Cooking Book3 Fetén

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The special cook

Unique recipes to get to know us

By students and teachers



4. P​IZZA​” ​BY​ I​NÉS​ A​NDRÉ 6

B​EEF 10


12. “P​AELLLA​” B​ Y​ M​ARTA​ G​IL 14

20. “C​HEESE​ C​AKE​” B​ Y​ S​ARA​ X​ING​ M​OREDO 22

H​OME​ M ​ ADE​ P​UY​ C​ AKE 25
C​ÉSAR​ A​ L​ “P​AMPÍN​” 30
However many cookery books you have on your shelf, everyone has one favourite –the one which contains all their everyday recipes as well as
special occasion dishes. With more than 50 super recipes in this book, it is expected to become a favourite. It contains everything from homely
Galician recipes to exotic ones but all of them have something in common: they are written from the heart. Dip into this range of recipes and
you’ll be sure to find everything you need!

Hors D’Oeuvres

1. “Croquetas” by Álvaro Barato


● 65 g wheat flour ● Beaten egg

● Olive oil
● A small onion ● 500 ml milk
● 75 g cheese
● 75 g Ham ● Pepper

● Bread Crumbs

The first thing we have to do is the batter for the croquettes. To do this, we put oil, an onion and salt in a bowl and we put all the ingredients in
the microwave for three minutes.
After this, we add the wheat flour; we mix all and warm for 1 minute. Later we take it out and add the milk.
A minute after the béchamel will be ready, but it is possible that lumps remain, so we should beat it with the blender. When there are no lumps
we add the ham and the cheese.
We mix everything very well and later we let it cool. When the batter is cold we prepare the pan and the oil and fry the batter.

Alvaro ‘a la cubana’

● 100 g honey
● 400 g of ambition
● 200 g of serenity
● 1 tablespoon of rebellion
● a pinch of maturity
● a sachet of resentment

I think that my recipe is an easy and simple one. It’s a dish that you can eat any day. First we prepare all the ingredients but for that there is
no problem since I consider myself a very tidy person. I never forget or lose anything though my mental organization could be better.

We light the fire. If I had to cook myself it would be simmering, since I am a person who enjoys quiet life. We put all the ingredients in the
pan. My friends and my family tell me that I am good at sports and I also think that because I love watching matches and playing football.
Finally, my favourite hobby would be listening to music. I love all kinds of music but what I like the most is listening to music on my own. I
like things clear and precise. I love sincere people who speak clear the same as I do.

2. “Spanish tortilla” by Paula Gago

● 10 eggs ● 1 big onion

● 1 kg of Galician potatoes ● salt
● olive oil

We peel the potatoes, wash them, and very important, we dry them. We cut them into very thin pieces. We put them in a bowl and we mix them
with some salt. We stir well. We put a non-sticky frying pan on a low heat and add some oil. We add the mixture of potatoes and salt into the
pan and cook for about 20 minutes.

In a bowl we put the eggs and we beat them. We peel an onion and chop it into small pieces. In another pan we heat olive oil and we put the
small onion pieces. We mix the onion and the beaten eggs. We take the potatoes from the pan and add to the eggs and onions. Now we put all
the ingredients in a pan for about 4 minutes. To turn it over, slide it onto a dish and put another dish on top, turn the whole thing over and
slide it into the pan to finish cooking. Once cooked transfer to a dish and serve the tortilla warm or cold.

Paula’s recipe

● 300g of madness
● 400g of intelligence
● 200g of affection
● a sachet of smiles

I am a basic daily recipe. I’m a normal person. I try to do my best regardless of the effort.
We put all the ingredients in a pot. In my hobbies I stand out. I like swimming, doing sports, reading, singing, dancing…… The star ingredient
would be travelling. To dish up, I would decorate my dish as I love fashion and try to dress according to the occasion.

3. “Ensaladilla rusa” by Adrián Pérez

● 1 kg of potatoes ● oil
● ½ onion ● 1 can of peas
● 3 carrots ● 200 g surimi sticks
● 3 eggs ● olives
● Gherkins ● mayonnaise
● 1 can of tuna
● salt
Peel off the potatoes and the carrots. Then boil them in water with a little bit of salt and oil. Boil the eggs in another pan. Take the eggs out
after 5 minutes and put them in cold water. Cut the onion, the surimi sticks, the gherkins and the olives in very small pieces. Do the same with
the eggs once they are cold. When the potatoes and the carrots are done, take the water out of the pan and mash the potatoes and carrots with
a fork. Drain the tuna and put it with the potatoes and the carrots in a pan. Add as much mayonnaise as you want. Put it in the fridge and
allow to cold.

Adrián Maki

● Some shyness seaweeds

● Lots of cheerfulness rice
● 200 g of kindness salmon
● glass of lazy water
● 10 g of fun sugar
● soya sauce of trustworthiness
● some vinegar of calmness

You might think this is a weird recipe with so many different things that don’t seem to match. However, I think that I am a mixture of
different things that combine very well.
First, we prepare the cheerfulness rice and we add a glass of lazy water and rinse it. We put the rice in a pan and bring it to the boil, cover it
and cook it on a fast heat at the beginning and then simmer it, just like me, I’m quite intense at first but relaxing in the end. We leave it cook
for 8 minutes.
Now we prepare the dressing with vinegar of calmness, fun sugar and water and we pour it on the rice and leave it to cool down.
Then we place a seaweed sheet on top of your maki rolling mat and place a thin row of filling ingredients across the middle of the rice. Hold
the near edge of the mat, lift and roll away from you, encasing the filling. Ensure the ingredients stay in place and the rice sticks. Dampen the
top boarder with a little water to seal. Wrap tightly in cling film and chill until firm. It’s ready to eat!
The recipe is simpler that it seems, just like me!


