Project Instructions 1 Part

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Project: Oral and writing tasks

Dear students: You should elaborate a brochure bringing out

information about one family you chose from a different
country. (not Colombia)

1. The brochure should have the following structure:

 Title cover
 Student’s name
 Introduction: Country name
 Location
 Language
 Talk about the type of families. (describe in a short way the
type of family you want to describe)
 Show and name the special events/dates for families in that
 Special facts about the culture you consider important.
 Conclusion: considerations about the families and what you
have learnt during the research. (What do you like about
those families and celebrations?

2. You can read the book CARLOS’ FAMILY CELEBRATION” because it describes
a very interesting celebration that that family have.


Oral presentation: You should prepare a 2.5 minutes talk, presenting some of the
key points you developed in your brochure. You are allowed to use audiovisual
materials to support your talk. However, if you are using slides (power point
presentation), you may only include pictures.
Your brochure can be in a digital way or here you have some ideas to make in
physical way

The following are some useful resources you may use to develop this task:
 How to make brochure for projects:

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