .025 .018 .019 .036 .003 .024 .149 –.032
Folk (component 4) Strength .030 .018 .067 .018 .018 .010 .005 .150 .005 .028
Direction –.001 .063 .006 –.010 .001 .005 .150 .001 –.013
Alternative rock Strength .029 .023 .052 .022 .018 .022 .008 .144 .027 .053
  (Component 5) Direction –.021 .052 –.019 .005 –.022 .003 –.144 .008 .052
Latino Strength .043 .045 .062 .011 .038 .023 .017 .121 .121 .035
  (Component 6) Duration .045 .062 .011 .038 .018 .017 .121 .121 –.035
Music of Black Strength .044 .030 .015 .021 .090 .010 .015 .142 .058 .056
  origin Direction .030 .003 .000 .090 .001 .015 –.082 .046 .206
  (Component 7)
Dance Strength .025 .016 .035 .007 .068 .020 .005 .102 .069 .092
  (Component 8) Direction .016 .027 .005 .068 –.012 –.004 –.102 –.024 .092
Rock Strength .035 .032 .028 .016 .015 .031 .018 .126 .082 .052
  (Component 9) Direction .002 .028 –.004 .010 .006 .018 –.126 –.061 .052
Functional Strength .020 .030 .017 .021 .015 .027 .012 .102 .087 .074
(Component 10) Direction .030 .017 .021 –.007 .012 .012 .102 –.011 –.074
Grand mean Strength .035 .029 .054 .015 .036 .022 .012 .121 .070 .056
Direction .019 .050 .004 .022 .007 .010 .017 .022 .015

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et al. (2007), who reported r2 values ranging between The differences between the present results
.092 and .311, although Rentfrow and Gosling (2003) and those of both George et al. and also Rentfrow
reported correlations of similar magnitude to those and Gosling could be attributable to differences in
identified here. Moreover, providing we make a few methods, most notably the use of a shorter measure
assumptions about the similarity of the metastyles of personality here. Another possibility may be dif-
identified in these datasets, some interesting simi- ferences between the respective samples according
larities and dissimilarities emerge in terms of their to four other factors that the present research identi-
relationships with personality dimensions. For in- fied as also related to musical taste, namely age, sex,
stance, Rentfrow and Gosling’s “reflective and com- income, and self-esteem. Because age and gender, in
plex” metastyle maps onto the metastyles here for particular, explained a greater portion of the variance
jazz, classical music, and folk. In apparent support in musical taste within the current dataset than did
of Rentfrow and Gosling’s findings, these styles personality, it is worthwhile considering these “non-
were among those most closely related to “creative” personality” individual differences in more detail.
scores. However, Rentfrow and Gosling also found Table 2 shows that negative relationships existed
that openness was related to liking for their “intense between age and liking for the MOBO, dance, alter-
and rebellious” metastyle. In contrast, Table 2 shows native rock, and rock metastyles, whereas positive
that “creative” scores (the proxy here for openness) relationships were found for the classical, jazz, main-
were not closely related to liking for the rock (and stream, folk, Latino, and functional metastyles. This
dance) metastyles. Similarly, Rentfrow and Gosling is broadly consistent with previous research suggest-
found that liking for their “upbeat and convention- ing that age is associated positively with liking for
al” metastyle was related positively to extroversion, more musically complex styles. Table 2 shows that
agreeableness, and conscientiousness. Some aspects men demonstrated higher degrees of liking for the
of Table 2 support this, such as the strong relation- jazz, dance, rock, and functional metastyles, whereas
ship between “gentle” (the proxy here for agreeable- women demonstrated higher liking for the classi-
ness) and liking for mainstream music. However, the cal, mainstream, folk, alternative rock, Latino, and
mainstream metastyle was also among those related MOBO metastyles. This provides some support for
most weakly to the measure of “outgoing” (i.e., the the prediction that women should prefer “softer”
proxy for extroversion). Moreover, arguably the most musical styles, although women’s liking for alterna-
conventional metastyle of all those identified in Table tive rock and MOBO is more difficult to reconcile
2, functional music, was no more closely related to with such a conclusion. Although income was related
“gentle” (i.e., the proxy for agreeableness) scores than to liking for the majority of the musical styles consid-
were many other metastyles. ered, this was not in the predicted direction: Table
George et al.’s (2007) dataset yielded metastyles 2 indicates that there were negative relationships
quite different from those identified here, which ham- between income and liking for the classical and jazz
pers comparison, although there is clear overlap be- metastyles, among several others, even though these
tween George et al.’s “rebellious” metastyle and the represent the most “high art” of the styles consid-
alternative rock and rock metastyles here, and also ered, whereas the metastyle giving rise to the stron-
between the classical and jazz (or “jazz and blues,” as gest positive relationship with income was dance.
George et al. called it) metastyles identified by both It is difficult to explain such a pattern of findings
studies. It is interesting that George et al. found a in terms of previous research. Finally, Table 2 indi-
similar pattern for classical music to that identified cates that self-esteem was related negatively to liking
here and a similar pattern for rebellious music to that for the alternative rock metastyle, consistent with
here for alternative rock and rock. With regard to jazz previous research. Also interesting in this context,
and blues, George et al. found a positive relationship however, is that self-esteem was related positively
with openness, which mirrors the finding here for to liking for the MOBO and rock metastyles, even
“creative” scores, but a negative relationship with though these styles have been criticized regularly by
agreeableness that does not mirror that found here various protest groups and legislators for having a
for “gentle” scores. supposedly negative influence on young people.

