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Received: 30 March 2017 Revised: 21 October 2017 Accepted: 3 December 2017

DOI: 10.1002/spe.2561


The analysis of architectural languages for the needs of


Mert Ozkaya

Department of Computer Engineering,

Altinbas University/Istanbul Summary
Kemerburgaz University, Istanbul,Turkey
Architectural languages (ALs) have attracted much attention as the modeling
Correspondence notations for specifying and reasoning about important design decisions. In this
Mert Ozkaya, Department of Computer study, 124 different existing ALs have been analyzed for a set of requirements
Engineering, Altinbas University,
that are crucial for practitioners. These requirements are concerned with lan-
Istanbul, Turkey.
Email: guage definition, language features, and tool support. Some of the important
findings obtained from the analysis are as follows: (1) performance is the top
Funding information
Scientific and Technological Research
popular nonfunctional requirement supported by ALs; (2) no ALs offer both
Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), textual and visual notation sets, one of which could be used independently;
Grant/Award Number: 215E159 (3) process algebras are the top preferred formal method by formal ALs; (4) the
physical, deployment, and operational viewpoints are rarely supported by ALs;
(5) the top preferred extension mechanism of the extensible ALs is XML for
syntax extension; (6) Java is the top preferred programming language in gen-
erating software code; (7) the exhaustive model checking is the top preferred
automated analysis method; (8) the logic-based formal techniques are so popular
in specifying system requirements; (9) among the analysis properties consid-
ered, consistency is the top supported property for the automated checking; and
(10) most ALs do not provide any discussion platform (eg, forums). Hence, these
findings can be used by the new AL developers in addressing the needs of practi-
tioners and bridging the gaps in the field. Practitioners can also use the findings
to find out about the existing ALs and compare them to choose the one(s) that
suits their needs best.

ADLs, architectural languages, software architectures, survey, UML


The notion of software architecture has been proposed in the early 1990s by Perry and Wolf,1 who view software architec-
tures as a set of decisions about the decompositions of software systems into independent components, the interactions
among the components, and any constraint needed to meet system requirements. Since then, the definition of software
architectures has evolved so as to maximize its benefits for the specifications of software systems. Allen and Garlan2
introduced the notion of complex architectural connectors, which are used to specify the high-level complex interac-
tion protocols for the components. Kruchten3 considers software architectures in terms of 4 separate views—logical,
process, physical, and development—and proposed an iterative effort for these 4 phases that are refined in each iteration

Softw Pract Exper. 2018;48:985–1018. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 985

until the architecture design reaches a satisfactory level. Taylor et al4 focus on the set of principal design decisions as
the software architectures of systems, which need to be specified and analyzed for meeting system requirements. These
design decisions include system structures, behaviors, interactions, nonfunctional properties, and concurrency issues
(eg, synchronization and threading).
Software architectures are modeled using architecture modeling notations. These notations can be as simple as natural
languages and simple boxes/lines or architectural languages (ALs) with well-defined syntax and semantics. Natural lan-
guages (eg, English) offer a textual way of specifying design decisions under no constraints at all. While natural languages
are supported by many text editors that can be used for specifying the design decisions, none of those text editors enable the
analysis of the specifications or any other operations such as code generation. Simple boxes/lines offer a visual notation
set that can be used with no constraints either. Practitioners can use any graphical editor (eg, Microsoft Office Power-
Point) to specify their design decisions, but again, they cannot be processed for, eg, analysis and code generation. ALs
have been proposed since the early 1990s, which offer precise architecture-oriented notation sets for specifying software
architectures (eg, components, connectors, ports, and roles) with well-defined syntax and semantics.
The topic of ALs has been so active since the 1990s, which led to many different languages.5-9 ALs can either have a
general-purpose scope that can be used to specify any type of systems (eg, Wright,10 Darwin,11,12 and Rapide13 ) or offer
notations that are specific to particular domains (eg, AADL14,15 for embedded real-time systems, Koala16 for consumer elec-
tronics, π-net ADL17 for multiagent systems, and Mobis18 for mobile systems). ALs are essentially distinguished in terms
of several aspects such as its textual/visual notation set, support for nonfunctional requirements, semantics definition,
multiple-viewpoint support, extensibility, formal verification, tool support, etc.

1.1 Paper motivation goal

The topic of ALs has been shown great interest by the software architecture community, and the number of ALs has been
increasing swiftly. Indeed, Malavolta et al keep an up-to-date list of the existing ALs, and they have thus far determined
tens of different ALs.19 However, it is not so easy for practitioners to compare the ALs with each other for the requirements
of their interest and to choose the one(s) that best suits their needs. There have been many surveys conducted on ALs so
far (see Section 9). Those studies either consider so few ALs or ignore the needs of practitioners and do not try to learn
to what extent the ALs satisfy practitioners' needs. This gap also prevents the software architecture community from
understanding the current standing of the ALs in terms of the important language requirements for practitioners.
Therefore, in this study, the goal is to analyze all the existing ALs that have been determined by Malavolta et al19 for a
set of requirements that are highly important for practitioners. By doing so, it is also aimed to aid the new AL developers
in comparing the existing ALs and determining their weaknesses and strengths in terms of the support for a number of

1.2 Paper structure

In the rest of this paper, the language requirements that are considered for the analysis of the existing ALs are discussed
firstly in Section 2. In Section 3, the methods used in selecting the ALs to be analyzed, gathering the requirements data,
and analyzing those requirements data are discussed. Next, the analysis of the ALs is presented in 3 sections, one for each
group of requirements, ie, Sections 4, 5, and 6 for language definition, language features, and tool support, respectively.
After discussing the analysis results, the summary of the findings is given for each group of requirements in Section 7.
In Section 8, threats against the validity of the analysis results are discussed. Lastly, the conclusion and future works are
discussed in Section 10.


Lago et al20 have recently proposed a framework of language requirements upon Malavolta et al's survey21 that has
been conducted on 48 practitioners from 40 IT companies and aimed at understanding practitioners' needs from ALs.
Lago et al's framework is therefore the result of the feedback/comments received from the practitioners about their expec-
tations from ALs. In their framework, Lago et al categorize the language requirements into 3 groups, ie, (1) language
definition, (2) language features, and (3) tool support.

2.1 Language definition

Language definition is concerned with defining the language syntax and semantics, which are addressed in 3 aspects:
(1) nonfunctional properties, (2) textual and visual notation sets, and (3) formal semantics. Nonfunctional properties
(eg, reliability, security, and performance) can be specified as part of the software architecture specifications and then
analyzed to ensure their satisfaction for the software systems specified. The notation set of an AL can be either textual or
visual (diagrammatic), either of which is preferred by practitioners depending on their experience and needs. Lastly, the
semantics of an AL are defined either formally or informally. Formal semantics are defined using mathematically based
formal techniques (eg, π-calculus22 and CSP23 ), whereas informal semantics are generally defined using plain English.

2.2 Language features

Language features are concerned with specifying, modifying, and maintaining software architectures. Language features
are also addressed in 3 aspects: (1) multiple viewpoints, (2) extensibility and customization, and (3) programming frame-
work. Multiple viewpoints are concerned with managing the complexity of software architectures by specifying them in
terms of separate views that each document the design decisions from a different perspective. Kruchten3 has proposed
the notion of viewpoints, which has later on been extended by many seminal works, eg, Taylor et al's4 and Rozanski and
Woods's.24 Given these works, the logical, information, physical, deployment, behavior, concurrency, development, and
operational viewpoints are believed to be commonly used by practitioners and, thus, focused on in this study. Extensi-
bility and customization is needed for extending the ALs with some desired capabilities, eg, domain-specific elements,
analysis support, and support for different views. Inspired by the work of Di Ruscio et al,25 in this study, 2 types of exten-
sion mechanisms are considered, which are the syntax and semantic extensions. Lastly, the programming framework is
concerned with the consideration of a modeling environment that allows for specifying, modifying, and maintaining soft-
ware architectures and then using the specifications for other purposes such as syntax and semantics error checking and
software implementation code generation.

2.3 Tool support

Tool support is addressed in terms of the following requirements: (1) automated analysis, (2) large-view management,
(3) support for collaboration, (4) support for versioning, (5) support for knowledge management, and (6) support for
software architecture–centric design. The automated analysis is considered as the automated checking for the analysis
goals proposed by Taylor et al4 : completeness, consistency, correctness, and compatibility. In addition, other important
analysis capabilities are also considered, eg, exhaustive model checking, simulation, and user-defined requirements. The
large-view management deals with the techniques and methods for specifying large and complex views of software archi-
tectures in a more manageable way that can easily be understood and analyzed. The support for collaboration deals with
specifying software architectures collaboratively that allows for practitioners at physically different locations to write the
specifications synchronously or asynchronously. The support for versioning deals with keeping a repository of the soft-
ware architecture specifications with some version details. The support for knowledge management is about publishing
via some website relevant information about the AL (eg, tools and case studies, publications, and user manuals) and
providing some discussion platforms (eg, forums) for the practitioners to exchange ideas with each other and find solu-
tions to their language-related problems. Lastly, the support for software architecture–centric design is concerned with
the tools for integrating the software architecture level of design with other stages of software development, including
requirements specification and analysis, low-level software design, and software implementation.


As aforementioned, the list of ALs analyzed in this study has been retrieved from Malavolta et al's up-to-date list of
existing ALs.19 Malavolta et al have thus far published here 125 different ALs and provide their resource links. Note that
some of the ALs in Malavolta et al's list have been the extensions of some other ALs in the same list. Table 1 shows those
ALs that extend others. Hence, all these ALs have been considered in this study (except the XSSA AL that lacks in any
English-written resources). Moreover, the XCD AL26 contributed by the author has also been added to the list.