Pastry, Pies and Pizza

4. Pizza” by Inés André

● 2 mozzarella balls ● 7g fresh yeast

● 80g tomato sauce ● 1 teaspoon salt
● basil ● 15ml oil
● 200ml water
For the dough:
● 300g strong flour
Prepare the dough. Grab a large bowl, and pour the flour by passing it trough a colander. Add the teaspoon of salt and stir, and make a well
in the centre of the flour mixture.
Heat 200ml of water for about 10 seconds in the microwave. Dissolve the fresh yeast in the water, and add the mixture to the centre of well.
Stir a little with a spoon, and add the oil. Stir again so that the flour absorbs the water and the texture is not liquid. Then flour a surface in the
kitchen or even better a non-stick mat, place the dough on top and start kneading it. Make a ball and let it rest in a bowl. Paint it with a little
oil on top and cover it with film. Let it sit for 30 minutes – 1 hour, it will depend on the room temperature, until its volume doubles. On each
pizza base, pour the tomato sauce, covering it completely but not too much so that it does not get too wet. Grate the mozzarella balls on top of
the pizza base. Put the pizza in the oven at 220 degrees and leave it 10 min. Enjoy your pizza!!

Inés in Green Sauce


● 200 g of joy
● 120 g of wisdom
● a pinch of laziness
● two tablespoons of enthusiasm
● 50 g of affection but not too much
● another pinch of cheekiness


I think I’m a strange mixture; like avocado with honey because sometimes I’m very good and sometimes I’m a little bad but only a little bit.
Now that you know that I’m a strange mix, let’s start with the recipe.
First we pour all the joy that we have inside us and we mix it with wisdom but be careful not to forget to add a pinch of cheekiness. After
having stirred everything, we add two spoons of enthusiasm, and 50 grams of affection with a pinch of laziness. We stir everything well so that
all the ingredients are well integrated.
Finally, to serve we put all the love that we have inside and with that and a little bit of skill we have it.

5. “Puff pastry pie” by Iria Fernández

● Two packs of cheese. ● One pack of puff pastry dough that contains two
● Three tomatoes sliced. doughs.
● An egg.

● Two packs of smoked bacon.

In the oven tray we put the puff pastry dough and we mash up it with a fork. On top, we place the bacon, cheese and tomato slices and we
repeat a second layer.
We place the other puff pastry dough on top of the tomato and mash it up with a fork, as before, and we make the edges as in a pie.
We beat the egg and smear the dough with the beater egg.
We turn on the oven at 180 degrees and leave it for twenty or thirty minutes (when the puff pastry is golden).
When the time passes, we take it out from the oven and we can eat it hot or cold!
It’s an easy, delicious recipe!

Iria’s recipe


● 500 g of happiness
● 100 g of nervousness
● 400 g of empathy
● 300 g of curiosity
● 3 spoons of sincerity
● 2 spoons of shyness
● many loud laughs and smiles


This is a very simple recipe to make but it takes some time to do it. I love doing things and I enjoy doing them slowly; when we taste and we
enjoy what we do all is better.
I always try to give less relevance to the bad things that happen to me, maybe this is why I’m positive but, at the same time, realistic.
We put all the ingredients in a pot. We turn on the ceramic hob and we pour some water. At the beginning it seems to be a bit dense mixture
but when we start to stir we’ll see how it improves. Many people tell me that the first impression I give is that I am tidy and I have clear ideas.
Well, they are right on the second thing. However, they are not right on the first: I am a bit messy! But I try to change that.
We start to stir with a long wooden spoon and what stands out the most are happiness, empathy and curiosity. Happiness has always been alive
in me, but I’m empathetic and curious, thanks to the books. Reading is my favourite hobby. I love reading and listening to music because with
both I learn what I like the most: languages but especially English.
When we see that everything is mixed we put everything on a plate and add another ingredient: sincerity. I like sincere people but the most
important thing to me is being a good person above all!.

6. “Pastry flower” by Sheila Fernández

● Nutella
● Puff pastry


Spread Nutella on a round layer of pastry. Put another layer of pastry over the first.
When this is done we slightly mark the centre with a glass. Then we cut, from the centre to outside in regular portions. We then turn over these
portions (they have to be twisted).Place them in the oven at 170° until they're golden.

Sheila’s cake

● 1 glass of sympathy
● 100 g stubbornness
● 300 g of kindness
● 500 sociability
● a bottle of patience
● 100 g embarrassment
● ½ cup of indecision

This recipe won’t be perfect because these types of cakes are not liked by all kinds of people.
To begin with I would say that the tastiest ingredient is my sympathy. My friends also say that I’m quite extroverted as I tell jokes and make
them laugh. I’m also quite tidy as order is very important for me.
Another important ingredient is kindness as I think being kind to people is a nice quality. I also have to add that I’m very patient, in fact, my
patience is endless.
To finish, I’ll say that I love meeting new people as I think this is a good way to open our minds. Finally, put the cake in the oven and share it
with friends.

7. “Burritos” by Laura Pardo

● Fresh tomato. ● Fajitas.

● Tetilla cheese. ● Mexican Sauce.
● Grated cheese.
● Minced meat.


The preparation of this recipe is very easy.

We will start by pouring the minced meat into a pan with a little oil. While the meat is cooking, we chop the cheese and tomato into wedges.
We take the fajita, spread it with Mexican Sauce and we gradually add the meat, the grated and tetilla cheese and the tomato. Place all in
the fajita. Fold over the ends and roll up to seal. Secure by wrapping with foil if you want. Eat immediately.

