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| Verb or adjective + preposition WEBI) Verb + preposition Some verbs are often followed by a particular preposition. Pay special attention to any that are different in your language. 1 often listen to the radio. Paul doesn’t like it and I agree with him. (= have the same opinion) I may go but it depends on the weather. He suffers from (= has the illness of) a type of diabetes. He got married to a girl he met in France. I don’t know her name. I think we should apologise for (= say sorry for) being late. She has applied for (= made a written request for) a new job. They were waiting for me at the airport. Don’t worry (= be nervous) about your exam; it'll be OK. His teachers were satisfied (= pleased) with his progress. She complained (= said she wasn’t satisfied) to the manager about the food. He spends a lot of money on clothes. That dictionary belongs to Rolf. (= it is Rolf’s dictionary) They are going to translate the book into Spanish. I'm thinking of going to France. (= it’s a future possibility) [Used mostly in the continuous form. Prepositions that change the meaning do that 4 Ng “J i & " v He shouted to me. (= «6 communicate He shouted at me. (= he was angry) from a distance) He threw the ball to me. (= for me to catch it) Someone the crowd threw a bottle at in order to hit them; he Adjective + preposition 1 was never very good at mathemati She is afraid of (= frightened of) flying. I’m not very keen on fish. (= I don’t like fish very much) She is similar to (= in some ways the same as) her older sister, but very different from her brother. He's very interested in photography. I was suprised at (or by) the way he reacted — he’s usually very calm. I think she’s aware of (= knows abour) the problems in her class. I'm tired of people telling me what to do. (= I've had enough and I want it to stop) As it’s the school holidays, the poo! was full of children. (= lors of children in the pool) There is something wrong with this TV, (= the TV is not working/functioning correctly) (opp bad at) 30 English Vocabulary in Use (preimermediate & intermediate) 14.2 14.4 Exercises Finish these questions with the correct preposition, then write a short answer for each one. What exactly is she worried hat job is she applying .. What programme is she listening mam ? she COMPLAIN seeenoan ? ho does this car belong know she’s angry but who's she shouting ... 10 ‘hat kind of films is she interested 11a: Wha does the decision depend . 12 hat is she afraid noun > Match the sentence beginnings on the left with the endings on the right. 1 He's tired a at me, but it missed. 2 She wasn are b fora job in Australia. 3. He threw the book ¢ of working ar weekends. 4 She complained d_ to the man across the lake. 5 She said it was similar efor the mistake. 6 She applied fat his choice. 7 She shouted g of lothes. 8. He said it depends h to the one she has. 9 The suitcase was full i on that coat. 10 She spent over £200 j of her mistakes. IT She apologised kon the time they get there, 12. was very surprised 1 aboue the bad service. Complete the sentences in a logical way. If possible, compare with someone clse. 1 My steak was overcooked, so I complained ... 2 When I was a child I sometimes wore clothes that belonge 3. Her teacher wasn't very satisfied .. 4 Inthe summer a lor of people suffer 5. I'm afraid there's something wrong 6 a 8 9 The book is very successful and has been translated A lot of people are afrai Tve always been interested I'm not very keen 10 People in my country are very different 11 For my next holiday, I'm thinking 12 In the summer, places like Spain and Greece are ful A good dictionary will tell you if a verb or adjective is usually followed by a special preposition. Use a dictionary to find the preposition that often follows these words. fond (adj) concentrate (v) _—_rely (v) English Vocobulory in Use (preamermediate & intermediate) 31

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