TABLE 1 The architectural languages

(ALs) that extend some other ALs
Extended ALs Extending ALs
Wright10 AWright27
Prisma28 Ambient-Prisma29,30
MetaH31 AADL14,15 , East-ADL32
XADL33 Secure XADL34
Acme35,36 Aspectual Acme37
Korrigan38 KADL39
C240 C2SADEL41 , XC242
Darwin11,12 RADL43
Leda44 AspectLeda45
Fractal46,47 FAC48
Rapide13 AO-Rapide49

For each AL to be analyzed, a folder has been created, which consists of a number of subfolders. Firstly, the web address
of the AL has been recoded (if any) in one of the subfolders. Note that each AL is searched via Google to access any website
that exposes the supporting materials of the AL. In another subfolder, the publications about the AL that are accessible
via our IEEE/ACM/Springer-link/Elsevier/Wiley accounts have been collected. The publications herein have been either
found out via the AL's website or via Google Scholar search. Any technical reports/theses that are freely downloadable
have also been added to the subfolder. In another subfolder, the supporting toolset (if any) has been downloaded to be
able to experiment with the AL. Lastly, the user manuals of the ALs (if any) have been retrieved and stored in a subfolder.
The next goal was to determine the requirements to be used for the analysis of the ALs. As discussed in Section 2,
Lago et al's20 requirements have been used in this study, which are grouped as language definition, language features, and
tool support. However, some of the requirements may not be used as they are for the analysis of the ALs. Indeed, they
may need to be decomposed into subrequirements for addressing the requirements precisely. For instance, nonfunctional
requirements and formal semantics can be used as they are. However, multiple viewpoints are decomposed into logical,
information, physical, deployment, behavior, concurrency, development, and operational views. In the case of decom-
positions, the requirements descriptions of Lago et al20 have been used, which generally tell about the subrequirements
that need to be focused in on. For some requirements whose requirements descriptions are not found adequate (eg, mul-
tiple viewpoints and analysis properties), the seminal software architecture publications (including journal/conference
papers and books) about the requirements have been consulted (eg, the works of Taylor et al4 for analysis properties and
Rozanski and Woods24 for multiple viewpoints). Table 2 shows the requirements that have been further decomposed.
After identifying the language requirements, each AL has been analyzed for those requirements in several iterations.
In the first iteration, the publications of each AL have been gone through to be familiar with the characteristics of the AL.
In cases where theoretical knowledge is not so useful in understanding the AL's characteristics, the AL's toolset has been
installed (if available), and the AL has been experimented with some simple case studies (eg, client-server and shared
data). Then, a table has been created in an Excel sheet for storing the data to be collected for the ALs, with the column
size equal to the number of requirements and the row size equal to the number of ALs. In the next iteration, each AL's
publications have been gone through for the requirements of interest, and the gathered data for each requirement are
stored in the Excel table. The Excel table has also been checked in another iteration to determine any missing data for each
AL. If any detected, the AL developers have been contacted by email to determine the AL's support for the corresponding
requirement(s). To minimize any wrong interpretation, each AL has been gone through again, and the support for the
requirements has been recorded in another Excel table. The 2 Excel tables have been compared for any discrepancy.
After gathering the data of the ALs in several iterations, the ALs' data have been analyzed. Initially, for each group
of requirements (ie, language definition, language features, and tool support), each requirement of that group has been
analyzed individually using the MS Office Excel* and SPSS† tools. Then, again with the same tools, the requirements of
that group have been analyzed together to focus on the correlations between different related requirements of the same


TABLE 2 The requirements that can be decomposed into subrequirements

Requirement Group Requirement Subrequirements
Nonfunctional NA
Language requirements
definition Notation set Textual and visual
Formal semantics NA
Multiple Logical, information, physical, deployment, behavior,
viewpoints concurrency, development, and operational
Language Extensibility and
features customization Syntax extension, semantic extension
framework Modeling editor and software code generation
analysis Consistency, completeness, correctness, and compatibility
Tool management NA
support Versioning NA
Knowledge NA
Collaboration Synchronous and asynchronous
Software architecture NA
–centric design
Abbreviation: NA, not applicable.

group. Lastly, the requirements of the different groups have been analyzed together to determine any correlation between
the requirements of the different groups.


4.1 Nonfunctional properties

Nonfunctional properties describe the quality requirements for a software system, eg, performance and security require-
ments, which are essentially specified as part of the system requirement specifications reports.50 Nonfunctional require-
ment specifications can also be used during the architectural design of software systems, and the design decisions specified
can be checked against the nonfunctional requirement specifications.
Table 3 shows the (1) 26 ALs (21%) that support nonfunctional requirements, (2) the particular nonfunctional require-
ment(s) supported, and (3) the notation used for specifying the nonfunctional requirements. Hence, apparently, 16 ALs
use informal modeling (sub)notations for specifying nonfunctional requirements, which can be either textual or visual
depending on the notation set of the languages. Four of those ALs (ie, AO-ADL,51 AWright,27 Prisma,28 and Aspectual
Acme37 ) offer aspect-oriented notation sets and allow practitioners to specify any cross-cutting nonfunctional require-
ment in terms of aspects. Another 10 ALs use formal methods for specifying nonfunctional requirements precisely,
which can then be formally analyzed via model checkers (or theorem provers). These formal methods are π-calculus,22
real-time logic,52 finite-state machine, timed automata, graphical model behavior,53 Design by Contract (DbC),54 and
Object Constraint Language (OCL).55
Figure 1 shows the percentages of different nonfunctional requirements that are supported by the ALs given in Table 3.
Performance (29%) is the top supported nonfunctional property, followed by the reliability (17%) and security (12%) prop-
erties. Note that 14% of the ALs support the specifications of any type of nonfunctional requirements via the use of aspects
and formal methods.

4.2 Textual and visual notation sets

ALs can have either a textual notation set (ie, code-like) or a visual notation set (ie, graphical). Practitioners may prefer to
use either one of them depending on their experiences. If they are expert in the field, they may prefer to use a textual nota-
tion set for quick modeling. Note also that textual notation sets let practitioners specify really large and complex systems
in a reasonable space. Visual notation sets may essentially be preferred by practitioners who do not have that experience

TABLE 3 The architectural languages that support nonfunctional properties

Nonfunctional Properties Notation
AADL14,15 Performance, schedulability, and reliability -Annex
-Informal notation
ABACUS56 Performance and reliability Informal notation
Primitive-C57 Safety security, performance, portability Informal notation
AO-ADL51 General Aspect-oriented notation
AWright27 General Aspect-oriented
CBabel58,59 General QoS contracts
Clara60 Timeliness Timed Petri nets
ConMoto61 General π-calculus
Cosa62 General Informal notation
DADL63 Performance Informal notation
Drems ML64 Security, schedulability, network resource, performance Object Constraint Language
East ADL32 Safety, performance -Extension packages
-Informal notation
Modechart65,66 Performance Real-time logic
Palladio67 Performance Informal graphical notation
Prisma28 General Aspect-oriented notation
Aspectual Acme37 General Aspect-oriented notation
RADL43 Reliability Finite-state machine
SADL68 Schedulability Informal graphical notation
SARA53 Performance Graphical model behavior (GMB)
ScudADL69,70 Resource consumption π-calculus
Secure XADL34 Security XML-based notation
TADL71 Safety, performance, security, availability, and reliability Timed automata
UNAS/SALE72 Performance, reliability, and scalability Informal graphical notation
X-MAN73,74 Reliability Design-by-Contract–based notation
MetaH31 Schedulability, reliability, and security Informal graphical notation
Stratus ML75 Availability, performance Informal graphical notation

FIGURE 1 The percentages of the architectural languages that support different nonfunctional properties [Colour figure can be viewed at]

in architectural modeling and, thus, prefer to express their software architectures by drawing visual diagrams (as is done
with the UML language). Visual notation sets can also be preferred if the main intent is effective communication.
For an AL to be usable, it is desired to have both a textual notation set and a visual notation set that can be used by
practitioners independently depending on their experiences and needs. The analysis results are depicted in Figure 2,
which shows that 42 ALs (34%) offer both textual and visual notation sets. Table 4 groups the ALs that have both textual
and visual notation sets based on their release years. In the Figure, 49 ALs (39%) just offer a textual notation set, whereas
33 ALs (27%) offer a visual notation set only.