Laurechu’s pizza


● 500 g of empathy
● 300 g of joy
● 600 g of affection
● 200 g of impulsiveness
● a lot of indecision but at the same time a lot of daring
● five and a half sachet of shyness
● 3 tablespoons of bravery
● 2 tablespoons of generosity
● a pinch of stubbornness and finally
● lots of love in excess


I would define myself as a different recipe, a special recipe that you would like to keep for a lifetime. I am the typical recipe that you would
cook some day to surprise your friends. I like to surprise them with new things and I love to get a smile from each one around me, it is like a
challenge for me.
To start with Laura’s famous pizza, we will need a very dark dough full of inferiority complexes that we must eat, a dough with a lot of
indecision but at the same time with courage. The most important thing about this pizza is love; it is very important that the tasters perceive the
love with which this pizza is made; it is the star ingredient and it couldn’t be missed.
We will have to add the ingredients with subtlety, assessing that although there are more quantities of some, each of the ingredients is truly
The second most important ingredient is my passion for dancing. It is an element that shouldn’t be missed. To top it off, we will introduce it into
the oven so that the pizza is wrapped up, exactly how I feel when I am with my friends. I hope I have made myself clear and have solved the
puzzle about Laurechu’s pizza.


8. “Bulgarian Meat Balls” by Kristiyan Metodiev


● 1/4 lb. minced meat (60% pork and 40% beef) ● 1/2 tsp. red pepper
● 1 onion ● 1 egg
● 1/2 tsp. ground cumin ● 1/2 savory
● 1/2 tsps. black pepper
● 4 tsp. salt

Salt the minced meat and place it in the fridge for around 4 hours.
Then mix it with the black pepper, the red pepper, the egg, the cumin and the savoury.
Thinly slice the onions and mix them into the mixture along with 2 or 3 teaspoons of water.
Mix all the ingredients well and let rest again in the fridge for 2 hours. Form into meatball or burger shapes and either fry them or barbecue
Serve with salad or vegetables of your choice.

Kristiyan cake

● 200g of happiness
● 50g of laziness
● 150g of affection
● 200g of empathy


I really define myself as a normal recipe, just the same as you use when you are with your friends or when you are with your family.
First, we need to get the ingredients. It’s not hard to find them because I can be a normal student or a good one.
If I cooked myself it would take 40 minutes or more because I don’t need many things. We put all the ingredients in a pan. I think I am
creative because I like to create new stuff or try to create it.
As for my hobbies, I like to go to other countries to know about the people that live there. I love adventure and I adore stargazing with my
telescope. But the special ingredients are my favourite hobbies: swimming and doing push-ups!.
Last but not least, I like creative, sincere people though telling always the truth is not for me!.


Vegetables and pasta

9. “Stuffed peppers” by Alicia Atanasova


● 500g of minced beef and pork ● Helios fried tomato

● 250g of rice ● 100ml chicken broth
● 5 large peppers ● Olive oil, salt and oil
● 1 garlic
● 1 onion


First, we prepare the sauce. We chop the garlic and the onion and add a little olive oil. We fry everything for 10 minutes in a large pan. Add
the preseasoned minced meat and stir.
When the meat is done, we add 150g Helios fried tomato and continue stirring until all the ingredients are integrated. At this point we add the
rice, previously washed, and fry for about two minutes.
We also add the chicken stock and let it simmer for about 10 minutes ,until it is cooked.
We prepare the peppers by washing them and arrange them horizontally; cut the top as if it were a hat, so that it allows us to wash them well ,
remove the seeds and fill them.
Preheat the oven at 190 degrees while filling the peppers. Then place them in the oven tray and cook for 45 minutes.

​Alicia’s recipe

● 300 g of affection
● a pinch of shame
● 400 g of kindness
● 350 g of fun
● a spoonful of patience
● many smiles
● 280 gr of sociability but a pinch of loneliness
● a glass of gossip


I would define myself as a classic recipe with nothing new, I am a normal person. As a child I was quite shy but I overcame all that, now I
could even say that I am a very sociable person.
First we check if we have all the ingredients. I have never been obsessed with order but I like to see everything tidy. We mix all the ingredients
slowly. I have to admit that I am quite perfectionist. I don’t mean that things have to be my way but I like things well done.
My surprise ingredient is my love for drawing. I love to draw just as I love reading books and going out with my friends.

10. “Macarrones con carne” by Ahinoa Diéguez

● Water ● Tomato sauce

● Macaroni ● Spicy pork sausage
● Ground beef


First we take a pot, fill it with water and put it on the heat at high temperature. Once the water starts to boil, we add the macaroni.
After ten minutes, you can start cooking the meat. We take a pan, we add some oil and put it on the heat at high temperature.
Then, we cut the spicy pork sausage into slices, once the pan is hot we cook the meat and the spicy pork sausage, we leave them for about fifteen
minutes, stirring from time to time.
Drain the macaroni and add the meat. Finally we pour tomato sauce on top.

Chocolate dipped Ahinoa


● 500 g of affection
● 400 g of empathy
● 350 g of shyness
● 250 g of joy
● a spoonful of curiosity
● a sachet of imagination
● lots of laughs


I would define myself as a unique recipe, one of those that, even if you try to repeat it, it will never come out as it did at first. I consider myself
a normal person and, at school, I do very well.
First we put all the ingredients on a table. We turn on the stove and we’ll cook me on a medium heat because I am very calm. My family says
that I’m very imaginative but I don’t think I am. I like dancing, singing, playing with my sister and spending time with family and friends.
The ingredients that make my recipe unique are my favourite hobbies: travelling and painting. Now, to dish up, I like people to be honest even
though truth hurts. And this is me, I love the way I am with my flaws and virtues.

11. “Spaghetti” by Iria García

● 200 g of spaghetti
● ½ onion
● 2 cloves of garlic
● 400 g of diced tomato
● 100 ml of single cream
● 1 teaspoon of paprika
● 100 ml of broth
● 1 teaspoon of dried oregano
● salt and pepper
● olive oil


In a big pan put a dash of olive oil on a low heat. Add the chopped onion and garlic. Add salt and pepper and cook for five minutes while
stirring frequently. After five minutes, add the tomato. Add salt and let it cook for ten minutes on a low heat.

While the sauce is being made, cook the spaghetti. It is very important to pour a generous amount of water in a pot. When it boils, add salt
and the spaghetti and stir frequently, so they don´t stick to the bottom of the pot. When they are cooked, save 100 ml of cooking broth. Drain
the pasta well in a colander.

