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Faculty of Engineering Technology

Civil Engineering Department

Soil Laboratory

ENCE 311

Experiment #5

“Sand Cone Method”

Instructors :

Dr. Abdelhamid Mimi, Eng. Shuroq AL Jamal

Done By Group C

` ANAS AKRAM 1160382

AYA KHALA 1171720



ANAS RABBA 1151890

Section :2

Date of perform the experiment : 12/10/2019

Date of submitting the experiment:26/10/2019

Table Contents

Data and Calculation:...................................................................................................................6
Results and conclusion:................................................................................................................8

Compaction, is the densification of soil by removal of air, which requires mechanical

energy. The degree of compaction of a soil is measured in terms of its dry unit weight.
When water is added to the soil during compaction, it acts as a softening agent on the soil
particles. The soil particles slip over each other and move into a densely packed position.

It is one of the properties that tested in the field after placement, it is performed in the
field using different types and shapes of rollers like sheep foot rollers. It is important to
compact the soil such that compaction increase the strength of soil (which is important
for construction of highways, airports and other structures). Also, it compacts the soil
particles so the volume of voids decreases due to driving the air content out. Therefore,
denser soil will be obtained (higher unit weight) that resulting in improving many
engineering properties such as the stiffness, resistance to shrinkage, bearing capacity and
shear strength. At the same time, it decreases the imperviousness (permeability) of the
soil, the possible settlement and the water passage so less possible risk of heave (swell).

Compaction can be tested by determining the degree of it (relative compaction) that

defined as the ratio between the dry unit weights of the tested soil to the maximum dry
unit weight of the same soil. Usually required to be (95-100) % for different

R = (γd (field)/γd (max)) × 100%

R: Degree of compaction
(γd )field : The dry unit weight of the tested soil in the field, using sand cone method.
(γd )max : The maximum dry unit weight of the tested soil, using modified proctor test.

The field unit weight of compaction can be carried out by several ways for example Sand
cone method, Rubber balloon method and nuclear method.

Sand cone method depend on determination of dry field density for compacted soils,
gravels or other materials in earth works and pavement layers by the sand replacement
method using a sand cone, as shown in the figure.

This test is generally limited to materials with a maximum particle size of 38 mm. The
basic principle of sand replacement method is to measure the in-site volume of hole from
which the material was excavated from the weight of sand with known density filling in
the hole. The in-site density of material is given by the weight of the excavated material
divided by the in- site volume.

Fig: sand cone tool

This test needs several steps to be done:

1. Calibration of the cone: to find the sand that fill the cone which is equal the

difference between the weight of filled jar and the weight of the jar after filling it.

2. Calibration of sand: to find the unit weight of the sand by using cylindrical mold
with known volume.

weight of sand ∈the cylider

γ ( sand) = volume of cylinder

3. Determination of dry field unit weight γd(sand):

γ moist
γd(sand) = 1+ ω %


weight of wet sample

γmoist = volume of sand ∈the hole

4. Determination of water content of the excavated soil:

weight of wet sample−weight of dry sample

𝜔%= weight of wet sample


 Determine the dry unit weight of a soil specimen compacted in the site by Sand

Cone Test.

 Find the degree of compaction.

 Compare the results with the specifications adopted by the country for the


It is expected that the results would be very different from the real results, because the
studied sample in this test is not the same as studied in Proctor test



Steel plate


Sand cone tool



1- The weight of the sand that filling the metal cone is founded by releasing the hole of

the cone and set the sand to flow freely the weight of sand cone+ the jar which is filled

with sand was taken before and after this step which is called by calibration the cone.

2- The unit weight of the sand that is wanted to fill the hole in the field by finding the

weight of the needed sand to fill a certain volume (mould) with a diameter of 15 cm and

height of 15 cm, which is named by the calibration of unit weight.

3- The weight of the sand jar and the cone which are taken to the field was


4- Then in the field after choosing the spot that’s where the hole would be, the plate

will be placed and a hole with depth 10-15 cm was excavated with borders of the plate's


5- While digging the whole all the resulted soil was put in a plastic bag except the

aggregates which is larger than 1.5 inch which should be put back in the hole to avoid

errors in calculations.

6- Having the valve closed turn the gallon +cone upside down and place the cone in the

centre hole of plate and open the valve so that sand flows to the hole .

7- After flow of sand stops the valve was closed, and the weight of the gallon + remain

sand + cone was determined after returning back to the laboratory.

8- The weight of the sand which was taken from the hole was determined.

9- Then this resulted sand was taken and put in the oven of 105-110 degree for 24


10- The weight of the resulted sand was taken after 24 hours.

Data and Calculation:

Table (1) Calibration of Sand:

Weight of plastic jar filled with sand W1(gm) 10071.5

Weight of plastic jar filled with sand after W2(gm) 8424


Weight of sand in cone (w sand in cone) = W1-W2 =10071.5-8424.0=1647.5gm

Table (2) Finding unit weight of sand (γsand)

Weight of plastic jar filled with sand W3 (gm) 9721.5

Weight of plastic jar filled with sand after W4 (gm) 2402
Volume cylinders
V(cm3) 4021.5

Weight of sand in cylinder= W3-W4-Wsand in cone=9721.5-2402-1647.5=5672 gm

weight of sand ∈the cylinder 5672

γsand = = =1.41( gm/cm 3)
volum of cylinder 4021.5

Table (3) Finding dry unit weight of soil (γdry)

Weight of plastic jar filled with sand W5(gm) 10490

Weight of plastic jar filled with sand after

use W6(gm) 6494

Weight of wet soil sample

Wwet(gm 3469.9

Weight of dry soil sample 3354.5


Weight of sand in the hole=W5-W6-Wsand cone=10490-6494-1647.5=2348.5(gm)

weight of sand on hole 2348.5

Volume of the hole=volum of snd ∈hole= = =1665.6 (cm3)
γsand 1.41

weight of wet soil sampel 3469.9

γ moist= = =2.083(gm/cm3)
volume of the weight 1665.6

Weight of wet soil sample−weigted dry soil sampel 3469.9−3354.5
W %= ∗100 %= ∗100 %=3.47 %
weight of dry sampel 33543.5

γmoist 2.083 gm
γdry= = =2.013( )
1+W % 1+0.0347 cm3

Results and conclusion:

 γ moist = 2.083 (gm/cm3)

 w% = 3.47%
 γ dry(field) = 2.013(gm/cm3)

γ moist = wet unit weight.
W%= moisture content.
γ dry(field) = dry unit weight in the field.

Compaction of soil is very important because it's increased the strength of soil, so it's
important for construction of highways, airports and other structures. the sand cone
method considers as an easy and simple method of determining the field unit weight of
the compaction. However, there also another two method for determining field unit
weight the first one is the rubber balloon method and the second one is Nuclear gauge

in this experiment we determine the dry unit weight of field which equal to 2.0135% its
required to calculate the degree of compaction but we need to calculate maximum dry
unit by next experiment (modified proctor test).

sources of error:

 an error can occur in weighting the soil mass and sand mass by using high
sensitivity balance.

 an error if we met a rubble pieces when we are digging the hole then we have to
neglect it. It will give a wrong mass of soil according to the volume.

 The plate that we used it to make the hole it’s not stable.

 The medium from which we took the sample was not free of vibrations.


 Das, Braja M., Principles of Geotechnical Engineering, 7th edition.

 Das, Braja M., Soil Mechanics Laboratory Manual, 6th edition, University of
California State, 2002 print.Das, B. M. (2006). Principles of geotechnical
engineering. Stamford,CT: Thomson Learning College.

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