World War I and World War II

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The world war I and the world war II are important events for the entire world, in

which so many countries were part of it. These two wars brought so many deaths and

sadness for the population of those countries that were fighting against other nations.

The world war I had new military technologies, and this made worst the situation for the

women and children. At the end of the war, people thought this will be the end, but the

truth is that was just the beginning of world war II, making it the most devasting war in

the whole world.

The world war I was between 1914-1918, in this war the nations which had big military

industries were involved. There were some alliances between countries, such as:

- Russia and Serbia

- Germany and Austria-Hungary

- France and Russia

- Britain, France and Belgium

- Japan and Britain

By the time of 1904 the central powers and the triple entente start to be created.

The central powers; Germany, Austria – Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey. The triple

entente; Russia, Italy, Serbia, France, Romania, Greece and United States were one of

them. France already was having problems with Germany, because of the loss of

Alsace and Lorraine and here is when England make plans with France. So, this was

the beginning of both sides. Even though, the beginning of world war I was getting

closer every day since the imperialism and colonialism was developing between the
countries involved, but the final step to start world war I was the assassination of Franz

Ferdinand the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary. The assassin was in 1914 by a

group of Serbian-nationalist, here the world war I started. Germany and Austria-

Hungary demand for an investigation in Serbia, but they didn’t do it. So here Austria-

Hungary declare the war to Serbia and Russia defends Serbia. Germany fights against

Russia, France and invades Belgium, England fight against Germany… This is how so

many countries were fighting against others.

Germany thought this was going to be an easy war, they never imagined the

other countries were going to fight in the way they did. The idea was attack Paris, but

the French resist. The arms advance made a long and really expensive war. The

appearance of new arms such as canyons, submarines, machine guns, combat cars

and airplanes were one of the arms created. In 1915, Germany defeat a boat where

128 Americans died, this made United states declare war in 1917 to the central powers.

German sent their eastern front army to western front to get the victory before United

states appearance, but the German army was tired, and they lost against Ferdinand

Foch failing in Paris with the help of United States and England. Italy defeat Austria-

Hungary and this is how the central powers lost the war. At the end, the treaty of

Versailles was created making Germany pay the consequences. The promotion of Adolf

Hitler was a fact creating the start of the world war II.

The world war II was between 1939 – 1945 and the principal caused was

because Hitler invaded Poland. This was the worst war that humanity has never known.
At the end of world war, I with the creation of the treaty of Versailles, Germany was

injured by losing territory and paying a lot of money to the winners. Germans needed a

good leader who made them remember good times and led them to the victory, this is

how a guy as Adolf Hitler achieves command the whole German army. He was a great

speaker and convinced the people of their superiority between the other countries with a

racist speech, this is how he won the elections. In 1923, Hitler was sentenced to five

years of prison because a coup and wrote a book during those years, which after

became like the bible of the Nazism, later he got back to politics in 1932 and won the

elections to lead German again.

The chases of judes were getting stronger each day and Hitler ignore the

obligations Germany had according to the treaty of Versailles. In 1938 he started his

plan of territory expansion, the same year he threatened Europe with war if he didn’t

have part of Czechoslovakia, in which a lot of Germans where living there. To talk about

this; France, England and Italy reunited in Munich leaving apart Czechoslovakia.

Next year, Hitler didn’t make what they agreed and take Czechoslovakia. He

also, wanted to take Poland, this country was made because of the Treaty of Versailles,

time before this was territory of Germany.

In 1939, Stalin and Hitler made the Ribbentrop-Motolov pact and the agreements

were not to fight. Nine days after Hitler attacked some part of Poland and the Soviet

Union take the other part three weeks later. In some secret part of the pact they agreed

to take part of this country. This made France and England to declare the war to

Germany. They didn’t fight during a few years to prepare the army and the Soviet Union

attacked Finland, but they didn’t conquered it, just a little part of it.
Hitler appeared again by attacking France, Luxemburg, Netherlands and

Belgium. They thought in a good strategy to invade those countries. France was

attacked, so they talked to Hitler and the war in France end by dividing the country in

both sides. Charles De Gaulle fought for France freedom. Mussolini, from Italy is seeing

how easily is Hitler taking territories in Europe, so he decided to be with him and

declared war to France and England.

England was the only country which could fight and barely won against Germany.

Hitler decided to attack Soviet Union; Stalin didn’t expect this that soon. Germany was

taking the power in Europe and the concentration camps begins. He wanted to take part

of Moscow, but he couldn’t because of the winter.

Years later, Japan is part of the war and decided to attack Pearl Harbor in 1941,

an American base located in Hawaii, because USA didn’t allow the wage oil, and this is

how United Stated join the war. Roosevelt make a speech and declared the war to

Japan. After Pearl Harbor, Japanese invaded Hong Kong, Singapore and some others.

Hitler declared the war to United States. In 1942, Americans helped England to not be

invaded by Germans and started giving arms to the Soviet Union. They were getting

ready because Hitler wanted to invade them for the oil. In 1943, the German and Italian

army was weak because of the winter and they give up, time after they attacked Roma

and Mussolini was sentenced.

Hitler suffer the loss of many territories and Europe start getting back their parts.

Mussolini is captured again but this time they killed him, and Hitler decided to commit

suicide before the alliance took him. The end of the war was in 1945 placed in Europe,
but Japan continue with war and this is why United States sent two atomic bombs

above Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end the war, just after, America deny the use of

atomic bombs, ending the world war II.

This both wars were very important for the entire world, seeing how people can

be so bad and killed people just because made the whole world put an end and realized

the great damage Hitler created to many innocent people. After this, no more wars as

these two has been made.

In world war I a lot of people died and suffered the consequences, nevertheless world

war II was crueler, the creation of concentration camps and the experiments which

Joseph Mengele made using human beings overcome everything made in world war I.

A lot of stories are told, such as the Anne’s Frank and each one is devastating. Hitler

went after Judes and killed all of them that was in his path.

The first world war and second, were the beginning of a new path, people started

to know what an arm was, and United States become rich because of their army. The

feel of power that those leaders felt was becoming bigger, taking all Europe apart. At

the end, both wars made people suffered and killed in a lot of countries and nowadays

the consequences are still in the planet. Even though, the differences were huge, the

second war was worse than the first one and not so many countries join the war. Also,

there wasn’t a leader as Hitler and nobody killed people in the way he did, with

concentration camps and making experiments with people.

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