TABLE 4 The architectural languages that offer textual and visual notation
sets together
Architectural Languages Release Years
SARA53 1986
Artek,76 Acme,35,36 C2SADL,41 Darwin,11,12 UniCon,77
SADL (Structure)78 1994-1997
ADML,79 Koala,16 Olan,80,81 π-space,82 AEmilia,83,84
Zeta,85 ComUnity,86,87 DAOP-ADL,88 Korrigan,89
AADL,14,15 Mae,90 π-ADL,91 Service-ADL92 2000-2004
ADLARS,93 Clara,60 East-ADL,32 π-net ADL,17
SafArchie,94 Secure X-ADL,34 AspectualAcme,37
Backbone,95 EAADL,96 Prisma,28,97 Ambient-Prisma,29,30
ALI,98,99 WADL,100 DEMO,101 DiaSpec,102 Dedal,103
EADL,104,105 AO-ADL,51 MontiArc,104,105 C3,106
DPD,107 Primitive-C57 2005-2012

FIGURE 2 The percentages of the architectural languages that offer textual/visual notation set [Colour figure can be viewed at]

4.3 Formal semantics

The semantics of an AL can be defined either informally or formally. The informal semantics of an AL are defined sim-
ply in plain English. Hence, the informal semantics of languages may not always be understood clearly and, thus, lead to
ambiguous specifications that are misinterpreted by different stakeholders. The formal semantics of an AL are defined pre-
cisely using the mathematically based formal methods. Such formal methods can be in different forms, ie, operational,108
denotational,109 and axiomatic.110 Moreover, the semantics of some ALs are defined using the formal specification lan-
guages (eg, π-calculus,22 CSP,23 Petri nets,111 Z notation,112 rewriting logic,113 and temporal logic114 ). The biggest advantage
of the formally defined ALs is that they are precise languages that allow for the specifications of detailed and exact software
architectures. Formally defined ALs also enable the exhaustive analysis of software architectures using model checkers
that are based on mathematical proofs.
Table 5 shows the 60 ALs (48%) that are formally defined and the formal methods used in defining their formal seman-
tics. Hence, apparently, the process algebra–based formal specification languages are the top preferred choice of AL
developers. Indeed, 12 ALs use π-calculus, and 6 ALs use one of the CSP, FSP, Alloy, Anna, and ProMeLa process alge-
bras. Eight ALs use the logic-based formal methods (eg, temporal logic,114 first-order logic,115 transaction frame logic,116
real-time logic,52 and formal theory of rational action117 ). Furthermore, 7 ALs use the operational semantics108 , and 3 ALs
use automated-based techniques (eg, ω-automata,118 I/O automata,119 and automata theory120 ). Formal methods such as
Petri nets111 and Z notation112 are preferred by 2-3 ALs.

TABLE 5 The architectural languages that have formal semantics and

the formal methods in which their formal semantics are defined
Architectural Languages Formal Semantics
Darwin,11,12 LEDA,44 π-space,82
PiLar,121 π-ADL,91 ConMoto,61
π-net ADL,17 Prisma,28,97
AspectLEDA,45 SOADL,122
ScudADL,69,70 ACDL123 π-calculus22
OSAN,124 Jacal125 Petri nets111
XCD26 ProMeLa126
Backbone95 Alloy127
CBabel58,59 Rewriting logic113
SARA53 Graph Model of Behavior128
Modechart65,66 Real-time logic52
Lileanna129 Anna130
Resolve131 Natural reasoning132
Weaves133 Classic134
C2SADEL41 Type theory135
Cham-ADL136 Chemical Abstract Machine137
ASDL,138,139 OOADL,140 C240 Z notation112
Aster141 Larch Prover142
Rapide13 Event patterns
AO-Rapide49 Event patterns and coalgebra143
Polis,144,145 PADL,146 Korrigan,38
Clara,60 SkwyRL,147 ADR,148
Olan80,81 Operational semantics108
Wright,10 AWright27 CSP23
GenVoca149 Constraint satisfaction problem150
AEmilia83,84 Timed process algebra (EMPA)151
ArchJava152 ArchFJ153
Metaoasis154 Transaction Frame Logic116
Mobis18 Tuple spaces155
RADL43 Automata theory120
SOFA156,157 Behavior protocol156,157
Zeta85 Formal theory of rational action117
CommUnity86,87 Category theory158
ArchiTrio159 Higher-order TRIO160
XYZ/ADL,161 AC2 ADL162 Temporal logic114
KADL39 Symbolic transition system
Ambient-Prisma29 Ambient calculus163
Maude164 Real-Time Maude164
TADL71 Set theory
EADL165 ω-Automata118
MontiArc104,105 I/O Automata119
X-Man,73,74 SADL (Structure)78 First-order logic115
Connect166 FSP167

4.4 Discussion
As shown in Table 3, 26 different ALs (21%) support the specifications of one or more of the following nonfunctional
properties: performance, security, reliability, safety, availability, schedulability, and resource consumption. However,
specifying nonfunctional properties would not be so useful unless it was possible to analyze the specified design deci-
sions (eg, system behaviors and interaction) against the property specifications. When the automated analysis was also

TABLE 6 The architectural languages that support the automated analysis for
nonfunctional properties
Architectural Languages Nonfunctional Properties
AADL14,15 Performance, schedulability, security,
dependability, and reliability
CBabel58,59 Via a QoS language59
Clara60 Performance
ConMoto61 Any
Drems ML64 Security, schedulability, resource consumption,
East ADL32 Safety, performance
Palladio67 Performance
TADL71 Safety, security, availability, and reliability
UNAS/SALE72 Performance, reliability, and scalability

considered, only the 9 ALs shown in Table 6 have been observed to support the automated analysis of the design decisions
for the nonfunctional requirements.
The notation set is also important for the practical use of ALs, which can be defined either textually or visually. While
a textual notation set is more preferred for quick coding, a visual notation set is preferred for better communication.
However, none of the ALs have been found out to offer cleanly separate textual and visual notation sets, one of which can
be preferred by practitioners depending on their needs. Among the 42 ALs (34%) given in Table 4 that support both the
textual and visual notation sets, their textual and visual notation sets are complementary to each other. That is, those ALs
use the visual notation set for the structural views and the textual notation set for the behavioral views.
Regarding the semantics of the ALs, 60 different ALs (48%) given in Table 5 have formal semantics that are based
on mathematical formal methods. Process algebra–based formal specification languages (eg, π-calculus, FSP, CSP, Alloy,
ProMeLa, EMPA, and Anna) are the top preferred formal methods used for defining the formal semantics of ALs. Note,
however, that while formally defined ALs are indeed helpful for the precise and exhaustively analyzable specifications of
software architectures, practitioners rarely use them. As Malavolta et al's survey indicates,21 practitioners find the process
algebra–based ALs as requiring a steep learning curve due to their mathematical syntax that also requires concurrent


5.1 Multiple viewpoints

Multiple viewpoints are considered in this study in terms of the logical, information, physical, deployment, behavior,
concurrency, development, and operational viewpoints. The logical viewpoint describes the logical components and con-
nectors that together compose a software system. The information viewpoint describes how the components store their
data, change their data, and exchange them between each other. The physical viewpoint describes the hardware compo-
nents that are needed for specifying the devices in which the software components will be located and the relationships
between those devices. The deployment viewpoint describes the mapping between the hardware components and the log-
ical components. The behavioral viewpoint describes the behaviors of system components and any complex interaction
mechanism (ie, interaction protocols). The concurrency view describes the concurrency-related issues, such as threading
and synchronization between components. The development viewpoint describes how the components and connectors
are to be implemented and tested. Lastly, the operational viewpoint describes how the software system that is specified
will be run in its environment, including the plans for installing the system, any configuration, support for users, system
monitoring, and backup/restore issues.
According to the results, all 113 ALs (91%) support the logical viewpoint, and 96 of them (78%) also support the infor-
mation viewpoint. When the behavior viewpoint is also considered, 59 ALs (46%) allow for the behavior specifications of
software architectures. When the concurrency viewpoint is considered together with the logical and behavior viewpoints,
only 58 ALs (45%) that are shown in Table 7 support the concurrent behavior specifications of components. Moreover,
32 of those 58 ALs that are shown in Table 8 support the development viewpoint and allow for generating software code
from the concurrent behavior specifications.

TABLE 7 The architectural languages that support logical, information, behavior,

and concurrent viewpoints
Architectural Languages Release Years
SARA53 1986
Statemate,168,169 Modechart,65,66 MetaH,31 OCA,170,171
UNAS/SALE,72 Cham-ADL,136 Darwin,11,12 UML172 1990-1995
ASDL,138,139 Rapide,13 Jacal,125 Polis,144,145 Wright,10
DADL,63 Leda,44 PADL,146 π-Space82 1996-2000
ABC/ADL,173 AEmilia,83 Pilar,121 SADL,68
Community,86,87 DAOP-ADL,88 Korrigan,89
AADL,14,15 COSA,62 ADLARS,93 East-ADL,32
CBabel,58,59 Clara,60 π-net ADL,17 SafArchie,94 AO-Rapide49 2001-2005
EAADL,96 Fractal,46,47 Little-JIL,174 KADL,39
Prisma,28,97 FAC,48 Ambient-Prisma,29,30 OSAN,124
AC2-ADL,162 AWright,27 ExSAVN,175
Maude,164 TADL,71 Palladio,67 ScudADL,69,70
ACDL,123 Archface,176 EADL,165 AO-ADL,51
MontiArc,104,105 Connect,166 Drems ML,64
Primitive-C,57 Stratus ML75 2006-2015

TABLE 8 The architectural languages that support logical, information,

behavior, concurrent, and development viewpoints
Architectural Languages Release Years
SARA53 1986
Statemate,168,169 Modechart,65,66 MetaH,31 OCA,170,171
UNAS/SALE,72 Darwin11,12 1990-1995
DADL,63 Leda44 1996-2000
DAOP-ADL,88 Korrigan,89 AADL,14,15 East-ADL,32
CBabel,58,59 Clara60 2001-2005
EAADL,96 Fractal,46,47 Little-JIL,174 KADL,39
Prisma,28,97 FAC,48 Ambient-Prisma,29,30 OSAN,124
Maude,164 Palladio,67 Archface,176 EADL,165
AO-ADL,51 MontiArc,104,105 Drems ML,64 Stratus ML75 2006-2015

TABLE 9 The architectural languages that support physical and

deployment viewpoints
Architectural Languages Release Years
MetaH,31 UNAS/SALE,72 UML172 1994-1995
AIL Transport,177 AADL,14,15 Abacus,56 East-ADL,32
FuseJ,178 SafArchie,94 Con Moto61 2002-2005
EAADL,96 Ambient-Prisma,29,30 Palladio,67
Dedal,103 EADL,104,105 Autosar,179 Drems ML,64 C3,106
DEMO101 2006-2015

Concerning the physical and deployment viewpoints, only the 19 ALs (15%) that are shown in Table 9 support the
specifications of hardware architectures and the mapping of the logical components to the hardware components. Like-
wise, the operational viewpoint is not popular among the ALs either. Indeed, as shown in Table 10, only 13 ALs consider
specifying the operational issues that occur while the system is in use.
When all the viewpoints in question are considered together, only the AADL,14,15 Palladio,67 and Ambient-Prisma29
ALs support all the logical, information, physical, deployment, behavior, concurrency, development, and operational
viewpoints together.

