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Exercise 7:

2. I think debriefing meetings are useful. Those meetings are to be held in
order to get information on a particular piece of finished work. So, by sharing
experiences that have been done succefully, participants will recognise these
experiences and they will be more conscious about their future ones. Also,
they will enhance and improve their own performance.

1. N
2. N
3. P
4. N
5. P
6. N

Exercise 9:
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True

1. Moving on
2. Coming up/ go over
3. Lined up
4. Wind up/ run out of

1. turn up
2. tuned in
3. make up/ get away with
4. set aside
5. do without

Unit 3:
Exercise 1:
1. title: Glorious
2. price: £3.75
3. issue number: Number 8
4. date: January 2009
5. bar code: in the bottom, right hand corner, on the lift of the price
6. coverline: Get ready for RIO: fabulous funky fashions
Matt Damon’s killer instinct: why we prefer Bourne Bond
7. slogan: There’s never a dull moment

1. Simply knitting
What Car?
House Beautiful
Beautiful Britain
2. Vogue
3. FHM
Exercise 2:
1. a (women’s magazine)
b (men’s magazine)
2. a (women’s magazine)
3. c (parenting magazine)
4. d (house magazine)
a (women’s magazine)
5. e (wedding magazine)
6. a (women’s magazine)
b (men’s magazine)
7. a (women’s magazine)
b (men’s magazine)
8. a (women’s magazine)

1. c
2. a
3. b
4. e
5. d

1. Typographical features ( different font styles, capitalisation and bold
2. Typographical features(different font styles, bold type and alliteration;
fashion finds)
3. - Question mark
- Typographical features (bold, italics and underlined type)
- Imperative (Follow)
- There is a symbol used ($).
4. – Quotation
- Typographical features (italics and bold)
- Rhyming (I met on the Net)
5. - Typographical features (font styles)
- Punctuation (:)
- Alliteration ( Spanish Special, tasty tapas, gourmet guide)
6. Typographical features ( bold font type and font style )

Exercise 3:
1. a

2. b

1. Rhyming ( clean & green )
2. Alliteration ( fit and fabulous )
3. Alliteration ( Spanish special/ tasty tapas / magical Madrid )
4. Rhyming ( Fun in the sun ) + Alliteration ( ten top )
5. Alliteration ( why we / Bourne to Bond )
6. Rhyming ( Beijing rising )
7. Alliteration (What to wear / 19 to 91 )

2. Jen and Paul. It’s serious now: “she’s fantastic!”
3. Easier way for a stunning garden makeover
4. The hottest new diet! How to lose two kilos in two months?
5. Doing exercises to give up nicotine & to keep fit and quit
6. The year’s coolest new cars
7. The greatest guitar tracks!

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