Add the single cream to the tomato sauce. Also, add now the paprika and mix the ingredients well. To finish we put everything together. We
add the dried oregano and we cook all a few more minutes until the pasta absorbs all the liquid part of the sauce.

Iria’s mix

● 500 g of happiness ● 50 ml of courage

● 400 g of optimism ● a pinch of impatience
● 200 g of sincerity ● a drop of shyness
● 100 g of stubbornness ● four tears
● 100 g of competitiveness
● 100 ml of love

I think I am a complex recipe, of those hard to find. You need a lot of time to understand me. I think I am a very cheerful, optimistic person
though I am not always happy.
First, I start preparing the ingredients. I always have everything in its place as I am very tidy. Second, I turn on the stove. I would simmer
me as I am an intense person who likes to live every moment and have good memories.
I mix all my ingredients in a pan. My friends say that I try hard and nothing can stop me both at school and at my personal life. I have
many hobbies but the main one is athletics. I train six days a week and I don’t have much free time.
Definitely travelling is the best experience for me; it is impossible that I get tired of travelling. I love listening to music but I don’t like classical
In my recipe, the secret ingredients are my feelings because I try to hide them.
To finish I put everything on a tray. I am very sincere and try not to say things sharply so as not to hurt anyone.

12. “Paellla” by Marta Gil

● Rice ● crab sticks

● tomato sauce ● peas
● saffron, clams ● oil
● squids ● salt
● prawns


Put some olive oil into the paella pan. Fry the tomato sauce and add the squids and clams then add the rice and mix it. Pour hot water and
when the rice is almost cooked add: prawns, crabsticks, peas, and some salt. Season with saffron.
Mix it some times until the rice is done. Serve it in the paella pan and it’s ready.

Marta in syrup

● 300 ml of humour
● 100 g of seriousness
● 1 packet and a half of creativity
● a pinch of irony
● 50 g of courage
● 200 ml of perseverance


I consider myself a sweet recipe. You love me or hate me because it’s difficult to change the ingredients which make who I am.
It’s much better to eat me cold because I don’t always say the truth at the beginning. I can seem a bit bitter at the beginning but actually, I’m
quite sweet. I need a long time to be cooked because we need to wait for my bad humour to evaporate. I get stressed easily so you must know
how to control me. A cover should be enough.
I’m quite creative so each time you cook me I taste different. Being unpredictable is another of my personality traits. I have a lot of oddities
but without them I would be a different person.
I adapt easily to any situations so to serve me you can use a bowl or a plate.

13. “Rosquillas” by Ana Alvar

● three eggs ● 1 kg of flour

● 250g of sugar ● lemon zest
● 2 sachets of yeast ● sunflower oil
● half glass of anise
● half glass of olive oil


First we take a bowl and we begin beating the eggs. We add the sugar and we continue stirring; then, we add the olive oil, the anise and we
grate a little lemon on top of the dough and we add the flour and the yeast. We continue beating until the dough gets a hard texture.
We remove the dough from the bowl and knead it on the table, then, put the dough back into the bowl and cover it with a cloth letting it rest
for an hour. After that time we put sunflower oil in the frying pan and give the shape of a doughnut to our dough. Once the oil is hot we fry
the doughnuts; and finally sprinkle with them with sugar.

Ana a la carbonara


● 200 g of kindness
● 100 g of fun
● 50 g of shame
● 50 g of melancholy
● 70 g of daring
● a pinch of resentment
● another pinch of emotion


I will start by mixing my kindness and the speed with which I take affection to people. I am very sociable and I like to know places and new
people but not only in Spain but also in other countries and in the future to be able to travel and to have someone to help you wherever you
I’m not imaginative. I have difficulty in inventing games or costumes but something I love is listening to others and being able to help them in
everything they need. I’m hesitant when it comes to deciding.
We keep on putting the dough into a bowl and telling what I don’t like about others, but first we put the dough in the oven for about 30
minutes. I don’t like unpunctual people, I am super punctual and I even like to be in places before the agreed time. And last but not least, you
should eat this dish with your beloved ones.

14. “Three chocolate cake” by Erika Barbosa

● 250g milk ● 1 pack of biscuits

● 250g of cream ● pack of curdled cream
● 150g dark chocolate ● butter
● 150g white chocolate
● 150g milk chocolate


Crush the biscuits and mix them with the butter. Pour the mixture into a baking tin.
In a pot we put the 250g of cream, the black chocolate bar and a little milk. In addition, you have to make a mixture of milk with the
curdled cream. When it starts to boil, pour it on top of the cookies that are in the baking tin. Pour the chocolate on top with the three
chocolates in the following order: dark chocolate, then white chocolate and finally milk chocolate.

Erika a la chocolatada

● 120 gr of happiness
● 100 gr of kindness
● 60 gr of shyness
● 50 gr of optimism
● 40 gr of emotions


My recipe is a simple one, one of those that are made with love and patience. I’m a normal person who doesn’t like to stand out. I always try t
help everyone without receiving anything in return…
First, we pour the 60 grams of shyness with the 40 grams of emotion into a bowl and mix everything well. It’s hard for me to open up a little
to new people but little by little I get attached to them and when it’s time to say goodbye, I remember all the happy moments and I feel like
Second, we add the 120 grams of happiness and 50 grams of optimism. I am a very happy person, I like to transmit happiness to other
people and encourage them by saying that you must always be positive, that everything is going to go well and if it doesn’t go well, you have to
try again until it comes out, (not everything goes first time)
Third, we add, 100 grams of kindness as I always try to be nice to people.
Finally we put the dough in the oven. When our cake is finished, the first thing to be done is to share it with the people I love, so that we can
all enjoy this delicious cake together.