5.2 Extensibility and customization

Extensibility and customization herein is concerned with the ability of extending a language with the requirements of
interest. This includes the support for new viewpoints, adding domain-specific features (eg, specifying and analyzing

TABLE 10 The architectural languages that

support the operational viewpoint
Architectural Languages Release Year
AIL Transport177 2002
SOFA156,157 2002
HappyWork180 2004
ABACUS56 2005
AADL14,15 2006
FAC48 2006
FRACTAL46,47 2006
Autosar179 2008
ArchiMate181,182 2009
Palladio67 2009
Ambient-Prisma29,30 2010
Dedal103 2010
Stratus ML75 2015

TABLE 11 The extensible architectural languages and their extension mechanisms

Architectural Languages Extension Mechanism Syntax Extension Semantic Extension
AADL,14,15 EAADL,96 East-ADL32 Annex libraries X
MontiArc104,105 Language inheritance X
Acme,35,36 Aspectual Acme,37 Armani,183 Property annotation X
ASDL (Structure)184
Secure X-ADL,34 X-ADL,42 XC2,42 Mae,90 XML X
ADML,79 XAcme185
SOFA156,157 Aspect-oriented development X
Korrigan,89 LISA186 Tool support X
UML,172 ArchiMate181,182 UML profiles and stereotypes X
SADL (Structure)78 Subtyping and algebraic extension X X

nonfunctional properties), extending tool support with the necessary facilities (eg, formal analysis, simulation, and
code generation), adding/removing new elements (eg, complex connectors), or introducing a subnotation (eg, a visual
notation set).
Table 11 shows the 20 different ALs (16%) that support extensibility and customization and also groups the extensible
ALs by the extension mechanisms employed and the type of the extension. Note that 2 types of extension have been con-
sidered herein, which are the syntax and semantic extensions. The syntax extensions are concerned with extending the
language syntax by, eg, adding new architectural elements without changing the language semantics, removing any unde-
sired elements, or introducing new syntax rules for the existing elements. The semantic extensions promote extending the
language semantics in various ways, including the support for new viewpoints (eg, formal behavior specifications, con-
currency, etc), the support for nonfunctional properties (eg, performance and security), and the support for interaction
protocols for connectors.
Hence, apparently, East-ADL and its extensions (ie, AADL and EAADL) use annex documents, which can be used to
extend the language semantics by introducing new viewpoints, eg, formal behavior specification, nonfunctional property
specifications, concurrency, etc. MontiArc offered the language inheritance through which the syntax of the language
can be extended with new rules. Note that MontiArc does not support semantic extension. Acme and its extensions
(ie, Aspectual Acme and Armani) offer the property construct that can be attached to the architectural elements for
extending their semantics (eg, the interaction protocols, nonfunctional properties). Likewise, ASDL (Structure) is another
AL that offers a property annotation for the semantic extension. There are also some XML-based ALs that benefit the
XML's extensible nature and allow practitioners to specify software architectures using XML and easily extend the syn-
tax of the architectural elements, such as adding new component types and adding a data structure within an existing
component type. Note, however, that XML-based ALs do not support semantic extension. SOFA is also offered as an exten-
sible AL, which uses aspects for extending components for different views or platforms. Indeed, SOFA has already been
extended for dynamic architectures and for different execution platforms including Java ME and Lejos NXJ platforms‡ .

SOFA extensions can be obtained here:

Korrigan and Lisa are the 2 languages that offer extensible toolsets, which can be extended for generating code in differ-
ent programming languages or formal methods without changing the language semantics. The tools can also be extended
with some new modules (eg, syntax/semantics checker). ArchiMate uses UML's profile and stereotype notations through
which any domain-specific or platform-specific elements can be introduced. Note that such elements derive from UML's
structure diagram (eg, class diagram and component diagram), and it is not possible to introduce a semantically new type
of diagram. Lastly, SADL (Structure) supports subtyping, which enables to define a syntactically new type that derives
from the existing predefined types. For semantic extension, SADL allows for defining the semantics of connectors via the
use of the temporal logic of actions.187

5.3 Programming framework

The programming framework has to do with the modeling editors of ALs that can be used for specifying and modifying
the different views that the ALs support and for performing some further operations such as software implementa-
tion code generation. As shown in Table 12, 70 ALs (56%) offer a modeling editor for specifying software architectures
textually/visually and checking them against the syntax and semantics rules of the ALs. Moreover, 45 ALs among the 70
given in Table 13 also support the automated code generation from the software architecture specifications. Figure 3 also
depicts the percentages of those ALs that support each programming language. Hence, apparently, code generation in
Java has the highest proportion, which is followed by C (20%), C++ (11%), and Ada (11%).

TABLE 12 The architectural languages that offer a programming framework

Architectural Languages Release Years
SARA53 1986
STATEMATE,168,169 Kaptur,188,189 Modechart,65,66 Aesop,190 1990-1994
Artek,76 OCA,170,171 Resolve,131 UNAS/SALE,72 MetaH31
Acme,35,36 C2SADEL,41 Darwin,11,12 UML,172 UniCon,77 1995-1999
Gestalt,191 Rapide,13 Room,192 DADL,63 Jacal,125 Polis,144,145
Wright,10 C2SADEL,41 GenVoca,149 Leda,44 UniCon77
Korrigan,38 AADL,14,15 HappyWork,180 Mae,90 π-ADL,91 2000-2004
XC2,42 ABC/ADL,173 Knit,193 Koala16
ABACUS,56 ArchiMate,181,182 Cbabel,58,59 Clara,60 2005
Con Moto,61 East-ADL,32 FuseJ,178 SafArchie,94 XADL33
Backbone,95 Fractal,46,47 Kadl,39 Little-Jil,174 Prisma,28,97 2006
Aspectual Acme37
Ambient-PRISMA,29,30 AspectLEDA,45 FAC,48 OSAN124 2007
ADLV,194,195 Maude,164 TADL,71 WADL100 2008
Archface,176 Clacs,196,197 Dedal,103 EADL,165 LISA186 2010
AO-ADL,51 Autosar,179 MontiArc,104,105 X-MAN,73,74 XCD,26
DREMS-ML,64 Stratus ML75 2011-2015

TABLE 13 The architectural languages that support automated code

generation and the programming languages supported
Architectural Languages Programming
C2SADEL,41 XC2,42 ArchJava,152 SOFA,156,157 Java
Zeta,85 π-ADL,91 X-ADL,34 Backbone,95 Fractal,46,47
KADL,39 AspectLeda,45 FAC,48 DiaSpec,102 Palladio,67
ArchFace,176 Korrigan,38 MontiArc,104,105 ABC/ADL,173
Dedal,103 Lisa,186 FuseJ,178 AO-ADL,51 Resolve131
UniCon,77 Gestalt,191 Knit,193 Koala,16 Autosar,179 C
X-Man,73,74 Statemate,168,169 OCA,170,171 ADLV194,195
UNAS/SALE,72 MetaH,31 Resolve,131 Statemate,168,169 Ada
ADLV,194,195 Aesop,190 Room,192 Drems ML,64 Korrigan89 C++
Ambient-Prisma,29,30 Prisma,28,97 LISA186 C#

FIGURE 3 The percentages of the programming languages that are supported by the architectural languages for code generation [Colour
figure can be viewed at]

5.4 Discussion
Supporting the software architecture specifications in terms of multiple viewpoints is important for the practical use
of ALs among the practitioners with different design goals. Focusing on the logical, information, behavior, develop-
ment, physical, deployment, concurrency, and operational viewpoints, the analysis of the existing ALs just reveals 3 ALs
(ie, AADL,14,15 Palladio,67 and Ambient-PRISMA29 ) that support all those viewpoints. The logical and information view-
points are highly popular, which are supported together by 96 ALs. Among those, 59 ALs (46%) allow for specifying the
behaviors of logical elements (ie, components and connectors), which may then be exhaustively analyzed using the for-
mal methods. Moreover, 58 of them (46%) also support the concurrency aspects of software systems. However, only 32 ALs
(26%) support the generation of software implementation from those view specifications. The least popular viewpoints are
the physical, deployment, and operational viewpoints. Indeed, only 19 ALs (15%) support the specifications of hardware
architectures of systems, and only 13 ALs consider the specifications of the operational issues at an architectural level.
Another important feature analyzed is the extensibility, which is supported by 20 ALs (16%) that are given in Table 11.
While 12 ALs support the syntax extension, the rest support the semantic extension. Among the syntax extensions, XML
is the top popular mechanism, preferred by 6 ALs. Acme and East-ADLs are the 2 inspiring extensible ALs for the seman-
tics extensions via the use of the property annotations and annex libraries, respectively. A couple of ALs support the
syntax extension via the extensible tools, which can be extended for producing code in different formalisms or different
programming languages. In addition, MontiArc uses the inheritance principle of object-oriented paradigm for the syntax
extension, and SOFA uses the aspect-oriented paradigm for the semantic extensions. Lastly, SADL (Structure) is the only
language that supports both the syntax and semantic extensions via subtyping and the algebraic extension, respectively.
Furthermore, 70 ALs (56%) given in Table 12 deal with the programming framework via a modeling editor that allows
for the specifications and modifications of software architectures in a textual/visual way, which can then check for syntax
and semantics rules. In addition, 45 ALs given in Table 13 also support the implementation code generation from software
architectures, where Java is the top preferred programming language.


