Unit Goals1

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Unit Goals, Standards, and Outcomes

Our unit goals are very important for this Elementary gymnastics unit at Jackson
Elementary as they will help us set up our 4th grade students for success throughout their lives
and connect them to a lifetime of engagement in physical activity. By the end of our 6 lessons,
we want our students to ultimately gain body and spatial awareness as well as find new ways to
enjoy physical activity. We want our students to be able to successfully perform and combine
skills from balancing, bending, stretching, curling & twisting, jumping & landing, and
transferring weight & rolling (psychomotor). These skills are not only helpful for gymnastics,
but many other types of physical activities and sports as well. By developing these skills in our
students, they will be more prepared to go forth with physical activity outside of school. For the
cognitive domain, we want to set the unit goal of students being able to demonstrate the
knowledge of gymnastics to other sports and activities. This can help students see how these
skills are important to aspects in the real world and can benefit them in other sports. The last goal
we set brings in the affective domain. We want all students confidence level in completing
gymnastics skills to rise over the course of our unit. This will be assessed with a pre and a post
test. This is very important because if students are confident in a activity the are much more
likely to want to continue doing that active or something like it outside of class. This type of
carry over will end with them having a more active lifestyle and having a closer relationship with
a fit life. We also want to emphasize respect for all skill levels and positive interactions with
peers. All of these goals will be essential for us to try and reach of the course of our six lesson

National Standards

Standard 1
Uses spring-and- step take-offs and landings specific to gymnastics. (S1.E3.4)

Balances on different bases of support on apparatus, demonstrating levels and shapes. (S1.E7.4)

Transfers weight from feet to hands, varying speed and using large extensions (e.g., mule kick,
handstand, cartwheel).1(S1.E8.4)

Moves into and out of balances on apparatus with curling, twisting and stretching actions.
Combines traveling with balance and weight transfers to create a gymnastics sequence with and
without equipment or apparatus. (S1.E12.4)

Standard 2
Combines movement concepts with skills in small-sided practice tasks, gymnastics and dance
environments. (S2.E2.4)
Standard 3
Analyzes opportunities for participating in physical activity outside physical education class.

Standard 4
Exhibits responsible behavior in independent group situations. (S4.E1.4)

Listens respectfully to corrective feedback from others (e.g., peers, adults). (S4.E3.4)

Accepts players of all skill levels into the physical activity. (S4.E4.4b)

Works safely with peers and equipment in physical activity settings. (S4.E6.4)

Standard 5
Rates the enjoyment of participating in challenging and mastered physical activities. (S5.E2.4)

Colorado Standards
1.1.f. Demonstrate balances with control on a variety of objects such as a balance board, balance
beam, or skates (ice or in-line).

1.1.g. Transfer weight from feet to hands at fast and slow speeds using large extensions such as
mule kicks, handstands, or cartwheels.
3.1.a. Identify and demonstrate flexibility exercises for major muscle groups.

6.1.b. Demonstrate the safe use of implements.
6.1.d. Display safe and responsible behavior while engaging in fitness activities.

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