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Part I: Lesson Plan (paste your lesson plan here and highlight the areas where

technology is used – 10 points)

Physical Education Lesson Plan Template

Name: Jake and Scott Equipment (be specific, consider the whole lesson):
Content/Skill theme: Speed Ball Throwing/Catching 4 soccer balls, 8 cones, speaker, music playing device
Lesson: 1 of 5 Date/Time: 10-24-18
Grade: 8th Class Size: 12 Students Safety (be specific, consider the whole lesson):
● Arm’s length defense
● Look partner in eye before passing, say
partner’s name
● Respect the equipment provided
● Move safely in the area provided using self-
space and general space
● Tag below shoulders

National Standards & Outcomes State Standards & Outcomes

Standard 1. The physically literate individual demonstrates Standard 1. Movement Competence and
competency in a variety of motor skills and movement Understanding
patterns. PGS 1. Demonstrate competency in motor skills and
movement patterns needed to perform a variety of
Outcome:Throws with a mature pattern for distance or power
physical activities.
appropriate to the activity during small-sided game play. GLE 1. Demonstrate competency in a variety of
(S1.M2.8) motor skills and movement patterns.
Outcome:Throws a lead pass to a moving partner off a EO(A). Use a variety of motor skill patterns to create a
dribble or pass (S1.M5.8) movement sequence.
Standard 2. The physically literate individual applies Standard 1. Movement Competence and
knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics Understanding
PGS 2. Apply movement concepts, principles,
related to movement and performance.
strategies, and tactics to learning and performing
Outcome:Reduces open space by not allowing the catch physical activities.
(denial) and anticipating the speed of the object and person GLE 2. Understand and apply game strategies to
for the purpose of interception or deflection. (S2.M5.8) physical activities and sports.
Standard 5. The physically literate individual recognizes the EO(B). Apply locomotor, non-locomotor, and
value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, manipulative skills to games and sports.
self-expression and/or social interaction. Standard 2. Physical and Personal wellness
PGS 3. Demonstrate the knowledge and skills to
Outcome:Demonstrates respect for self by asking for help
achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of
and helping others in various physical activities. (S5.M6.8) physical activity and fitness.
GLE 2. Identify preferences for lifetime physical
EO(A). Participate in a variety of recreational
activities appropriate to a geographical area.

Student Objectives (ESWBAT) Assessment

Teacher Observation of teams- make sure
Be a great teammate and be willing to work with a
students are open to their teams and there is
Affective variety of partners with different skill levels
no complaining about teams or peers skill
throughout the lesson.
Distinguish when to make a pass to a teammate
To close the lesson share what worked well
Cognitive and how to make pass to them using strategies
and what didn't when passing in gameplay.
(high, low, near far) during gameplay.
Teacher Observation of gameplay- We will
Demonstrate the ability to successfully complete
Psychomo observe students through gameplay. while
passes using throwing and catching to teammates
tor also checking with students throughout the
in a game setting with a defender present.
activity about their success level

Teacher Objectives Assessment

Watch video of lesson and reflect on how many times
1. Check for understanding by asking questions we checked for understanding. Look to see if
throughout instruction of each activity. questions were asked at an appropriate time and
We will not be stationary but mobile, moving around
2. Highlight multiple students doing the right thing the classroom and observing and giving positive
throughout the lesson. feedback as we move avoiding being in the danger
zone of the gym.
Using Team Shake to divide teams frequently and
3. To Promote working with others and being a good
keep them random. Then observing who works well
with one another.

Performance Organizational Adaptations &

Tim Student Activities
Instant activity, task development, goal orientation Cues Arrangement Modifications
e Behavior prompts; Potential adaptations
progressions, learning experiences, and game-skill Diagram showing
(mi practice-game specifics; instructional task statements; teaching cues; specific to student activities
organization of students;
n) closure feedback; teacher to meet the needs of
Managerial task statements
actions ALL students.
● Be sure to name each activity/task Consider how
● Give a short description of activity so that Only list cues you Describe or draw in you could
another teacher could pick up your lesson are focusing on detail the layout of modify/adapt the
plan and be able to teach it for this particular students and consent so ALL
task equipment students can be
Warm up AC AP Students will read off Number of
900-898= Laps of jogging around gym Complete Quickly the board and Repetitions
2-3 10x2= Push Ups Use Proper Form complete the warm up Differing
min 30/2= Jumping Jacks Get Loose schedule. Students exercises
. Find Self Space will utilize the gym
space to complete
these workouts.
Welcome! After you grab your name card please take a look at the white board and view our schedule for the
day. Complete the workouts and stay in yourself space as you work out! Transition: When you complete the
Scri task grab either a basketball, football, or Frisbee for our mindfulness for the day.

Mindfulness time Size of ball

Students will choose which piece of Amount of
Move Safely Students find their
5-7 equipment they want to interact with AC equipment
Use self-space own space on the
min Can work individually or with a partner available
Respect the courts with their
. AC Time
equipment equipment.
Must choose between a football,
basketball, or Frisbee AP
Great job on the warm up! Now we will perform our mindfulness time. You must use either a football,
basketball, or Frisbee. This will think well with the rest of our lesson today and with our unit as a whole.
Scri Transition: Everybody return your equipment to the equipment room, grab a gator ball and meet on center
pt court.

