Creswell-Use of The Literature

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25 Research Design om : a one rasta ot ence ther investigations #8 CHAPTER TWO Review of the Literature Sopronc' the propor designer ako neste beg ving = Scroory Neue, Uerahre reviews hep researches he scope ol har nub. ond fey convey te rmpcronce oF s3}G 0 topic fo reader, Tri Grenier continues he dcusen cboutprstminary choices to be mode betorelaunching oo propor. Weegins wih ocacxsion eeecr eloctng © Tople and wring tis topic down v0 that the (Ravorchr cen continual reflect ane. A ispon erecrchos to TeeG fo constr whether ha ope con ond shoul be researched. Jhon ne aecussicn moverinio he cctual process of reviewing hei Tiolue 1 copre by adzesang he goneral purpete fr usng tera Sie Nasua nen un fo pineios repli proving c erohe rive, quonitoiv, ond mised methods Suces | ‘naxiction fo siectng @ quantitative, quataive, cf maxed meio IDENTIFYING A TOPIC Before considering what literature to use in a project. Ais entiy @ toptetostady and reflect on whether itis practical and wsefal to under in ashort phrase. The take the std. Desrbethe topicin afew word Topic becomes the ceatal dea to Jean about o to explore in stud. then are several ways in whic researchers often gain some insight nto thc topte when they are Benning ther escarch. My assumption twill be that the tops chosen by the researcher and ot by en adviser ‘Sr commitee member. Several strateges can help start the proces of ldentiying a top ‘One wy is to drat a bref le forthe stad am surprised at how ten researchers fll to draft ate early in their projets. En my opinion, the “working tile” bacemes major road sgn In researca ‘angbl dest kee refocusing on and changing asthe project poe 2 a ee a coon ttc ot Seats Seca awre Zoctanaiatemmectsensy oh weenie actrees, een ett ene ee ae cae ‘another scholar might easily grasp tit mie eset sae ‘hah ty fan nee Me cst undersod tits shoud al eft principles fh bt gn 099) mons tl i or tng te Trasght ani vsng ors. mia meena) nee sh cance cue Engedee ‘Use a single title or a double title. At eto aresarch study calls al or rf dod shouldbe researched A tape cit re eetrans ling to serve inte sl § SS hero ak ni eee 28 Resserch Design Roview of the Literature 29 time and resources to analyze the information, such as through data analyst or text analyst programs. "ae question of should is more complex. Several factors might gointo this decison. Perhaps the most important i whether the tplc adds to the poo of research knowledge avallable on the opie ist ep in any Project isto spend considerable time in the hiary examining the ‘esearch ona topic (se later inthis chapter for strtepes for eectvely sing the Hbrary an brary resoures) This point cannot be overem- Dhasize, Beginning researchers may advance a great study thats ‘complet in every was such ain the clan of research questions the ‘comprehensiveness of data collection, and the sophistication of stats cal analysis. Afterall thatthe researcher may gener lide suppor from faculty committees or conference planners because the study does not ‘add “anything new” tothe body of research ona topic. Ack, “how does ‘tis projet contribute to theliterature’” Consider how the study might address a tople that has yet to be examined, extend the discussion by incorporating new elements or replicate (or repeat) a study In new situations or with new participant "The lsue of whether the topic should be stuled aso relates to ‘whether anyone ouside the researcher's own immediate institution or area would be intrested inthe tpl. Given to topics, one tht might ‘eof limited, gional interest and one of national interest, I would opt forthe later because its appeal toa genecal audience wil help readers appreciate the worth othe td: Journal eltors, commtee members, conference planners, and funding agencies alike research that will reach a broad audience. Final the shoul issu also relates to the researcher's personal pols. Consider the ime ittakesto complet pro- Jeet, reise and dsseminate tbe results. Any researcher should con= sider how the resareb study and its heavy input ofthe researcher's time will payoff in enbancing carer goals, whether these gal relate to doing more research, obtaining & future postion, or advancing toward a depre. Before proceeding with & proposal ora stuly one needs to weigh ‘thes factors and ask others for thelr reaction to a tpl. Sek reactions ‘tom colleagues, noted authorities in the eld, acedemie advisers and faculty committee members, and coleagues. PURPOSE OF THE LITERATURE REVIEW ‘Thelterature review ina research study sccomplishes several purposes. 