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Poteau Daily News




Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
The Edmond Sun

EPIC assisting schools,
DOC with Distance

Learning options
OKLAHOMA CITY — As distance learn- both a faculty training perspective and a
ing has begun for all Oklahoma public student engagement perspective. We want
schools, EPIC Charter Schools announced to help in any way we can. We are in this
it is providing several Oklahoma school together, and it’s never been more impor-
districts and the Oklahoma Department tant for our country that all facets of our
of Corrections (DOC) with free staff devel- public education system work coopera-
opment regarding distance learning. tively.”
After the State Board of Education In addition to free staff development, in
required distance learning of all public the last week, EPIC also publicly posted
schools for the remainder of this school on its website (https://epiccharter-
year, EPIC announced it would offer sev-
eral free distance learning tools to tional-schools) the following free
Oklahoma public schools, including two resources:
hours of staff development. Several dis- • EPIC Ed: Academic lessons for each
tricts responded positively to the offer and core Oklahoma Academic Standard that
EPIC reiterated today its willingness to can be delivered via Zoom or Google
help in any way it could any Oklahoma Hangouts, including practice and assess-
school that requested it. ment resources. A mobile-friendly version
EPIC staff is working with DOC to of the website also has been made avail-
enhance educational opportunities for able for Oklahoma teachers or parents
inmates by providing access to curricu- without internet connectivity in their
lum and staff training on technology like homes.
Zoom. • Educate Without Walls: A Powerpoint
“We don’t know how long our state and presentation to accompany two hours of
federal governments are going to recom- free, interactive staff development or as a
mend or require social distancing to pro- standalone resource.
tect public health,” said EPIC • Online Teaching Help: A repository of
Superintendent Bart Banfield. “We under- best practices and online resources creat-
stand many schools are having to get a ed by EPIC teachers with demonstrated
crash course in distance learning from success in distance learning.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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