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Dear parents/carers,

In our English class, we’re now starting Unit 7 of Super Safari. The topic of the unit is
Jobs. We’re learning about family members’ jobs and also what vehicles are needed for
some jobs. There’s a great song about dressing up in this unit – perhaps you’d like to
listen to it at home with your child.

In this unit, your child will learn:

 To name jobs: farmer, police officer, builder, doctor, firefighter, teacher

 To talk about family members and their jobs: My (mum)’s a (doctor).
 To join in with a chant
 To follow instructions and act out a story
 To join in with a song about dressing up for jobs
 To listen to and follow a picture story
 To appreciate the value of helping others shown in the story
 To name vehicles: ambulance, tractor, fire engine, police car
 To reflect on his/her learning

To help your child progress, you can do the following:

- Listen to the unit song with your child. Does he/she have dressing up clothes to wear
while he/she sings? The song is available to download on the website.

- Play a miming game with your child. Do the actions for one of the jobs (builder, doctor,
firefighter, farmer) and your child guesses the job. Swap roles.

- Encourage your child draw a picture of a job they would like to do. They can draw a
picture of themselves and say, for example, I’m a (doctor).

We hope your child is having fun using Super Safari and enjoying learning lots of new


Super Safari © Cambridge University Press 2016

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