6.1 Automated analysis

Among the 124 different ALs, only 58 ALs (47%) support the automated analysis of software architectures, which have
been examined in terms of the completeness, consistency, correctness, and compatibility properties. Completeness is con-
cerned with the level of details that the specifications of the design decisions (eg, system behaviors and interaction) contain
and is used to check whether the design decisions consider all the requirements of the system. Consistency is concerned

with any contradictions between the architectural elements (eg, components, interfaces, and connectors). This includes
the consistency between the name of a service required and provided by the ports, connecting a required component
port with a provided component port, the consistency between the required and provided behaviors of a service, and the
consistency between the order of services required and the order of services provided. Correctness herein is considered
for checking whether the specified design decisions satisfy the desired system properties. The desired properties can be
either determined by the AL developers (eg, well-definedness rules) or the commonly used properties (eg, deadlock and
race conditions). Lastly, compatibility is concerned with checking whether the software architecture specifications match
with any architectural style or design guidelines. As shown in Table 14, none of the ALs supporting automated analy-
sis consider all these 4 goals of analysis. Consistency is supported by 24 different ALs, regarding it as the top preferred
analysis goal. The completeness, correctness, and compatibility goals are addressed by a few ALs (7-11) however.
The examinations of the ALs also revealed many other requirements that the ALs commonly support. These are simula-
tion, model checking, deadlock checking, reachability, and user-defined properties. Simulation is for imitating a running
software system in terms of the sequence of actions performed by the system components at a time. With simulation, the
behavioral and interaction specifications of the systems can be analyzed. Model checking (or theorem proving) is per-
formed by model checker tools (or theorem provers), which are based on mathematical proofs and allow for the exhaustive
analysis of software architecture specifications. That is, every single state that a system can be in at any time is checked for
the properties of interest. Note that while simulation just shows the system execution at a single path of the system state
space, model checkers check all system paths. Deadlock is used to check whether the system components ever get into
a deadlocking situation, where the components are each waiting for a response from another component that will never
occur. Reachability allows to check the system states that are never reached during the system execution and reveals any
part of the component behaviors or interactions that are not operated as expected. The support for user-defined properties
is concerned with providing practitioners with a (sub)language or a notation set for specifying their desired properties
that can checked for their software architectures later on. Table 15 shows the ALs that support each of those requirements.
Hence, apparently, model checking is the top popular analysis technique, supported by 35 ALs. Note that these ALs essen-
tially enable the translation of software architecture specifications in the input language of the model checkers. Moreover,
28 ALs among those 35 ALs have been observed to support the automated detection of deadlock via the model check-
ers that they support. In addition, 25 ALs support simulation, many of which are essentially those that support model
checkers with the simulation capability (eg, the model checkers of ProMeLa and FSP). Some ALs (Rapide, SADL, and
Palladio) offer their own simulation tools. The user-defined property specification is supported by 24 ALs, most of which
offer logic-based notations, eg, linear temporal logic and first-order logic. Other notations include π-calculus, UML, OCL,
channel ambient calculus,198 and Design by Contract (DbC).54 Lastly, the reachability analysis is considered by a few of
the analyzed ALs only.

6.2 Large-view management

In Section 5.1, the analysis of the ALs for multiple views (ie, logical, information, physical, deployment, behavior,
concurrency, development, and operational) has been discussed. While multiple-view support is so crucial for the con-
siderations of different aspects of software systems, the ALs should also support the specification of large views. That is,
one should be able to specify large and complex systems that consist of many components with many interactions in an
understandable way.
According to the analysis results, 70 ALs (56%) have been observed to address the large views. As shown in Table 16,
these ALs are grouped based on the techniques used for handling large views. The top 3 rows comprise the ALs that
handle scalability via the structural composition of software architectures. Apparently, the top preferred technique is
the composite components (the first row), which promotes the specifications of component structures in terms of other
(sub)components and their interactions. Some ALs use composition for the connector structures (the second row), which
enables the specifications of complex interaction protocols in terms of simpler interaction mechanisms. The third row
gives the ALs that support both the composite component and connector structures. A few ALs adopt the inheritance
principle of object-oriented software engineering paradigm (rows 4 and 5) and support the ability of extending a compo-
nent specification with another component specification(s). By doing so, depending on the semantical constraints of the
languages, the structure and behaviors of components may be inherited. The ALs indicated in row-6 support the compos-
ite specifications of component behaviors in terms of the behaviors of existing components. Rows 7 and 8 group the ALs
that support aspect-oriented software engineering in which the complex cross-cutting design decisions (eg, behaviors and
nonfunctional properties) can be specified modularly as aspects.

TABLE 14 The architectural languages that support completeness, consistency, correctness,

and compatibility
Architectural Language Completeness Consistency Correctness Compatibility
Modechart65,66 X
Aesop190 X X
OCA170,171 X X
Cham-ADL136 X
Darwin11,12 X
UniCon77 X
Gestalt191 X
Rapide13 X
AO-Rapide49 X
Wright10 X X
Leda44 X
Armani183 X
xC242 X
AEmilia83,84 X X
ArchJava152 X X
SOFA156,157 X
AADL14,15 X X
HappyWork180 X X
Mae90 X X
CBabel58,59 X
Clara60 X
Con Moto61
π-net ADL17
xADL33 X
Prisma28,97 X
Ambient-Prisma29,30 X
AspectLEDA45 X
Archface176 X X
X-Man73,74 X X
Drems ML64
Stratus ML75 X X X
TOTAL 10 24 11 8

TABLE 15 The architectural languages that support the different requirements of automated analysis
Architectural Language Simulation Model Deadlock Reachabiltiy User-Defined
Checking Property
Modechart65,66 X X X First-order logic
Aesop190 X X
Resolve131 X
Cham-ADL136 X X X X
Darwin11,12 X X X X
Rapide13 X Event pattern
AO-Rapide49 X Event pattern
Polis144,145 X Temporal logic
Wright10 X X X
GenVoca149 X
Leda44 X X
Armani183 First-order logic
Knit193 Informal notation
AEmilia83,84 X X
ArchJava152 X
SOFA156,157 X X X LTL
AADL14,15 X X X Anne
Mae90 First-order logic
π-ADL91 X X π-calculus & temporal logic
Abacus56 X
CBabel58,59 X X X LTL
Clara60 X X X
Con Moto61 X X X X π-calculus
East-ADL32 X X X X UML-based notation
π-net ADL17 X X X X
SafArchie94 X X X X
xADL33 C2
Backbone95 X X X
KADL39 X X X X Temporal logics
Prisma28,97 Temporal logics
Ambient-Prisma29,30 π-calculus and channel ambient calculus
AspectLEDA45 X X
Maude164 X X X LTL
DiaSpec102 X
Palladio67 X UML-like notation
Archface176 X X X X LTL
EADL165 X X X Temporal logic
MontiArc104,105 X X
Connect166 X X X
X-Man73,74 X X DbC
Drems ML64 X OCL
TOTAL 25 35 28 16 24

6.3 Support for versioning

Versioning support is concerned with keeping and accessing different versions of software architecture specifications.
As shown in Table 17, 18 different ALs (15%) support versioning. These ALs essentially offer the use of repositories via
their modeling editors. Repositories can be used for storing any supported architectural elements (eg, components and
connectors), versioning those elements, accessing any versions needed, and reusing the versions for constructing different
system configurations.

TABLE 16 The architectural languages that support large-view management

Architectural Languages Large-View Management Techniques
Modechart,65,66 Aesop,190 OCA,170,171
MetaH,31 Adage,199 Darwin,11,12
UniCon,77 ASDL,138,139 C2SADEL,41
OOADL,140,193 Koala,16 Olan,80,81
ArchJava,152 Pilar,121 RADL,43
SOFA,156,157 AADL,14,15 HappyWork,180
1 Mae,90 Abacus,56 ADLARS,93 Structural composition (components)
ArchiMate,181,182 ArchiTrio,159 East-ADL,32
SafArchie,94 SKwyRL,147 Backbone,95
EAADL,96 SOADL,122 ALI,98,99
Maude,164 Grasp,200 Palladio,67
Archface,176 Clacs,196,197 Dedal,103
EADL,165 LISA,186 Autosar,179
MontiArc,104,105 Fractal46,47
2 Gestalt191 Structural composition (connectors)
C2SADL,41 Armani,183 CommUnity,86,87 Structural composition (components
3 COSA,201 Secure XADL,34 XADL,42 & connectors)
AVDL,202 KADL,39 X-MAN,73,74 C3106
4 Zeta85 Inheritance
5 LILEANNA,129 P++,203 Leda,44 Structural composition (components)
Korrigan38 & inheritance
6 Room,192 π-ADL,91 TADL71 Structural and behavioral compositions
7 Prisma,28,97 Ambient-PRISMA,
AO-Rapide49,29,30 Aspect-oriented specifications
8 AspectLEDA,45 AC2-ADL,162 Structural composition (components)
AO-ADL,51 FAC48 & aspect-oriented specifications