15. “Chocolate crêpes” by Laura Dos Santos

● 3 eggs ● 3 spoons of pure cocoa and 3 spoons of sugar

● 500 ml of milk
● 250 gr of flour
If you want, you can add jam or more chocolate when the crepe is finished.


First we put all the ingredients in a bowl and we beat them with the blender until we have a mixture without lumps. Then, we grease a
non-stick skillet with a pinch of extra virgin olive oil, just a little. When it´s very hot we add ¼ of crepe batter and move the pan turning to
help the dough spread, when we see that the edges begin to brown we turn it over. And that´s it, very simple and delicious!

Laura with a sweet touch


● 25o g of happiness
● 200 g of responsibility
● 300 g of audacity
● 100 g of positivity
● 50 g of independence
● 2 spoons of sweetness
● a sachet of fun
● and lots of love


I would define myself as a complicated recipe, which takes several hours to make, but then it’s worth it.
I always think that I’m a special person (I know everyone is special). I’m different and I love that. I’m pretty good at studying and I
always get good marks.
The first step to prepare this recipe is to take all the ingredients. Everyone tells me I’m tidy so normally everything is in place. I’m also quite
Then we turn on the oven and let it warm. I’m a bit slow getting ready so I would advise you pre-heating the oven a little bit. I like patient
people though I’m impatient.
We put all the ingredients in a heart-shaped baking tin (I’m very affectionate). My teachers tell me that I always have a smile on my face. I
guess this is because I love to transmit positivity and happiness. I’m very funny and I love spending time with my friends and partying. I also
love playing volleyball and I’m quite good at it.
I think that the secret ingredient and most special one would be my daring spirit. I love trying new things and above all, travelling drives me
crazy. If I could, I would spend my life travelling.
To finish the recipe I would add an extra touch of sweetness since I’m very cute.

16. “Rosquillas” by Antía Fernández
● 3eggs
● 150 g of sugar
● 1 glass of olive oil (coffee)
● Half a glass of aniseed
● Lemon zest
● Flour

Mix the eggs whit the sugar and beat well. Slowly add, while still beating, oil, anisette and lemon zest, getting a lump-free mixture. Make a well
with flour and add the mixture to the centre. Stir until a consistent dough is achieved, adding the necessary flour, until the dough peels of your
fingers. Make the shape of the doughnuts and put them in the pan to fry with a lot of oil.

Antia’s chocolate cake


● 175 g of kindness
● 150 g of laughs
● 200 g of empathy
● 10 g of untidiness
● 30 g of seriousness (when needed)
● 60 g of shame
● a sachet of joy
● a pinch of knowing new things


I would describe myself as a kind of chocolate cake. At first, it may seem like something that you are not very keen on because it has a lot of
chocolate but when you know me you will know it’s the opposite: I think I could be a difficult dish to understand at the beginning but with
time you’ll know me perfectly.

We need 200 grams of empathy and later we have to add 30 grams of seriousness, 60 grams of shame and 10 grams of untidiness. Now that
we have mixed everything we put the batter in the oven at 200º.

To decorate we should mix kindness and laughs to get a fun-filled topping. We could also add a sachet of joy and a pinch of knowing new
things. I hope you enjoy it!.

17. “Apple pie” by Alberto Figueira

● Puff pastry ● 200 ml of cream

● 3 or 4 apples ● A little bit of salt
● 1 or 2 eggs


We place the puff pastry in a baking pan, we prick the dough with a fork so that it rises only a little. Peel the apples and place them in the
spiral-shaped baking pan then sprinkle a little sugar on top of the apples. Then we beat the eggs, add the cream and put aside. Then we add
the egg and the cream on top of the apple. We put it in the preheated oven for about 30-35 minutes at 180°.Then we take it out, let it cool
and it's ready to eat.

Roast Alberto

● 200 g of kindness
● 100 g of empathy
● 100 g of affection (only with friends)
● 100 g of friendliness
● 100 g of creativity
● a spoon of resentment


I would define myself as a quick, simple recipe or a snack. I am a normal person like many others. I play football three times a week and try
to study hard for each exam although sometimes my results are not as good as expected.
First we choose all the ingredients. I am a bit messy sometimes but I can be very tidy if I want. Once we have all the ingredients, we mix them
in a bowl. I am a very punctual person who loves being with friends.
Pre-heat the oven. I love painting and I think I’m quite creative. My favourite hobbies are playing basketball, tennis and table tennis and I
also enjoy playing video games with friends.
I adore football, which is a sport I’ve been practising since I was little. What I particularly like is listening to music in English.
Now it’s time to put all the ingredients in the oven and hope for the best.

18. “Polvorones” by María Guerra

● 165 g of flour
● 60 g of roasted ground almonds
● 100 g of lard
● 90 g of icing sugar
● 1 ½ teaspoon cinnamon
● 2 teaspoons of lemon zest


We must dry the flour, cover the oven tray with a baking sheet and pour the flour, extend it and leave it 30 minutes at 150 º, moving it from
time to time. Let it cool.
Now we must roast the grounded almonds, put them in a tray and leave them for 3-4 minutes at 175º. Let it cool.
Put the lard at room temperature in a bowl, add the icing sugar and mix until the mixture is homogeneous, add the cinnamon and the lemon
peel. Mix. After that, add the almonds and the flour and knead until the dough has a good texture.
Now we must give shape to our polvorones: divide the dough into 30 grams portions (more or less), we place each portion in a 5 cm round
cookie cutter, we press a bit and we take them out carefully, and we put them on a tray covered with paper.
Bake them 10 minutes at 200º. Let them cool in the tray, they are very tender, once they are cold sprinkle with icing sugar.
Enjoy the Spanish polvorones!!!

