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Design and Analysis of aircraft Wing

G Sai Rahul1, A Dilip2 ,Rajeev Raushan3

K L University, Green Fields, Vaddeswaram, Guntur District, A.P, INDIA, 522502

Department of Mechanical Engineering, III/IV B.Tech graduated Students

This deals with bending Finite Element Introduction:
Analysis of the aircraft wing using This popularity of air transport has led to
commercial software ANSYS. An aircraft many new inventions and research to
wing is made of composite with fibre developed faster and more economical
angles in each ply aligned in different planes. An air foil is a cross-section of
direction. Various air foil thickness and wing of the plane. Its main job is to
provide lift to an aeroplane during take-off
ply angles were considered to study the
and while in flight. But, it has also a side
effect of bending-torsion decoupling. The effect called Drag which opposes the
laminate characteristics are usually motion of the aeroplane. The amount of lift
calculated using the number of layer, needed by a plane depends on the purpose
stacking sequence, geometric and for which it is to be used. Heavier planes
mechanical properties. A finite number of require more lift while lighter planes
layers can be combined to form so many require less lift than the heavier ones.
laminates. The only restriction that is Thus, depending upon the use of
imposed on the laminate as an element of aeroplane, air foil section is determined.
composite structure concerns its total Lift force also determines the vertical
thickness which is assumed to be much acceleration of the plane which in turns
smaller than the other dimensions of the depends on the horizontal velocity of the
structure. plane. Thus, determining the coefficient of
lift one can calculate the lift force and
Aircraft wing model as per the plan should knowing the lift force and required vertical
be made in FEA and the model is acceleration one can determine the
subjected to various loading. The loading required horizontal velocity.
given by the self-weight or due to Flaps are devices used to alter the lift
acceleration due to gravity was discussed characteristics of a wing and are mounted
and the deflection over here should be on the trailing edges of the wings of
calculated. The wing model is severely a fixed-wing aircraft to reduce the speed at
affected by the loads on along wing which the aircraft can be safely flown and
direction, across wing direction, vertical to increase the angle of descent for
direction.NACA 2412 airfoil was taken for landing. They do this by lowering the
designing wing. FLUENT was used for stall and increasing the drag. Flaps shorten
computational fluid dynamic analysis to take-off and landing distances. Extending
flaps increases the camber or curvature of
determine the lift and drag for wing during
the wing, raising the maximum lift
zero degreed flaps and angled flaps.
coefficient — the lift a wing can generate.
Keywords: Finite Element Analysis, This allows the aircraft to generate as
airfoil, composite structure, Fluent much lift, but at a lower speed, reducing
the stalling speed of the aircraft, or the
minimum speed at which the aircraft will

maintain flight. Extending flaps a lot of impact on its movements. This
increases drag, which can be beneficial shape is what is called an aerofoil. An
during approach and landing, because it airfoil-shaped body moved through
slows the aircraft. On some aircraft, a a fluid produces an aerodynamic force.
useful side effect of flap deployment is a The component of this force
decrease in aircraft pitch angle which perpendicular to the direction of motion is
lowers the nose thereby improving the
called lift. The lift on an airfoil is primarily
pilot's view of the runway over the nose of
the result of its angle of attack and shape.
the aircraft during landing. However the
flaps may also cause pitch-up depending When oriented at a suitable angle, the
on the type of flap and the location of the airfoil deflects the oncoming resulting in a
wing. force on the airfoil in the direction
opposite to the deflection. This force is
known as aerodynamic force and can be
Aerospace industry is increasingly relying
resolved into two components
on advanced numerical flow simulation
lift and drag. Most foil shapes require a
tools in the early aircraft design phase.
Today, computational fluid dynamics has positive angle of attack to generate lift,
matured to a point where it is widely but cambered airfoils can generate lift at
accepted as an essential, complementary zero angle of attack. This turning of the air
analysis tool to wind tunnel experiments in the vicinity of the airfoil creates
and flight tests. Navier–Stokes methods curved streamlines, resulting in lower
have matured from specialized research pressure on one side and higher pressure
techniques to practical engineering tools on the other. This pressure difference is
for a vast number of industrial problems accompanied by a velocity difference,
on a routine basis .Due to the high via Bernoulli's principle, so the resulting
computational effort required for flow flow field about the airfoil has a higher
simulations around realistic 3D average velocity on the upper surface than
configurations, industrial computational
on the lower surface. The lift force can be
fluid dynamics tools are rather used for
analysis and assessment of given related directly to the average top/bottom
geometries than for shape design and velocity difference.
optimization. However, within the next
few years numerical shape optimization
will play a strategic role for future aircraft

One of the most spectacular things to view
is the structure and the body of an aircraft.
Its concept has always been scintillating
and technical. All of us do know that only
NACA (National Advisory Committee for
when an object overcomes the earth’s
Aeronautics) 2412 airfoil was as the
natural gravitational pull, it tends to fly.
profile to generate the wing. This NACA
The wing of an aircraft helps in gliding it
2412 airfoil has Max thickness 12% at
through the wind and also in its landing
30% chord, Max camber 2% at 40% chord
and take-off. The shape of such an
and angle of attack (α) is 7.25°.Reynolds
important component of the aircraft makes
number ranging from the 50,000 for this

foil. Chord is the extend from leading edge Slats are aerodynamic surfaces on the
to trailing edge of the wing and camber is leading edge of the wings of fixed-
Points halfway between chord and upper wing aircraft, stringer is also known as the
wing surface whereas angle of attack is stiffener used to hold and stiff the sheet
Angle between direction of airflow and the metal of the wing the internal ribs. Ribs
chord. are the internal foiled shape braces for
wing.Inaddition to this wings consists of
the fuel tank. Airbus 320 aircrafts fuel
capacity is 23858 litres of this half was
equally stored in two wing for maintaining
equilibrium in the aircraft structure and
remaining half was stored in the aircraft
fuselage in rear cases little amount of fuel
can be stored in tail section.

