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The overall goal of this report is to understand how to interpret a given set of data set and

compare it over the years. This will help in better decision making and develop better analytical

skills so that the given set of problems are resolved promptly. As energy is a vital source for

almost every economy in the world. It is crucial to understand using a graphical form of

information about the impact on renewable and non-renewable energy over the decades.


The type of data used is Quantitative as more data can be easily quantified. The graphical form

of information is demonstrated using a bar chart, line graph, and pie charts.

Production of Energy in the Green Valley City

The bar chart shows the percentages of production of energy in the Green Valley City

over a five-year gap period 1990 to 2015. The overall trend shows that it is moving from non-

renewable to renewable energy over the decades. It can be clearly seen that oil is the primary

source of energy in the green valley city as it has the highest bar in all the years. It also tells us

that natural gas is the second highest energy produced in the green valley city.
Wind, solar, and geo thermal has been at a very low percentage throughout the time

period. Their percentage, as the graph shows, is below 10%. It can also be seen that the

production of oil has drastically decreased over the years from 1990 to 2015. It was 48% in the

year 1990 but has come down to only 16%. Percentages of all the non-renewable energies have

decreased over the years but the renewable energies saw a rise due to an increase awareness

about the scarce and finite non-renewable energies. We see a global change as more and more

people are moving towards hydro and solar power, which is renewable and is less expensive than

the non-renewable resources. Solar & hydropower energy increased its production from 2% in

the year 1990 to 9% in the year 2015. This will also benefit society as a whole as there will be a

lesser impact on the environment.

The two pie charts are showing the production share of energy in green valley city in the

years 1990 and 2015. The overall trend shows that the output has declined over the years,

starting from 1990 to 2015. In 1990, Oil had the highest percentage of production while in 2015,

hydropower had the highest percentage.

In 1990, both oil (48%) and gas (24%) total production in Green Valley City had reduced

by almost half to 16% and 14%, respectively. This might be a reason of reduction in the reserves

or resource availability due to the depletion of non-renewable resources over the years.

Similarly, renewable energy production has increased. Solar and Hydropower have increased

drastically and have doubled to 9% and 24% respectively, which were 2% (solar) & 6%

(Hydropower) in the 1990 period as global trends are increasing on more environmentally

friendly energy sources. This is a positive sign as it will benefit society as a whole.

Sales of Oil and Natural Gas in Barrels in the Green Valley City

The bar chart shows sales of oil and line graph shows natural gas in barrels in the green

valley city. Overall, the bars show a number of barrels sold of oil while the line graph shows the

number of barrels sold of natural gas in an annual year. Oil had more demand as compared to

gasoline, as it is the most useable form of energy.

At first sight, it can be seen that natural gas had more sales in the first four months

whereas sales of oil exceeded natural gas in the later months. The peak season for oil & gas was

during November, where 6876 and 1890 barrels were sold, respectively. The slowest period in

terms of sale was in January for both commodities. We could see a pattern that each commodity

sale increases but at a decreasing rate over the year. The first quarter of the year was slow in

terms of sale in which natural gas was exceeding. However, in the last quarter of the year (Q4),

the sales were relatively high. There were fluctuations in the sale of natural gas, which did not

cross over 2000-barrel marks over the year. The number of barrels sold of natural gas 14681

accumulative was lower than oil in the annual year, which was 27610. Hence the percentage of

barrels sold in the year was 35% natural gas while 65% oil.

Educational parameters in the Green Valley City in a decade

The bar charts show the number of students in each education level over the year 1995,

2005 and 2015 respectively in Green Valley City. Overall, number of students increased over the
years in educational sector and college had the highest number of students over the years. The

highest rate of students was in 2015 across all education levels.

However, minimal graduate students with zero students in 1995. As people knew the

importance of education over time, and the government started to introduce educational

programs due to awareness globally. The highest number of students were in college, 3753.

While in the year of 2015, the total number of students in each level was highest, which was

4702. This number was 1713 in the year 1990. It was almost 275% more.

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