1M shares withthe reader the results of other studies that are closely OO —— XXX XXX XX O—SEQ_E_x_x es 2 Research Design "ate othe ty beng reported. It relates stu tothe larger trelatesa study tothe larger ona, opie the tratare bout tpi filing n gps and extending it stale (Cooper, 1984 Marshall & Rosman, 1999) proves a fame Perk estbshing the importance ofthe ty aswell as a beak lor compart the resus of ‘thse reasons may be the foundation for wring the scholarly erate LUTERATURE REVIEWS IN QUALTATIVE, QUANTTATIVE, AND NaiXED Inqutat researc, ih METHODS RESEARCH He study with other ndings. Alo some Stele erature ca a cltaral concept o°* ssudyas letroduced by researchers eariint des and sounded theory tudes, ease sa Steger thee erature wil serve less tose th ‘it an porch rounded ine {on by pee an arog ton partpants and vee arch, we see several modes for io Pong the tr Eats te cere alate uy of tre laces peak who bas studied it, and who het Model tn mene avallable studies. Onecan find tt 8 linguiry |" MY Gualitative studies ‘employing difierest Review of the Utewatize 31 ARLE 21 hg eae Hee Se g Banger Soe Teele tuscto Meter verme Nea aed nat ore’ mepetien "hacnseavicne, "euattvemdne ine rotont ‘Soman ors. menu Teteotses _Angppeeshofen _—_‘Mikapueach ese Prmieino —“aotepiooloan wit inom moe Gecotesecion — Gudereemos andr Srgoyng. sha Govwiowarte —waniorosken fear hehe foonse” Doma ceeooch lo bocgaunga Roe mvonn focogmngoto Rornence Chega, ‘moat neoy tudo: Toteaues —— rcgpoacnt Imeceeoach Feamecn te "“noastgateme "udm posot Rovatnwens Traut’ potme | Sate dog feeconpomecrd — ectae doer ot guae wh geundea hey cost cree ney eur whew one content frangofme -—‘Escomeronatoree._ hacoreatr ot ‘uoneiveay, ponoecreaeguon” er thay witcher Fe bean ones erate A second fom sto evi the ear sepa secon, 2 model pally nse i guanine rsach Ta pponc oen ‘pent hen te audnce conto indus x ones wh antiatv vesaton, Mecove nerve gultate tl- Auch ecinogrpte andra ory testes whan fvoeay or eancpatoy te gue mite the thay dicascon and ierture in sparse soon, pial toward he Beginning of te say Thi, the esarcer say tne che ‘ted estar nthe al secon of the sy. whee wed Cope stat ih et ees oa) tere om the stad ie model eel pool nou Shey su emer oa ete etre ‘unutthe esearhy on the other an, actus «susan amount tetra! ine beag afta vie reo it theremach qesons or pte In planning a quanta st. the. erature la ‘often used st the beginning of a study to introduce @ a, eee Revaarch Design Fuh ro describe in deta the exiting Weratur ina secen hd ies Ore” o “revew of erature” or smnethine set ‘eaten, the Mature incaed inthe ed of «ss eo oe eeaneee the result the stady withthe eng sip ear nce tls todel. the quantitative rescore wert Inpatient asa amewek forthe resect pee Aseprate revi deserve anon bree the “eve ofthe iterature~ eserves spel ‘This Merona Popular form for writing iterature ites ah Consens exe UB ake several dierent forms. adh preferable form. Cooper (1984) suggest tik vith the researchers suaarit ond denne, HS MO poplar nde Thad usta cp th he recher ue eer aqua = rate depending nce eel ted in each phase eatential design, the literature 8 edn hath 8 way consent; Force withthe eype of design bes a hen eg the ny bein oun Sratebeoetian ey eee nora : or awe ta thal hase then he is Tae ay ineport aoE raat oltre wih an equal weight rng CE ane a Mae dat ont ea ‘ot Satie ome tint reser Jyethods project will depend on tb, My rogeebestgy BIEN equate os ria a eae ay =: ‘the literature in a quali osdmetoe ty eee Review of the Uleature 83 ‘© Ina qualtarv stuy. use the Iterature sparingly inthe beginning of ‘the plan in order to convey an inductive design, unles the qualt- (© Consider the most appropriate place forthe erature in a qualitative study and base the decision onthe audience forthe eojct. Kea in ‘mind placing it tthe beginning to “fame” the problem, pacing it Ina separate section, and using it at the end of a study to compare and contrast with the Andings of the curren stu © Use the Utrature in 2 quntiatve study deductively asa basis for advancing research questions or bypotheses. © Usethetterature to introduce the study describe related erature Ina separate section, or compare extant tratare with ndings in a ‘quantive study plan, © tCaseparate “review