Instant activity Exercise

Everlasting Tag performed
Students will have the
Each student possess a gator ball during Last standing
Tag below the length of the court to
5 gameplay tagger
shoulders move in space. where
min Every student is a tagger AC Continuous
Move safely they are tagged is
. When tagged the student will place ball Tagger
where they will
down and perform an exercise (plank, Court size
perform exercise.
squats, push-ups, sit ups, etc.) AP

Great job Completing the mindfulness time! Now we are going to play everlasting tag! Everyone is a tagger
but you must tag using the ball in your possession. When tagged you will complete the exercise until only
one tagger is standing(note that this is not a punishment rather a fun way to improve. You can use this half
pt (GESTURE) the basketball court. Ready GO!
Transition: Place your ball back in the bag and everybody grab a soccer ball and meet on the half court line.
Introduction to kick ups Students will each Partner or no
Good creativity
Challenge by choice, either partner kick have the option to partner
1-3 Great use of
ups, or individual kick ups (AC, AA, AP) have their own ball or Time allowed
min footwork
share a ball with a
. Way to not use
partner spread out in
your hands
the gym
Everyone place your ball on the ground. Your objective is to kick the ball up to yourself without using your
hands. You may use your hands to catch, but you may not pick up the ball off the ground. Can you use your
Scri hands to pick up? (No!) To catch? Yes. Ready, Go.
pt (Wait 20-40 seconds). Has anybody found a good strategy yet?
If not, Here’s how to do a kick up. Squeeze the ball between your legs and jump, releasing the ball, and catch
the ball. Let’s give that a try.
3x3 colt on 10x10 grid. (Cones) Move on to next
Find the open
Students complete 3 passes, place ball on x x progression
5 ground and yell “colt.” AP quicker
Safe passes
min Say Partners/Team’s names and shake
Use their names
O Ball size
. hands/high five/fist bump before after. AA Size of Area
Way to move
Students think about best way to complete x x Rotate Grids
Great effort.
passes. AC
Transition: Place your ball back into the bag and come meet us on the baseline. Alright, Scott and I have got
groups lined up for the next round of activities TEAM SHAKE.. Let’s get Person x’s group matched up with
person y’s group in the near (gesture) 10x10 grid, and person z’s group with person t’s group in the next (gesture)
grid. We’re going to play Moose, which is an ultimate style game (3 steps, 3 seconds to hold, 3+ passes).. We’re
going to focus on the 3 passes principle today. You and your partner/partners are trying to complete three passes
in a row. (How many passes? 3!) Great. Once the third pass is complete, put the ball down and yell “COLT!” The
other team now assumes possession (What are we yelling? “COLT!”). To start a possession, a kick up must be
used. In the groups of three, each partner must receive a pass before a COLT is called. You may not go outside
your boundaries to catch a pass, but can intercept it while playing defense. If the ball hits the floor, it is the other
team’s possession. (How many passes? 3! What are we yelling? “COLT!” What happens if the pass hits the floor
or goes out of bounds?) Everybody ready? Let’s Go.
3x3 colt on 10x10 grid Move on to next
Students complete 3+ passes, 3rd+ catch Find the open progression
must be on one of the three poly spots in space x x quicker
7 grid, place ball on ground and yell “Colt.” Safe passes O Ball size
min AP Use their names .. . Size of Area
. Say Partners/Team’s names and shake Way to move Rotate Grids
hands/high five/fist bump before after. AA Great effort. x x Size of poly spot
Students think about best way to complete Check the feet (hoop)
passes. AC
Everybody freeze. This time, we’re going to use poly spots as targets to catch. You are now allowed to complete
more than 3 passes. Your third or fourth or fifth (etc.) must be caught with the team members foot on the poly
spot. (How many passes? 3!) Great. Once the final pass is complete, put the ball down and yell “COLT!!” The
Scri other team now assumes possession (What are we yelling? “COLT!”). To start a possession, a kick up must be
pt used. In the groups of three, each partner must receive a pass before a COLT is called. You may not go outside
your boundaries to catch a pass, but can intercept it while playing defense. If the ball hits the floor, it is the other
team’s possession. (How many passes? 3+! What are we yelling? “COLT!” What happens if the pass hits the
floor or goes out of bounds? Change of possession) Everybody ready? Let’s Go.
7 3x3x3x3 on half court grid. Find the open x Base x Number of balls
min 3 balls will be used. space Number of
Every team wearing different colored penny. Safe passes Base O O O Base teams
Hula hoops with different colored poly spots Use their names Size of Area
spread around court. Goal is to collect your Way to move x Base x Number of spots
team color’s dot. Great effort. needed to be
Students complete 3+ passes, 3rd+ catch Check the feet collected
must be on one of the hoops in grid, place
ball on ground and yell “Colt.” AP
Say Partners/Team’s names and shake
hands/high five/fist bump before after. AA
Students think about best way to complete
passes. AC
Everybody freeze. We’re going to transition into capture the dot. How many of you have played capture the
flag? This is going to be pretty similar. There will be 4 teams, each with a different colored penny. (Gesture
towards the starting place of the four teams). Your goal is to collect all of your colors dot from each hoop. By
Scri scoring, the final pass must be caught in the hula hoop. Set the ball down and you may take your color back
pt to your home base. To start a possession, a kick up must be used. There are going to be three balls, so calling
out to your team if you have a ball will be extra important, as one team will always be playing defense. Your
team cannot have two balls at the same time. Same rules as before. Does everyone have to catch a pass before
you score? Yes. How many passes do we have to have? 3.
Ultimate Ball Size of area
3x3 on half court grid. Touchdown Team Dynamic
Find the open
markers for each end zone x x x x Number of
Students complete 3+ passes, 3rd+ catch Team O Team passes
4 Safe passes
must be in the end zone. AP x x x x
min Use their names
Say Partners/Team’s names and shake x x x x
. Way to move
hands/high five/fist bump before after. AA Team O Team
Great effort.
Students think about best way to complete x x x x
Check the feet
passes. AC

