Covenant University: SECTION A: Attempt To Answer Question 1 and Any Other Three Questions

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TITLE OF EXAMINATION: B.Eng. (Petroleum Engineering)

COLLEGE: Science and Technology DEPARTMENT: Petroleum Engineering
SESSION: 2012/2013 SEMESTER: Omega (June 2013)
COURSE CODE: PET 323 COURSE TITLE: Reservoir Engineering I



SECTION A: Attempt to answer Question 1 and any other three


Question 1: (20 marks)

a. Given that the following data are applicable to an oil reservoir:

Drainage Area, A = 1200 Acres
Oil payzone thickness, h = 170 ft
Porosity, ϕ = 25%
Initial water saturation, Swi = 20%
Cumulative oil production so far, Np = 7 X 106 STB)
Recovery Factor, RF = 30 %
Initial Oil Formation Volume Factor, Boi = 1.23 RB/STB

Calculate the following volumes in the indicated units:

i. Reservoir Bulk Volume, BV, in Acre-ft (1 mark)
ii. Reservoir Pore Volume, PV, in Acre-ft (1 mark)
iii. Hydrocarbon Pore Volume, HCPV, in Acre-ft (1 mark)
iv. Hydrocarbon Pore Volume, HCPV in ft3 (1 mark)
v. Hydrocarbon Pore Volume, HCPV in RB (1 mark)
vi. Stock Tank Oil Initially in Place, N (1 mark)
vii. Ultimate Recovery, UR (1 mark)
viii. Reserves, R (1 mark)
b. The following data are required in carrying out volumetric calculations of oil-in-place. Give
possible sources for each of the data type listed below.
i. Area, A (1 mark)
ii. Thickness, h (1 mark)
iii. Porosity, ϕ (1 mark)
iv. Initial Water Saturation, Swi (1 mark)
v. Initial Formation Volume Factor, Boi (1 mark)
c. A dry gas reservoir has the following data:
Drainage Area, A = 1000 Acres
Thickness, h = 10 ft
Porosity, ϕ = 20%
Initial water saturation, Swi = 25%
Initial Gas Formation Volume Factor, Bgi = 0.006208. ft3/SCF
Calculate the initial gas-in-place, in MMSCF. (3 marks)

d. Define the term ‘Reserves’. In your definition, ensure you underline the conditions upon which a
reported value of reserves can be taken to be valid. (4 marks)

Question 2 (10 marks)

a. List three of the main responsibilities of the reservoir engineering team in a multi-disciplinary
oilfield development team. (3 marks)
b. Which of the responsibilities listed above depends on the correct and appropriate identification of
fluid zones and fluid contacts in a reservoir. (2 marks)
c. Applied reservoir engineering requires the application of some basic physical principles/laws or
assumptions. Highlight three of such physical principles/laws or assumptions. (3 marks)
d. Reservoir engineers employ various methods in accomplishing their responsibilities. Give two (2)
of such methods. (2 marks)

Question 3: (10 marks)

a. The natural gas mixture given below exists in a reservoir at 150 0F and 2000 psia; calculate the
following properties of the gas mixture.
i. The apparent molecular weight. (1 mark)
ii. The gas specific gravity. (1 mark)
iii. The gas density at the specified reservoir pressure and temperature; in lb m/ft3; assuming
ideal gas situations. (1 mark)
iv. The gas density at the specified reservoir pressure and temperature; in lb m/ft3; assuming real
gas situations, and given that the gas deviation factor (z-factor) is 0.83, (1 mark)
v. The gas formation volume factor; in ft3/scf (1 mark)

Component CH4 C2H6 C3H8 n-C4H10

yi 0.85 0.09 0.04 0.02

Note: H = 1; C = 12

i. Give a sketch of the variation of oil formation volume factor, B o with reservoir pressure. The
variation is known to exhibit two regimes (as divided by the bubble-point pressure value),
give in very concise terms, the physical phenomenon governing the variation
(increase/decrease) in each regime. (3 marks)
ii. The correlation to calculate Rs at pressures below or equal to the bubble-point pressure is
presented thus.
R s=γ g
( 18 ×10 y g )
Using an appropriate diagram, give reason why there is no need for a correlation to calculate
Rs at pressures above bubble-point pressure. (2 marks)

Question 4: (10 marks)

a. Highlight the essence of classifying reservoir fluids based on their phase behaviour by giving two
oilfield development decisions that depend on such classification. (2 marks)
b. What physical factor would you attribute to the fact that in a reservoir, the gas cap is found lying
on the oil pay zone? (1 mark)
c. In hydrocarbon reservoirs, it is known that there is no sharp distinction between the oil pay zone
and the water zone (aquifer); rather there is a transition zone between the two zones. What
physical factor would you attribute to the existence of the transition zone? (1 mark)
d. Give a sketch of the distribution of various fluids in an hydrocarbon reservoir; indicate on the
diagram each fluid zone, transition zone and fluid contacts. (5 marks)
e. As a reservoir engineer, which of the zones (in your diagram above) would you recommend for
well completion? (1 mark)

Question 5: (10 marks)

a. List the four performance indicators (4 KPIs) you would have used if you are to discuss the
efficiency of reservoir drive mechanisms (2 marks)
b. What is the source of natural energy that drives fluid into the well in the following?
(i) rock and liquid expansion drive reservoirs (1 mark)
(ii) solution-gas drive reservoirs (1 mark)
(iii) gas-cap drive reservoirs (1 mark)
(iv) water drive reservoirs (1 mark)
c. Why would you choose to conserve free gas in the reservoir? (1 mark)
d. As a reservoir engineer in charge of a gas cap reservoir, suggest two ways by which you would
operationally ensure reservoir free gas is conserved in the reservoir. (2 marks)
e. At what point (in terms of reservoir pressure) would a reservoir, operating under rock and liquid
expansion drive mechanism, begin to operate under solution-gas drive mechanism? (1 mark).

SECTION B: Attempt to answer all questions under this

Question 6

a. State Darcy’s law for both linear and radial flow in field units. (4 marks)
b. What is the equivalent linear permeability of four parallel beds having equal widths and lengths
under the following conditions?(3 marks)

Bed Thickness, h, ft Permeability, k, md

1 5 250
2 8 200
3 15 130
4 20 80

Question 7

a. Derive the Material Balance Equation for a volumetric reservoir producing above the bubble point
pressure. (8 marks)
b. Determine the fractional oil recovery, during depletion down to bubble point pressure, for the
reservoir whose PVT parameters are listed below. (5 marks)

Pi = 4000 psi Boi = 1.2417 rbl/stb

Pb, = 3330 psi Bob = 1.2511 rb/stb
Additional parameters are: cw = 3.0 x 10-6psi-1 Swc = 0.20 cf = 8.6 x 10-6psi-1

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