ofthe erature” Is used. consier whether the review wll consi of integrative summaries, theoretical reviews. ot methodological eviews. A yplel practice in disertation wring is twadvance an integrative review. (© Ina mised methods study use the Ierature in a way that is consi- tent with the major typeof strategy and the approach—qualitive ‘or quantitatve—that i most prevalent inthe design DESIGN TECHNIQUES Regardless of winether you wrle te erature into a qualitative, quan- ‘tate, ora mized methods study several steps are useful in conducting literature review, Research Design or thought pieces that provide ameworks fir think aout {opis Theres one wa occ alkerature revi, aS scholars proce in a systema fishin to capture evaluate. ad summa the erature, Step 1 Stop 2 Stop 3 ‘Step 4 Begin by Hentifing Bey words sel i lcating materials in an academic bry at college ou ‘ees: These hey words may emerge Wentiing lope. o they may result rom preliminary eadings 2 the ibrar. With these hey words tn vind, stg to the brary and esi searching the lary cata for holdings tie, journals and books). ost majo ibraries bate computerized databases of their holdings. | sudest ‘ecasiagntaly on journal and books related tothe ope Alo suggest beyinnng o search the compte ‘aed datbaes pealy reveed by scal sHe esarchers such as ERIC, PsycINFO, Sociol and the Social Sience Cation Index ater. these wil eviews in some deta). These databases are aah qe online using the ary’ Web site or they mF ‘eavible on CD-ROM ina bray, mld nly ty okt about 5 FW bee about 50 reports Tovah at obs ele resc owls ry on the sah fa tulaesand books ecru hey ar coy teal tar ela. Hou deternine wheter thse ates wes acs et 9 my scudemie Hear & endfor them by interlibrary loa ‘oF purchase them through a bokstor, TenE inal roof arts, would then oak {hearts and photocopy the thon a sme ate central ion proces. 1 would Took eve th Step 5 Stop 6 Stop 7 To build om ey points an these sever proces steps we wil fist consider tecingues seta in acessing the erature quis through (alae, Review of the Lterature sirac nd ski the artic or chapter Throuabout this proces would try simpy to obtain a ses of ‘whether the article or chapter will make a useful con ‘buon toms ndersaning ofthe erature. AAs Ment asf Hecate Dela ds Tnerature mapa sual picture of te weseart ture on my tole. Several possiblities exis for ran tng this map ilo be discus later. This picture provides useful organi device for positioning my fn tody within the larger body of the lterature on topic. A the sme tne that Lam organiaing the Merature Ingo my erature map. am also begining to dat summates ofthe most relevant atic. ese sum mares are combined ito the final Merature review that I ite for my proposal or rescarch sty: {0 audio, {am slung precise relerences to the eratuee using an appropiate syle. sco tat contained in the American Psschological Association Style manual (Amerlcan Psychological Association, 3001) sa that Ihave a complete reference to use a ‘theend of my proposal or study After summarizing the erature [then assemble the ierature review in which I structure the leratute thematically or organie by impoetant concepts adresed in the stud L would end my etre review with usummary ofthe major themes found in the hterature and suggest that we need further research on the tpie long the bes of ry eoposed study. 3 ETT TC “Ts r:-- r Revoarch Design ‘Computetized Databases eee ect fa ae setcreetnatenstonee ete Sorbie cuneate sone neat ace ‘paar Anette a Ses aie cient en Scena tienen ty prep ies) aystem in Colorado It provides a wide assortment es oat the merpolan Denver aca tla Dee ae a abs on ion Databases now avaiable and Rif orrun ce ev found at the back of each OTB aM ONT I once nececareh re Desbleo your projec OF esearch study as similar 2. We oa a arti Sct thermal a desert used for thst (eesoniporten L ook through the subject ind IC he abstr, Review of he Literature 37 3. Use these major deseripiaes in your computer search. In this ‘way, you utllze the desciplors that indwiduals at the ERIC ‘Glearnghouses have used to catalog articles fr the ERIC sy tem, This, in turn, maximizes the posbility of locating articles relevant or the planned stud. ‘The Sac Scenes tation Index insite for Sele Information, 1969- —) is alo avalable on CD-ROM and held in many academic beanies. The SSC covers about 5.700 journals that represent irually every discipline in the soil cence. canbe used to locate aries and