TABLE 17 The architectural languages that

support versioning
Architectural Languages Release Years
Kaptur188,189 1992
Artek76 1994
JACAL125 1998
XC242 2001
SOFA156,157 2002
DAOP-ADL88 2003
Mae,90 Service-ADL92 2004
Abacus,56 XADL42 2005
Prisma28,97 2006
Palladio67 2009
ArchiMate181,182 2009
Dedal103 2010
AO-ADL,51 Autosar179 2011
X-MAN73,74 2012
Drems ML64 2015

6.4 Support for knowledge management

Another important issue is knowledge management, which needs to be taken seriously by the AL developers. Indeed,
practitioners need to access any knowledge about the ALs easily and share their knowledge with other practitioners and
the AL developers. As proposed by Lago et al,20 knowledge about ALs can be managed via websites that publish any
material that may be of use to the practitioners and direct practitioners in any discussion platform (eg, forums and user
Table 18 gives the 29 ALs (23%) that offer publicly available websites. When the websites of those ALs have been exam-
ined carefully, a number of features have been determined which the websites support (at least partially). These features

TABLE 18 The architectural languages (ALs) that have websites

ALs AL Website
Secure XADL34
Little JIL174
Stratus ML75

are introductory knowledge about the ALs, tutorials, toolset, user manual, case studies, forum, publications, mailing list,
membership, and contact info. Table 19 groups the ALs given in Table 18 in terms of those features that the ALs support.
Hence, apparently, forum, mailing list, and membership are the least supported requirements by the ALs' websites. On
the other hand, almost all AL websites have the introduction, publications, toolset, and contact parts.

6.5 Software architecture–centric design

All the analyzed languages allow for the high-level specifications of software architectures with their architecture-oriented
notation sets (ie, components, connectors, interfaces, roles, etc). To promote the software architecture–centric design,
some ALs provide tool support that enables to utilize from the software architecture specifications for different purposes.
These include the automated analysis of software architectures (see Section 6.1), the automated generation of imple-
mentation code (see Section 5.3), and reusing software architecture specifications via repositories (see Section 6.3). Some
ALs integrate software architecture specifications with requirement specifications. As discussed in Section 6.1, those ALs
extend their notation sets with another (mostly logic based) notation set for specifying system requirements and allow for
automatically analyzing the software architectures for those requirements. Moreover, a few ALs also support the specifi-
cations and analysis of nonfunctional requirements, discussed in Section 4.1. When all those capabilities were considered
together, Palladio67 and Drems ML64 are the only ALs that support the specifications of software architectures and any
desired functional and nonfunctional properties that can then be analyzed automatically and generated into software

6.6 Collaboration
To develop high-quality software systems within the expected time and budget constraints, team work should be the
essential part of software development. Team work requires a group of people to work on the same project collaboratively,

TABLE 19 The architectural languages (ALs) that support the knowledge management requirements in their websites
ALs Intro- Tutorials Toolset User Case Forum Publi- Mailing Member- Contact
duction Manual Studies cation List ship
Acme35,36 X X X X X X X X X
XAcme185 X X X X X
UML172 X X X X X X X X X
UniCon77 X X X
Rapide13 X X X X X X X
Wright10 X X X
East-ADL X X X X X X X X X
SOFA156,157 X X X X X X
AADL14,15 X X X X X X X X
ArchiMate181,182 X X X X X X X X
Secure XADL34 X X X
Fractal46,47 X X X X X X X
Little JIL174 X X X X X
Prisma28,97 X X X X
Ambient-Prisma29,30 X X X X
DiaSpec102 X X X X
Palladio67 X X X X X X X X
Autosar179 X X X X X X
Montiarc104,105 X X X X X X
X-Man73,74 X X X X X X
Jacal125 X X X X
Stratus ML75 X X X X
ADR148 X X

which reduces the development time and enhances the product quality. As Lago et al20 suggested, the collaboration
within the team of people can be either synchronous or asynchronous. Synchronous collaboration requires the users
to work on the software architecture specifications at the same time, while they may be physically located at different
places. In asynchronous collaboration, different users may work on the specifications at different times that suit their
time schedule best.
Table 20 shows the 10 ALs (8%) that enable collaboration via their tools and groups them on their tool support for
synchronous and asynchronous collaborations. Hence, only the AADL and UML ALs provide tool support that enables
both synchronous and asynchronous collaborations between multiple practitioners. AADL's Osate plugin§ enables the
use of Eclipse's team synchronization capability. Concerning UML, many tools have been proposed by researchers, which
considered the synchronous collaboration, eg, those by Thum et al,204 De Lucia et al,205 and Mehra et al.206 The rest of the
7 ALs rather focus on asynchronous collaboration via the use of repositories. That is, practitioners can use their tools to
store any architectural element specifications in the repository asynchronously that may be accessed by other users at any
time for editing purposes.

6.7 Discussion
The automated analysis of software architectures is supported by 58 ALs (47%) in different ways. Firstly, the analysis
support for the completeness, consistency, correctness, and compatibility properties has been examined, and the results
in Table 14 show that none of the ALs support all these 4 issues. While consistency is quite popularly handled by 24 ALs,
completeness and correctness are not so (9-11 ALs), and compatibility is the least supported property (7 ALs). Concerning
the other requirements observed in the ALs, 35 ALs shown in Table 15 support the exhaustive model checking via some

AADL's Osate plugin can be accessible via the link:

TABLE 20 The architectural languages (ALs) that support collaboration

ALs Synchronous Collaboration Asynchronous Collaboration
ArchiMate181,182 X
AADL14,15 X X
UML172 X X
Palladio67 X
X-Man73,74 X
Abacus56 X
Autosar179 X
Mae90 X

model checkers. These model checkers also let the ALs benefit from several other facilities such as simulation, deadlock
checking, and reachability analysis. Again, in Table 15, 24 of the ALs have been observed to support the requirements
specification and analysis. These ALs mainly use the logic-based notations for requirement specifications, eg, first-order
logic and linear temporal logic.
Large-view management is handled by 70 ALs (56%) given in Table 16, so as to facilitate the specifications and
understanding of large and complex software systems with many components and interactions. Many ALs (58 ALs)
offer composite components for specifying large component structures hierarchically in terms of other components and
connectors. Furthermore, 11 different ALs offer composite connector structures that can be used to specify complex inter-
action mechanisms out of simpler ones. However, the composite specifications of complex component behaviors or any
other means of handling complex behaviors are adopted just by 3 ALs. Three of the aspect-oriented ALs handle the com-
plexity of components via aspects. Lastly, 4 ALs use the inheritance principle of object-oriented software engineering,
which simplifies the specifications of components via the reuse of existing component specifications.
In addition, 18 ALs (15%) shown in Table 17 support the versioning of software architecture specifications via
repositories that are accessible via the modeling editors.
As given in Table 18, 29 ALs (23%) support knowledge management via their websites. While most of them share some
introductory knowledge about the ALs, any tools available, and publications, they mainly lack in the discussion platforms
such as forums and user groups.
The current ALs have been examined for the software architecture–centric design. Herein, the focus is on the speci-
fications of software architectures, the functional/nonfunctional requirements, the analysis of the software architecture
specifications for the desired requirements, and the generation of software code from the specifications. The ALs do not
unfortunately support all these activities of software development, except Palladio67 and Drems ML.64
Lastly, 10 ALs (8%) provide tool support that enables collaboration among practitioners. Unsurprisingly, only UML and
AADL enable synchronous collaboration in which multiple people may work on the same task at the same time and their
work get synchronized with each other continuously. Note also that UML and AADL are highly mature languages, which
have been extended with powerful modeling tools. Moreover, Malavolta et al21 observed UML and AADL as the top used
languages by practitioners for the software architecture specifications.


In Sections 4, 5, and 6, the analysis of the 124 ALs for language definition, language features, and tool support require-
ments, respectively, has been discussed. The analysis results show firstly that none of the 124 different ALs support all
the requirements of language definition, language features, and tool support together. Now, in the rest of this section, the
findings obtained from the analysis of the ALs for each set of requirements are summarized.

7.1 Language definition

Nonfunctional requirements are shown a lack of interest. Although the nonfunctional properties are highly crucial
in ensuring the quality of software systems, just 26 ALs (21%) consider them as part of software architecture specifica-
tions. Among the 26 ALs, only 7 of them support the automated analysis of software architectures for the nonfunctional
requirements; the rest just support their specifications for communication purposes.

Nonfunctional requirements are specified either formally or informally. Among the 26 ALs that support non-
functional requirements, 16 of them extend their notation set with an informal notation for specifying the nonfunctional
requirements supported. Four of those ALs are aspect oriented and offer aspects for nonfunctional requirements. The rest
of the 10 ALs use formal methods for the specification and formal analysis of the nonfunctional requirements.
Performance is the most popular nonfunctional requirement. Of the ALs that consider nonfunctional
requirements, 29% support the specifications of performance-related issues such as resource contention, execution/
waiting/response times of operations, deadlines of operations, etc.
No any AL offers cleanly separate textual and visual notation sets. Here, 42 ALs (34%) have been observed to
offer both textual and visual notation sets. However, these ALs essentially offer hybrid notation sets that combine the
textual and visual notation sets together. Practitioners are not given the flexibility of specifying their design decisions
using purely a textual notation set or a visual notation set depending on their experience and needs.
Formal semantics are supported by almost half of the ALs. The semantics of 60 ALs (48%) have been defined
using the mathematically based formal methods. Hence, these ALs lead to precise software architecture specifications
that promote the detailed specifications of the design decisions in an exact way. Note that formal ALs also enable the
formal (ie, exhaustive) analysis of software architectures via the supporting model checkers (ie, theorem provers) of the
formal methods.
Process algebras (especially 𝛑-calculus) are the top preferred formal method. Of the 60 ALs, 18 (32%) have
their formal semantics defined using process algebras (eg, π-calculus, CSP, FSP, Alloy, and ProMeLa), which promote the
specifications of software systems in terms of processes that concurrently interact with each other. The π-calculus process
algebra22 is the top choice of AL developers, used by 12 ALs among 18.
The language definition requirements are supported by just 4 ALs. SARA,53 Clara,60 Prisma,28,97 and X-Man73,74
are the only ALs that offer formally based textual and visual notation sets for the precise specifications of software archi-
tectures and some nonfunctional requirements. Note, however, that Clara is the only AL among them that supports the
automated analysis of the nonfunctional requirements.

