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Military Escort

Bad decree 2535 of 17 December 1993, article 54, the military force
states that the transport of explosives and their accessories within the
national territory, will be carried out in accordance with the requirements
issued by the general command of the military forces. Organic military
personnel (minimum (1) a platoon) of the units perform escorts for the
protection and safety in the transport of war material and explosives
through motorized columns, must be instructed on the mission to fulfill
and know the current situation of the routes where it will be transited,
ensuring physical security and the normal displacement of the material of
the organic units, official or private entities that require it. To receive this
accompaniment, individuals, natural or legal, must cancel the value to the
right of the military escort. The vehicle for the transport of explosives must
be supplied by the companies.
Permits from the Chief of Staff of the Territorial Brigade.
Chief of Staff of the Brigade issues signed favorable concept, is in charge
of the jurisdiction where explosives and blasting accessories will be
stored and used. Information on the annual amount requested for
explosives and their accessories. Exercises control of the trade in arms,
ammunition, explosives and their accessories, elements and supplies
controlled by the State.
That permits should be requested and to whom for the installation of a
powder room.

The request should be addressed to the general address of national

mobility through the auditing authority Military Industry and INDUMILD, of
the place where it is planned to locate it, the above in 4 folders with
original documents and 3 with legalized copies, each folder must contain
the following documents:
I'm de office with the chief of staff of the brigade, requesting the
registration of the powder room.
Planing floor and lifting of the powder room on any scale.
Coil of details of the construction of the powder
Company that will make the transport where applicable.
Path, name and Driver Ruth.
Direction of where the transport starts and where the destination starts.
Quantity of boxes and KG of each explosive.

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