ftuthors who have condated research on a top Its especialy sel n locating tues that have reference an important stody. The SSCTenabes ‘you to trace all tudes since the publication ofthe key study that have ‘ited the work, Using thisystem, you can develop a chronological of Feferences thal document the historical evolution ofan le o stud. “Another CD-ROM database ig Dissertation Abstracts. International (Wniversty Mlerofims, 1938). This database contains abstracts of Aloctoal ciserations submited by near'y 500 participating inst ‘ons throughout the word. nfl teratuereview for a dssetation, ‘enti all references, ncuding dissertations. nthe search. Loo fr a Tew good cisertations ftom respected institutions that addres topic as close as possible to your top of stud “To locate researc in secology or on tole that address socilonial concepts, sear Scoop Abstets (1953). avalable on a CD- ROM ited Socio, Secobla! Abstracts sealable from Cambridge Scenic Abstracts (ee its Web site at htp/infoshare princeton. ‘lu:2003/databases/aboutip/htmV/socofle him). This database Contains sbsracts fo articles in more than 2,500 journals a> well as book reviews and abstract fo disertations and books. For pycholog cal studies, examine PayINFO (ee wwrwape.orp/pvnio/about!), the {ulde to Psychologie Abstracts (1927— Ths database indexes more than 850 journals under 16 diferent eateores of tnfrmaton Ii svailabl in ecademicbrals in CD-ROM form and asa Website version. In surnmar. [recommend the folowing: © Use computerized resources avallable in your academic Hore. sue ‘as CD ROM or Website version to acces iterate about your topic {© Access multiple databases to conduct thorough review of the Iterature Search databases sch as ERIC SCT, PsjeINFO, Sociol ese iptors used to describe ““y and Dissertation Abstracts Internationa. i 38 Research Desn Review of he Literature 39 A Proly for Resources in the Literature placed journal ates fst on the st because they re the easiest to locate and duplicate. Thy also report the “research” about a topic ‘recommend that esearchers establish aploity in search of he Dissertations are std last because they vary considerably in quality erature, What types of Iterature might be reviewed, and in it and are the mos diteult material oleate ad reproduce Priory? Consider he lowing: Web site articles and research sade alo are sel materials. The easy access and ably to capture entire articles makzs these sources of ‘materal attractive, However, reviewers may not have evaluated and screened these article for quay. and one need to be cautious about ‘whether they represent rgorous thoughtful and systematic research foruseinlteaturereview-Online journals, which ee becoming more 1. peck if you ae examining a tole forte it time and ‘unaware of he esearch on start with broad syntheses it Uieratare such s overviews found in encyclopedias (eg. Ai 1992: Keeves 1988). You might also look for summaries of te SERRE on resentlinjoumal aries orabist paar oem nce rk that ave brn examind sands of hae cer Aine Reser e Paros, 1950- {hal and eeatchery might hse ei cura asad 2, Nex. um to oral ates In rept atonal ouh _—_—ow oar that hs publ ar quay sen coping sal htt pert soarchades By sede esas publeation {athe rath ee eon eit et yo ans he gut spp he hypo . Sirwihibenttretaiderstoutbelocandiaan mat ‘A UeFtire Map ofthe Research Sec in tin sth Jounal ere, io One of tbe st ak fr a resrcher woking wth ew peo soctatheedof erste mere sore Some exganus the erature about te op Ts cate archer o 3. Tuto bis eed the tole Regn wth such nu ——_—sirtand iow hs or er uy of te tp tendo fobs that ummar theselry Merete then coniie ES areal complete “— cocoa that aro nla cota cag A etl a ths aka rare ap of he marc ct tly dete tpt This mop visual smarty ofthe etch that has oo co 4 Raoe Aveda nds opesentlina eure re naps ls sb ing oreent conference popes et scorned in deat wage On rari erate WhO (ae Ohenconirecepae porte nesters dm? praetaon eho crget ie tlom wh pone cela kta nanalcnteeacs andthe papers sty Sail eed he trate Ancbe might esr o «Row rahe Mos mr cinteacs eer require or! chart nich need understand tire ung Eo et > uo skh aps ncason in compuetd gh. wh he se att ote ight aang a pose tal cretion with bose td Sk hemou'® ha aoe rtrd moll ih be canoe cle Teed oth ete them asking dy now fs ‘wth each eel erecting body of ltertre andthe inersaoa menage poe sy nding thy be oni tthe ee nctng the plc wh tre esearch ned ght bud oral rac