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\ ·
- PET511 TEST 1 ALPHA 2016/2017

(a) Flow reg 1me maps are useful lools for getting an ovan-,GW of flow regimes that can be e ~-for a
Particular set of input dllt2 Each map is not, however, general enough to be valid for other 011ta set. Discuss.
(b) ~h the aid or ~uitabte diagrams. ttesctibe any fo\K flow regimes usually encountered in vertical pipes or
An oil well produces under steady ,state condition. Assume that there is no skin effect in the wen syttem. The
drainage area is 40acres, ar.a ttfe reservoir pressure is 5000 psi and a flowing pressure of 2/3 the reservoir
pressure. Generate the effec!ive well moos end INFLOW PERFORMANCE RELATIONSHIP (lPR) curves for
three oerrrgability values of 1 md, 10md and 100 md, res~ve~/-

Bubbia Point ~ure = 1697 psi Heigr.t= 53ft

Tota! Compressibility= 1.29 E-5 psi Formation Volume Factor" 1.2 res bbl/STB
Vi~cosity = 1.72 cp Porosity= 0.19
Welfbo·e Radius = 0.328 ft

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(s) ~ (l,s d~"' \ct.~ lh'\ ~ (.,+u-r (V\. J t3a-s U1Y'-t p ,t.S. ~ l bdI 'J
A- s ~-oc. u.{)(cA ~ r\.O"f\ ~ Q,S.~o ( I. u;k rl ~q~ .
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(SMh.s) .

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~c.du- 54.-turq-¼t011 ,s sO 'Z\ M.a tt,(. ~.S-C,r'{o, r- -'1, .. cJsrtfts /S JS~

L . . . ~ "-'l'l"--1J a.c.res does ½~ re~ec--~o-,r Cti\1€.fS I~ ( S- HJQJ/:;j:-\J•
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R f>f Of Luc;; ·

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