Course Syllabus: Executive RMF

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Course Syllabus 
Executive RMF 
Instructor Name​: Nikki Robinson Instructor Website​: 
Instructor Contact​: ​ Course Creation Date​:   
Course Description and Goals 
Course Description:  
This course will discuss the NIST Risk Management Framework (RMF) from an executive 
perspective. RMF was designed to address the management of organizational risk within the 
operation of a system (or network). While managing risk, this framework can also help an 
organization to select appropriate security controls, to balance security and functionality for a 
safe and seamless end-user experience. The framework is made up of six steps, system 
categorization, selection of controls, implementation, assessment, authorization, and 
monitoring those controls. But the key to each of these steps is the preparation put into each 
component, which determines the success of the framework. One of the main problems which 
can occur when trying to implement a security program, are the issues between the 
Information Technology (IT) and Security teams. Each team has different objectives but must 
meet in the middle to accommodate user needs, as well as the needs of the business. 
Each module will not only address each step in the RMF process, but how this process can be 
implemented into your organization or business. RMF does not have to just be for federal 
organizations, it can be integrated into any information security program, to ensure effective 
and efficient security practices. Each step will be described in detail, including mention of 
supplemental documentation, who will be involved at each stage, and how to integrate each 

Brought to you by:  Develop your team with the ​fastest growing catalog​ in the 
cybersecurity industry. Enterprise-grade workforce development 
management, advanced training features and detailed skill gap and 
competency analytics. 



component into a security program. The RMF steps are meant to help streamline the 
Authorization to Operation, or ATO, process. When implemented correctly, security processes 
will be aligned to meet functionality and security with the IT and Security teams. 
Prerequisites: ​Individuals who wish to take this course should be team leads in the IT or 
Security sectors, senior management, or executive management looking to implement, or 
improve, RMF use in their organizations. Users should already have a basic understanding of 
the NIST Risk Management Framework before taking this course. Users should also be familiar 
with the accompanying NIST Special Publication guides, as outlined in the supplemental 
material section.  

Brought to you by:  Develop your team with the ​fastest growing catalog​ in the 
cybersecurity industry. Enterprise-grade workforce development 
management, advanced training features and detailed skill gap and 
competency analytics. 



Course Outline 
Module 1​ | NIST RMF – The Basics 
Lesson 1.0: Introduction 
Lesson 1.1: RMF Overview 
Lesson 1.2: Creating a Top-Down RMF Approach 
Lesson 1.3: New Step - Preparation 
Module 2​ | Categorize, Select and Implement 
Lesson 2.0: Categorize the System (Including HVA’s) 
Lesson 2.1: Selecting Proper Controls 
Lesson 2.2: Implementing Controls 
Module 3​ | Asses, Authorize, and Monitor 
Lesson 3.0: Assessing the System 
Lesson 3.1: Let’s Get that ATO! 
Lesson 3.2: Monitoring System, Controls and Changes 

Brought to you by:  Develop your team with the ​fastest growing catalog​ in the 
cybersecurity industry. Enterprise-grade workforce development 
management, advanced training features and detailed skill gap and 
competency analytics. 


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