María in her own Juice


● 2 cups of friendliness
● 1 ½ cups of sociability
● a handful of sympathy
● 2 cups of loyalty
● a pinch of naivety
● ¾ cups of indecision
● a pinch of laziness
● lots of talkativeness


I am a traditional teenager dish, if you mix friendliness, sociability and sympathy, this dish is always a hit.
To prepare this great recipe, you only have to mix all the ingredients in a big bowl and mix them slowly, after some minutes you can see it’s a
good mixture.
I think that if you cook me at low temperature, you can enjoy a good menu, but at high temperature this dish can be toxic, but don’t worry
because I am not dangerous.
To serve the dish you don’t need anything special, you only need to meet me and decide if I am going to be one of your favourite. The best of
me is that you can enjoy me at any moment, at any place, Italy, Hungary, Portugal or Finland.

19. “Filloas” by Samuel Martínez

● 3 eggs ● A pinch of salt

● 100 ml of milk ● Sugar/syrup/cream…
● 300 g of flour
● 2 dashes of anisette


First, we take a bowl and we put the three eggs in it. We beat the eggs and then, we add 100ml of milk, until we get a yellow mixture. After, we
add the flour slowly and at the same time we mix all the ingredients. Now, we add a pinch of salt and the dashes of anisette. We should have a
yellow half-solid mixture. We take an oiled-skillet, and we put in on the heat. Then pour batter into the skillet and cook over medium-low heat.
Cook for about 1-2 minutes per side. We can add sugar, syrup, cream… even blood!

Samuel’s pancakes

3 sweet eggs
100 ml of lazy milk
300 g of funny flour
a pinch of generosity
some jets of intelligence
affection as you prefer


First we beat the three sweet eggs because I’m very sweet (I think people are never too sweet). Then we mix the eggs with the lazy milk. I try
not to be lazy but I can’t because I love this milk (my parents not so much). Afterwards we add the 300 grams of funny flour. It makes a
perfect batter. This is my favourite ingredient. Now we add two more ingredients: generosity (only sometimes, I never give my meal to others
but I lend my friends my Maths notebook, that’s why I suggested adding some jets of intelligence). And now it’s time for the final ingredient:
affection. I love showing my love for people.

Now we take a skillet an a little bit of oil and we cook the pancakes. You should cook at least twenty but if you like more, come to Verín and
I’ll cook more for you.

20. “Cheese Cake” by Sara Xing Moredo

● 300 g of dry biscuits ● 2 eggs

● 2 spoonfuls of sugar ● ¼ of cream the grated rind of 1 lemon
● 100 g of butter ● 140 g of sugar
For the filling To decorate: ¼ kg of strawberries
● 225 g of cream cheese
● 75 g of flour


Grease a 24cm round baking tin with butter. Crush the biscuits with a fork in a bowl and mix them with the sugar and the remaining butter at
room temperature cut into four pieces. Cover the base of the baking tin with this mixture, pressing it down with your fingers. Put it in the oven
at 175​o ​C for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and let it cool. Beat the cheese with the sugar, add the eggs, the flour and the lemon and
continue beating, add the cream and mix well. Fill the baking tin and put it in the oven at 200​o C for 45 to 50 minutes. Turn off the oven.
Allow to cool in the oven. Finally, decorate with strawberries and serve.

Sara Xing Style Crêpes


● 130 g of will
● 1 cup of enthusiasm and solidarity
● ½ tablespoons of: shyness, stubbornness and fun
● a pinch of dismissal


I am a girl of Asian origin and I like savory recipes more than sweet ones, that’s why I present my Sara Xing-style crêpes.
I always have 130 grams of will to do the thing that I propose and like. I consider myself a responsible person although sometimes I use my
mobile phone a lot, who doesn’t? To this we must add a cup of enthusiasm, which is what I feel right now writing this recipe.
I am looking forward to travelling to other countries, I would like to meet colleagues from other cultures. A part of me makes me supportive
and tolerant of people from other places wishing them to integrate.
By mixing all these ingredients in the blender we get a girl who values tranquillity and sincerity in friends. After letting this dough rest in the
fridge for 30 minutes, add it to the pan and add 3 tablespoons of shyness, stubbornness and fun. I play the piano in the music school and I
performed at my high school musical. I think that this helps me to be less shy although my stubbornness is already another matter… haha.
I like going out with friends and we love going to parties to dance, especially in summer. Once you have made the crêpe in the pan you can fill
it with the ingredients that you like most. Mine are: friendship, fun and solidarity. Which ones are yours?

Teachers’ recipes

Juan Manuel’s Burger


● 250 g of ground sociability meat

● 250 g of ground open-minded meat
● 2 friendliness eggs
● 1 small chopped procrastination onion
● a handful of chopped honesty parsley
● cleverness oil
● 1 practicality lettuce
● 3 ripe adaptability tomatoes
● 3 pickled rationality cucumbers
● 4 burger buns of dependability bread
● 4 slices of consideration cheese

In a bowl, combine the ground sociability and open-minded meat, the friendliness eggs, the procrastination onion and the honesty parsley,
mixing all of them thoroughly. Separate the mixture into 4 portions and start shaping them into burgers. Make sure all the burgers are
approximately the same thickness (no discrimination) so they will cook evenly. Also, creating a depression in the centre will help the burgers to
cook flat.
Put the patties on a plate, cover with plastic wrap and leave in the fridge to firm up for at least 30 minutes (a bit of patience is required).
Wash and dry a few small practicality lettuce leaves, slice the adaptability tomatoes, and slice the pickled rationality cucumbers lengthwise as
finely as you can. To cook the burgers, preheat a frying pan with some cleverness oil for 4 minutes on a high heat, then turn the heat down to
medium. Place the burgers into the pan and use a spatula to lightly press them down, making sure the burger is in full contact with the pan.
Cook the burgers for 3 or 4 minutes on each side, depending on how you like them. Halve the burger buns and lightly toast them cut-side down
in the pan. Place a burger inside each bun and top them with the vegetables and the slices of consideration cheese. They are ready to taste!

