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1. There will be no effect on good x as it is a case of single commodity.

2. (Cl Reduce in demand
3. Point of saturation
4. (a)
5. (b)
6. .
7. Notmative economics states how economic problems should be solved ( ought to be solved )
8. (a)
9. (a)
10. Increase in demand due to increase in income
11. Problem of choice of Technique of Production.
Types of techniques :- labour intensive like India and K intensive like USA
Rightward shift in PPC due to more money in circulation.
12. Demand for a commodity is when a consumer is willing and able to buy at each possible
price during a given period of time.
Determinants :- 1. Price of the commodity 2. Income of the consumer 3. Future expectations
Increase in demand
13. Numerical Question
14. Reasons :- Law of DMU :- As utility falls , consumer prefers less.
Income effect :- Rise in income , rise in demand of normal goods and vice versa
In case of giffin goods :- increase in income will lead to fall in demand.
15. A curve which shows possible combinations of two goods with same satisfaction.
Properties – 1. It slopes downwards 2. Convex to the origin 3. Higher IC gives higher
satisfaction. 4. Never intersect each other.
Law of DMU states that as we consume more and more units of a commodity , the marginal
utility derived from each successive unit goes on diminishing. (Numerical example)
16. Conditions required for a consumer to be in equilibrium:-
 MRSxy should be equal to the ratio of price
 MRS falls continuously
( Diagram should be used )
(a) 25x + 10y = 250
(b) 25/10 = 2.5
(c) 10 units
(d)It will rotate in terms of Good Y.

17. Consumers equilibrium refers to a situation where a consumer gets max. Satisfaction out of
its limited income and he has no tendency to change his pattern of existing expenditure.
Conditions of Consumers equilibrium

 Mux / Px should be equal to MUy /Py

( Situations of disequilibrium should be explained)
 MU falls continuously


18. Questionnaire Filled by Enumerators.

19. 250
20. 120
21. Errors that occurs in deciding a sample.
Less costly as mail can be done through internet
22. (b)
24. Primary Data is collected by investigation whereas secondary Data is obtained from some
published and unpublished sources.
25. (i) Personal questions should be avoided
(ii) Questions with religious issues , indirect questions should be avoided.
(iii) Should be logically arranged
26. .
27. Title of the table should suit the theme of the question and should be properly designed.
28. Numerical Question
29. Diagrammatic presentation
30. Census method :- Reliable , costly , time consuming , total size of population is studied ,
covers small area.
Sample method :- Not so reliable , cheaper , less time consuming , population as a sample is
taken , covers large area.
31. Graphic presentation
32. Numerical Question
33. Numerical Question
34. Graphic Presentation

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