Everybody freeze. Meet at half court. How many of you have played ultimate Frisbee? Cool. So we’re going to
play ultimate ball. There are two end zones, just like in what other sport? (Football!) Great. Using the same
principles as before, you must complete how many passes before you score? 3! Does everyone have to touch the
ball before a score? Yes. When you score, place the ball at the start of the end zone and the other team takes
pt control. If the ball hits the floor or goes out of bounds, what happens? Change of possession! To start a
possession, what must be used? A Kick up.. Pennies on the ground and Scott has your new teams TEAM
Basic Description of air dribbling AP x x x x Size of area
Passing above the head Eyes up Team O Team Size of ball
Number of passes to self (3) Passes above your x x x x Number of self-
min If ball drops, change of possession head x x x x dribbles
. Team O Team
x x x x
How many of you play basketball? What do you do when you move up and down the court with the ball?
(Dribble!) Good. We’re going to do the same thing here, except of going towards the ground, you have to
pt throw the ball over your head (DEMO).
Speed Ball Size of area
3x3 on half court grid. Touchdown Find the open Team Dynamic
x x x x
markers for each end zone space Number of
Team O Team
5 Students complete 3+ passes, 3rd+ catch must Safe passes passes
x x x x
min be in the end zone. AP Use their names
x x x x
. Say Partners/Team’s names and shake Way to move
Team O Team
hands/high five/fist bump before after. AA Great effort.
x x x x
Students think about best way to complete Check the feet
passes and when to dribble. AC
We’re going to do the exact same thing as ultimate ball, except that you’re allowed 3 self passes if you want
before you pass to a teammate. Does everyone have to touch the ball before we score? Yes. Pennies on the
pt ground, Scott has your team assignments,
Deb Transition: Let’s put all of the equipment away and come and meet us! What did you like about today activities?
rief What worked well? Great Job today!

Part II: Reflection (thoughtfully and thoroughly respond to the questions below – 2 points
1. Describe what purpose the technology served in your lesson.
The purpose that the technology served in my lesson was to build teams and avoid
students choosing their own. This was intended to help avoid unfair teams and help
promote teamwork regardless of who was on each team. It was included multiple times
throughout the lesson as teams were able to be flipped with ease. This lead to it being a
part of the assessment process as it helped create groups to demonstrate the skill of
working together with others without cost of class time.
2. Did the implementation of the technology go as planned? Why or why not?
The implementation went as planned. It was very smooth and worked well. The time
spent trying to create teams was minimalized which created more time for actual
gameplay. There were no issues with using and this app and it worked easily. The apps
design was easy to master even though this was my first time using it.
3. Who benefited from the use of the technology, if at all?
I benefitted as a teacher by using this technology and so did the students in the classroom.
The app allowed there to be more class time for actual activities while lowering the time
spent standing around making teams. This benefited me as the teacher because I did not
have the hassle of trying to create equal teams and making everyone happy. The students
cannot argue with the randomization of the app when it is in use. This can defuse
situations before they happen in the classroom and make for a more inclusive
environment for all students involved.
4. Did the technology actually enhance your lesson, or could it have gone just as well
without it? Why or why not?
The technology actually did enhance my lesson. By randomly generating teams in an
efficient manner it allows students to work on their team work skills and work with other
students they might not work with regularly. This could have happened without the use of
the app but would have consumed more valuable class time.
5. How could you incorporate technology differently or better in the future?
This app could be better incorporated in a classroom possibly differently than how I used
it. I feel like I tried to flip the teams around to many times. I feel like using this app in
moderation would be a better use then how I used it. Also, when entering names to begin
with I almost forgot to not include the names of the students who were absent or not
participating due to injury. Other those small changes I do not see any other way I could
have used this technology to positively affect my classroom.

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