Silvia’s Chocolate Cake

● 3/4 cups of happiness

● 3 smiles
● 2 cups of sensibility
● 2 cups of adventure
● 3/4 cup of responsibility
● 1 teaspoon of imagination
● 3/4 teaspoon of fear
● 2 teaspoon of affection
● 1 1/2 cup of hard work

If you want to make a homemade Silvia’s chocolate cake, this is a simple, but easy recipe to make. It's one you are certain to enjoy.

Pre-heat oven at 350 degrees. Mix together the adventure, the responsibility, the imagination and the fear. Then, set it aside. In a large bowl,
beat happiness, smiles and affection. Gradually, you should add sensibility. Beat on medium to high speed for about 3-4 minutes until well
mixed. Alternately add adventure and hard work to batter while beating. And continue to beat until batter is smooth. Pour equal amounts of
batter into fun and loud laughter round cake pans. Bake 30 to 35 minutes. Check with a toothpick to see if it is done. Bake a few minutes
more, if needed. Remove from the oven and allow cake to cool in pans for a few minutes. Finally, place cake on a wire rack to cool.
You can share this cake with your family and your friends, since it is delicious and everybody likes it.

Home made Puy cake

● 3 cups of peace
● 2 cups of faith
● 5 tablespoons of creativity
● 400 g of empathy
● ½ cup of patience
● 3 tablespoon of optimism
● 100 g of curiosity
● ½ cup of hope chips
● A pinch of light bad temper


Preheat a cosy room big enough to hold a bunch of family and friends. Fill a BIG bowl with the peace and the faith, make a well in the
centre and gently stir the melted creativity in the bowl. Chop the empathy and combine it with 3 spoonful of optimism and half a cup of
patience and let it rest for fifteen minutes before mixing it with the bowl mix. Grate the curiosity and add it to the bowl with the hope chips and
a pinch of light bad temper. Spread the mixture evenly into a pan, cover it with a wool blanket and sprinkle with some laziness. Share it with
your family and friends.

Josefina sponge cake
● 200 g hard work
● 200 g organization
● 200 g affection
● 1 tsp. indecision
● Dash of passion
● 2 tbsp. suspicion

For the filling

● 100 g common sense

● 140 g friendship
● half a 340 g jar of compassion
kindness to decorate


If I had to describe myself as a recipe, I would definitely be a dessert. First, because I have a sweet tooth and second because I think I’m
kind of a sweet person. These are the instructions: Heat oven to 190C/fan. Butter two 20cm sandwich tins and line with non-stick baking

In a large bowl, put 200g hard work, 200g organization, 200g affection, 1 tsp. indecision, 2 tbsp. of suspicion and a dash of passion
together until you have a smooth, soft batter.

Divide the mixture between the tins, smooth the surface with a spatula or the back of a spoon. Bake for about 20 minutes until golden and the
cake springs back when pressed. Turn onto a cooling rack and leave to cool completely.

To make the filling, beat the 100 grams of common sense until smooth and creamy, then gradually beat in 140 grams of friendship and
spread this mixture over the bottom of one of the sponges. Top it with 170 grams of compassion and sandwich the second sponge on top. Dust
with a little kindness before serving.

Crudités with Mint Yoghurt Dip


● 150 ml natural yoghurt ● pinch of paprika

● 150 ml soured cream ● 12 small corn cobs
● 30 ml mint sauce ● 1 red pepper sliced
● 5 ml lime or lemon juice ● 2 celery stalks, cut into strips
● 1 cucumber, peeled and chopped ● 2 carrots, cut into strips
● salt and pepper


Mix the yoghurt, soured cream, mint sauce, lime or lemon juice and cucumber and season to taste with salt and pepper. Spoon into a serving
bowl and sprinkle with paprika. Arrange the crudités on a serving plate and serve with the dip.

Mª José Pudding

● 200 g of protection
● 200 g of empathy and loyalty
● 150 g of sensitivity
● 100 g of intuition
● 50 g of imagination
● 50 g of insecurity
● A pinch of patience and sensitivity.


I would define myself as a family woman and very attached to the people I care about.
The basic ingredients of my recipe would certainly be loyalty and protection instinct. I need my whole environment to feel well. I use my
intuition to know the dose of empathy I have to use at every moment to make everything flow. If I fail in this, the alarm goes off and
insecurities and nervousness emerge.
It is very important for me to feel reciprocated, as I am extremely sensitive. Therefore in my recipe a pinch of sensitivity is also essential.
All this mixed with a little patience goes straight into the oven to simmer.
And the time comes to dish up giving free rein to imagination so that the presentation is perfect and no detail is missing.

Lucía In Her Own Sauce

● 300 g of serenity
● 200 g of indifference
● 200 g of affection, (only with close people)
● 100 g of resentment
● another 100 g of empathy
● pretty undecided but with operational capacity
● several spoons of watchfulness
● a sachet of creativity
● a pinch of shyness
● another pinch of self-consciousness
and many smiles, adapted to consumers’ taste


I would define myself as a basic recipe, as a homely one that you could eat in any home any day, but never for big events or celebrations.
I always think that I am an ordinary person, with nothing to highlight. I always try to go unnoticed neither for better or worse. I have never
stood out in my studies or in any other activity.

First of all, we begin preparing all the ingredients to have everything at our disposal. Even though I seem a little bit messy, I always know
where to find all my stuff. My mental organization is pretty good, but regarding physical organization... I could definitely improve.

We light the stove. If I had to cook myself I'd do it on a low heat, not because I am a slow person, quite the opposite actually... I live in a
hurry! I would probably be a kind of
fast-food however, I like things that I can enjoy calmly.

We introduce what I am and what I like in the pan. My friends and my sisters say that I am very creative however, I don’t do anything
related to artistic creation. I do have hobbies but I am not excellent in any of them I like swimming, rollerblading, dancing, partying, going to
the cinema, photography and listening to Bruce Springsteen.

My star ingredient is my favourite hobby: travelling, but since I became a mum I have changed it for another essential product: spending time
with my sons. And for an unique flavour I try to combine both: travelling with my sons as much as I can.