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Reasons for Listening to Favorite Musical Style sociations that provide some support for the notion
Another set of multiple regressions investigated the that reasons for listening represent a reflection rath-
extent to which the predictor variables could explain er than a compensation for personality. “Creative”
participants’ ratings of 10 reasons why they listen to scores (the proxy for openness) were related posi-
their favorite style of music. The results of these 10 re- tively to listening to music in order to enjoy the music,
gressions are reported in Table 3. These data indicate to be creative and use imagination, and to express
that men were more likely to report listening to their feelings and emotions. “Outgoing” scores (the proxy
favorite musical style in order to be creative and use for extroversion) were related positively to listening
imagination, to create an image for themselves, and to to music in order to be trendy, to create an image, and
please friends. In contrast, women were more likely to to please friends, and they were related negatively
report listening to their favorite musical style because to listening to music in order to reduce loneliness.
of enjoyment, to relieve boredom, to help get through “Gentle” scores (the proxy for agreeableness) were
difficult times, to relieve tension, to express feelings related positively to listening to music in order to be
and emotions, and to reduce loneliness. These sex creative and use imagination, to manage emotions,
differences are consistent with predictions and sup- and to please friends. “At ease” scores (the proxy for
port the findings of North et al. (2000). neuroticism) were related negatively to listening to
Table 3 also indicates numerous associations music in order to get through difficult times, relieve
between ratings of the reasons for listening to the tension, and reduce loneliness.
participants’ favorite musical style and scores on the With regard to the relationships between rea-
personality dimensions. Within these are several as- sons for listening to the favorite musical style and

Table 3. Standardized beta weights concerning reasons for listening to favorite musical style

Reason F R2 Constant Self-esteem Creative Hardworking Outgoing Gentle At ease Age Gender Income