no ae Thane een czas dre by sans al hs pb Toe "central da ls that the researcher begins to bud a vsual pleture Diane PETRI lok at the abstracts of disertations Th srton Absa of existing reeareh about topic. This Merafure map presents en 193 UR Intemational (Cnveaty Mi revo esting rte vi ip tere -sch a = setae sped tobe tera mensey i quality, ao ‘tion or master’s thesis committee, «group of participants assembled at Abst ean ge sas, A earch fF ‘cenfrence oe june eves vin aw te say ets o Yen eat Oat tations Ot tbelagerterture on ee ry loan oth ce of he Th lores erature mop andthe procs noe in generating ‘Microfilm Library h the University of “ ‘one. { will first show a complete map and then discuss some general \anovee, 2001), Finorect nee eda Justice in organizations ‘ip. She aed sa lusts rare . we Sheen eng ae dese © Ste placed thea thelr “OE He ertare review inthe bx atthe tone © Ne. she took the betes eta he ound in compe ead sgt a an orgie hem aot bed ce inorgniatona re Ptens formato, justi andj? chang a Se ne teste ec stile © Wit cachor re ab bt eben (Le, outcomes), St Ste the nature of the studies Review of the Uteratue 41 {© Also, within each box are references to major cation useing ‘the content ofthe box. Itisusefal ous references that ae cutrent and illustrative ofthe topic of the box, and to brill sate the ‘eferencesin an appropiate style manual amor an intext reference (ee. Smith, xox © Consider several evel forthe teratre map, In other words, major topics lead to subtopis, and then other sub-subopics, © Some branches of the chart are more developed than other branches. This depth will depend on the amount of Iterature avall- able and the depth of the exploration of the lterature by the researcher, (© After organizing the literature into a diagram. Janowec considered the branches of the figure that provide a springhoard for hee pro- posed stud: She placed a "nae to study” (or “proposed study") box ‘atthe bottom of the map, she belly identified the nature of this proposed study (‘procedural jusie and culture"), and she drew lines to past iteratue that her project would extend. She proposed tis sty based on ideas suggested by other authors inthe “ature research sections of their suds, ‘Abstracting Studies ‘When reviewing the content of research studs researchers record essential information from them fora review ofthe Iterature n this proces, researchers need to consider what material to extret fom 3 research study and to summerae na “review of related erature se ton, This is Important infrmation when reviewing perhaps dozen i not hundreds of studs. A goodlterature review summary o aresrarch article reported in journal might include the following points ‘Mention the problem elngadressd ‘State the central purpose or focusof the ty. "Bey state formation sboat th same, population o patent Review key resus that relate to theta Depending on whether the review Is methodological review (Cooper, 1984), point out teehaicel and methodologial laws in thes. eee 42 Research Design Review of the Uterotue 43 ‘When examining an atl todevelopa summary. there are lacs reszach tuis to lok for these pars In well-crafted journal rts. the problem and purpose talements are found and clearly stated in th !ntrodcton othe arte. Information about the sample. population arcpansis found midway through the arte in a method (or roo re) section, andthe results are often reported toward the end ofthe ‘srl. Inthe results section, fol for pasagesin which the researches ‘epott information to answer or adress each research question &t Ibe obo gh ach esas Se oes Contin ce eke Consider the following example hat iustrates the inclusion of these spect, Example 2.1. Review of a Quantitative Study 4 tis example 1 wil resent resent a paragraph summarising the make emponens of a quanttatve study (Creel Seagren. Hetty. 