For plating up, I like everything clear and direct, the more the better. I like people who are open and sincere, without beating about the bush.
I must recognize that I am not as I would like to be because I find it hard to say some things. But I really think that most problems could be
solved if people were more communicative.

Pumpkin Soup With Galician Cheese

● 2 spoons of olive oil

● 2 onions, finely chopped
● 1 kg pumpkin peeled, deseeded and chopped into chunks
● 500 g different vegetables: carrots, leeks, potatoes, …peeled and chopped.
● 100 ml milk
● 750 ml water
● salt and pepper
● Galician creamy cheese
● turmeric, curry, nutmeg or cinnamon , according to consumer's taste


Heat 2 spoon olive oil in a large saucepan, then gently cook 2 finely chopped onions for 5 minutes, until soft but not coloured.
Add 1kg pumpkin and 500grams of vegetables, cut into chunks, to the pan, then carry on cooking for 8-10 minutes, stirring occasionally until
it starts to soften and turn golden.
P​our 750ml water into the pan and season with salt and pepper. Bring to the boil, then simmer for 10 minutes until the squash is very soft.

Pour 100ml milk into the pan, bring back to the boil, then purée with a ​hand blender​. For an extra-velvety consistency you can pour the soup
through a fine sieve or you can use thermo mix. While the soup is warm, add slices of Galician cheese into the pan and wait for melting. ​Add
spices like turmeric, curry, nutmeg or cinnamon, according to consumer´s taste. ​For plating up, a​dd a handful of pumpkin seeds and drizzle
with more olive oil, if you want.

César al “Pampín”

● 300 g of responsibility
● 300 g of affection
● 300 ml of organization.
● 3 spoonfuls of sincerity.

For “Pampín” sauce:

● Half glass of dynamism
● 4 spoonfuls of resilience
● 2 pinches of shyness


This is a simple recipe, easy to cook, traditional food handed down from our grandmothers. I think that classic recipes
must create a space for themselves among the rest of cooking recipes.
First, we have to mix 300 grams of responsibility and 300 grams of affection in a bowl. Since I was a kid, I don´t know
why, I’ve always had responsibilities (student representative in several occasions, fellow member of sport schools, a small
business with two friends…) and I was surrounded by people to whom I showed my affection.
After that, we add 300 ml of organization and 3 spoonfuls of sincerity. Just so the recipe will be easily digestible.
Finally, we put the mixture in a baking tray and cook it in the oven at 200ºC for half and hour.
We have to serve the recipe with “Pampín” sauce. When I was a child I used to spend time with my grandfather, so he
taught me important values which I learnt to make this sauce. It´s the wittiness that people said my grandfather had,
which makes this sauce. To cook it, we simmer the mixture of half glass of dynamism, 4 spoonfuls of resilience and 2
pinches of shyness that is always with me although I try to hide it.
I know this may be a difficult dish to be included in a menu, so I hope you enjoy it.

Nuria Struddle


● 400 g of “hard work” apples , peeled, cored, quartered and sliced

● 350 g of “stubbornness” apples , peeled, cored, quartered and sliced
● 11⁄2 teaspoon irony
● 1⁄2 unwaxed Spanish lemon, zest only
● 2 teaspoon humour juice
● 100g golden empathic sugar
● 75g intelligence
● 95g smile
● 40 g White breadcrumbs
● 6 large sheets of courage
● 1 tablespoon peaceful sugar Method

This is one of my favourite recipes I’ve been able to find all over the world, in one of the numerous trips I’ve done in the
last years. It’s a sweet recipe and, at the same time, complex and surprising one asIthinkIam.


Preheat the oven at 190º. Line a baking tray with baking parchment. It’s very important to think about the cleaning
process that you must always do before.

Mix the “hard work” and “stubbornness” apples with the irony, lemon zest and humour juice, empathic sugar and
intelligence. In a small frying pan, melt 20 grams of smile and fry the breadcrumbs until golden-brown, then add to the
apple mixture.

Melt the remaining smile in a pan. On a clean, dry tea-towel lay a sheet of courage and brush with some of the melted
smile. Lay another sheet on top and repeat until you have used all of sheets. Pile the filling along the length of the pastry
along one side about 2-3cm from the edge and using the tea-towel to help you, roll the pastry up to enclose the filling.
Tuck the ends in and roll seam-side down onto the lined baking sheet. Brush with the remaining melted smile. Bake for
40-45 minutes, until golden-brown. Leave to cool at room temperature and dust with peaceful sugar. Slice and serve with
dialogue and relax but never with confrontations or arguments.

Enjoy the mixture of all these ingredients and repeat as much as you want, I’ll be waiting for you with a cup of coffee
between my hands.

Preparation time: less than 30 minutes.

Cooking time: less than 1 hour Serves: 4-6

Spanish Lentils With Vegetables


● ·250 g lentils, rinsed and (optional) soaked for 1 hour and drained
● 4 cups water (or chicken broth) and 1/2 cup water
● 1 large tomato, drained and finely diced
● 2 medium carrots, peeled and finely diced
● 2 medium potatoes, diced
● 1 large onion, diced
● 3 cloves of garlic, grated or finely minced
● ·3 bay leaves
● 1.5 teaspoon sea salt
● ​olive oil instructions


Add 4 tablespoons of olive oil to a large pot. Add the sliced garlic until it picks up some nice colour. Add the diced onions
and cook on medium low heat until they are translucent. Stir the onions and add the potatoes and the carrots. Stir again.
Three minutes after add the bay leaves, salt , tomato and the lentils. Add enough water to cover the lentils and bring to a
gentle boil on the stove before reducing to medium heat. Simmer lentils for 45 min to 1 hour and 15 min adding more
water as needed to keep them covered. Lentils will be done when potatoes and carrots are cooked through and the lentils
are soft. You may need to add more water as it cooks off to make sure they don’t dry out.


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