Enjoy 51.26 .012 8.23 .069 .061 .001ns –.006ns .004ns .013* –.012 .046 –.017**
(t = 144.45) (t = 11.66) (t = 11.58) (t = .14) (t = 1.03) (t = .71) (t = 2.32) (t = 1.99) (t = 8.76) (t = 2.62)
Creative 656.06 .135 3.942 –.062 .355 .003ns .027 .036 –.018** –.077 –.012* –.034
(t = 33.77) (t = 11.31) (t = 71.56) (t = .63) (t = 5.03) (t = 7.32) (t = 3.37) (t = 13.15) (t = 2.51) (t = 5.70)
Boredom 193.23 .044 7.704 –.050 .023 –.007ns .002ns –.030 –.016** –.186 .077 .028
(t = 58.25) (t = 8.66) (t = 4.38) (t = 1.29) (t = .36) (t = 5.80) (t = 2.83) (t = 30.27) (t = 14.97) (t = 4.43)
Difficulties 413.03 .089 7.940 –.160 .058 .036 .037 .005ns –.042 –.112 .184 –.021
(t = 60.72) (t = 28.29) (t = 11.34) (t = 6.66) (t = 6.64) (t = .97) (t = 7.77) (t = 18.69) (t = 36.62) (t = 3.50)
Trendy 99.95 .023 3.159 –.054 –.035 .006ns .087 .021 –.037 –.137 .009ns .068
(t = 28.96) (t = 9.26) (t = 6.62) (t = 1.16) (t = 15.25) (t = 4.08) (t = 6.55) (t = 21.98) (t = 1.69) (t = 10.67)
Tension 195.67 .044 6.947 –.040 .031 .044 .025 –.004ns –.034 –.132 .151 .032
(t = 62.52) (t = 6.95) (t = 5.94) (t = 8.02) (t = 4.43) (t = .77) (t = 6.12) (t = 21.46) (t = 29.28) (t = 5.15)
Image 225.46 .051 6.064 –.104 .038 –.019** .059 .050 –.028 –.148 –.021 –.027
(t = 44.21) (t = 18.09) (t = 7.39) (t = 3.39) (t = 10.46) (t = 9.73) (t = 5.02) (t = 24.15) (t = 4.04) (t = 4.36)
Emotions 275.95 .061 5.873 –.105 .096 .007ns .069 .033 –.048 –.051 .162 –.040
(t = 44.25) (t = 18.42) (t = 18.55) (t = 1.32) (t = 12.40) (t = 6.53) (t = 8.71) (t = 8.28) (t = 31.78) (t = 6.36)
Friends 103.07 .024 2.491 –.083 –.020 –.019** .056 .031 –.014* –.084 –.054 –.009ns
(t = 30.62) (t = 14.23) (t = 3.81) (t = 3.36) (t = 9.91) (t = 6.09) (t = 2.41) (t = 13.44) (t = 10.43) (t = 1.46)
Loneliness 489.98 .104 8.283 –.248 .025 .008ns –.026 .020 –.049 –.034 .114 –.045
(t = 59.74) (t = 44.33) (t = 4.90) (t = 1.51) (t = 4.70) (t = 4.07) (t = 9.02) (t = 5.78) (t = 22.76) (t = 7.32)
Note. Reasons are “To enjoy the music,” “To be creative and use my imagination,” “To relieve boredom,” “To help me get through difficult times,” “To be trendy or cool,”
“To relieve tension and stress,” “To create an image for myself,” “To express my feelings and emotions,” “To please my friends,” and “To reduce loneliness.”
p < .001 in all cases, except ns = not significant. *p < .05. **p < .01. df = 9,37791 in all cases.

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self-esteem, the bulk of the data presented in Table cates that the importance of individual differences
3 indicates that low self-esteem is related to attempts varies widely between musical styles; it is more ap-
to use music to help deal with emotional problems. propriate to consider the former on a style-by-style
Ratings of self-esteem were related positively to lis- and variable-by-variable basis. More generally, the
tening to music in order to enjoy the music, whereas wide-ranging pattern of relationships identified here
ratings of self-esteem were related negatively to listen- suggests that they deserve more attention than has
ing to music in order to relieve boredom, get through hitherto been afforded them.
difficult times, be trendy, relieve tension, create an
image, express feeling and emotions, please friends, Notes
and reduce loneliness. Financial support for this research was provided by award
No hypotheses were made about relationships #SG-41932 from the British Academy Small Grant scheme.
The assistance of Nicole Jordan and Tony Andrews in data
between reasons for listening to the favorite musical
collection is also acknowledged with gratitude.
style and both age and income. However, it is interest- Address correspondence about this article to Adrian C.
ing that Table 3 shows that age was related negatively North, School of Life Sciences, Heriot Watt University,
to all the reasons for listening. A lack of prior research Edinburgh EH14 4AS, United Kingdom (e-mail: a.north@
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