1979, ‘Buch Me the pragraph might appear in a “reve of the htertue” ‘Gatos fs etation or journal aril, In this paswage | ba akzy components tobe abstracted, (FEENRR Se0aF6n cd Henry (1975 tested the Balan model © Reeicarenel mace cuserng yt academe eros Bure o ape, e ornonafe areas oro procter of ‘nolan of thse ol fare studies that are not {PPooses. and syntheses pastreee ‘me these nom-empireal studs, the Example 22 Review of aStudy Advancing a Typology ‘Sudduth (1992) competed a quantitative dissertation In polis! science on the topc af the use of strategic edepaton in rural hospitals He reviewed the erature in several chapters atthe beginning of the study, In an example of summariing a single study advancing a typology. Sudduth summarized the problem, the theme, and the ‘typology, Grier Duncan, Rechorcen, ond Swayne (1991) recogrizo the Impact of ne extemal envienmnton ahosptals ty fe adap! to chenge. hey odvocatea process that hey cll envonmenta! nas wich allows the erganation fo sategicaly deermine ‘ho bee responees to change occuing In tho envterment Howovet otter exering ne matteo techniques wed fr envton- ‘ental analyst apmears Mat No Comerehensve conceotucl scheme or computer medel has been devalpad to prove & ‘complete ana of envtonmental sues (Ginter et al 191). Te ‘etl isan essen pat of stoi change hal eles heawy on (0 non-quontfaoie and judgment proves: of evolution. To ‘ais the haxptal menage fo caetuly ces the extemat en ronment, Ginter otal (191) have dave tho ypology given Figure. (9.40 Style Manuals ‘A baste tenet in reviewing the Iereture Isto use an epororiat| ‘and consistent reference syle, When identiying a wsefal reference for @ Iteratare review, make a complete reference to the soure using an ee ee 44 Research Desn Review of he Uterature 45 ‘A MODEL FOR WRITING THE LITERATURE REVIEW Seo spe edition oa rade es ‘tpn fonts drat comme nara ate ale abt hapa se marl see _ "elite Malo een Py th eran Papa! sot ‘ed (American Psychological Association, 2001) is: widely used a (1977 ae axenic sn he mt ein the soil cece ae pas arc dealt ovn vr he pl si Sipemtcitigs emia etme png pod Mut accep frou ring dence ‘ie mos tnpotant spe manual considerations tne wed ae fone tex refrences, ‘headings, and figures and tables aes rch wing ung ae mane le © Wea Pertti indet ators keepin mind the eprepite formb g nd pay close attention to the format for mail — See at ce va oe Ee hots sean relerence, tation is matched by an end-tis © Hf Sen Horne 9s SO eye mana ht poper > than hey wee ety in seholarly apes they pat bose 208 2B yu incl them, ote whee 2 arc ne teen ne cae a ba fr neck spe mana he ate manele and pacing inte coos he oat in moran pret att Spec of using a style manual nt the manuscript FY % When composing a revlew ofthe Iterature. tis dificult to determine how much lterature to review. To addres this problem, I have dvel- ‘oped a mode! that provides parameters forthe Iteratue review. espe- clay as tight be designed fora quantitative or mixed methods study that employs a standard erature review section, For a quaatve ‘stu. the terature review might explore aspects ofthe central pheno- enon blag addressed and lide tito topical areas. For quantitative or mixed metbods review. write review of the Ineratre that contains sections abou the Iterature related to major independent variables, malor dependent variables, ond stules that ‘late the independent and dependent variables (ore materll on var ‘bes wil appear in Chapter). Tis approach seems appropriate for Alssetatlons and fr conceptualizing the Itrature to be introduced in ‘Journal article. Consider hterature review (in dsetation or pro posal o be composed of fi components: an intrducton, top 1 (about the independent variable), topte 2 (aboot the dependent var abl), topie 3 sts that addres both the independent and dependent “ariobles), anda summary. Here is ore deta about each section: 1. nraduce the section by teling the reader about the sections ‘nuded inthe lterature review. This passage isa statement bout the organization of the section 2 Review tope 1, which addresses the scholar erature about the independent varie or variables. With several Independent variables, consder subsections er focus on the single most Jmportant variable. Remember to adazess only the berture about the independent variable; kep the iterate about the Independent and dependent variables separate inthis mode 3. Review topie 2, which incorporates the scholarly erature about the dependent sari or varies, With male depen- ‘dent variables, wet subsections about each variable or focus fon single, important dependent varie. 