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What is an advice column?

is a magazine or newspaper that gives advice to people who send their problems.

What's the topic of this column?

people who are asking for tips to improve reading in English.

What's Sharon's problem?

she needs to learn to read English faster to finish reading the novel before the next

What advice would you give her?

eliminate distractions, not define each word, organize the time that will be devoted
to reading as well as the number of pages that will be read during the day, highlight
the main ideas and the words you do not understand, then review them later and
search its meaning.

What's Simon's problem?

He does not like to read and needs advice to start enjoying reading since the next
year he will go to university.

What advice would you give him?

Start to read topics of interest according to the level of English, find books of
movies or novels you have seen.

What's Albert's problem?

he does not understand the main idea of the texts he reads

What advice would you give him?

highlight the words you do not understand during the reading to then search for their
meaning, search for keywords in the text, read topics according to the reading level
If you needed an advice, what would you ask Anita?

how can I learn to read faster and understand the readings

The election of Donald Trump as president of the United States will change many things in
the Mexico-United States relationship; however, one aspect that will not change is the
neighborhood and growing integration between both countries. For this reason, changes
in the Trump era will be more in form than in substance. That is why, despite the media
upsets and the initial diplomatic clashes, the general guidelines of the bilateral
relationship will know few changes in the coming years.

Historically, and as a result of the asymmetry of power with the United States, the highest
priority of Mexican foreign policy has always been to contain, as much as possible, the US
hegemony, in order to maximize its national sovereignty; Mexico has understood its
sovereignty as the defense of territorial integrity and the free, autonomous and
independent definition, without external interference, of its form of government, of
domestic public policies, and of foreign policy with other states and international actors.

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