Representation of the NACA 2412 airfoil

Parts of wing and wing structure

Design of the wing:

Wing design was made by using the

NACA profile using the wingspan of 60m,
which is for BOEING 747. By considering
the real-time profile of airfoil its co-
ordinates were formed and they were
imported to SOLIDWORKS by MACROS
importing format. Then required
dimensioned aircraft wing was formed by
using that profile, and completed model
was imported to ANSYS V12.1 FLUENT
Graph of coefficient of lift to drag for the
for analysis of model. Initially wingspan
NACA 2412 airfoil
was calculated and profiles were scaled on
the guide curve from leading edge to
Parts of wing and wing structure: trailing edge starting from fuselage
intersection to the ailerons tip. And then
An aileron is a hinged flight control by lofting this wing was sheeted, so
surface usually forming part of the trailing internal ribs, stringers, flaps were designed
edge of each wing of a fixed-wing aircraft. and assembled for this wing section.

interchangeably. Typical uses are for
rendering to a computer screen or for
physical simulation such as finite element
analysis or computational fluid dynamics.
Three-dimensional meshes created
for finite element analysis need to consist
of tetrahedral, pyramids, prisms or hexahe
dra. Those used for the finite volume
method can consist of arbitrary polyhedral.
Those used for finite difference
methods usually need to consist of
piecewise structured arrays of hexahedra
Wingspan with profiles and guide curve known as multi-block structured meshes.
A mesh is otherwise a discretization of a
domain existing in one, two or three

Lofted wing with the flap section

Meshing including with the boundary


Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

provides a qualitative (and sometimes even
quantitative) prediction of fluid flows by
means of mathematical modelling (partial
differential equations), numerical methods
(discretization and solution
techniques).software tools (solvers, pre-
Section and ribs viewed in the wing and post-processing utilities) CFD enables
scientists and engineers to perform
‘numerical experiments’ (i.e. computer
simulations) in a ‘virtual flow laboratory’.

MESHING OF MODEL: CFD gives an insight into flow patterns

that are difficult, expensive or impossible
Mesh generation is the practice of to study using traditional (experimental)
generating a polygonal or polyhedral mesh techniques
that approximates a geometric domain.
The term "grid generation" is often used

The results of a CFD simulation are never Velocity at the trailing and leading edges
100% reliable because the input data may of wing:
involve too much guessing or imprecision
the mathematical model of the problem at
hand may be inadequate the accuracy of
the results is limited by the available
computing power.

CFD Analysis on wing with zero degree

Velocity plot
Take-off is the phase of flight in which an
aircraft goes through a transition from
moving along the ground (taxiing) to
flying in the air, usually starting on a Residual details:
runway. Usually the engines are run at full
power during take-off. Following the taxi
motion, the aircraft stops at the starting
line of the runway. So during taxing flaps
and spoilers of aircraft are retracted back
or at zero degree.

Residual plot

Lift obtained by this was 242980N with

coefficient of lift (Cl) 5.267

Drag obtained was 19847.646N with Drag

Wing with flaps zero degree coefficient (Cd) 0.4302

Pressure distribution over wing:

CFD Analysis on wing when flaps


Following take-off, the aircraft has to

climb to a certain altitude (typically 30,000
ft or 10 km) before it can cruise at this
altitude in a safe and economic way. A
climb is carried out by increasing the lift of
wings supporting the aircraft until their
lifting force exceeds the weight of the
Pressure plot aircraft. Once this occurs, the aircraft will

climb to a higher altitude until the lifting
force and weight are again in balance. The
increase in lift may be accomplished by
increasing the angle of attack of the wings,
by increasing the thrust of the engines to
increase speed (thereby increasing lift), by
increasing the surface area or shape of the
wing to produce greater lift, or by some
combination of these techniques, so flaps
are increased at low air craft speeds for Velocity plot
lift. In most cases, engine thrust and angle
of attack are simultaneously increased to
produce a climb. Landing is the last part of
a flight, where the aircraft returns to the Residual details:
ground. And during landing aircraft has to
reach a minimum speed of 180 nautical
miles per hour or 333.36kmph so flaps and
spoilers are used here to increase the drag
and to land on short runways.

Residual plot

Lift obtained by this was -115245.51N

Wing with flaps retrieved with coefficient of lift (Cl) -188

Drag obtained was 817277.77N with Drag

coefficient (Cd) 133.43

Pressure distribution over wing:

So by analysing both the zero angled and
inclined or retrieved flapped wings it was
concluded that wing with zero degreed
flaps acts normal by producing positive
coefficient of lift and sufficient drag.
But for flaps retrieved wing the coefficient
Pressure plot of drag was more and increasing than lift
while iterating. Therefore flaps are used to
increase drag while landing. And in
Velocity at the trailing and leading edges addition to that flaps also used to produce
of wing: lift during take-off to low speeds (on short
runways these were used during take-off).

Fundamentals of Aerodynamics by John.
References: D. Anderson. seli ,M.UIUC Airfoil coordinates

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