7.2 Language features

The logical and information viewpoints are supported together by most of the ALs. Here, 96 ALs (78%) support
the logical and information viewpoints together. Hence, using these ALs, practitioners can basically specify their soft-
ware systems in terms of (1) the components and their interactions (ie, connectors) and (2) the data that are stored and
manipulated by the components.
The behavior viewpoint is not as popular as logical and information viewpoints. Here, 59 ALs (46%) support
the behavior viewpoint and allow for specifying the formal/informal behaviors of components and connectors. Note also
that almost all of those ALs (58 ALs) also support the concurrency viewpoint and, thus, allow in their notation set for
specifications of concurrency-related issues such as synchronization and threading.
The physical and deployment viewpoints are shown a lack of interest. The physical and deployment viewpoints
are supported by only 19 ALs (15%), which allow for specifying the hardware architectures of systems and their mapping
to the systems' software architectures.
The operational viewpoint is the least popular among all the viewpoints considered. The operational viewpoint
is supported by 13 ALs (10%), which consider in their notation set the operational issues that occur during the systems
running in their environment (ie, user support, installing/uninstalling, monitoring, upgrading, etc).
Extensibility is shown a lack of interest. The number of extensible ALs is just 20 (16%), which allows practitioners
to extend the language notations either syntactically or semantically in a way that better meet their needs. The syntax
extension is provided through different extension mechanisms, which consist of language inheritance, XML, UML pro-
files and stereotypes, and subtyping. The semantic extension is provided through annex libraries, property annotations,
aspects, and tool support. SADL (Structure)78 is the only language that supports both the syntax and semantic extensions.
XML is the top preferred extension mechanism. Among the 20 extensible ALs, 6 of them are XML-based languages
and use XML's extensible nature to enable the syntax extensions for adding new types of architectural elements that may
better satisfy practitioners' needs.
The support for a modeling editor is quite popular among the ALs. Here, 70 ALs (56%) are supported with a
modeling editor for specifying different views of software architectures using the ALs' textual/visual notation sets and
analyzing the view specifications for the syntax and semantics rules of the ALs. Moreover, 45 ALs that offer a modeling

editor also enable the translation of the specified and analyzed software architectures into software implementation code.
Furthermore, as will be discussed in the next section, some ALs also support the versioning of software architectures via
their modeling editors.
Java is the top preferred programming language for software code generation. Among the 45 ALs that support
software code generation, 24 ALs (52%) use Java as the target programming language. The rest of them use C, C++, Ada,
and C#.
The language feature requirements are supported together by just one AL. AADL14,15 is the only language
that offers a modeling editor for specifying the logical, physical, deployment, behavior, concurrency, development, and
operational views using an extensible notation set.

7.3 Tool support

Model checking is the top preferred automated analysis method. Among the 58 ALs (47%) that support the auto-
mated analysis of software architectures, 35 of them support model checkers (or theorem provers) for the exhaustive
verification. These ALs are essentially supported with some translators that translate the software architecture specifica-
tions in the model checkers' input languages, which enable the use of model checkers. Note also that some of those model
checkers support the simulation of software architectures and the deadlock and reachability analyses.
The user-defined system requirements can also be automatically analyzed. Among 58 ALs, 24 ALs (41%) extend
their notations with subnotations (ie, mostly logic based) for specifying system-level functional requirements.
The completeness, consistency, correctness, and compatibility analysis properties are not all supported at
the same time. Given the completeness, consistency, correctness, and compatibility goals proposed by Taylor et al,4 none
of the ALs have been observed to support the automated analysis of software architectures for all of these properties at
the same time.
The consistency checking of software architectures is quite popular among the ALs. Among the 58 ALs
supporting the automated analysis, 24 ALs (41%) support the consistency checking, which is concerned with any contra-
diction between the interconnected components (eg, behavioral consistencies, interface-type consistencies, and service
The compatibility checking of software architectures is the least popular property among the ALs. Among
the 58 ALs supporting the automated analysis, 8 of them (12%) support the compatibility checking, which is concerned
with determining whether the software architecture specifications match some architectural styles (or patterns).
The structural composition is the top preferred technique for managing large software architecture views.
Here, 70 ALs (56%) consider the specifications of large and complex software architectures, and 59 of them offer composite
component and connector structures that can be used for specifying large and complex components and connectors out
of simpler ones hierarchically.
The versioning of software architectures is shown a lack of interest. According to the analysis results, only 18
ALs (15%) support the versioning of software architectures by means of keeping the repositories of architectural elements
for later use.
Knowledge management is shown a lack of interest. Despite the importance of sharing knowledge and experience,
only 29 ALs (23%) have websites for accessing AL-related information. This includes the AL's introductory information,
tutorials, user manuals, toolsets, case studies, publications, and any discussion platform.
Discussion platforms for ALs are shown a lack of interest. Among the 29 ALs that have websites, only Acme,35,36
AADL,14,15 ArchiMate,181,182 and Autosar179 offer practitioners a discussion platform (eg, forums and user groups) through
which any language-related concept or practitioners' specification-related issues can be discussed together with the
language developers and other users of the languages.
The software architecture–centric design is shown a lack of interest. All the ALs considered in this study offer
an architecture-oriented notation set. However, when some other activities of software design are considered such as
functional/nonfunctional requirement specifications, the analysis of software architectures for the requirements, and
the translation of architectures into software implementation, just Palladio67 and Drems-ML64 support all these activities
The collaborative specifications of software architectures are shown a lack of interest. There are only 10 ALs
(8%) that support the collaborative specifications of software architectures via their tools. Among those 10 ALs, AADL
and UML are the only 2 ALs that support both the synchronous and asynchronous collaborations; the rest support only
the asynchronous collaboration.


8.1 Internal validity

Internal validity is concerned with the causal relationships between the analysis results and any independent variable
that lead to the results (ie, the cause). The goal is to ensure that the analysis results herein derive from the language
requirements considered and no unknown independent variables affect the results.
In this study, nonprobability sampling was used, and the ALs to be analyzed have been selected nonrandomly. That is,
the ALs have been retrieved from Malavolta et al's work, who conduct active research studies on ALs and their practical
use by industry. They essentially maintain an up-to-date list of the current ALs,19 which meet the definition of an AL
proposed by the IEEE standard: “any form of expression for use in architecture descriptions”.¶ Currently, their list consists
of 124 different ALs, which have been analyzed in this study. Moreover, the ALs have been analyzed for 3 groups of
requirements, which are language definition, language features, and tool support. The requirements herein are based on
the research of Lago et al,20 who work in the same research group as Malavolta. Lago et al determined those requirements
after Malavolta et al's comprehensive survey among practitioners from 40 different companies in 15 countries, with the
goal of understanding the needs of practitioners from ALs.21 Note that some of the requirements that are not precise
enough by itself have been decomposed further into subrequirements (see Table 2). By doing so, more precise analysis
results have been aimed to be reached. The decomposition herein has been performed using the requirement definitions
of Lago et al and the definition of concepts from the seminal book of Taylor et al.4
The analysis of the ALs for the determined set of requirements has been conducted by one experienced researcher on
software architectures, who is the author himself. By doing so, the goal was to avoid any instrumentation biases that may
occur when the researcher who gathers the data and analyze them changes, and this change affects the analysis results due
to the varying profiles of the researchers. As discussed in Section 3, the author has conducted the analysis systematically
in several iterations. Initially, the supporting materials of each AL including the publications, tutorials, and tools have
been studied to gain some familiarity with the ALs. Then, in another iteration, the supporting materials of the ALs have
been gone through to determine the level of support for the requirements in question. This process has been repeated in
exactly the same way so as to detect any discrepancy.

8.2 External validity

External validity is concerned with the possibility of generalizing the analysis results to the entire population.
As discussed in Section 8.1, the ALs to be analyzed have been determined from the up-to-date list of Malavolta et al,19
which contains all the known ALs in the literature. Therefore, the results of this analytical study can safely be generalized
to the entire field of software architecture languages.

8.3 Construct validity

Construct validity is concerned with how well an analysis aids in achieving the research goal(s).
The goal of this study is essentially to analyze the existing ALs for the set of requirements that are important to prac-
titioners and propose a platform for the practitioners to compare the existing ALs for choosing the one(s) that best
satisfies their needs. As discussed in Section 7, the analysis of ALs leads to many interesting findings for each group of
requirements, which are expected to be so useful for practitioners.


In this section, the surveys that have been conducted on software architectures are discussed in 2 parts. Firstly, the surveys
that analyze the existing ALs are discussed. This is followed by the discussions of the surveys on practitioners that aim at
learning the practitioners' perspectives about some architectural aspects.

ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 Website:

9.1 Surveys on architectural languages

Table 21 summarizes a number of similar surveys in terms of their domain of interest, the number of ALs considered for
analysis, and the criteria used in analyzing the ALs. Hence, apparently, these studies consider at most 12 ALs for their
analysis. Also, their goals are either to (1) define the notion of ALs, (2) understand ALs' support for particular domains
(eg, distributed and mobile systems, embedded systems, simulation systems, or retargetable compilers), or (3) observe ALs'
support for particular aspects of software development such as expressiveness, usability, formal analysis, and realizability.
The analytical study presented in this paper is distinguished with its (1) consideration of the comprehensive list of ALs
including 124 different ALs; (2) the systematic approach for analysis in terms of language definition, language features,
and tool support; and (3) focus on the needs of practitioners in industry. In the rest of this section, the similar analytical
studies summarized in Table 21 are discussed.
Medvidovic and Taylor9 and Clements6 analyzed a group of ALs in the late 1990s to offer a framework for defin-
ing ALs. Since their surveys have been conducted in the 1990s, only a few languages that have been existing in that
period were included in their surveys. Medvidovic et al207 have later on extended their previous study that essentially
focuses on the technological aspect of software architectures. Now, in their new survey, they focus on what they call the
lamppost—technology, domain, and business aspects—and try to understand the ALs in terms of these aspects. Note,
however, that Medvidovic et al surveyed only 8 different languages, categorizing them as first-generation (developed in
the 1990s) and second-generation (developed in the 2000s) languages. Another survey has been conducted by Vestal5 in
the 1990s, who analyzed 4 main ALs for many criteria such as the support for components and connectors, formal analy-
sis, and automatic code generation. Vestal's survey led to interesting results about the structural commonality between the
4 ALs and the behavioral and semantical differences among them due to their domain of interest. In the work of Hilliard
and Rice,208 the ALs developed during the 1990s have been analyzed to measure their expressiveness. Hilliard and Rice
considered expressiveness as a way of documenting the design decisions precisely that makes explicit several details such
as when the decisions are made for whom and by whom. To evaluate the expressiveness of the ALs, Hilliard and Rice
focused on several features including multiple viewpoints, first-class constraints, and the support for architectural styles
and patterns.
In the work of Ali et al,209 the authors focused on understanding whether the ALs offer explicit constructs in their nota-
tions for specifying the distributed and mobile software systems. To this end, Ali et al analyzed 8 different ALs for a set of
relevant characteristics, including location, mobility, formalism, and visual notation set. In the work of McKenzie et al,210
the authors focused on using formal ALs for the analysis and design of simulation systems and their important charac-
teristics. McKenzie et al used 2 of the mainstream ALs (ie, Rapide and Acme) and experimented with them using some
well-known simulation architectures (ie, EnviroFed and ModSAF). They found out that ALs bring many advantages for
the specifications of simulation systems, such as robustness, composability, and risk reduction. In the work of Qin and
Malik,211 the authors surveyed among 8 different ADLs for the specifications and formal analysis of retargetable compiler
systems (eg, assemblers and simulators). Qin and Malik focused on several important features, including the compiler
and simulator support, behavioral and structural specifications, etc. Qin and Malik pointed out their observations about
missing structural and behavioral requirements of the ALs for modeling retargetable compiler systems. In the work of
Mishra and Dutt,212 the authors classified the ALs into 3 groups: the structural ADLs, the behavioral ADLs, and mixed
ALs. While structural ADLs support the logical view and behavioral ALs support the behavioral view, the mixed ones
support both views at the same time. Mishra and Dutt analyzed 2-3 ALs from each group to understand their support for
programmable embedded systems. In their analysis, they essentially focused in on tool generation (ie, compilers and sim-
ulators), generating a prototype for system hardware, and the verification of software architectures. Lastly, Ozkaya and
Kloukinas8 analyzed 12 ALs for formal analysis, usability, and realisability. Usability herein is considered in terms of mod-
ularity (ie, support for components and complex connectors) and the notation used for behavior specifications. Ozkaya
and Kloukinas pointed out that the ALs that enable formal analysis via the formal behavior specification (ie, mostly alge-
braic) sacrifice from usability. They also introduced the realizability feature, which is the capability of guaranteeing that
software implementations reflect their software architecture specifications consisting of the same components with the
same communications.

9.2 Surveys on practitioners

Besides the surveys on the ALs, the literature also includes several surveys that discuss practitioners' perspectives about
some particular issues of software architectures. Rost et al,213 for instance, surveyed 147 practitioners for understanding

TABLE 21 The classifications of the related works

Domain of Interest Number of ALs
Survey Analysis Criteria
Medvidovic and Taylor9 Defining an AL's 9 ALs Architecture modeling
capabilities features and tool support
Clements6 Defining an AL's 8 ALs Language-oriented features,
capabilities System-oriented features,
Process-oriented features
Medvidovic et al207 Defining an AL's 9 ALs Three lamppost (ie,
capabilities technology, domain,
and business)
Components, connections,
hierarchical composition,
computation and
Vestal5 AL comparison 4 ALs communication paradigms,
formal models, modeling,
analysis, evaluation, and
verification, and code
Multiple views,
The ALs capturing architects' intent,
Hilliard and Rice208 Expressiveness developed first-class constraints,
until 1998 computational independence,
quantification, architectural
pattern and styles
Distributed Location, location awareness,
Ali et al209 and mobile 8 ALs mobility, coordination,
software systems formalism, graphical support,
middleware, tool support
Simulation Architectural elements,
McKenzie et al210 systems 2 ALs graphical support, simulation
output, simulation tool support
Retargetable Compiler, simulator, behavior
Qin and Malik211 compilers 12 ALs view, structure view, constraint
specifications, control path
Compiler, simulator,
cycle-accurate simulation,
formal verification,
hardware generation,
Mishra and Dutt212 Programmable 9 ALs test generation, JTAG
embedded systems interface generation,
instruction set information,
structural information,
memory information
components, complex
Ozkaya and Kloukinas8 Formal analysis, 13 ALs connectors, formal behavior
usability, realizability specification, formal analysis,
Abbreviation: ALs, architectural languages.

their expectations from software architecture documentation methods. Babar and Gorton214 surveyed 235 practitioners
for understanding their knowledge and experience about software architecture reviewing techniques. Ameller 215 sur-
veyed among 13 software architects for understanding the architects' knowledge and experience about nonfunctional
property specifications and analysis. Tofan et al216 surveyed among 43 architects to understand the difficulties of the
design decisions made by the architects, what affects those decisions, and what makes them considered as good or bad
decisions. Hence, the results of these surveys reveal practitioners' current level of knowledge and experience for some
important aspects of software architectures, and the results can be used for further analytical studies such as analyzing
the ALs' support for those aspects. Moreover, the results can also be helpful for the new AL developers who wish to bridge

the gap about those aspects. However, using these survey results, it is not easy to understand the needs of practitioners
from ALs and to what extent the existing ALs satisfy their needs. The general needs of practitioners from ALs have been
addressed by Malavolta et al,21 who conducted a really comprehensive survey among 48 different participants working
for IT companies in 15 different countries with the goal of understanding practitioners' expectations from ALs. Malavolta
et al found out many interesting results, including the rare use of the ALs (except AADL and UML), ALs' steep learning
curve, practitioners' high interest toward the architectural analysis and multiple viewpoints, and the lack of interest for
code generation. The analysis of the existing 124 ALs discussed in this paper essentially uses Lago et al's framework of
language requirements20 that is based on Malavolta et al's survey results. Unlike the other approaches, this study focuses
on the ALs and analyzes them based on their support for Lago et al's language requirements. Using the analysis results,
practitioners not only determine the AL(s) that satisfies any of the language requirements that they care about but also
understand the weak and strong points of the existing ALs in terms of those requirements.


In this study, the goal is to analyze the existing ALs to understand their support for the requirements that are important
to the practitioners in industry. To this end, the 124 different ALs have been addressed, which have been determined
from the up-to-date list of Malavolta et al.19 These ADLs have been analyzed for the 3 groups of requirements—language
definition, language features, and tool support—that have been determined by Lago et al upon surveying among a number
of practitioners in industry and understanding their needs.20 Language definition has been examined for (1) nonfunctional
properties, (2) textual and visual notation sets, and (3) formal semantics. The language features have been examined for
(1) multiple viewpoints, (2) extensibility, and (3) programming framework. Lastly, tool support has been examined for
(1) automated analysis, (2) large-view management, (3) support for collaboration, (4) support for versioning, (5) support
for knowledge management, and (6) support for software architecture–centric design. The analysis of the 124 ALs for the
above requirements leads to many interesting results that are believed to be highly useful for practitioners who want to
understand the capabilities of the existing ALs and compare the ALs with each other to find the AL(s) that best satisfies
their needs. Moreover, the results are also expected to be helpful for the new AL developers, who can understand the
weaknesses of the current ALs and address them in their ALs.
In the future, the analysis results obtained here may be used for developing a new AL that supports all the requirements
of language definition, language features, and tool support groups. This will indeed bridge the gap as none of the analyzed
124 ALs manage to do so. Moreover, a survey may also be conducted in the future so as to understand the views of
practitioners about the requirements discussed here. Such a survey could also aid in observing which of the requirements
practitioners highly care about in their design, what specific properties of those requirements are more interesting to
them, and why.

This work was supported by a project of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) under
grant 215E159.


Mert Ozkaya

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How to cite this article: Ozkaya M. The analysis of architectural languages for the needs of practitioners. Softw
Pract Exper. 2018;48:985–1018.

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