CLT - PL Reflection

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Collaborative Learning Team Agenda 

Team: Grade 2  

  Facilitator: Hawkins  Recorder: Amy  Timekeeper: Brandtin 
Topic  Time  Topic  Decisions/Outcomes 

Welcome to our CLT meeting  1 min  Review of norms  

- Self reflect- where are you on the continuum 

for each part? (small black and white page) 
- Come to a group consensus as where we are 
Personalized Continuum  Whole  as grade (full size color page) 
8 min  
PL Continuum 
Notes on  
- Read each of the Core Four individually  
- Create next steps as a team 
- Writing: 
- Data-driven decisions and student 
- Jan Richardson writing 
- Reading: 
- Digital Content (troubleshooting 
- Student ownership and reflection 
(record students RUOS pilot 
Read over Core Four Look Fors  Whole 
25 min  activity) 
- Math: 
- Student ownership and reflection 
(teacher modeling, students work 
to find their own next steps, exit 
tickets with justification, positivity) 
- Content: 
- Student ownership and reflection 
(students become experts and 
present/teach based on their 
learning style and then take 
ownership of their learning) 
With our team’s next steps: 
- How will we implement this in our planning? 
- Writing: Bring a writing sample and we 
will access on the Jan Richardson 
continuum; Create goal folder 
- Reading: I.T. expert or anchor chart; 
Next Steps  5 min  Record students to help them reflect  
- Math: purposeful exit tickets, 
self-reflection bins (math journals), next 
- Content: Pick different learning styles 
and then have students  
- What will this look like in our classroom? 
Check in & out ​☺​ Review  whole  Next meeting: Any Suggestions? 
1 min 
Norms  group  Writing continuum (Kim) 

Total Time: 40 minutes 

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