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Touring URI: A Student’s


By Aidan Votaw
Our Route and Places of Interest
➔ About me (Self Leadership)
➔ Roosevelt Hall: Center for Career and Experiential Education
➔ Memorial Union (Valuable lesson from minor)
➔ Quad (Interpersonal and Organizational
Concepts and skills)
➔ Heathman Hall (Inclusive Leadership)
➔ Carothers Library (Critical Thinking)
➔ Academic buildings (Leadership Theories)
➔ Higgins Welcome Center (Conclusion)
About Me (Self Leadership)
➔ Gained confidence
➔ Found my own leadership style
◆ Gallup Strengths
● Competition
● Restorative
● Individualization
● Analytical
● Achiever
Outcome #17: Student will describe StrengthsQuest
Signature Themes, shadow side of Strengths and examples
of application
➔ Found my path
◆ Engineering to Higher Education
Roosevelt Hall
➔ Home to the AEC, CCEE, Writing Center, New
Student Programs, Counseling Center, and

➔ Higher Education Experience:

◆ Orientation
◆ Housing and Residential Life
◆ Advising

➔ Pursuing career in Higher Education

Memorial Union (Valuable lesson from minor)

➔ HDF 290 Retreat

◆ Understand different points of view
◆ Ethical leadership
◆ Teamwork and trust

➔ There is no perfect leadership style

Quad (Interpersonal & Organizational Concepts and Skills)
➔ Orientation
➔ Time management
➔ Working as a team
➔ Communication
➔ Facilitation

Outcome #119: Student will

demonstrate knowledge of
facilitation techniques
Heathman Hall (Inclusive leadership)
➔ Resident Assistant training
◆ Safe zone training
◆ Mental health training
➔ Inclusivity Workshops
➔ Orientation: Opening Minds, Opening
➔ Strength-Individualization

Outcome #97: Student will create a personal

code of inclusive leadership
Carothers Library (Critical Thinking)
➔ IT Service Desk
◆ Daily problem-solving
◆ Critical thinking under pressure
◆ Designing hiring process
➔ Strength: Analytical

Outcome #99: Student will demonstrate proficiency of critical

Academic Buildings (Leadership Theories)
➔ Relational Leadership Model (Komives)
◆ Leadership is a relational and ethical process of
people together attempting to accomplish
positive change
◆ Inclusive
◆ Ethical

Outcome #41: Student will show knowledge of the Relational Leadership


Komives, S.R., Lucas, N., & McMahon, T.R. (2007). Exploring

leadership: For college students who want to make a difference
(2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Higgins Welcome Center
➔ Advice to incoming students
◆ Trust the Process
◆ Break out of your comfort zone
◆ Do what you love
◆ Make the most of your time here

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