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STCM-206 Web Content Assessment Names ________________________________________________________

Not just yes/no but also with some commentary for each.


1. Do clickable items stylistically indicate that they are clickable?

2. How intuitive is it to navigate? Are signs obvious or obscured? Buttons/Links Like Text, that are not
clickable and vice versa, links/buttons that cannot be identified as such

3. Link Readability - type face, font size

4. Clear indication of PURPOSE of the site? Purpose must become clear within after a few seconds
without reading much or no text copy at all.

5. Is a logical site map available?, If not, is a search feature available?


1. Is the site’s design aesthetically appealing?

2. Are the colors used harmonious and logically related?

3. Are the color choices visually accessible? (For example high enough in contrast to assist the
colorblind and visually impaired)

4. Is the design audience appropriate?

5. The fonts should be easily readable.


1. Is the website copy succinct but informative?

2. Does copywriting style suit site’s purpose and ‘speak’ to its target audience?
3. Are bodies of text constrained to <80 characters per line?

4. Is the contrast between text and its background color sufficient to make reading easy on the eyes?

5. Is text broken into small, readable chunks and highlighted using headings, sub-headings etc. where
appropriate to assist in skimming?

6. Do you have an “about page” that identifies the author of the content, credits to source for
content that was not written by the site owner himself

7. Is there regularly updated and timely content?

8. Calls to action?


1. Does the index page entice a visitor deeper into the site or shopping cart?

2. Does the website contain elements designed to encourage future or viral visitation (i.e. a contest,
newsletter, tell-a-friend feature, and forum etc)


1. Contact Page with Real Address, Phone Number (Toll Free for Business) and Contact Form or Email
available, basically a clear and easy to use feedback/contact mechanism?

2. Privacy Policy up (especially if you collect data, email, names, and web analytics tracking cookies)?


Adapted from:
by Carsten CumbrowskiInternet Marketing Resources at

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