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Europe is being flooded by smuggled Russian-made cigarettes worth at least $1 billion a

year, an international investigation has discovered. A network of factories and routes has been put
together across Europe since 2004, following large-scale smuggling routes previously supplied by
major multinational tobacco companies. The new underground smoking trade involves only one brand,
Jin Ling, which is turning up in more cities and countries across Europe every month.

Jin Ling, virtually unknown to the authorities three years ago, has grown so rapidly that law
enforcement officials say it now rivals Marlboro as the top smuggled brand being seized in the
European Union.Jin Ling cigarettes have no legal market in any European country, according to
customs officials. The brand is never advertised and cannot be bought in shops. It is only sold
illegally — smuggled by gangs who hope to pocket immense profits by selling unlicensed, untaxed
cigarettes on black markets across Europe.

Relying on corporate records, customs data, and undercover reporting from inside the main Jin
Ling production center, It has pieced together the unique story of the world’s first ever cigarette
brand designed and manufactured only for smuggling.

.Ex1/Is the text: a-web article . b-a note of apology. c-a report

. Ex2/The text is about: a-money laundering. b-phone scam. c-fake product

:Ex3/ Say whether these statements are True or False from the text
.a-The smuggled cigarettes are bought across the world
.b-The source of smuggled cigarettes is China
.c-Jin Ling competes Marlboro as top smuggled brand
.d-Jin Ling is well-advertised among media
.e-The events of the story happened during the last decade
:Ex4/Answer these questions according to the text
??a-How do smuggled cigarettes reach European consumers
??b-What do gangs aim behind the sale of Jin Ling
:Ex5/Fill in the table with information from the text
???Smuggled product ???Source?? Where from ??..…Destination?? To

:Ex6/ Find in the text words that are closet in meaning to

.a-trade mark. b-made. c-competes
:Ex7/ What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text
.a-together. b-it
: Ex8/ Re-write sentence B that means the same as A
.1a-Europe must put an end to smuggling cigarettes
…………………………………………………………1b-It's high time
.2a-If I were you ,I would stop buying Jin Ling tobacco
..…………………………………………………………………2b-You' d better
.3a-The brand is designed and manufactured by Russians only for smuggling
:Ex9/ Classify these words according to their number of syllables
. International – smuggling – trade – across – advertised – inside

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