4. Review topic 3, which includes the scholarly terete that relates the independent varias 1 the dependent variables). ere we area the crx the propose study: Thus, this ection should be relatively short and contain studles that are ‘extremely lor in tole tothe proposed studs Perhaps nothing thas been written on the topic, Construct a section that 8 EEE EE <_ 16 Resoarch Design Review of ine tteratue 47 loses possible tothe topic or review tues that adres te ‘opic at oce general eve of the review that highlights the mit ‘us, coptures major themes in the review end ‘sogzests why we need more research onthe top, This model focuses the Iterature revi we © review, relates it closely tothe TERI In he research questions and hypotheses. nd sued the study 1 Becomes a logical point of departure for it esearch, the erat Afferent purposes. In. qualita Fibs substantiate the research problem. but ature athe | stoning. Inquan end ofa qualitative study than at tht ret starch che herent only ele tos be area SU Dost questions or hypothe eo aula . fecarch n the sade erature review, entity key words for seach rary sare raping on cami PrNPO, Soc A824 els of tad eae BRI tetera hae tl Scene Chae at ‘ot ar eng tl a ce ll make @ contribution gl your literature review. Group these studies into a Ierature map that ‘Shows the major eategoriesof studies and postions your proposed study within those categories Begin writing summaries of the sts, noting complete references according to a sivle manval (eg.. American Psychological Association, 2001) and extrecting information about the researc that includes the research probcm, the questions, the data cl- lection and analysis, and the fnal resus. Finally. consider the overall structure for organizing thee studies One made isto die the review Into sections according to major varcbls(e quantitative approach) ot Imajor subthemes of the central phenomenon (a qulatve approach) that sou are studying Writing Exercises Develop visual map the testarereatd then Ila nthe map the proposed sty nd re nce ffm the proposed stu oor capes sero that a reader can easy se ow they wil extend citing err. COrpniz a “Role of the iterate fra quant sty andflow the mde dlmting the tetareo Felt the varies thes Asan aerate og fae a revw of lteratre for «quatave sey and itelude itn an intedacion + atonal forthe research problema the sta enti the numberof heading even pls nl arcle Do this ty cetng an oti ofthe feels sing ppropeite APA (Sth a for Ran an ERIC seach on & topic by identiing hey term combining them, and wing the Web se we cere orp Avanextentonf th exerci, set one ete oul atc he et ee feing sought note the dexsipors sed sod rerun ERIC search obtain erate ore cet othe ier sturerevi CCC CCC eee tsearch Design ADDITIONAL READINGS Locke, Lf, Spirduso, W. Wi, & Silverman, S. (2000). Propesls meee sd Tdi’ ae onto Lawrence Locke, Wengen Spleduso, and St iso, and Stephen Silvenma este 15 sep inthe proes of developing a review of te {ur Thes 15 eps involve tre stages: developing the cone ‘pal mide the onal or the stay. developing te us ‘egehmaor concep. an adding the most important rere iaeagi, teh sabi. These steps involve sages sich ‘esha econo that provide the raonale er thes SSEgIRE he sup fr each major cone, and ng Petant references that support each subtepi. They a rove a “dagrammatic overs lew ofthe related iterature” a8 ‘soe vlog thetteretre ed Me Mariam $8.99). ova ei ae crc and ce on eden San francesa a Sharan Merriam proves Herter gm ores an extensive discussion about the weet ing the problem statement ww wi nds CER net A rane 8 CHAPTER THREE Writing Strategies and Ethical Considerations fore designing a proposal Is Important fo conse how ero Toso Consdaraton thoul ince which Tops wil [convoy the Best xguert fot the need anc acy ofthe sive. Now ite bed ena fo adept wetng practices thet wl eras ‘a contetent anc highly feadable propos (and research proec). W ‘8.20 finaly fo cntetpate the ete tev hat wl uface dng o sfuay anc te neorpofoe good practices ho th exec propota Tis chapter focus en ofguments ond topics Yo luge in @ xo Doral. the adoption of wing satogis fF the proces of research, | Gratantcting ethical sues lay 1 ke a Su WRITING THE PROPOSAL Central Arguments to Make tis hepfilto consider the topes that wil go into a proposal he topies need tobe interrelsted so that they provide a cobesive picture of {he entire proposed project. An outline of topes wil be aif bt the topics wil fer depending on whether the proposals ora qualitative, ‘quanta, o ted methods study. Overall however there re central ‘argument that rame any proposal, They erelntroduced as ine central ‘arguments by Maxwell (1996). I pose them here as questions to be sdresed in scholarly proposal 1, What do we nee to better understand your tope? 2. What do weknow ite about in terms of your tpl? 3. What do you propose to stay?

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